Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party

(The original piece is an e-mail from the author, Frances Rice, dated June 3, 2004)
We, African American citizens of the United States, declare and assert:

Whereas in the early 1600’s 20 African men and women were landed in Virginia from a Dutch ship as slaves and from that tiny seed grew the poisoned fruit of plantation slavery which shaped the course of American development,

Whereas reconciliation and healing always begin with an apology and an effort to repay those who have been wronged,

Whereas the Democratic Party has never apologized for their horrific atrocities and racist practices committed against African Americans during the past two hundred years, nor for the residual impact that those atrocities and practices and current soft bigotry of low expectations are having on us today,

Whereas the Democratic Party fought to expand slavery and, after the Civil War, established Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes and other repressive legislation that were designed to disenfranchise African Americans,

Whereas the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, and their primary goal was to intimidate and terrorize African American voters, Republicans who moved South to protect African Americans and any other whites who supported them,

Whereas, according to leading historians (both black and white), the horrific atrocities committed against African Americans during slavery and Reconstruction were financed, sponsored, and promoted by the Democratic Party and their Ku Klux Klan supporters,

Whereas from 1870 to 1930, in an effort to deny African Americans their civil rights and to keep African Americans from voting Republican, thousands of African Americans were shot, beaten, lynched, mutilated, and burned to death by Ku Klux Klan terrorists from the Democratic Party,

Whereas Democratic Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman rejected anti-lynching laws and efforts to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission,

Whereas the Democratic party has used racist demagoguery to deceive African Americans about the history of the Republican Party that: (a) started as the anti-slavery party in 1854, (b) fought to free African Americans from slavery, (c) designed Reconstruction, a ten-year period of unprecedented political power for African Americans, (d) passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting African Americans freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote, (e) passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting African Americans protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, (f) passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 granting African Americans protection from the Jim Crow laws, (g) established Affirmative Action programs to help African Americans proper with Republican President Richard Nixon's 1969 Philadelphia Plan that set the first goals and timetables and his 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act that made Affirmative Action Programs the law of our nation, and (h) never sponsored or launched a program, passed laws, or engaged in practices that resulted in the death of millions of African Americans,

Whereas Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka (a 1954 decision by Chief Justice Earl Warren who was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower) was a landmark civil rights case that was designed to overturn the racist practices that were established by the Democratic Party,

Whereas after Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt received the vote of African Americans, he banned African American newspapers from the military shortly after taking office because he was convinced the newspapers were communist,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Law, opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and was later criticized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for ignoring civil rights issues,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy authorized the FBI (supervised by his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy) to investigate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on suspicion of being a communist,

Whereas Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, made a 14-hour filibuster speech in the Senate in June 1964 in an unsuccessful effort to block passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and was heralded in April 2004 by Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd as a senator who would have been a great leader during the Civil War,

Whereas when the 1964 Civil Rights Act came up for vote, Senator Al Gore, Sr. and the rest of the Southern Democrats voted against the bill,

Whereas in the House of Representatives only 61 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act as compared to 80 percent of Republicans, and in the Senate only 69 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, compared to 82 percent of the Republicans,

Whereas Democratic President Bill Clinton sent troops to Europe to protect the citizens of Bosnia and Kosovo while allowing an estimated 800,000 black Rwandans to be massacred in Africa, vetoed the welfare reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies develop an Affirmative Action Plan,

Whereas Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore created harmful racial division when he falsely claimed that the 2000 presidential election was "stolen" from him and that African Americans in Florida were disenfranchised, even though a second recount of Florida votes by the "Miami Herald" and a consortium of major news organizations confirmed that he lost the election, and a ruling by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission declared that African Americans were not denied the right to vote,

Whereas the Democratic Party's soft bigotry of low expectations and social promotions have consigned African Americans to economic bondage and created a culture of dependency on government social programs,

Whereas the Democratic Party's use of deception and fear to block welfare reform, the faith-based initiative and school choice that would help African Americans prosper is consistent with the Democratic Party's heritage of racism that included sanctioning of slavery and kukluxery, a perversion of moral sentiment among leaders of the Democratic Party whose racist legacy bode ill until this generation of African Americans,

Now, therefore, for the above and other documented atrocities and accumulated wrongs inflicted upon African Americans, we demand a formal written apology and other appropriate remuneration from the leadership of the Democratic party.

Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party
Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party

(The original piece is an e-mail from the author, Frances Rice, dated June 3, 2004)
We, African American citizens of the United States, declare and assert:

Whereas in the early 1600’s 20 African men and women were landed in Virginia from a Dutch ship as slaves and from that tiny seed grew the poisoned fruit of plantation slavery which shaped the course of American development,

Whereas reconciliation and healing always begin with an apology and an effort to repay those who have been wronged,

Whereas the Democratic Party has never apologized for their horrific atrocities and racist practices committed against African Americans during the past two hundred years, nor for the residual impact that those atrocities and practices and current soft bigotry of low expectations are having on us today,

Whereas the Democratic Party fought to expand slavery and, after the Civil War, established Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes and other repressive legislation that were designed to disenfranchise African Americans,

Whereas the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, and their primary goal was to intimidate and terrorize African American voters, Republicans who moved South to protect African Americans and any other whites who supported them,

Whereas, according to leading historians (both black and white), the horrific atrocities committed against African Americans during slavery and Reconstruction were financed, sponsored, and promoted by the Democratic Party and their Ku Klux Klan supporters,

Whereas from 1870 to 1930, in an effort to deny African Americans their civil rights and to keep African Americans from voting Republican, thousands of African Americans were shot, beaten, lynched, mutilated, and burned to death by Ku Klux Klan terrorists from the Democratic Party,

Whereas Democratic Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman rejected anti-lynching laws and efforts to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission,

Whereas the Democratic party has used racist demagoguery to deceive African Americans about the history of the Republican Party that: (a) started as the anti-slavery party in 1854, (b) fought to free African Americans from slavery, (c) designed Reconstruction, a ten-year period of unprecedented political power for African Americans, (d) passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting African Americans freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote, (e) passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting African Americans protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, (f) passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 granting African Americans protection from the Jim Crow laws, (g) established Affirmative Action programs to help African Americans proper with Republican President Richard Nixon's 1969 Philadelphia Plan that set the first goals and timetables and his 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act that made Affirmative Action Programs the law of our nation, and (h) never sponsored or launched a program, passed laws, or engaged in practices that resulted in the death of millions of African Americans,

Whereas Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka (a 1954 decision by Chief Justice Earl Warren who was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower) was a landmark civil rights case that was designed to overturn the racist practices that were established by the Democratic Party,

Whereas after Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt received the vote of African Americans, he banned African American newspapers from the military shortly after taking office because he was convinced the newspapers were communist,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Law, opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and was later criticized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for ignoring civil rights issues,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy authorized the FBI (supervised by his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy) to investigate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on suspicion of being a communist,

Whereas Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, made a 14-hour filibuster speech in the Senate in June 1964 in an unsuccessful effort to block passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and was heralded in April 2004 by Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd as a senator who would have been a great leader during the Civil War,

Whereas when the 1964 Civil Rights Act came up for vote, Senator Al Gore, Sr. and the rest of the Southern Democrats voted against the bill,

Whereas in the House of Representatives only 61 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act as compared to 80 percent of Republicans, and in the Senate only 69 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, compared to 82 percent of the Republicans,

Whereas Democratic President Bill Clinton sent troops to Europe to protect the citizens of Bosnia and Kosovo while allowing an estimated 800,000 black Rwandans to be massacred in Africa, vetoed the welfare reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies develop an Affirmative Action Plan,

Whereas Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore created harmful racial division when he falsely claimed that the 2000 presidential election was "stolen" from him and that African Americans in Florida were disenfranchised, even though a second recount of Florida votes by the "Miami Herald" and a consortium of major news organizations confirmed that he lost the election, and a ruling by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission declared that African Americans were not denied the right to vote,

Whereas the Democratic Party's soft bigotry of low expectations and social promotions have consigned African Americans to economic bondage and created a culture of dependency on government social programs,

Whereas the Democratic Party's use of deception and fear to block welfare reform, the faith-based initiative and school choice that would help African Americans prosper is consistent with the Democratic Party's heritage of racism that included sanctioning of slavery and kukluxery, a perversion of moral sentiment among leaders of the Democratic Party whose racist legacy bode ill until this generation of African Americans,

Now, therefore, for the above and other documented atrocities and accumulated wrongs inflicted upon African Americans, we demand a formal written apology and other appropriate remuneration from the leadership of the Democratic party.

Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party

Whereas, the Republican party abandoned black causes to embrace southern racists after the Civil Rights act passed

Whereas, the Republican party has blocked legislation that would help struggling black families

Whereas, the Republican party has become the party of choice for racists and white supremacists

Whereas the Republican party seeks to repeal established programs that black families rely on
Perhaps the accurate way to put it is that neither party is the "real ally" of African-Americans, but that the Republicans are their "real enemies."

Except for rich African-Americans, of course. The Republicans are the "real allies" of the rich, regardless of race.
Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party

(The original piece is an e-mail from the author, Frances Rice, dated June 3, 2004)
We, African American citizens of the United States, declare and assert:

Whereas in the early 1600’s 20 African men and women were landed in Virginia from a Dutch ship as slaves and from that tiny seed grew the poisoned fruit of plantation slavery which shaped the course of American development,

Whereas reconciliation and healing always begin with an apology and an effort to repay those who have been wronged,

Whereas the Democratic Party has never apologized for their horrific atrocities and racist practices committed against African Americans during the past two hundred years, nor for the residual impact that those atrocities and practices and current soft bigotry of low expectations are having on us today,

Whereas the Democratic Party fought to expand slavery and, after the Civil War, established Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes and other repressive legislation that were designed to disenfranchise African Americans,

Whereas the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, and their primary goal was to intimidate and terrorize African American voters, Republicans who moved South to protect African Americans and any other whites who supported them,

Whereas, according to leading historians (both black and white), the horrific atrocities committed against African Americans during slavery and Reconstruction were financed, sponsored, and promoted by the Democratic Party and their Ku Klux Klan supporters,

Whereas from 1870 to 1930, in an effort to deny African Americans their civil rights and to keep African Americans from voting Republican, thousands of African Americans were shot, beaten, lynched, mutilated, and burned to death by Ku Klux Klan terrorists from the Democratic Party,

Whereas Democratic Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman rejected anti-lynching laws and efforts to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission,

Whereas the Democratic party has used racist demagoguery to deceive African Americans about the history of the Republican Party that: (a) started as the anti-slavery party in 1854, (b) fought to free African Americans from slavery, (c) designed Reconstruction, a ten-year period of unprecedented political power for African Americans, (d) passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting African Americans freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote, (e) passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting African Americans protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, (f) passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 granting African Americans protection from the Jim Crow laws, (g) established Affirmative Action programs to help African Americans proper with Republican President Richard Nixon's 1969 Philadelphia Plan that set the first goals and timetables and his 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act that made Affirmative Action Programs the law of our nation, and (h) never sponsored or launched a program, passed laws, or engaged in practices that resulted in the death of millions of African Americans,

Whereas Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka (a 1954 decision by Chief Justice Earl Warren who was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower) was a landmark civil rights case that was designed to overturn the racist practices that were established by the Democratic Party,

Whereas after Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt received the vote of African Americans, he banned African American newspapers from the military shortly after taking office because he was convinced the newspapers were communist,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Law, opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and was later criticized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for ignoring civil rights issues,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy authorized the FBI (supervised by his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy) to investigate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on suspicion of being a communist,

Whereas Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, made a 14-hour filibuster speech in the Senate in June 1964 in an unsuccessful effort to block passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and was heralded in April 2004 by Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd as a senator who would have been a great leader during the Civil War,

Whereas when the 1964 Civil Rights Act came up for vote, Senator Al Gore, Sr. and the rest of the Southern Democrats voted against the bill,

Whereas in the House of Representatives only 61 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act as compared to 80 percent of Republicans, and in the Senate only 69 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, compared to 82 percent of the Republicans,

Whereas Democratic President Bill Clinton sent troops to Europe to protect the citizens of Bosnia and Kosovo while allowing an estimated 800,000 black Rwandans to be massacred in Africa, vetoed the welfare reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies develop an Affirmative Action Plan,

Whereas Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore created harmful racial division when he falsely claimed that the 2000 presidential election was "stolen" from him and that African Americans in Florida were disenfranchised, even though a second recount of Florida votes by the "Miami Herald" and a consortium of major news organizations confirmed that he lost the election, and a ruling by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission declared that African Americans were not denied the right to vote,

Whereas the Democratic Party's soft bigotry of low expectations and social promotions have consigned African Americans to economic bondage and created a culture of dependency on government social programs,

Whereas the Democratic Party's use of deception and fear to block welfare reform, the faith-based initiative and school choice that would help African Americans prosper is consistent with the Democratic Party's heritage of racism that included sanctioning of slavery and kukluxery, a perversion of moral sentiment among leaders of the Democratic Party whose racist legacy bode ill until this generation of African Americans,

Now, therefore, for the above and other documented atrocities and accumulated wrongs inflicted upon African Americans, we demand a formal written apology and other appropriate remuneration from the leadership of the Democratic party.

Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party

Whereas, the Republican party abandoned black causes to embrace southern racists after the Civil Rights act passed

Whereas, the Republican party has blocked legislation that would help struggling black families

Whereas, the Republican party has become the party of choice for racists and white supremacists

Whereas the Republican party seeks to repeal established programs that black families rely on

One should provide proof to support their claims. Your word alone doesn't do it for me, or anyone else for that matter.... Maybe Jake:eusa_eh:
The GOP is not the 21st century champion of minorities. End of debate until it changes.

Thank you Jake for that "useful" post:doubt:

My post is accurate. The GOP has offered nothing useful to minorities (other than Reagan's amnesty) since 1968.

People who support individual liberty are the Champians of all people Jake. Real conservative Republicans stand for liberty. Dems ...not so much

Whereas, the Republican party abandoned black causes to embrace southern racists after the Civil Rights act passed

Whereas, the Republican party has blocked legislation that would help struggling black families

Whereas, the Republican party has become the party of choice for racists and white supremacists

Whereas the Republican party seeks to repeal established programs that black families rely on

One should provide proof to support their claims. Your word alone doesn't do it for me, or anyone else for that matter.... Maybe Jake:eusa_eh:

As they say.....the proof is in the pudding

When a political party alienates 90% of a demographic voting group, they must be doing something wrong

Oh yea......I forgot......those 90% are "brainwashed"
Whereas, the Republican party abandoned black causes to embrace southern racists after the Civil Rights act passed

Whereas, the Republican party has blocked legislation that would help struggling black families

Whereas, the Republican party has become the party of choice for racists and white supremacists

Whereas the Republican party seeks to repeal established programs that black families rely on

One should provide proof to support their claims. Your word alone doesn't do it for me, or anyone else for that matter.... Maybe Jake:eusa_eh:

As they say.....the proof is in the pudding

When a political party alienates 90% of a demographic voting group, they must be doing something wrong

Oh yea......I forgot......those 90% are "brainwashed"

"Alienates" how so?
One should provide proof to support their claims. Your word alone doesn't do it for me, or anyone else for that matter.... Maybe Jake:eusa_eh:

As they say.....the proof is in the pudding

When a political party alienates 90% of a demographic voting group, they must be doing something wrong

Oh yea......I forgot......those 90% are "brainwashed"

"Alienates" how so?

Alienates as in chases them away

Chases them away by blocking programs such as child care, jobs programs, education subsidies, healthcare which the poor rely on

Chases them away by tolerating overt racists in their midst
As they say.....the proof is in the pudding

When a political party alienates 90% of a demographic voting group, they must be doing something wrong

Oh yea......I forgot......those 90% are "brainwashed"

"Alienates" how so?

Alienates as in chases them away

Chases them away by blocking programs such as child care, jobs programs, education subsidies, healthcare which the poor rely on

Dependence on government programs are what has helped to break down the once solid black family. "Education" the dems want blacks stuck in failing public schools, who sides with the Teacher's unions over the kids?

[ame=]Milton Friedman - School Choice - YouTube[/ame]

Chases them away by tolerating overt racists in their midst

still no examples there are racist everywere genus, but only one party has the destinction of having had the KKK as part of their party.

Last edited:
If a party was the ally of African Americans then it would be a party built on a race agenda hence a racist party which would do nothing but cause more hardships in American society and increase racial tensions. Find me a man who is for America I will show you a man who is the ally of EVERY American.
If a party was the ally of African Americans then it would be a party built on a race agenda hence a racist party which would do nothing but cause more hardships in American society and increase racial tensions. Find me a man who is for America I will show you a man who is the ally of EVERY American.

I agree, this thread is just history lession for the uninformed. For people who don't know. although your discription best discribes the democrats.
I see the original intent and have endeavored to uphold the same argument before. However, if one looks closely at the agenda of the democratic party it merely shifted "the black agenda" to the forefront of its media campaign but has done little to help the black people in America. In fact they buy the black vote through welfare and promote the black cause so that the black community feels they are being paid and promoted sufficiently. But let us not forget that the original intent behind freeing of slaves was to cause economic turmoil in the south. To have Confederate soldiers flee their ranks and return to their farms for fear of slaves uprising. Also it boosted the number of Union soldiers who were lower in numbers at the time. The uprising of slaves also was a tactical advantage seeing as how slaves dug many of the trenches which the confederates used to hold off union soldiers.
Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party

(The original piece is an e-mail from the author, Frances Rice, dated June 3, 2004)
We, African American citizens of the United States, declare and assert:

Whereas in the early 1600’s 20 African men and women were landed in Virginia from a Dutch ship as slaves and from that tiny seed grew the poisoned fruit of plantation slavery which shaped the course of American development,

Whereas reconciliation and healing always begin with an apology and an effort to repay those who have been wronged,

Whereas the Democratic Party has never apologized for their horrific atrocities and racist practices committed against African Americans during the past two hundred years, nor for the residual impact that those atrocities and practices and current soft bigotry of low expectations are having on us today,

Whereas the Democratic Party fought to expand slavery and, after the Civil War, established Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes and other repressive legislation that were designed to disenfranchise African Americans,

Whereas the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, and their primary goal was to intimidate and terrorize African American voters, Republicans who moved South to protect African Americans and any other whites who supported them,

Whereas, according to leading historians (both black and white), the horrific atrocities committed against African Americans during slavery and Reconstruction were financed, sponsored, and promoted by the Democratic Party and their Ku Klux Klan supporters,

Whereas from 1870 to 1930, in an effort to deny African Americans their civil rights and to keep African Americans from voting Republican, thousands of African Americans were shot, beaten, lynched, mutilated, and burned to death by Ku Klux Klan terrorists from the Democratic Party,

Whereas Democratic Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman rejected anti-lynching laws and efforts to establish a permanent Civil Rights Commission,

Whereas the Democratic party has used racist demagoguery to deceive African Americans about the history of the Republican Party that: (a) started as the anti-slavery party in 1854, (b) fought to free African Americans from slavery, (c) designed Reconstruction, a ten-year period of unprecedented political power for African Americans, (d) passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting African Americans freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote, (e) passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting African Americans protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, (f) passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 granting African Americans protection from the Jim Crow laws, (g) established Affirmative Action programs to help African Americans proper with Republican President Richard Nixon's 1969 Philadelphia Plan that set the first goals and timetables and his 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act that made Affirmative Action Programs the law of our nation, and (h) never sponsored or launched a program, passed laws, or engaged in practices that resulted in the death of millions of African Americans,

Whereas Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka (a 1954 decision by Chief Justice Earl Warren who was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower) was a landmark civil rights case that was designed to overturn the racist practices that were established by the Democratic Party,

Whereas after Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt received the vote of African Americans, he banned African American newspapers from the military shortly after taking office because he was convinced the newspapers were communist,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Law, opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and was later criticized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for ignoring civil rights issues,

Whereas Democratic President John F. Kennedy authorized the FBI (supervised by his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy) to investigate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on suspicion of being a communist,

Whereas Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, made a 14-hour filibuster speech in the Senate in June 1964 in an unsuccessful effort to block passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and was heralded in April 2004 by Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd as a senator who would have been a great leader during the Civil War,

Whereas when the 1964 Civil Rights Act came up for vote, Senator Al Gore, Sr. and the rest of the Southern Democrats voted against the bill,

Whereas in the House of Representatives only 61 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act as compared to 80 percent of Republicans, and in the Senate only 69 percent of the Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, compared to 82 percent of the Republicans,

Whereas Democratic President Bill Clinton sent troops to Europe to protect the citizens of Bosnia and Kosovo while allowing an estimated 800,000 black Rwandans to be massacred in Africa, vetoed the welfare reform law twice before signing it, and refused to comply with a court order to have shipping companies develop an Affirmative Action Plan,

Whereas Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore created harmful racial division when he falsely claimed that the 2000 presidential election was "stolen" from him and that African Americans in Florida were disenfranchised, even though a second recount of Florida votes by the "Miami Herald" and a consortium of major news organizations confirmed that he lost the election, and a ruling by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission declared that African Americans were not denied the right to vote,

Whereas the Democratic Party's soft bigotry of low expectations and social promotions have consigned African Americans to economic bondage and created a culture of dependency on government social programs,

Whereas the Democratic Party's use of deception and fear to block welfare reform, the faith-based initiative and school choice that would help African Americans prosper is consistent with the Democratic Party's heritage of racism that included sanctioning of slavery and kukluxery, a perversion of moral sentiment among leaders of the Democratic Party whose racist legacy bode ill until this generation of African Americans,

Now, therefore, for the above and other documented atrocities and accumulated wrongs inflicted upon African Americans, we demand a formal written apology and other appropriate remuneration from the leadership of the Democratic party.

Open Letter from African Americans to the Democratic Party

Whereas, the Republican party abandoned black causes to embrace southern racists after the Civil Rights act passed

Whereas, the Republican party has blocked legislation that would help struggling black families

Whereas, the Republican party has become the party of choice for racists and white supremacists

Whereas the Republican party seeks to repeal established programs that black families rely on

Whereas the Republican party thinks that Black people vote Democratic because they are not intelligent enough to know better.
Thank you Jake for that "useful" post:doubt:

My post is accurate. The GOP has offered nothing useful to minorities (other than Reagan's amnesty) since 1968.

People who support individual liberty are the Champians of all people Jake. Real conservative Republicans stand for liberty. Dems ...not so much

Classical liberals, Dems and Pubs, stand for liberty and freedom, Jroc: not one else, not you.
I see the original intent and have endeavored to uphold the same argument before. However, if one looks closely at the agenda of the democratic party it merely shifted "the black agenda" to the forefront of its media campaign but has done little to help the black people in America. In fact they buy the black vote through welfare and promote the black cause so that the black community feels they are being paid and promoted sufficiently. But let us not forget that the original intent behind freeing of slaves was to cause economic turmoil in the south. To have Confederate soldiers flee their ranks and return to their farms for fear of slaves uprising. Also it boosted the number of Union soldiers who were lower in numbers at the time. The uprising of slaves also was a tactical advantage seeing as how slaves dug many of the trenches which the confederates used to hold off union soldiers.

Immaterial, inaccurate, thus easily dismissed.
Tell me how jake don't tease with me wordplay.

You have not given me anything worthwhile to refute. Since 1968, the GOP has steadily refused to embrace and develop minority advancement; thus, we are where we are. Not just black Americans, many minorities will overwhelmingly take BHO over the GOP candidate. That is the GOP's difficulty.
Tell me how jake don't tease with me wordplay.

I'll tell you how, but first I want to mention that the party behind freeing the slaves was the Republicans not the Democrats.

There were many interests behind emancipation. The whole North-South conflict was partly one of competing economic elites, the new industrial/commercial/capitalist elite mostly in the North versus the older planter/slaveowner/quasi-feudal elite almost all in the South. The conflict manifested over tariffs, over government subsidy of industrial development and infrastructure, but most sharply over slavery. The capitalist elite wanted to add slaves to the labor pool so as to increase the labor supply and keep wages low, and this required freeing the slaves from bondage.

At the same time, emancipation as a moral movement should not be discounted. The condemnation of slavery as inhumane and unjustifiable was sincere on the part of many activists, including both sympathetic or religiously-motivated whites such as William Lloyd Garrison and former slaves such as Frederick Douglas.

As for Lincoln's own motivation in signing the Emancipation Proclamation, as I see it he was dealing with several realities touching on slavery.

1) Britain and France were considering entering the war on the side of the Confederacy and forcing a negotiated peace. By changing the war from one over union only to one over slavery, Lincoln made certain that doing this would put Britain and France on the side of slavery, where they certainly did not want to be, and forestalled that diplomatic disaster.

2) Neither Lincoln as president, nor Congress, had the constitutional authority to end slavery in any territory not in rebellion. Lincoln could not free the slaves in Maryland, for example. To finally bring slavery to an end required a constitutional amendment. Lincoln did have the authority however to free the slaves in rebellious territories as an emergency measure, part of putting down the rebellion. Hence the limitations on the Proclamation.

3) The Proclamation did not meet a Union need for manpower as you suggested; the Union compared to the Confederacy already had abundant manpower, and anyway slaves were already fleeing to the Union lines and volunteering for service in the U.S. Army. The Proclamation did little to accelerate that, until so much territory had been reconquered that the was was effectively over anyway.

4) While Lincoln's commitment to racial equality was poor to nonexistent, his opposition to slavery was genuine, as we can tell from everything he said on the subject both before and after becoming president. There is no example that I can find of any speech or statement by Lincoln supporting slavery.
Lincoln's only support of slavery was that the principle was in the Constitution and that he would support it constitutionally. No one worries about the GOP and slavery or the great support the GOP came the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts of 1964 and 1965.

The problem is that since 1968 the GOP retrogressed as it allowed people, unrepentant of their evil ways, such as Strom Thurmond, to join the party. Folks like Richard Byrd spent decades trying to atone. Show me where in the GOP such folks have done the same.

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