Republicans really don’t understand poverty in America

1) The US has the widest income disparity in the world and its poverty is the worst among developed nations

2) Wages are way behind on inflation in this country.

3) Lower wage jobs - including skilled labor - greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. This means 10s of millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept low wages.

4) Republicans, in their lazy mental shortcuts, think the only thing one in poverty must do is learn new skills and get a better paying job. The ignorance of this is profound. A) poor people do not have the time and money to learn new skills in the current economic climate. B) If everyone in poverty did this, who would be left over working all of those millions of vital low wage service jobs? Who will be left as the backbone of a corporation that pays poverty wages? Is a robot going to take over the front register at Burger King? That will probably happen anyway, but does that sit well with republicans knowing that? This is why the minimum wage must be raised.

The process of raising the minimum wage should have begun decades ago and raising it drastically now would agreeably be the wrong approach. It needs to start off small.

And I know some of you cons will say “well why didn’t Obama fix income inequality?!” Yes, he failed in addressing this issue, but obviously the problem of income disparity is still a major problem whether or not you want to deflect to Obama. Of course, as you may recall, he did try to raise the minimum wage.

What liberals don’t recognize is there is no universal definition of poverty. Living in poverty in US will afford you a life style well above the rest of the world. Focusing only on income is a horrible way to define poverty. Hey OP- read this article and educate yourself with a bit of reality. You may have to get the sand out of your eyes first.
Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity
Notice how the entire line for the United States resides in the top portion of the graph? That’s because the entire country is relatively rich. In fact, America’s bottom ventile is still richer than most of the world: That is, the typical person in the bottom 5 percent of the American income distribution is still richer than 68 percent of the world’s inhabitants.
Yes, there is. We have poverty guidelines in the US.
Stop importing illegals dumbass and wages will go up!
This is so stupid. If we deported all of the illegals, WHY would corporations just choose to pay their legal workers more? How in the hell would that benefit them?

They will pay the wages that the market demands. If Americans aren’t willing to work for the lower wages paid to illegals, and the illegals are gone, companies will have no choice but to pay higher wages. That’s just basic economics.
All you do is post the same failed excuses over and over again.
y'all have even less than that. That is why i can get away with it.

Get away with it? Hardly. Your arguments have all been repeatedly debunked.
only in right wing fantasy because you have no facts.

Oh brother. On second thought, don't leave your Mom's basement. You obviously cannot comprehend reality and would only hurt yourself.
We could be using applied capitalism; but, it interferes with your right wing socialism on a national basis.

Do you even have any idea what those words mean?
We should have attached inflation component to the MW. Now, increases will be more pronounced. And artificial.

On a larger, macro scale, the libertarian wing of the GOP doesn't want to admit that, in a competitive and dynamic economic structure like capitalism, there will always be a few people who possess a significantly advanced capacity to create wealth. They were lucky enough to be born into, or moved to, an economic system that matches their skills perfectly. On the other hand, a larger number will simply lack that capacity.

Another thing they don't want to admit is that, if inequalities increase much more, we're see serious pushback, and quite possibly over-reaction, at the ballot box.

The thing that the anti capitalists don't want to admit is that, under ANY economic arrangement, there will always be a few people who possess a significantly advanced capacity to create wealth. They were lucky enough to be born into families with great political influence, or lucky enough to be born with significantly higher IQ's than the average, or lucky enough to be born into families who raised them with the skills conducive to achieving influence, or perhaps all of the above.

Mankind has yet to achieve a system of economics that creates equality. I'm sorry if acknowledging that fact is uncomfortable, but hierarchies aren't manmade. They are an inevitable consequence of genetic variation.
We certainly don't want to create equality of outcome. All that will do is dis-incentivize the dynamics of capitalism. As with most things, the key is in finding the right equilibrium.

On one hand, we need to admit that not providing a proper safety net, even though it certainly can be inefficient, is something that a decent civilization is going to do. We also don't want inequality to reach a point at which an electoral rebellion will send us hurtling in the opposite direction. We're getting closer to that every day.

On the other hand, we can't retard the dynamics and innovations of capitalism by taking away its rewards with taxation that is too high. Or by implementing punitive actions and regulations against business and markets. Regulation and taxation need to be efficient.

So it's all about equilibrium, not one "side" declaring "victory". And right now, virtually zero attention is being paid to that. "Us vs. them" will only lead to continued decay, and perhaps a knee-jerk reaction.
Yes, there is. We have poverty guidelines in the US.

You wanna see REAL poverty? Keep trucking boatloads of illegal immigrants in the nation.

Why you crazies would allow this from your Leftist "leaders" so that they can get richer and get more power to control you is beyond insane.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

We could be making money from tourism; not everyone who comes here wants to stay here.
y'all have even less than that. That is why i can get away with it.

Get away with it? Hardly. Your arguments have all been repeatedly debunked.
only in right wing fantasy because you have no facts.

Oh brother. On second thought, don't leave your Mom's basement. You obviously cannot comprehend reality and would only hurt yourself.
We could be using applied capitalism; but, it interferes with your right wing socialism on a national basis.

Do you even have any idea what those words mean?
nobody takes the right wing seriously about their alleged subscription to Capitalism.
Get away with it? Hardly. Your arguments have all been repeatedly debunked.
only in right wing fantasy because you have no facts.

Oh brother. On second thought, don't leave your Mom's basement. You obviously cannot comprehend reality and would only hurt yourself.
We could be using applied capitalism; but, it interferes with your right wing socialism on a national basis.

Do you even have any idea what those words mean?
nobody takes the right wing seriously about their alleged subscription to Capitalism.

And no one takes you seriously about much of anything. Define the words you use.
only in right wing fantasy because you have no facts.

Oh brother. On second thought, don't leave your Mom's basement. You obviously cannot comprehend reality and would only hurt yourself.
We could be using applied capitalism; but, it interferes with your right wing socialism on a national basis.

Do you even have any idea what those words mean?
nobody takes the right wing seriously about their alleged subscription to Capitalism.

And no one takes you seriously about much of anything. Define the words you use.
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