Republicans Refuse to Negotiate With "The Hostage"

As long as raising taxes on the wealthy is totally off the table then pulling the rug out from under the needy should be off limits as well.
The wealthy are already paying the huge majority of the federal income taxes collected.

Biden did say that. Now they are negotiating and it's the hard right refusing to. It's political theater. Yes, they should have solved this months ago.

But re-elect them we will.

If Biden gets the Dems to go along, he won't need the hard right.
The wealthy are already paying the huge majority of the federal income taxes collected.

No imaginable level of taxation threatens to make any wealthy person destitute. Cutting social programs does exactly that.
Gaetz is saying the quiet part out loud.

Republicans consider the economy (and the American people) as their hostage

"Pretty much" admit means they didn't admit.
But hey, if Huffington Post says it, it must be true.
These stunts always makes them look callous towards the needy, suckups to the rich and reckless with the economy. Not sure why they do it.

Well, considering that they coach all of their speeches about the debt limits in terms of unlimited spending by the Democrats, and fiscal responsibility on their part, and add in that their voters are never gonna fact check anything they tell them, they think this is a winning strategy with the base.

The problem is that their bases, less than 25% of the voting public. And it’s gonna take an awful lot more to convince independent voters that none of this is the Republicans’ fault.

Republicans may be corrupt and not very bright, but at least they know who their voters are.
It was and is BIDEN that openly stated that HE WON'T NEGOTIATE!!!!!!!
The OP is PROJECTING that upon the GOP, but they did their job and PASSED a budget bill.
Then what are the negotiations?

GOP wants to protect wealthy White people.
When Joe invokes the 14th and the GOP looks like the plumber who forgot to block off the toilet I shall enjoy the laugh.

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