Republicans Refuse to Negotiate With "The Hostage"


Fact checkers are the definition of "who watches the watchers"

I backed up all of my discussions on the Trump effect on the balance of trade in the US by links to a government website, which confirmed everything I said.

But that didn’t stop all of the Trump cult members from labelling it “fake news”.

There’s that old expression “There are none so blind as those who refuse to see”.
Government shutdowns

Debt default

Debt ceiling battles

All happens ONLY when Republicans are not on power.

They are trying to damage the economy so they can claim the economy is bad under Dems

Happens every time.

They never care about debt when they run things and they certainly never reduce it

Cynical and dangerous assholes
What would those be? Be specific.

Legacy admissions. Gerrymandering. More polling stations in white neighbourhoods. More infrastructure investments in white suburban communities, while labelling urban governments, as “corrupt” or “incompetent”, as excuses for refusing to fund infrastructure and investment in those communities.

See history of water problems in Flint, Michigan and Jackson, Mississippi. You can Google it.
I backed up all of my discussions on the Trump effect on the balance of trade in the US by links to a government website, which confirmed everything I said.

But that didn’t stop all of the Trump cult members from labelling it “fake news”.

There’s that old expression “There are none so blind as those who refuse to see”.

LOL the same government that hates Trump?

No imaginable level of taxation threatens to make any wealthy person destitute. Cutting social programs does exactly that.
There is corruption in our government system in all of its mandates. The asbestos and chemicals no matter if it is a shot glass size agendas with hazmat have made people wealthy with questionable value.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it's Biden & Co sending billions and billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine, after having left billions and billions of dollars in military equipment behind in Afghanistan.
Looks like democrats are refusing to replace the munitions given away.
I believe we could cut everything and not actually affect a single service to anyone. Those milking the system, which is done in many ways wouldn't be happy but all the same, agreeing to cuts will come with tax increases.

The Province of New Brunswick managed to cut $300,000,000 from their budget in the 1990s, simply by upgrading the Province's computer system and buying a fully integrated software system for provincial finances.

The US government operating systems are woefully out of date and easily hacked. There’s a lot of duplication of work across multiple governmental departments.

Our integrated system reduces the cost of these programs, and provides an automatic income check, increasing coverage for all Canadians, and reducing Administration costs for these programs.
How many times were you dropped on your head as a baby?
Projection, barbaric fucktard.

You’re the idiot that said, banning abortion would “save lives”.
Imagine thinking that not killing innocent human beings would somehow not save lives.

Take your own, trash, and rid of us of your stupidity.

Now we have studies coming in from all over the country, saying that women are dying because I cannot access reproductive health care for their miscarriages and stillbirths.
No law bans removing a dead kid. Stop lying and spreading lies, trash.

Now,you were here claiming that “no one will die” if their Social Security gets cut off or their Medicare.
No, I’m saying end all of these socialist programs immediately, they are unconscionable and tyrannical. Pay down the monstrous debt they have caused and then lower taxes.

I am saying lack of socialist government that shouldn’t exist doesn’t cause you to be poor, because it doesn’t. And then I’m also saying government shouldn’t try to do anything about you being poor other than not getting in the way of the economy creating opportunity for you to earn money.

The war on poverty did nothing but cause more poverty - face facts, retard.

Besides, it’s not like they’re important people anyway, they’re just old and poor and didn’t plan well for the retirement.
It is, in fact, your own responsibility to plan for your own retirement.

I know personal responsibility is anathema to worthless barbaric filth like you, though.

There is nothing “pro life” about you.
Fun fact, I want laws against killing innocent human beings and that has nothing to do with your socialist garbage - I support the human right to life and property. You support neither - you are profoundly uncivilized and have no respect for the lives or rights of others.

And you wonder why decent people fear a takeover of your country by such as you.
There is nothing decent about you, monstrous piece of shit.
Projection, barbaric fucktard.

Imagine thinking that not killing innocent human beings would somehow not save lives.

Take your own, trash, and rid of us of your stupidity.

No law bans removing a dead kid. Stop lying and spreading lies, trash.

No, I’m saying end all of these socialist programs immediately, they are unconscionable and tyrannical. Pay down the monstrous debt they have caused and then lower taxes.

I am saying lack of socialist government that shouldn’t exist doesn’t cause you to be poor, because it doesn’t. And then I’m also saying government shouldn’t try to do anything about you being poor other than not getting in the way of the economy creating opportunity for you to earn money.

The war on poverty did nothing but cause more poverty - face facts, retard.

It is, in fact, your own responsibility to plan for your own retirement.

I know personal responsibility is anathema to worthless barbaric filth like you, though.

Fun fact, I want laws against killing innocent human beings and that has nothing to do with your socialist garbage - I support the human right to life and property. You support neither - you are profoundly uncivilized and have no respect for the lives or rights of others.

There is nothing decent about you, monstrous piece of shit.
I second the motion
Enemy democrats have to learn to play nice in the sand box. But this is a culture war after all. Enemy democrats do only what China lets them do.
You want us to “play nice” when you call us the enemy. Sure. We’ll just give in to the craziness.

And the only ones “fighting” a culture war are you freaks
You want us to “play nice” when you call is the enemy. Sure. We’ll just give in to the craziness.

And the only ones “fighting” a culture war are you freaks
We don't negotiate with terrorist

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