Republicans Resorting to Death Threats, Lies and Violence at Town Hall Meetings

Oh, now people are beaten?

I love fish stories.

I provided links

i love how people don't read before they speak

I've read YOUR links and more....and I still love your fish story.

so news paper reports are fish stories now

I even found a Canadian newspaper with the report so as not to be accused of using a right wing source and it's still a fish story?

nice to know where you stand.

I have a question. I haven't seen the videos yet.

Did any citizens actually complain that these individuals were prohibiting them from interacting with their representatives or is it only the politicians and pundits who are complaining?

I saw one guy who fell on the ground after hitting a black republican in the face and started crying that his arm had been hurt. That was pretty good. The dude was like, "yeah, you hurt your arm when you hit me in the face.."
Way to make freedom of speech look like a crime, lefties! Like there's any doubt what YOU want.

You rock!

The "lefties" are really middle America and centrist.

The "righties" are trying to look like middle America and failing.

Protest all you want, but if you disrupt a meeting you get arrested.

Public disturbance is not lawful protesting.
Riiiight they are.

Obviously, since there are so many of them represented at these meetings. Quite a lot of them.

And you know the dems are patrolling trying to stack those meetings. They can't even seem to get their old standbys, the homeless ppl, to help them out. Way to be centrist!
Yeah, the righty lunatic fringe are on the cringe. That's why less than one out of five regular voters identify with the GOP now, less than the Dems. And the Independents hate the GOP.

You better hope Jehovah gives you ultrarightoids manna out in the political wilderness!
Yeah, the righty lunatic fringe are on the cringe. That's why less than one out of five regular voters identify with the GOP now, less than the Dems. And the Independents hate the GOP.

You better hope Jehovah gives you ultrarightoids manna out in the political wilderness!

you do realize that a lot of people do not affiliate with either party don't you?

You know the people who still are able to think for themselves?
Yeah, the righty lunatic fringe are on the cringe. That's why less than one out of five regular voters identify with the GOP now, less than the Dems. And the Independents hate the GOP.

You better hope Jehovah gives you ultrarightoids manna out in the political wilderness!

there, that little buzzing leftist gnat was annoying sane folks :lol:
Yeah, the righty lunatic fringe are on the cringe. That's why less than one out of five regular voters identify with the GOP now, less than the Dems. And the Independents hate the GOP.
You better hope Jehovah gives you ultrarightoids manna out in the political wilderness!

you do realize that a lot of people do not affiliate with either party don't you?

You know the people who still are able to think for themselves?

Does the highlighting and bolding above help you out?
Yeah, the righty lunatic fringe are on the cringe. That's why less than one out of five regular voters identify with the GOP now, less than the Dems. And the Independents hate the GOP.
You better hope Jehovah gives you ultrarightoids manna out in the political wilderness!

you do realize that a lot of people do not affiliate with either party don't you?

You know the people who still are able to think for themselves?

Does the highlighting and bolding above help you out?

no you're still spouting crap because you are surely not qualified to say what independents are thinking
For liberals on this board that are believing the Nancy Pelosi--sales pitch that it's only Republicans at these town hall meetings--a little FACT for you.

51% of this country TRUST their private insurance companies over GOVERNMENT!

To add:

Democrats & Independents at these town hall meetings are scared to death that the health care benefits they receive from their employer will be taxed so they can pay for this bill. Democrats & independents who are small business people are scared to death that they will pay an additional 8% tax on their gross payroll to pay for this bill. Democrats & Independents are scared to death that Obama will give them a pain pill--versus receiving the necessary surgery to get them out of pain. Then there are Democrats & independents who were promised by Barack Obama that they would get their health care for FREE--who now understand that this plan says they will pay 2.5% of their gross income to pay for their health care.

These town hall meetings are LOADED with Democrats & Independents-(that are free-thinking individuals & are not a confirmed members of the sheeple squad.) And that is exactly why Obama has been losing independents in MASS.

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And Americans distrust the Republican Party on this issue by a 4:1 majority.

The point is that the Independents hate your party, otherwise they would be supporting the whackos.

They aren't.
And Americans distrust the Republican Party on this issue by a 4:1 majority.

The point is that the Independents hate your party, otherwise they would be supporting the whackos.

They aren't.

I guess the thumbsuckers are back on-line :lol:

Did you just wake up from a very long nap--& haven't looked at a poll since BO was elected?

The poll in my link is as of YESTERDAY--8/10/09 Read it & have a little tantrum.
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ACORN, SEIU, got on busess and went out to intimidate the AIG employees, and the democrats cheered,, Code PinK interrupted congressional hearings and the democrats cheered.the illegal aliens marched in the streets carring the mexican flag demanding rights they did not deserve and the damn democrats cheered them on and now they have been sent by the white house to shut the old white republicans up,, and the whole world is watching and laughing, you goddamn democrats don't deserve a country, you've screwed over it for far too long having your little hissy fit temper tantrums.

A new level of stupidity has just been hit.

1) SEIU members went to AIG exec houses to try and raise awareness in the media about the huge theft that these people were pulling on the American people because the media wasn't doing it's job.
2) Code pink was going to congressional hearings to protest an illegal occupation that is against the constitution and killing thousands of people, because again the media wasn't doing it's job.
3) Illegal aliens peacefully trying to become American because corporations need their labor forces, and they want rights?

These things somehow compare to orchestrated attempts to break up LEGITIMATE dialogue about a health care bill that is necessary to do, otherwise the U.S. will self implode. A bill that is needed so that we can ALL lower our health care costs and hold insurance companies accountable for their actions.

Spreading out right lies and trying to squash discussion somehow equates to these other actions?

Grow a brain please.
but that is cool because he is doing it civilly.

He doesn't like being identified 'spot on' of being a disrupter, but all engaged in political sharia, like Xenophon, are liars. Easy to spot and easy to point out to students in high school and college.
Ha ha ha ah, where do they dig up you douchebags?

Fucking parrots, you do exactly what the parties tell you to do, their isn't a collective bit of free will in the lot of you combined.

'Political shria' HA HA HA asshole comment of the week! :lol:

You really don't like the truth, do you, old boy. This tactic is already backfiring, as people recognize that it is a tactic to prevent democracy.

Now on the surface, this little post seems so Innocent...

Sadly, for this Gomer at least... this little prose imparts a misnomer of catastrophic potential.


The problems arise when the REALITY that the United States is NOT a Social Democracy... Old Rocks would LOVE such to be the case; she'd LOVE IT is the US were NOT a Representative Constitutional Republic... where the ensuing representatives from one administration to the next, SWORE ON THEIR SACRED HONORS TO DEFEND NOT JUST THE LETTER OF THE US CONSITUTION, but the principles on which that Constitution rests, as well.

Thus, where a given Administration comes to set aside that Constitution; it falls to the individual American to defend that PRINCIPLE... and FORCE THEM TO RETURN TO A PATH WHICH FALLS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE CONSTITUTION.

And that is where we are today... and THAT is where Old Rocks is finding herself confused... SHE feels, as noted above that 'the Dems won the election, so whatever the Dems feel is appropriate... IS APPROPRIATE... that winning an election somehow translates to OWNERSHIP....

Bad news Rocks... you and the gals do NOT own the US government... you're renters... and you're on the verge of eviction... so watch yourself...
you're on notice.
ACORN, SEIU, got on busess and went out to intimidate the AIG employees, and the democrats cheered,, Code PinK interrupted congressional hearings and the democrats cheered.the illegal aliens marched in the streets carring the mexican flag demanding rights they did not deserve and the damn democrats cheered them on and now they have been sent by the white house to shut the old white republicans up,, and the whole world is watching and laughing, you goddamn democrats don't deserve a country, you've screwed over it for far too long having your little hissy fit temper tantrums.

A new level of stupidity has just been hit.

1) SEIU members went to AIG exec houses to try and raise awareness in the media about the huge theft that these people were pulling on the American people because the media wasn't doing it's job.
2) Code pink was going to congressional hearings to protest an illegal occupation that is against the constitution and killing thousands of people, because again the media wasn't doing it's job.
3) Illegal aliens peacefully trying to become American because corporations need their labor forces, and they want rights?

These things somehow compare to orchestrated attempts to break up LEGITIMATE dialogue about a health care bill that is necessary to do, otherwise the U.S. will self implode. A bill that is needed so that we can ALL lower our health care costs and hold insurance companies accountable for their actions.

Spreading out right lies and trying to squash discussion somehow equates to these other actions?

Grow a brain please.

ROFLMNAO... Sweet Mother...

Oh this is not going to end well for the the Left... Not well at all...

This advocate for the tolerance of differing views has just qualified what SHE feels represents 'social justice' as the only "LEGITIMATE" function of dialogue...

Now understand sis, that we, the Americans... We have our own instinctive interpretation of 'social justice'... and WE believe that when someone or a conspiracy of 'someones' is/are working to undermine our unalianable rights, that THIS is a clear and rpesent threat to our LIVES...

Thus such is a morally just basis to stop them from doing so...

Now I'm begging you to stop... PLEASE... cease this attempt to usupr our unalienable right to pursue the fullfilment of our lives, by forcing upon us a system which strips our culture of a sound healthcare system... and in so doing additionally forces upon us a confiscation of the product of our labor... PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE ALONG THIS INTOLERABLE PATH! STOP the madness which can only force us to destroy you.

PLEASE!... DON'T!.... STOP!...
Last I heard, "Dissent was the truest form of patriotism." Now here we are, with more dissenting patriots than anyone knows what to do with, and yet they're being called every vile thing under the sun, and rather than being congratulated and thanked for their dissent and clear patriotism, they're being persecuted for it - all in the space of less than ONE YEAR. How f'd up is THAT?
Unfortunately that rant by Hilary is only applicable when the right is in power. :cuckoo:

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