Republicans say Trump "best president ever"

Now do Biden referring to an EXAULTED CYCLOPS OF THE KKK as a friend, mentor, and guide.
Benjamin Trump had a portrait of Jackson hung in the Oval if I'n not mistaken. But who's surprised at that considering AJ was a psychopath.
I was born when Truman was President.

I don't remember anything about the Truman administration. I remember things being great during the Eisenhower Administration but then again everything is great when you are a kid and it is the 1950s.

I remember JFK being a piece of shit and a scumbag and my parents not all that upset when he got wasted.

LBJ was one of the most corrupt Presidents ever and he really fucked up Vietnam.

Nixon was a good President but a little too moderate for my liking although I did vote for him in 1972.

Carter was a disaster. Just like nowadays with massive inflation and piss poor leadership.

Reagan was a great President. He undid a lot of Carter's failures and put the country into a great economic boom.

Bush Sr was a RINO doing what you expect RINOs to do.

Slick Willy was a scumbag. Corrupt and an asshole but at least he had the political sense to let Newt and the Republicans run the economic show. It kept him from being a complete failure. If the Monica story had broken a month earlier he never would have been reelected.

Bush Jr. was a RINO doing what you expect RINOs to do. Because of him I stopped considering myself to be Republican.

The Worthless Negro was a disaster and a disgrace to this country. Edged out Carter for the honor of being Worst President Ever up to that time.

Trump was absolutely the best President of modern times.

Potatohead is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Pushed The Worthless Negro out of first place for the title of The Worst President Ever.
OK, I finally found it! For some reason I couldn't find this on the internet some time ago.

Probably being suppressed by a media now having more in common with Pravda than any form of free press we once had. Every day the democrats move closer and closer to looking and acting more and more like the red communists suppressing the information they don't want you to read because it exposes them for what they are.
Now do Biden referring to an EXAULTED CYCLOPS OF THE KKK as a friend, mentor, and guide.

You mean the guy who renounced the KKK back in the 1950's.

But the KKK was part of life in America. Didn't Benedict Donny's dad march with them in NYC?
I was born when Truman was President.
I don't remember anything about the Truman administration. I remember things being great during the Eisenhower Administration but then again everything is great when you are a kid and it is the 1950s.
I remember JFK being a piece of shit and a scumbag and my parents not all that upset when he got wasted.
LBJ was one of the most corrupt Presidents ever and he really fucked up Vietnam.
Nixon was a good President but a little too moderate for my liking although I did vote for him in 1972.
Carter was a disaster. Just like nowadays with massive inflation and piss poor leadership.
Reagan was a great President. He undid a lot of Carter's failures and put the country into a great economic boom.
Bush Sr was a RINO doing what you expect RINOs to do.
Slick Willy was a scumbag. Corrupt and an asshole but at least he had the political sense to let Newt and the Republicans run the economic show. It kept him from being a complete failure. If the Monica story had broken a month earlier he never would have been reelected.
Bush Jr. was a RINO doing what you expect RINOs to do. Because of him I stopped considering myself to be Republican.
The Worthless Negro was a disaster and a disgrace to this country. Edged out Carter for the honor of being Worst President Ever up to that time.
Trump was absolutely the best President of modern times.
Potatohead is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Pushed The Worthless Negro out of first place for the title of The Worst President Ever.

Absolutely agree with you on everything except the last. Potatohead is not even a president, but merely an installed figurehead to merely act out the role to the public with as pleasant a face as they can put on a foreign-run coup hiding behind laws and power as they seek to destroy all of their political adversaries to effect total control of our government.
Probably being suppressed by a media now having more in common with Pravda than any form of free press we once had. Every day the democrats move closer and closer to looking and acting more and more like the red communists suppressing the information they don't want you to read because it exposes them for what they are.
they don't care if they're exposed. why would they? no one holds them accountable.
Absolutely agree with you on everything except the last. Potatohead is not even a president, but merely an installed figurehead to merely act out the role to the public with as pleasant a face as they can put on a foreign-run coup hiding behind laws and power as they seek to destroy all of their political adversaries to effect total control of our government.
I agree that he is not a legitimate President but unfortunately he will go down in the history as a President so I included him.
Absolutely agree with you on everything except the last. Potatohead is not even a president, but merely an installed figurehead to merely act out the role to the public with as pleasant a face as they can put on a foreign-run coup hiding behind laws and power as they seek to destroy all of their political adversaries to effect total control of our government.
totally agree.

And if the Rs don't do something.. well, I can't see how they themselves are not next in that "destroy all of their... adversaries" thing..
Nah. This Conservative believes Andrew Jackson was the greatest POTUS of all time… and he was a Democrat.
The fact that below your statement, you have, "Death to America!!!!" demonstrates that you are not a Conservative, but rather, a Marxist Troll.
I was born when Truman was President.

I don't remember anything about the Truman administration. I remember things being great during the Eisenhower Administration but then again everything is great when you are a kid and it is the 1950s.

I remember JFK being a piece of shit and a scumbag and my parents not all that upset when he got wasted.

LBJ was one of the most corrupt Presidents ever and he really fucked up Vietnam.

Nixon was a good President but a little too moderate for my liking although I did vote for him in 1972.

Carter was a disaster. Just like nowadays with massive inflation and piss poor leadership.

Reagan was a great President. He undid a lot of Carter's failures and put the country into a great economic boom.

Bush Sr was a RINO doing what you expect RINOs to do.

Slick Willy was a scumbag. Corrupt and an asshole but at least he had the political sense to let Newt and the Republicans run the economic show. It kept him from being a complete failure. If the Monica story had broken a month earlier he never would have been reelected.

Bush Jr. was a RINO doing what you expect RINOs to do. Because of him I stopped considering myself to be Republican.

The Worthless Negro was a disaster and a disgrace to this country. Edged out Carter for the honor of being Worst President Ever up to that time.

Trump was absolutely the best President of modern times.

Potatohead is absolutely the worst President this country ever had. Pushed The Worthless Negro out of first place for the title of The Worst President Ever.
i didn't find one thing to disagree with...

may be a first for me?

The fact that below your statement, you have, "Death to America!!!!" demonstrates that you are not a Conservative, but rather, a Marxist Troll.
I didn't even see that!

But I was already disenchanted... shall we say.. beats on women and calls it "discipline"

The America I believed in died in 1861. This Zomerica (undead america) has no value or use.
Pack up and move to China, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Venezuela or, Cuba, or any other nation you think is superior to the United States.
Pack up and move to China, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Venezuela or, Cuba, or any other nation you think is superior to the United States.
actually, the way things have been going under bidum, I am beginning to wonder how superior we are...
Pack up and move to China, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Venezuela or, Cuba, or any other nation you think is superior to the United States
I keep looking for someplace to go. Most have either religious requirements or weather that I can’t handle.

If I was younger or wealthier I’d look at either Thailand or the Philippines.
they don't care if they're exposed. why would they? no one holds them accountable.

The American people do, at least the 100 million or so who are educated enough about the matter having escaped the grip of their state-run media.

And some of those Americans hold office and are about to hold office, and they will fight with America to restore our Republic to a free and open society of the people again.

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