Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

So is this such a bad agenda? I predict more snowflakes a falling.

given that Charter schools have worse record than public schools, and that's before all the protections to keep the scams out are eliminated, um, yeah, that would be a bad thing.

The thing about it is, no one wants to set up Charter Schools in the Cleetus states. There's no money to be made there. They want to get into LA and NY and Chicago, where there are big old pots of money to be had.
Joe The people of the United States did not say no, only the liberals of NY and California said no and the rest of the country sure do not want those clowns making any type of important decisions.

More people live in NY and CA than Jesusland... and I certainly don't want those inbred bible thumpers making decisions.
i wonder if many grade schools are hanging posters of polar bears living on sheets of ice with a caption reading that its the fault of our white parents driving too many SUV's

You don't think Private schools are going to engage in the same kind of behavior.

Hey, buddy, I went to Catholic Schools in the 1970's, and they were hotbeds of liberal thought. They had a picture of JFK right next to the pictures of the saints and popes.
i wonder if many grade schools are hanging posters of polar bears living on sheets of ice with a caption reading that its the fault of our white parents driving too many SUV's
You "wonder"? You mean you don't help out at your children's school? You don't actively participate in their education? So you mooch off our education system, doing nothing but complaining?
Found this on my local news station site and decided to throw it out there. The meat of the article says this:

"As President-elect Donald Trump leads an attempted makeover in Washington, Republican governors and state lawmakers will be simultaneously pushing an aggressive agenda that limits abortion, lawsuits and unions, cuts business taxes and regulations, and expands gun rights and school choice.

Republicans will hold 33 governors' offices, have majorities in 33 legislatures and control both the governor's office and legislature in 25 states - their most since 1952. Democrats will control both the governor's office and legislature in only about a half-dozen states; the rest will have politically divided governments."

Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

So is this such a bad agenda? I predict more snowflakes a falling.
Teacher's union leaders and the rank and file FREAK over school choice and Charter Schools. Of course the main stream media, many who are also members of newspaper guilds are in the sac with public employee unions. The media reports every story regarding anything remotely negative regarding a Charter School or school choice as though it were a national emergency.
Right to work frightens democrats because it represents a threat to a flow of cash to their campaigns. And why is this? Because union leaders have been courting democrats for decades. The unions take the dues from the rank and file then funnel some of the cash to democrat campaigns and PACs.
Meanwhile., the politicians pass union friendly laws and hand out money to unionized contractors to perform state and municipal projects. Its all very convenient. And very unethical.
And of course the wages for public workers continue to rise far more rapidly than the private sector market base which results in skyrocketing taxes. One part of this is many states where public employees are unionized is the pension obligations are underfunded. New Jersey is a prime example. NJ is a state where there are more people collecting pensions than presently employed public workers. The pension system there is some $50 billion in the hole. The amusing part is the politicians tell the union bosses that the system is broke because the State has a 2% tax levy Cap. The taxpayers know better. Its the same politicians that have taken money from the pension funds and spent it. the recession of 2008-10 exposed the money trail.
The facts are these. The taxpayers have become frustrated listening to public employees who by the ay in some states earn up to 150% of the market based wage for similar work in the private sector. Add to that they have seen their property taxes rise as much as 500% over the last two and half decades. Yep, you read it correctly. For example. The home in which I grew up was valued at about $175,000 in 1990. The yearly property tax burden on that house was little under $2000. Fast forward to today. The tax value of this property is about $390k ( down from a peak of $535k in 2007) the yearly taxes? Almost $11,000.....That's not all. My home town has a relatively low tax rate of about $2 per $100 of assessed value.
The SAME house on similarly valued lot in a neighboring town, which has a General Tax Rate of $3. 25 per hundred and that home would be taxed at nearly $20k per year..
It is true that the majority of property taxes are earmarked for schools. However, a good amount also goes to the town, and state.
I have a friend who used to live just over the state line in Rockland County, NY. She sold her two bedroom condo in an older (1970's) building for just under $150k. Her annual taxes were just over $5k per year. Insane.
It is time to rein in these public employee unions. They have been riding the gravy train on the backs of the taxpayers for far too long.
The charters schools aren't doing any better on average.

That may well be the case, but the Stanford University CREDO study in 2015 shows that urban charter schools are greatly outperforming public schools.

But, I feel that with Charter Schools and allowing the money to follow the student, competition in the school system is a good thing. It enables parents to choose any school, public, private, or charter, that best meets their children's needs.

As for your assertion that troubled or special needs children are shuttled off to only public schools is patently incorrect. Whether a child is exceptional, troubled, or special needs, there are many private and charter schools that cater to such children, with outstanding results. Especially in urban areas.
Teacher's union leaders and the rank and file FREAK over school choice and Charter Schools. Of course the main stream media, many who are also members of newspaper guilds are in the sac with public employee unions. The media reports every story regarding anything remotely negative regarding a Charter School or school choice as though it were a national emergency.

Well, yes, we do tend to not support things that make problems worse. School choice doesn't work.

Right to work frightens democrats because it represents a threat to a flow of cash to their campaigns. And why is this? Because union leaders have been courting democrats for decades. The unions take the dues from the rank and file then funnel some of the cash to democrat campaigns and PACs.

But here's the thing.... if the dems are getting their cash from working people, who are the Republicans getting their cash from? Oh, that's right. Rich people.

And of course the wages for public workers continue to rise far more rapidly than the private sector market base which results in skyrocketing taxes. One part of this is many states where public employees are unionized is the pension obligations are underfunded. New Jersey is a prime example.

You see, this is where you are confused, buddy.
The thing is, the public service workers kept their unions and benefits while hte private sector didn't.

So instead of demanding the same benefits the public sector workers kept,t hey are demanding they lose their benefits too.

It's like if an arsonist burns down your house, you want him to burn down your neighbors house, too, instead of going to jail.

Dumb. Dumb, dumb.
Teacher's union leaders and the rank and file FREAK over school choice and Charter Schools. Of course the main stream media, many who are also members of newspaper guilds are in the sac with public employee unions. The media reports every story regarding anything remotely negative regarding a Charter School or school choice as though it were a national emergency.

Well, yes, we do tend to not support things that make problems worse. School choice doesn't work.

Right to work frightens democrats because it represents a threat to a flow of cash to their campaigns. And why is this? Because union leaders have been courting democrats for decades. The unions take the dues from the rank and file then funnel some of the cash to democrat campaigns and PACs.

But here's the thing.... if the dems are getting their cash from working people, who are the Republicans getting their cash from? Oh, that's right. Rich people.

And of course the wages for public workers continue to rise far more rapidly than the private sector market base which results in skyrocketing taxes. One part of this is many states where public employees are unionized is the pension obligations are underfunded. New Jersey is a prime example.

You see, this is where you are confused, buddy.
The thing is, the public service workers kept their unions and benefits while hte private sector didn't.

So instead of demanding the same benefits the public sector workers kept,t hey are demanding they lose their benefits too.

It's like if an arsonist burns down your house, you want him to burn down your neighbors house, too, instead of going to jail.

Dumb. Dumb, dumb.
I thought you liberals were pro-choice....
if Hillary had won, all schools would of been forced to teach our kids the truth about a number of things that are laughable, like how those white racists that have always run the country created all those diseases that have killed over 700 Million blacks over the last 40 years, and that it was the white man that killed off the dinasours, it was the white man that caused that 10.0 earthquake in 2005 that killed over 100,000 people. The list would go on and on! They would of even blamed the white man for the record cold winters and the very hot summers !!!!
say it aint so! you mean that the states will have their own says in what they teach our children!!!, you are telling us that the government will not be able to force all 57 states to lie to our children about our history and that the pilgrims were all terrorists!!!
this cant be happening !!!

You will have the right to dumb them down, which is what the elites at the top love. The poorly educated.
So is this such a bad agenda? I predict more snowflakes a falling.

given that Charter schools have worse record than public schools, and that's before all the protections to keep the scams out are eliminated, um, yeah, that would be a bad thing.

The thing about it is, no one wants to set up Charter Schools in the Cleetus states. There's no money to be made there. They want to get into LA and NY and Chicago, where there are big old pots of money to be had.
Umm. There are TONS of Charter Schools here.
The unions just took it in the shorts in Massachusetts. The State legislature is about to pass a law which raises the cap on the number of Charter Schools. There was a referendum on the statewide ballot which was in effect a question to allow the local boards have authority to expand Charters. That failed 2-1. The main reason is voters were concerned such a law would give local school districts too much power.
I have no idea other than to protect the unions, why left wingers are so fearful of parents having choices as to where their kids go to school.
As long as the kids are getting a good education in an environment that is conducive to same, who cares. I don;'t understand the mentality of a captive marketplace.
But, I feel that with Charter Schools and allowing the money to follow the student, competition in the school system is a good thing. It enables parents to choose any school, public, private, or charter, that best meets their children's needs.

Again, like that other fellow, you seem to forget the law of supply and demand. if you give everyone a voucher, the costs of htose private schools will go up. There's only a finite number of available teachers and a finite number of schools. Right now, private, religious and charter schools only serve 9% of school age kids. Who is going to take care of the other 91% if you start diverting public monies to these schools?

As for your assertion that troubled or special needs children are shuttled off to only public schools is patently incorrect. Whether a child is exceptional, troubled, or special needs, there are many private and charter schools that cater to such children, with outstanding results. Especially in urban areas.

Which is awesome if you can afford them. what if you can't?
if Hillary had won, all schools would of been forced to teach our kids the truth about a number of things that are laughable, like how those white racists that have always run the country created all those diseases that have killed over 700 Million blacks over the last 40 years, and that it was the white man that killed off the dinasours, it was the white man that caused that 10.0 earthquake in 2005 that killed over 100,000 people. The list would go on and on! They would of even blamed the white man for the record cold winters and the very hot summers !!!!

How does Trump propose to break the teachers' unions from the federal level?

National Right to Work legislation. Teachers won't have their wages extorted by union dues.

Next question?

In Mi teachers are not fairing well under Snyder.
if Hillary had won, all schools would of been forced to teach our kids the truth about a number of things that are laughable, like how those white racists that have always run the country created all those diseases that have killed over 700 Million blacks over the last 40 years, and that it was the white man that killed off the dinasours, it was the white man that caused that 10.0 earthquake in 2005 that killed over 100,000 people. The list would go on and on! They would of even blamed the white man for the record cold winters and the very hot summers !!!!
My my....what an active fantasy life you have.

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