Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Democratic-Republican Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Democratic-Republican Party or Republican Party was an American political party founded in the early 1790s by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Political scientists use the former name, while historians prefer the latter one; contemporaries generally called the party the "Republicans", along with many other names. In a broader sense the party was the concrete realization of Jeffersonian democracy. . . .

"The presidents selected by the party were Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809), James Madison (1809–1817), and James Monroe (1817–1825). After 1800, the party dominated Congress and most state governments outside New England. It selected presidential candidates through its caucus in Congress, but in 1824, that system broke down. The dominant faction of the party supported Andrew Jackson and evolved into the Democratic Party, a continuation of the original party with a truncated name."

Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Republican Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, along with the Democratic Party. Founded by anti-slavery expansion activists in 1854, it is often called the GOP (Grand Old Party). The party's platform generally reflects American conservatism in the U.S. political spectrum and is considered center-right, in contrast to the center-left Democratic Party . . .

"The first official party convention was held on July 6, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. By 1858, the Republicans dominated nearly all Northern states. The Republican Party first came to power in 1860 with the election of Lincoln to the Presidency and Republicans in control of Congress and the northern states."

Learn the difference, please.
Brutus just demonstrated an incredibly low IQ with the above post: amazing.

so then why be so afraid to to explain exactly why you think it demonstrated a low IQ???? What does your fear tell you?

You made the allegation without any evidence, yet you want me "to to explain exactly" why I think they way I do.

Brutus, kiddo, come here. Come closer, lean in, and I will whisper the answer. You have to make a reasonable argument with facts, stats, evidence, analysis, etc., not a sweeping ass generalization and demand others refute it. I will tell you what I tell others from the far right and far left who play this: fuck you. Grow up and learn to be an adult. This is not a difficult thing to do, most of us have graduate HS and many of us college, and some here are just brilliant. Others are not: look in the mirror.
since the first Republican- Jefferson

Jefferson was a Democrat. The Democratic Party was called the Democratic-Republican Party initially, but that's purely a linguistic accident. Jefferson died in 1823. The GOP was founded in 1854.

I guess the Congressional Record was wrong? See why we are positive a liberal will have low IQ?

5th Congress (1797-1799)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


6th Congress (1799-1801)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


7th Congress (1801-1803)

Majority Party: Republican (17 seats)

Minority Party: Federalist (15 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Vacant: 2

Total Seats: 34

The record reflects the Democratic-Republican party as republican. However, TJ was not the first Republican as you understand it. He would have had his slaves put a boot up your backside for some of your comments here.
Jefferson was a Democrat.

do you have a primary source to support you???? I thought not, just a feeling ??

The Democratic Party was called the Democratic-Republican Party initially,

a liberal will have such a low IQ it will not even occur to him to present evidence. A feeling is good enough for a liberal

I guess the Congressional Record was wrong? See why we are positive a liberal will have low IQ?

5th Congress (1797-1799)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


6th Congress (1799-1801)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


7th Congress (1801-1803)

Majority Party: Republican (17 seats)

Minority Party: Federalist (15 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Vacant: 2

Total Seats: 34[/QUOTE]

The record reflects the Democratic-Republican party as republican.

check again to find a "R" not a "r". Sorry!!!!
Brutus has just demonstrated a low IQ in my answer to his question: "so then why be so afraid to to explain exactly why you think it demonstrated a low IQ???? What does your fear tell you?" Then he wants to quarrel that TJ was the first Republican. Sheesh. If we are going that route, then he better look at James Dickenson's first "Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer."

Brutus, even Rush knows that definitions have certain meanings, and when he twists them to equate "social compact" with "marxism" he does so deliberately and dishonestly.

Learn 'republican' and 'Republican' and 'Democratic-Republican', what they mean historically, and how you are using them wrongly.
Democrats want to give blacks a Hand Out whereas the Conservatives want to give them a Hand Up.

Hand outs kleep you in "your place" but a hand out allows you to grow and step up from your lot in life through experiences, education and training.

Don't allow asnyone to keep their thumb on you and your life!
Democrats want to give blacks a Hand Out whereas the Conservatives want to give them a Hand Up.

Hand outs kleep you in "your place" but a hand out allows you to grow and step up from your lot in life through experiences, education and training.

Don't allow asnyone to keep their thumb on you and your life!

Democrats have to keep blacks on the plantation, they need them there. Victims and their so-called "sympathizers "are all the libs have.
You guys are still running into that wall. Black voters obviously don't agree with you. So either you are wrong, or they are stupid. Which is it?
Hey Dragon::

NONE of us look really brilliant in the voting booth given the usual 2 choices from the party cartels..

Do we? If one party screws up --- the other one wins.. What kind of excellent system is that anyway?
That's why there's so much childish "your guy did it first" - "no your guy did it worse" crap on USMB. Because they're both guilty and the LEAST guilty get the biscuit..

Blacks can't screw it up any worse than the rest of us can they?
You guys are still running into that wall. Black voters obviously don't agree with you. So either you are wrong, or they are stupid. Which is it?

Does it matter? Some do.. The purpose of this thread is to get the word out. Stupid and ignorant are two different things.
Does it matter? Some do.. The purpose of this thread is to get the word out. Stupid and ignorant are two different things.

Correct. Consider the question suitably modified. The point remains that you're not going to win any votes by insulting the voters.
You guys are still running into that wall. Black voters obviously don't agree with you. So either you are wrong, or they are stupid. Which is it?

Does it matter? Some do.. The purpose of this thread is to get the word out. Stupid and ignorant are two different things.

dragon said:
Correct. Consider the question suitably modified. The point remains that you're not going to win any votes by insulting the voters.

I agree and if the ones who are ignorant voters don't want it, they don't have to read it and if they take offense at being ignorant, then they need to research and lessen their ignorance.

The information is helping some to lessen ignorance and the delivery of this kind of information needs to be strongly pushed imo.

Others will decide to increase in ignorance. I chose the reverse.

Choice is fundamental.
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It's interesting how the discussion has shifted. Originally, in the OP, it was "Blacks should vote Republican because in the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was the GOP who did all these wonderful things for civil rights while the Democrats opposed them."

Then when it was successfully argued that the Republican Party that did all those great things was practically the polar opposite of today's GOP, the argument shifted to, "Blacks should vote Republican because Democrats will only corrupt their virtue and self-reliance with government aid, while Republicans will give them respect by expecting them to stand on their own two feet."

Yeah, those are real persuasive arguments, all right. I just can't understand for a second why black voters wouldn't vote Republican in ton lots. :tongue:
The simple fact remains that America grows darker every year and if the GOP wants to be a competitive mainstream party, it must meet minority as well as white concerns.
It's interesting how the discussion has shifted. Originally, in the OP, it was "Blacks should vote Republican because in the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was the GOP who did all these wonderful things for civil rights while the Democrats opposed them."

Wrong.. My original intention was to get info out there that few people today even know. I never said blacks must vote for Republicans, but isn't it good to be able to make an informed decision?

Then when it was successfully argued that the Republican Party that did all those great things was practically the polar opposite of today's GOP, the argument shifted to, "Blacks should vote Republican because Democrats will only corrupt their virtue and self-reliance with government aid, while Republicans will give them respect by expecting them to stand on their own two feet."

Yeah, those are real persuasive arguments, all right. I just can't understand for a second why black voters wouldn't vote Republican in ton lots. :tongue:

That's your opinion we'll let others make their own conclusions
Many here don't want black votes, they just want to insult black voters it seems.
Like who?

I know one thing. When I am in discussion and someone tells me to give my head a shake and offers me new information. I research it closely. It is not an insult to tell me I am ignorant "IF" they show where the ignorance lies.

It's only if they call me ignorant without any qualifications, because then it is trolling and does not open discussion.

It closes it.
Many here don't want black votes, they just want to insult black voters it seems.
Like who?

I know one thing. When I am in discussion and someone tells me to give my head a shake and offers me new information. I research it closely. It is not an insult to tell me I am ignorant "IF" they show where the ignorance lies.

It's only if they call me ignorant without any qualifications, because then it is trolling and does not open discussion.

It closes it.

That discribes Jake perfectly.

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