Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

If you were their allies theyd be lining up to vote for republicans.

Either, then Jroc, thinks minorities are too stupid to see who their allies are, which is racist in concept, or he is lying, whether deliberately or not remains to be seen. I know he is racist. I wonder just how stupid he is.

Really? Prove it. That’s the problem with you libs somebody speaks the truth and you call them a racist, based on what? You people don't give me any evidence to refute anything I posted; all we get from you is insults and name-calling. Shows how strong your arguments really are doesn't it? Like I said before most of the evidence I posted are all put out by black conservative groups those bullet points were put out by the pastor of a black church here in Michigan try clicking on the links before you make assumptions because they make you look like a fool

Wow, be careful there, you have now opened yourself for the next tactic of a loser, Jakey will call you a whine and resorting to name calling, too funny, Jakey whines and crys like a fool when Jakey loses, calling others the evil inside of his own heart.
mdn2000's bitterness spills into public. A shame. Jroc has not carried any of his points. He says the GOP is the real ally of African Americans, yet more than 90% of them affiliate with the Dems. The only way Jroc can defend his OP is to suggest the Dems fool blacks, thus clearly stating that blacks aren't smart enough to really decide for themselves. That thinking is racist.
mdn2000's bitterness spills into public. A shame. Jroc has not carried any of his points. He says the GOP is the real ally of African Americans, yet more than 90% of them affiliate with the Dems. The only way Jroc can defend his OP is to suggest the Dems fool blacks, thus clearly stating that blacks aren't smart enough to really decide for themselves. That thinking is racist.

Still nothing...Nothing to refute any of my posts. What does that say? The funny thing is as long as African Americans have been allied almost exclusively with the Democrat party what have they gotten? More members in congress... So what? Power for some black politicians nothing for average African Americans. So I'll keep posting till someone steps up with something of substance, minus the mindless insults....More to come :cool:
mdn2000's bitterness spills into public. A shame. Jroc has not carried any of his points. He says the GOP is the real ally of African Americans, yet more than 90% of them affiliate with the Dems. The only way Jroc can defend his OP is to suggest the Dems fool blacks, thus clearly stating that blacks aren't smart enough to really decide for themselves. That thinking is racist.

90% of African Democrats line up behind the Democrats, that is, in the, "back of the bus". Its nice you good ole Democrats still got your slaves riding in the back of the bus. Jakey, why no defense of your statement, we can all see your just bullshitting, I never realized that a 100% of the African Americans vote and that a solid 90% of every single voting age African American is voting and 90% exactly votes Democrat. I guess Snoop Dog and 50 cent got their street cred voting Democrat.

Incredible Jakey, I am truely humbled by such concise posts.

(so bitter I fogot to address my bitterness, Jakey, your so great at evaluating someone over the internet, how do you do this with such incredible accuracy, how do you know so much without meeting me, you really are very smart to be able to tell everyone exactly how I feel, I actually had no idea of my bitterness, I was in complete denial and Jakey, you have opened my eyes, thanks for your great insight and analysis, you are a great person to help as you do, thanks Jakey).

If you wish Jakey, I will give you the last word, I see the importance of always having the last word, so go ahead.
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Democrats control Hollywood, what was the name of the last Black to win an Oscar, how long ago?
Obama and the Democrats side with the NEA and abandons black kids stuck in failing public schools..


Jroc's OP was dismantled long ago. mdn2000's comments above do not deserve mentioning other than they are as racist as Jroc's suppositions. If we in the GOP had something to offer the black minority, they would be flooding into the party. However, after the 1964 and 1965 acts that put federal force into the cause of civil rights and Nixon's southern strategy in 1968, black Americans had no reason to stay in a party that no longer valued them. Until we in the GOP change that basic fact, blacks will overwhelmingly vote for our political enemies.
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Jroc's OP was dismantled long ago. mdn2000's comments above do not deserve mentioning other than they are as racist as Jroc's suppositions. If we in the GOP had something to offer the black minority, they would be flooding into the party. However, after the 1964 and 1965 acts that put federal force into the cause of civil rights and Nixon's southern strategy in 1968, black Americans had no reason to stay in a party that no longer valued them. Until we in the GOP change that basic fact, blacks will overwhelmingly vote for our political enemies.

If my comments do not deserve mentioning why bother to mention them Jake, sounds like your insecure. Are you Jake, are you insecure.

Are you in the GOP Jake, because if you are, just because a Rat is in the cookie jar, that don't make no Rat a cookie. I mean that not as an insult, but as an analogy that seems simple enough for you to understand Jake.

Jroc's OP was dismantled long ago. mdn2000's comments above do not deserve mentioning other than they are as racist as Jroc's suppositions. If we in the GOP had something to offer the black minority, they would be flooding into the party. However, after the 1964 and 1965 acts that put federal force into the cause of civil rights and Nixon's southern strategy in 1968, black Americans had no reason to stay in a party that no longer valued them. Until we in the GOP change that basic fact, blacks will overwhelmingly vote for our political enemies.

If my comments do not deserve mentioning why bother to mention them Jake, sounds like your insecure. Are you Jake, are you insecure.

Are you in the GOP Jake, because if you are, just because a Rat is in the cookie jar, that don't make no Rat a cookie. I mean that not as an insult, but as an analogy that seems simple enough for you to understand Jake.

Jake Cannot help himself to the point of snipping entire posts. What does that tell you?
mdn2000 has trouble with expressing his opinions as usual and goes back to being a whiner. Yes, the GOP needs to change its policies to make them far more user friendly to minorities. Yes, I am a Republican and have no desire to be a Republican like those who supposedly are GOP far far to the reactionary agenda-driven activists who threaten the security and stability and civil liberties of America.

Jroc's OP was dismantled long ago. mdn2000's comments above do not deserve mentioning other than they are as racist as Jroc's suppositions. If we in the GOP had something to offer the black minority, they would be flooding into the party. However, after the 1964 and 1965 acts that put federal force into the cause of civil rights and Nixon's southern strategy in 1968, black Americans had no reason to stay in a party that no longer valued them. Until we in the GOP change that basic fact, blacks will overwhelmingly vote for our political enemies.

If my comments do not deserve mentioning why bother to mention them Jake, sounds like your insecure. Are you Jake, are you insecure.

Are you in the GOP Jake, because if you are, just because a Rat is in the cookie jar, that don't make no Rat a cookie. I mean that not as an insult, but as an analogy that seems simple enough for you to understand Jake.

I see you had to skip what you have no defense of Jake.

How many ways have you described me now, you know, I forget what we are even talking about you get so busy with your personal bitterness, not to mention I got to clean dog shit off my feet every time I step into one of your posts.
Jroc and mdn2000 simply can't answer the issue that more than 90% of black Americans are Democrats because the GOP will not meet their needs. If they suggest that the GOP has been more forthright to minority issues, then that is a false statement. If they suggest that the Dems have pulled the wool over blacks' vision, then that is racist.

The simple fact is that the post 1968 GOP has very little to offer to minority America.
Jroc and mdn2000 simply can't answer the issue that more than 90% of black Americans are Democrats because the GOP will not meet their needs. If they suggest that the GOP has been more forthright to minority issues, then that is a false statement. If they suggest that the Dems have pulled the wool over blacks' vision, then that is racist.

Really? this whole thread is full of of what the GOP has to offer African Americans. So what do you think they should be offering Black Americans? What do the Dems offer that you think has helped blacks in this country? Now try to be specific becouse you have done niether. I would apreciate your imput. Show me were I'm wrong here? What are "thier needs"
The issue is on the GOP, not the Dems or me, for that matter, but on what the GOP offers that should draw black Americans. The proof that whatever is that you believe should suffice simply does not appeal to more than 90% of black Americans. That's what you must deal with.
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The issue is on the GOP, not the Dems or me, for that matter, but on what the GOP offers that should draw black Americans. The proof that whatever is that you believe should suffice simply does not appeal to more than 90 of black Americans. That's what you must deal with.

:eusa_whistle:So you can't answer the question?
The question has been asnwered since page 1. The GOP are not the real allies of African Americans.
The question has been asnwered since page 1. The GOP are not the real allies of African Americans.

:lol: Thank you for those words of wisdom:lol: it was not a question, The topic is "Republicans..The real allies of African Americans" I gave you the evidence to support this. Now give me some evidence to dispute this. Are you able?
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"Today both parties must remember their past. The Democrats must remember the terrible things they did to Blacks and apologize and the Republicans must remember the terrific things they did for Blacks and re-commit to complete the work that their predecessors started and died for."

History News Network
The question has been asnwered since page 1. The GOP are not the real allies of African Americans.

GOP, DOP, MOP, Liberals, Democrats, Congress, the President, local governments, a lot of people have not been freinds of the children of the slaves. I think the exception now is that the media and politicians try to divide us. I of course understand that there is work to be done, but as a man that lives amongst the childrend of the slaves and being a pure conservative I am in a unique position to Judge these things.

Detroit, remember those riots of 67, I can not, I do remember 68 and 69 asking Dad if we could go to the baseball game, it had to be a year we won and I am not about to google the answer, but anyhow I was born in 63 so I was four at best during the Detroit riots of 67. I remember Dad just simply saying it was too dangerous to go to Detroit, we lived in East Detroit, then Warren, and later in Macomb county. I remember segregated neighborhoods, which seemed natural, human nature seems to like the same color in people, I never saw hostility toward the children of slaves, I remember lots of people calling them lazy. I was always told to never trust them. Back then, advise like that kept you alive. You did not go to Detroit, if you did, or I did, I understood there were places Tow Trucks would not go at night, places you could not go as a white person. The Police road three officers to a car.

Detroit is a dangerous place, deadly, murder capital of the world.

I heard stories of dogs that hated colored people, everyone called them *******, which refered to the worst of the negroes. I understood the word ****** to be how they talked in the south, that they called them ****** through lazy english. I never saw hate related to the word ******.

I always lived in a white city, then a suburb, then the pure white country of Macomb County.

I remember the first black man I ever saw, I remember the first black child.

I have lived to see the complete destruction of Detroit, all at the hands of African Americans, pure Democrats.

Even Bill Cosby points out who has not been allies of African Americans.

Michigan, unions and liberals as long as I can remember.

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