Republicans Refuse to Negotiate With "The Hostage"

Were that only true.

If there were real cuts, there would be no call to raise the debt ceiling.
That makes no sense. Idiot Right Wing GOP Congress critters passed a debt ceiling increase that INCLUDED FOUR TRILLION in cuts

Yes, there would because you cannot wipe out a multi trillion dollar deficit in one budget. You have to cut slowly, which Biden has done and every single year.
Fucking liar.....No spending has been cut.
That makes no sense. Idiot Right Wing GOP Congress critters passed a debt ceiling increase that INCLUDED FOUR TRILLION on cuts


Reductions in baseline increases isn't a net spending cut.....As I said, it's the same stale old lies you chumps tell every time this silliness comes up.
The studies have just come out in the links aren’t up yet we’ll have them in a few days. In the meantime, you can entertain yourself with some light reading.

See what happens when you lie?

Reductions in baseline increases isn't a net spending cut.....As I said, it's the same stale old lies you chumps tell every time this silliness comes up.
Costs go up year over year. Yes those are cuts

Big cuts

Cuts that will impact people’s lives and the economy

And more importantly they don’t belong in a bill that pays existing bills

They belong in a budget bill

Why not do it that way?

Because Republicans know that without holding our economy hostage they won’t get anyone to listen to them.

They are economic terrorists
Costs go up year over year. Yes those are cuts

Big cuts
Boo-fucking hoo....It's a tiny trim on the increase, and you act like it's having your leg removed.
Cuts that will impact people’s lives and the economy

And more importantly they don’t belong in a bill that pays existing bills

They belong in a budget bill

Why not do it that way?

Because Republicans know that without holding our economy hostage they won’t get anyone to listen to them.

They are economic terrorists
Emotionally incontinent hyperbole isn't an argument.
Yes, there would because you cannot wipe out a multi trillion dollar deficit in one budget. You have to cut slowly, which Biden has done in every single year.

McCarthy still hasn’t come up with a list of cuts so he’s not even ready to negotiate any cuts.

You complain bitterly about do you Obama recovery taking so long and being so weak, and yet you completely ignore the effect on GDP and unemployment, that resulted from the sequestration cuts the Republicans inflicted on the Obama Administration the last time the Dems had the White House.

Since it turned out so badly for them last time, why are the Republicans trying to repeat every single mistake that they made after W’s economic crash?

Trump deregulated the banks, and now we’re seeing bank failures again. The economic harm Trump’s policies did in relation to trade in banking, our only now being felt by the economy. The huge engine that is, the American economy does not turn on a dime.

It takes a couple of years for deregulation and trade agreements to come into full force and effect, and for their impact on the broader economy to be felt.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result, Republicans have been insane since Reagan was in office. St. Ronnie cut taxes for the wealthy, blew up the deficit, and cut social programs for the poor. These policies doubled food stamp useage, increased poverty,and lead to the biggest stock market crash since he Great Depression.

Wash, rinse repeat for W. At least W started with a balance budget before he ran into a ditch. Trump started with a massive deficit and rang up the spending.
What has Tater cut?

Boo-fucking hoo....It's a tiny trim on the increase, and you act like it's having your leg removed.

Emotionally incontinent hyperbole isn't an argument.
Tiny trim…

Costs go up year over year. Yes those are cuts

Big cuts

Cuts that will impact people’s lives and the economy

And more importantly they don’t belong in a bill that pays existing bills

They belong in a budget bill

Why not do it that way?

Because Republicans know that without holding our economy hostage they won’t get anyone to listen to them.

They are economic terrorists
Yea… pointing out the damage that these scumbag Republicans will cause is “emotional incontinance”


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