Republicans Tell Me How Good A Pick JD Vance Was For Trump's VP

And why/why not?

Let's have it recorded in history.
J.D. Vance looks like a good pick "on paper" as long as you don't bother to read the paper, and just look at the headline.
The more you read of his resume, the less and less qualified he looks to even have gotten his senate position.
listen to his "mountain dew joke closely. he is saying. they call mountain dew racist, but that is a good thing" good to be racist? i don't know.

It's good to be criticized by Democrats, especially to be criticized as "racist."

Because Democrats only use that accusation when conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters are so obviously right that they have nothing approaching logic to oppose them with.

I say "only," but these days, that seems to be their go-to, rather than their fallback.

Why is that?
ohhh....look a poll from before she was even running for POTUS.

very important!
You make a decent point.

This boost she's getting is not about anything to do with her personality or accomplishments, if any.

She's the "generic Democrat" that Democrats were hoping for to replace Biden. They could run a cartoon character against Trump, and it would get a huge boost in the polls.
I don't think he was a great choice, necessarily. But, I rarely do think either VP choice was ideal. The VP should be an old hand, respected and able to take the helm on a temporary basis if the elected president is unable. That rarely describes any VP.

Loyd Benson is the one example I thinking of, and that was a long-ass time ago.

Vance does seem to be someone picked by the candidate, rather than the party, which is rare. Nearly every VP previously has been the Party pick of either party. Especially Pence. Especially Harris.

If I had heard of him before he was chosen, I might think more highly of him.

What is your biggest complaint about him?

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