Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

This, no doubt, is the part where he cites the Generel Welfare clause as the authority for everything from welfare to Obamacare.

Congress is tasked to do what is best for the nation as a whole, to provide for the General Welfare of the people. This can include providing subsidies to big business or providing a safety net for the poor
"Can"...It should NOT...Not without strings attached. No one should be permitted ,unless physically or mentally unable to sustain themselves, to be provided with a lifetime of public assistance.
If thier physically able to work? They should. And those that can? I am with the Founders with the following view (Ben Franklin precisely)

"We should make the poor uncomfortable and kick them out of poverty."
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There is little the government can do to teach blacks to be productive human beings. They will have to learn that on their own. As a culture, black society is broken. With 70% of black children being born to single mothers, there is a near total breakdown of the black family structure
Without family emotional, financial and ethical support it is near impossible for anyone to escape poverty. There is only so much the government can do. Until black society starts pressuring it's males to take care of their families, blacks will remain in poverty

Liberal welfare programs make it harder on families with the father in residence.

This is by design.

Interesting. Do you support full welfare benefits if the father is there?
This, no doubt, is the part where he cites the Generel Welfare clause as the authority for everything from welfare to Obamacare.

Congress is tasked to do what is best for the nation as a whole, to provide for the General Welfare of the people. This can include providing subsidies to big business or providing a safety net for the poor

omg... what a twisted view.
that is why this country is in trouble and BROKE
what the lib progressive ( I will give other people's money away ) people forget is that it states "Provide FOR the general welfare....They drop the "FOR the general" part.
A link to a blog with a Marvel superhero as the pic speaking on feelings that match your own isn't proof. It's a link! Win! A link to a Unknown blog. Fail!
So you can't refute anything presented therein, which you didn't even read anyway.

There is little the government can do to teach blacks to be productive human beings. They will have to learn that on their own. As a culture, black society is broken. With 70% of black children being born to single mothers, there is a near total breakdown of the black family structure
Without family emotional, financial and ethical support it is near impossible for anyone to escape poverty. There is only so much the government can do. Until black society starts pressuring it's males to take care of their families, blacks will remain in poverty

Liberal welfare programs make it harder on families with the father in residence.

This is by design.

Interesting. Do you support full welfare benefits if the father is there?
Depends. Is he able to work?
Congress is tasked to do what is best for the nation as a whole, to provide for the General Welfare of the people. This can include providing subsidies to big business or providing a safety net for the poor

omg... what a twisted view.
that is why this country is in trouble and BROKE
what the lib progressive ( I will give other people's money away ) people forget is that it states "Provide FOR the general welfare....They drop the "FOR the general" part.
Nevermind that 'General Welfare' as defined today wasn't what the Founders meant.

Many Statists here on these boards will tell you otherwise.
There is little the government can do to teach blacks to be productive human beings. They will have to learn that on their own. As a culture, black society is broken. With 70% of black children being born to single mothers, there is a near total breakdown of the black family structure
Without family emotional, financial and ethical support it is near impossible for anyone to escape poverty. There is only so much the government can do. Until black society starts pressuring it's males to take care of their families, blacks will remain in poverty

Liberal welfare programs make it harder on families with the father in residence.

This is by design.

Interesting. Do you support full welfare benefits if the father is there?
no..because that means there is at least ONE person lying about not being able to work.
Taking money from the wealthy and giving it to the poor is not the answer

Taking money from the wealthy to pay for jobs training, scholarships, small business loans will expand the middle class and opportunities to escape poverty

One big problem with your lib-diculous "premise" is that you imagine you have ANY right to "take" from anybody.

The Constitution gives Congress the right to collect taxes. What we do with those taxes is also up to Congress

Right now, our tax code is written with an overwhelming number of exemptions to the wealthy. It is long overdue to start shifting those exemptions to the middle class.

We can start by making all medical expenses and educational expenses tax exempt

The "taking" we are discussing is NOT mere taxation. We agree to be taxed.

The taking we are actually discussing is the avaricious kind that goes beyond taxation for the limited purposes for which taxation is authorized.

Instead, it is the notion expressed by you and your ilk whereby it is IMAGINED that you have some previously unheard of "right" to TAKE the earnings of the people for your social agenda. That's the kind of thing that goes far beyond what the enumerated powers would lead rational folks to approve of in terms of legitimate taxation.
One big problem with your lib-diculous "premise" is that you imagine you have ANY right to "take" from anybody.

The Constitution gives Congress the right to collect taxes. What we do with those taxes is also up to Congress

Right now, our tax code is written with an overwhelming number of exemptions to the wealthy. It is long overdue to start shifting those exemptions to the middle class.

We can start by making all medical expenses and educational expenses tax exempt

The "taking" we are discussing is NOT mere taxation. We agree to be taxed.

The taking we are actually discussing is the avaricious kind that goes beyond taxation for the limited purposes for which taxation is authorized.

Instead, it is the notion expressed by you and your ilk whereby it is IMAGINED that you have some previously unheard of "right" to TAKE the earnings of the people for your social agenda. That's the kind of thing that goes far beyond what the enumerated powers would lead rational folks to approve of in terms of legitimate taxation.

That is not taking. That is Congress deciding on our tax is in the Constitution

We are merely making a decision that tax breaks should favor the middle class rather than the wealthy
The Constitution gives Congress the right to collect taxes. What we do with those taxes is also up to Congress

Right now, our tax code is written with an overwhelming number of exemptions to the wealthy. It is long overdue to start shifting those exemptions to the middle class.

We can start by making all medical expenses and educational expenses tax exempt

The "taking" we are discussing is NOT mere taxation. We agree to be taxed.

The taking we are actually discussing is the avaricious kind that goes beyond taxation for the limited purposes for which taxation is authorized.

Instead, it is the notion expressed by you and your ilk whereby it is IMAGINED that you have some previously unheard of "right" to TAKE the earnings of the people for your social agenda. That's the kind of thing that goes far beyond what the enumerated powers would lead rational folks to approve of in terms of legitimate taxation.

That is not taking. That is Congress deciding on our tax is in the Constitution

We are merely making a decision that tax breaks should favor the middle class rather than the wealthy

Wrong. It is a taking for purposes not enumerated. That makes the taxing improper.

Congress also doesn't decide the tax structure. They just fiddle with the numbers.

And nobody has made any "decision" that tax breaks should "favor" the middle "class." Only you libbies even think in terms of "class" in this land. No tax "breaks" yet really favor the middle "class." That's a lot of bullshit.

The problem isn't in the question of how to divvy up tax "breaks." The problem is in the willingness of the government to spend, excessively, and on things for which they have no proper authority.

We could go to a flat tax with no "breaks" of any kind for any individual. We could fine tune the percentage until we were bringing in the same amount of "income" for the government coffers. But we'd still have to confront the unavoidable fact that these idiots are actually engaged in redistribution of wealth and violating the Constitution to do it.
There is little the government can do to teach blacks to be productive human beings. They will have to learn that on their own. As a culture, black society is broken. With 70% of black children being born to single mothers, there is a near total breakdown of the black family structure
Without family emotional, financial and ethical support it is near impossible for anyone to escape poverty. There is only so much the government can do. Until black society starts pressuring it's males to take care of their families, blacks will remain in poverty

Liberal welfare programs make it harder on families with the father in residence.

This is by design.

Interesting. Do you support full welfare benefits if the father is there?

Do you support woman or whores who only have children for the additional welfare benefits??

Of course you do....
self reliance not reliance n governmental handouts

abandon the ghetto culture of baby mamma's and players

seek success in something OTHER than sports or rap music

dont have to be a republican to know the black community needs to learn all these lessons

Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.

So you are saying Republicans can "teach" blacks how to be productive human beings? Oh, I see. Hmmm. How would you start teaching blacks how to be "productive human beings"?
There is little the government can do to teach blacks to be productive human beings. They will have to learn that on their own. As a culture, black society is broken. With 70% of black children being born to single mothers, there is a near total breakdown of the black family structure
Without family emotional, financial and ethical support it is near impossible for anyone to escape poverty. There is only so much the government can do. Until black society starts pressuring it's males to take care of their families, blacks will remain in poverty

Liberal welfare programs make it harder on families with the father in residence.

This is by design.

Interesting. Do you support full welfare benefits if the father is there?

I personally support the father taking care of his family.
Interesting. Do you support full welfare benefits if the father is there?

I personally support the father taking care of his family.

40% of all births in the US are to a single parent household. I dont see society getting nicer any time soon.

I don't either, but take away the benefits of out-of-wedlock birth, and either women will stop having babies for bennies, or they won't be able to afford them. Many people don't understand how to effectively solve their problems until they have to suffer as a result of their stupidity. Pain is an excellent teacher, and the best tool of humanity for resolving poor decision-making skills.
I don't either, but take away the benefits of out-of-wedlock birth, and either women will stop having babies for bennies, or they won't be able to afford them. Many people don't understand how to effectively solve their problems until they have to suffer as a result of their stupidity. Pain is an excellent teacher, and the best tool of humanity for resolving poor decision-making skills.

But we are dealing with people who seem to think suffering the natural consequences of our actions is a bad thing. Because for some reason they think the government can end all suffering and that makes us better.

Yet we watch the government rotting the soul of our people. We need to change this corrupting influence of influence pedaling by progressives or our nation will be destroyed. And sadly Im not convinced that that isn't what they want.
Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

Every time I see that title it cracks me up.

It's like watching Jed Clampett and Granny teach "culture".

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