Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Teachers unions are part of the problem with our public education, we are failing our poor and minority kids and theses unions are an arm of the democrat party. Democrats are against vouchers. Here is an interview with Dr. Steve Perry founder of Capital Preparatory Magnet School..


If you’ve ever seen him on CNN, listened to him on talk radio, or read any of his tweets on Twitter, then you’ve already gotten a glimpse of how Dr. Perry pushes the envelope. Whether it’s about teachers unions, the failing school systems, or his ideas on modern education and exploring the universe, he’s been know to ruffle a few feathers and get your attention.

Teachers of Color: What are some of the issues you find yourself dealing with in running a school?

Dr. Perry: The primary issue is making a modern educational experience that has extended days and is year round. And, of course the ‘old school’ union.

Teachers of Color: You’ve often said the Teacher’s Union is the biggest challenge. Why is that, and do you think a new teacher should consider joining the union?

Dr. Perry: I think if you love children and you love education, you can’t join a teachers union because they are working literally against our children and our families and our communities. Specifically, they fight every single form of school reform that there is.

Teachers of Color: What do you think is wrong with teacher unions? What do you say to our readers who support the ideology of unions?

Dr. Perry: What teacher unions do is guarantee people jobs regardless of what their actual contributions to the profession are. Young educators in training are going to lose their jobs to those teachers with tenure, or because their schools are failing and closes down.

Teachers of Color: How does that differ from your school and those who share your philosophy? How should it (the system) be?

Dr. Perry: How it should be is simply this. It should be fully in vouchers. I believe that we as a nation believe in vouchers. We just don’t realize that always.

We believe in Section 8 which is a voucher. We believe in food stamps which is a voucher. Medicaid, Medicare both vouchers. Most importantly, as it relates to education, we believe in federal student financial aid which is what? A voucher. A Pell Grant is a voucher. It’s a federal voucher.

It says we will pay for your education up to a specified amount. Based on your income. They will give you federal student financial aid. This is expected for public and private schools. So, I fully believe that our schools should be on a voucher system. But, the teachers unions are dead set against it even though every single parent in America wants to have the choice of where to send their child to school.

Teachers of Color: Right, but (Dr. Perry continues to say…)

Dr. Perry: Listen, there are some children, for instance, who don’t want to sit in a regular classroom. They’re just not built for that. My thought is, if we had vouchers, that would allow them to learn in different schools throughout the country. In other communities. What if it were a network of explorer schools throughout the country where the children could visit? They could go from Harvard to New Haven, or from New Haven to Bridgeport, or from Bridgeport to New York City, right? Trained, caring teachers would be with them, right. What if we put them in a van that would take them somewhere outside of their community to learn. Imagine how fired up those kids would be.

Teachers of Color: Great point.

Dr. Perry: That’s what you do with access to new schools.

Teachers of Color: I would like to have you talk a little bit about what you look for in teachers. What are your expectations of the teachers you hired at Capital Prep?

Dr. Perry: Passion, and a love for kids. I want to hear them use words like love. I want to hear that their hobbies are doing things with kids. That’s what I want to hear.

Teachers of Color: What about their background? What do you look for?

Dr. Perry: I don’t care what color they are. I don’t care what community they come from. I realized when I started this school that I needed to get good teachers regardless of their hue. Everybody needs to understand that we owe it to our children to put the best teachers in front of them.

Dr. Steve Perry Interview |Find Teaching Jobs, School Jobs, & Cultural Diversity at
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Wrong.. My original intention was to get info out there that few people today even know. I never said blacks must vote for Republicans, but isn't it good to be able to make an informed decision?

The title of your thread is "Republicans: The Real Allies of African-Americans." This implies everything I said, and the evidence you presented in support of it all comes from the time when it was true (and when blacks tended to vote Republican). There is no denying that from the party's founding in the 1850s until the Democrats handed them a poisoned dinner in the 1960s, the Republicans were consistently in favor of civil rights and the Democrats not-quite-as-consistently opposed. (Actually the Dems were divided on the issue.) But the GOP has changed, and what was once true is true no longer. So the claim that the Republicans ARE the real allies of African-Americans is false, as opposed to the claim that they once WERE, which is true.

That's your opinion we'll let others make their own conclusions

I don't think black voters are ignorant of current Republican positions on issues affecting black people. I'd say they have already drawn their own conclusions, and the only way to persuade them to change their minds is to change the reality.
The GOP is not the 21st century champion of minorities. End of debate until it changes.
Wrong.. My original intention was to get info out there that few people today even know. I never said blacks must vote for Republicans, but isn't it good to be able to make an informed decision?

The title of your thread is "Republicans: The Real Allies of African-Americans." This implies everything I said, and the evidence you presented in support of it all comes from the time when it was true (and when blacks tended to vote Republican). There is no denying that from the party's founding in the 1850s until the Democrats handed them a poisoned dinner in the 1960s, the Republicans were consistently in favor of civil rights and the Democrats not-quite-as-consistently opposed. (Actually the Dems were divided on the issue.) But the GOP has changed, and what was once true is true no longer. So the claim that the Republicans ARE the real allies of African-Americans is false, as opposed to the claim that they once WERE, which is true.

:eusa_eh:Maybe you should read through the entire thread, along with the historical evidence listed that support the title of this thread, I also list the policies that Liberal Dems and their allies have currently that hurt African Americans, and Blacks in general. Get back to when you read the thread.

I don't think black voters are ignorant of current Republican positions on issues affecting black people. I'd say they have already drawn their own conclusions, and the only way to persuade them to change their minds is to change the reality.

Reality? Are facts realities? Yep.. Black Americans vote for liberal democrats.. Thanks for that little bit of info, but there is certainly nothing wrong with getting some additional information out there
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That post is dead right. Either the GOP adapts or it becomes minority until it adapts to all of America. Not going back to the 1950s and 1960s, Jroc. America is darker, younger, and looking forward, and not back to your America of which they want no part.
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^Only when you call your own win Jake. :)

When one is their own scrutineer, there's not much scrutiny...
Many here don't want black votes, they just want to insult black voters it seems.
Like who?

I know one thing. When I am in discussion and someone tells me to give my head a shake and offers me new information. I research it closely. It is not an insult to tell me I am ignorant "IF" they show where the ignorance lies.

It's only if they call me ignorant without any qualifications, because then it is trolling and does not open discussion.

It closes it.
Indeed. Some people don't want to discuss; they want to dictate.
That post is dead right. Either the GOP adapts or it becomes minority until it adapts to all of America. Not going back to the 1950s and 1960s, Jroc. America is darker, younger, and looking forward, and not back to your America of which they want no part.

It is not dead right because it has yet to occur. It is a possible scenario projection. There are many and varied projections of future possibilities in all the parties.

Dead right is an accomplished fact Jake.
That post is dead right. Either the GOP adapts or it becomes minority until it adapts to all of America. Not going back to the 1950s and 1960s, Jroc. America is darker, younger, and looking forward, and not back to your America of which they want no part.

It is not dead right because it has yet to occur. It is a possible scenario projection. There are many and varied projections of future possibilities in all the parties.

Dead right is an accomplished fact Jake.

Jake seems to think his opinions are fact, it would be nice if he would at least present counter arguement and back it up. I think he's just lazy. Notice, Jake says "My America" but fails to explain what he thinks "My America" is.:eusa_eh:
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Jroc believes that it is not fact that America is getting darker or that it is getting younger or that Americans for the most part are looking forward not backward? Jroc simply does not understand that his lack of understanding is any proof of other than he does not get it.

Counter arguments are only necessary when Jroc and others present a case. They have failed to do so.
Wrong.. My original intention was to get info out there that few people today even know. I never said blacks must vote for Republicans, but isn't it good to be able to make an informed decision?

The title of your thread is "Republicans: The Real Allies of African-Americans." This implies everything I said, and the evidence you presented in support of it all comes from the time when it was true (and when blacks tended to vote Republican). There is no denying that from the party's founding in the 1850s until the Democrats handed them a poisoned dinner in the 1960s, the Republicans were consistently in favor of civil rights and the Democrats not-quite-as-consistently opposed. (Actually the Dems were divided on the issue.) But the GOP has changed, and what was once true is true no longer. So the claim that the Republicans ARE the real allies of African-Americans is false, as opposed to the claim that they once WERE, which is true.

That's your opinion we'll let others make their own conclusions

I don't think black voters are ignorant of current Republican positions on issues affecting black people. I'd say they have already drawn their own conclusions, and the only way to persuade them to change their minds is to change the reality.
^ This.
Jroc believes that it is not fact that America is getting darker or that it is getting younger or that Americans for the most part are looking forward not backward? Jroc simply does not understand that his lack of understanding is any proof of other than he does not get it.

Counter arguments are only necessary when Jroc and others present a case. They have failed to do so.

Umm...What?:confused: What does "America is getting Darker" have to do with the title of this thread? I could care less what race people are, we are all Americans Jake. That’s the problem with liberals, they like to split people up in little groups then pander to or demonize these groups to further their political agenda. oh ..And as I pointed out, the African American population in this country is declining thanks to an arm of the Democrat party, the pro Abortion movement and Planned Parenthood.
Jroc, you better believe that Americans take who they are and where they are at into consideration: income, race, sex, age, location, religion, work. The growing majority of Americans are not in your field of dreams.

Do not sound like an 11 year old, please.
Jroc, you better believe that Americans take who they are and where they are at into consideration: income, race, sex, age, location, religion, work. The growing majority of Americans are not in your field of dreams.

Do not sound like an 11 year old, please.

:eusa_eh:Jake learn how to present an arguement, What are "my field of dreams"?
Jroc, you better believe that Americans take who they are and where they are at into consideration: income, race, sex, age, location, religion, work. The growing majority of Americans are not in your field of dreams.

Do not sound like an 11 year old, please.

:eusa_eh:Jake learn how to present an argument, What are "my field of dreams"?


^ This thread?

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