Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Poor uneducated blacks hvae been exploited by both parties in the name of justice. I do think the dem's are just interested in votes, promise them anything and give them public housing a true road to no where. Shelia Jackson Lee is very proud of the new public housing project that already is a pretty bad place to live, better than a bridge but not by much. Education and opportunity are the key not empty promises by community activist.
Poor uneducated blacks hvae been exploited by both parties in the name of justice. I do think the dem's are just interested in votes, promise them anything and give them public housing a true road to no where. Shelia Jackson Lee is very proud of the new public housing project that already is a pretty bad place to live, better than a bridge but not by much. Education and opportunity are the key not empty promises by community activist.

I don't see it how have Republicans exploited blacks?
The question has been asnwered since page 1. The GOP are not the real allies of African Americans.

GOP, DOP, MOP, Liberals, Democrats, Congress, the President, local governments, a lot of people have not been freinds of the children of the slaves. I think the exception now is that the media and politicians try to divide us. I of course understand that there is work to be done, but as a man that lives amongst the childrend of the slaves and being a pure conservative I am in a unique position to Judge these things.

Detroit, remember those riots of 67, I can not, I do remember 68 and 69 asking Dad if we could go to the baseball game, it had to be a year we won and I am not about to google the answer, but anyhow I was born in 63 so I was four at best during the Detroit riots of 67. I remember Dad just simply saying it was too dangerous to go to Detroit, we lived in East Detroit, then Warren, and later in Macomb county. I remember segregated neighborhoods, which seemed natural, human nature seems to like the same color in people, I never saw hostility toward the children of slaves, I remember lots of people calling them lazy. I was always told to never trust them. Back then, advise like that kept you alive. You did not go to Detroit, if you did, or I did, I understood there were places Tow Trucks would not go at night, places you could not go as a white person. The Police road three officers to a car.

Detroit is a dangerous place, deadly, murder capital of the world.

I heard stories of dogs that hated colored people, everyone called them *******, which refered to the worst of the negroes. I understood the word ****** to be how they talked in the south, that they called them ****** through lazy english. I never saw hate related to the word ******.

I always lived in a white city, then a suburb, then the pure white country of Macomb County.

I remember the first black man I ever saw, I remember the first black child.

I have lived to see the complete destruction of Detroit, all at the hands of African Americans, pure Democrats.

Even Bill Cosby points out who has not been allies of African Americans.

Michigan, unions and liberals as long as I can remember.

I agree with some of you're points but I think it's time to drop "the children of slaves" thing its been used as a crutch for too long. I think I've got a little better prospective then you. I grew up inner city Detroit, and we all had the same mentality. Black or white didn't matter I was a hoodlum like the rest of my friends both black and white, I've been in gang fights, I've been shot, But I got out of that life, a lot of good people didn't. It’s the environment the culture of dependency perpetrated by the democrat party, the Great Society welfare state bullshit, a culture of victim hood you are in this situation because of this or that. Actually the purpose of this thread was to inform people that don't know the history, they can make up their own minds but some people on his board would rather attack then to have a discussion that’s fine if somebody learns something from this thread I’ve done what I wanted to do.
Poor uneducated blacks hvae been exploited by both parties in the name of justice. I do think the dem's are just interested in votes, promise them anything and give them public housing a true road to no where. Shelia Jackson Lee is very proud of the new public housing project that already is a pretty bad place to live, better than a bridge but not by much. Education and opportunity are the key not empty promises by community activist.

I don't see it how have Republicans exploited blacks?

The GOP attempted to create a permanent majority through a black-white consensus in the reconstruction South, and when that failed, the party abandoned blacks and turned its attention to making western territories into states.
Jroc, you have to learn before you can teach. You write as if you know the definitive story. Very politely let me tell you that you don't.

I am glad you are out of the life, and I am glad you have healed from your wounds.
Poor uneducated blacks hvae been exploited by both parties in the name of justice. I do think the dem's are just interested in votes, promise them anything and give them public housing a true road to no where. Shelia Jackson Lee is very proud of the new public housing project that already is a pretty bad place to live, better than a bridge but not by much. Education and opportunity are the key not empty promises by community activist.

I don't see it how have Republicans exploited blacks?

The GOP attempted to create a permanent majority through a black-white consensus in the reconstruction South, and when that failed, the party abandoned blacks and turned its attention to making western territories into states.

I don't see were they abounded blacks at all. My points go all the way up to present day with the school vouchers and abortion issues. Of course the Republican Party has not done what they should to convince the African Americans that their positions are better for them and the country as a whole. One reason is because Democrats demagogue, play raced based politics, and some fake ass so-called "civil rights” leaders and organizations help them with that, but times are changing and I think conservatives can make inroads We have a lot of great black conservative politicians coming up and more will come:cool
I don't see it how have Republicans exploited blacks?

The GOP attempted to create a permanent majority through a black-white consensus in the reconstruction South, and when that failed, the party abandoned blacks and turned its attention to making western territories into states.

I don't see were they abounded blacks at all. My points go all the way up to present day with the school vouchers and abortion issues. Of course the Republican Party has not done what they should to convince the African Americans that their positions are better for them and the country as a whole. One reason is because Democrats demagogue, play raced based politics, and some fake ass so-called "civil rights” leaders and organizations help them with that, but times are changing and I think conservatives can make inroads We have a lot of great black conservative politicians coming up and more will come:cool

But we have not offered alternatives that blacks would say, "They are trying to meet our needs without us having to be cookie cutter models of whites." Some Democrat demogogues do play race, but do not ignore our own party racists, some of whom I have deal with here in my own district on a regular basis. Yelling about what the other guy is doing without taking major pro-active steps and SHOUTING THEM FROM THE ROOFTOPS will not help.
The GOP attempted to create a permanent majority through a black-white consensus in the reconstruction South, and when that failed, the party abandoned blacks and turned its attention to making western territories into states.

I don't see were they abounded blacks at all. My points go all the way up to present day with the school vouchers and abortion issues. Of course the Republican Party has not done what they should to convince the African Americans that their positions are better for them and the country as a whole. One reason is because Democrats demagogue, play raced based politics, and some fake ass so-called "civil rights” leaders and organizations help them with that, but times are changing and I think conservatives can make inroads We have a lot of great black conservative politicians coming up and more will come:cool

But we have not offered alternatives that blacks would say, "They are trying to meet our needs without us having to be cookie cutter models of whites." Some Democrat demogogues do play race, but do not ignore our own party racists, some of whom I have deal with here in my own district on a regular basis. Yelling about what the other guy is doing without taking major pro-active steps and SHOUTING THEM FROM THE ROOFTOPS will not help.

I don't ignore any racist. There are racist in every group, both parties and amongst all races, but that’s a straw man argument deflecting from the real issues. It would be nice if you or anybody else would spell out what exactly Democrat party has done to advance African Americans. I have yet to hear that from anybody. Like said inner city education is about blacks more then any other group, vouchers would help them, Skyrocketing abortion rate effects blacks more then any other group, The wakeo environmentalist movement kills job that raise the unemployment rate which is highest among blacks, also millions of black Africans die as a result of the banning of DDT it's all in this thread. Now your turn. :cool:
Jroc, you do not understand that your argument is straw man. You willfully mischaracterize what Dems and Pubs have done, instead of giving a balanced, objective appraisal of both parties' successes and failures. As long as you willfully ignore Dem advances and minimumize GOP problems on behalf of blacks, you can't go forward.
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Jroc, you do not understand that your argument is straw man. You willfully mischaracterize what Dems and Pubs have done, instead of giving a balanced, objective appraisal of both parties' successes and failures. As long as you willfully ignore Dem advances and minimumize GOP problems on behalf of blacks, you can't go forward.

Since you have not made any attempt at refuting anything I've claimed, or even made an effort to support you're position (which is not really clear) then your right, how can we go forward with the discussion? You might start with pointing out what policies proposed and implemented by the Democrat Party have helped African Americans? It's not a trick question. Oh.. And for the record good intentions are not the same as policies that have actually help Black Americans.... Go.
I have refuted every false claim you have made, period. I agree that the Dems have a lot more to do, but it is obvious that our GOP is not winning the hearts and minds of African Americans.

What do our GOP leaders and folks throughout the country need to do, Jroc.? Don't worry about the other side. We need to figure what we are going to do.

If you say that we have done the right things, but the blacks can't see it, then you are saying either we have not marketed it correctly or that they are too dumb to see it. The former is more likely than the latter.
I have refuted every false claim you have made, period. I agree that the Dems have a lot more to do, but it is obvious that our GOP is not winning the hearts and minds of African Americans.

What do our GOP leaders and folks throughout the country need to do, Jroc.? Don't worry about the other side. We need to figure what we are going to do.

If you say that we have done the right things, but the blacks can't see it, then you are saying either we have not marketed it correctly or that they are too dumb to see it. The former is more likely than the latter.

Ok.. I give up. You have refuted it how? By saying you're wrong? Or that’s incorrect? That doesn't mean anything. How do you counter a position that you believe is incorrect? With facts refuting that position, not one-word answers. You jumped into this thread, So I assumed you could back up your position. I guess I was wrong. As far as people being "dumb" that's your word not mine. People can be intelligent and ignorant at the same time. Obama is a prime example of that.
I have refuted every false claim you have made, period. I agree that the Dems have a lot more to do, but it is obvious that our GOP is not winning the hearts and minds of African Americans.

What do our GOP leaders and folks throughout the country need to do, Jroc.? Don't worry about the other side. We need to figure what we are going to do.

If you say that we have done the right things, but the blacks can't see it, then you are saying either we have not marketed it correctly or that they are too dumb to see it. The former is more likely than the latter.

Ok.. I give up. You have refuted it how? By saying you're wrong? Or that’s incorrect? That doesn't mean anything. How do you counter a position that you believe is incorrect? With facts refuting that position, not one-word answers. You jumped into this thread, So I assumed you could back up your position. I guess I was wrong. As far as people being "dumb" that's your word not mine. People can be intelligent and ignorant at the same time. Obama is a prime example of that.

You are face down in the mud of your arguments, and you are still denying it. I knocked down your silliness, showed repeatedly examples of where you were wrong and gave examples of what is right, and you are still face down in the mud and denying it.

So stop it.

What must we in the GOP do to win the hearts and mind of African Americans?
The race baiters attack these people. There are many more But they are "uncle Toms"




Jroc, can you answer a logical question: what must we do to change the % of African Americans in our party?
Jroc, can you answer a logical question: what must we do to change the % of African Americans in our party?

Inform and educate, not make excuses ( which is what I'm trying to do here) "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" Like i said the race hustlers make big money off of things the way they are.

Our party has obviously failed in this area. Exactly what do we to educate and inform? How do we as a party do this?
Our party has obviously failed in this area. Exactly what do we to educate and inform? How do we as a party do this?

You seem to so easily dismiss my points here, all of which are accurate (even though you don't see it) We never learned this stuff in the Detroit public schools . Education is the answer, Real education, real history, not politically correct bullshit. Thats were vouchers come in, It's not really what ethier of the parties have to do, it's what we have to do as Americans. Reforming our eduactional system is the only way.
I have dismissed the justifications you gave on the earlier points, none of which you were able to carry. But I don't care about that.

What are vouchers going to do? How do we get them in place? How do we guarantee that "real history" is taught?

I am not attacking. I want to know how we do this.
I have dismissed the justifications you gave on the earlier points, none of which you were able to carry. But I don't care about that.

Ok.... Then you don't understand the purposed of the thread or you just dismiss it because you don't agree with what I posted but you never posted anything refuting it. So what does that say? Either you're too lazy to find evidence to support your opinion, or you can’t support it. Either way not very impressive

What are vouchers going to do?

African-American Students Increase Test Scores in School Voucher Programs, Study Shows

A two-year study of school voucher programs in New York City, Washington D.C., and Dayton, Ohio has revealed a steady improvement in test-score performance among African-American participants.

The results from randomized field trials, undertaken by the Harvard Program on Education Policy and Governance at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, showed a three percentile point increase in test scores after one year and a six point increase after two years among African-American students who switched from public to private schools. No effects were observed for students from other ethnic backgrounds.

According to Paul Peterson, a professor at the Kennedy School and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, "the benefits of the program for African-American students close the national test-score gap between white students and African-American students by one-third."


Safer Kids, Better Test Scores: The D.C. Voucher Program Works

In January 2004, Congress passed the District of Columbia School Choice Incentive Act of 2003, the first federally funded school voucher program in the United States. Now known as the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, this initiative provides scholarships of up to $7,500 to more than 1,900 low-income students in the District. A recent U.S. Department of Education (DOE) evaluation of the program should provide policymakers with some encouragement, as the report demonstrates that the Opportunity Scholarship Program is having a positive impact on students and families alike.[1]

Academic Achievement

The DOE evaluation reviews the first two years of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, examining approximately 19 months of instruction. The results indicate that students who received vouchers realized higher academic achievement than students who were not awarded a voucher, though the differences between both groups of students were not statistically significant.[2]

Despite this lack of statistical differentiation, students who participated in the Opportunity Scholarship Program achieved higher reading scores than students who did not. The study also indicated that certain subgroups of students experienced significant positive gains in reading achievement.[3] These results are encouraging because they offer compelling evidence of two years of positive achievement gains for D.C. voucher program participants

Safer Kids, Better Test Scores: The D.C. Voucher Program Works | The Heritage Foundation

How do we get them in place? How do we guarantee that "real history" is taught?

Well..obviously the dems aren't going to do it, so I guess that means we have to elect a large majority conservative Republican government. In a perfect world we should not have public sector unions in the first place. There are plenty of things that can be done to improve education in this country, But too many people look for excuses or are too worried about the NEA and thier damn pension plans which is were the bulk of the money goes 300million dollar defecit!! in Detroit public schools.. unreal!!

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