Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

Pretty sure we are screwed. Pretend conservatives are too dumb to recognize the problem. Dems recognize problem but don't know how to fix it.
Great article. All should read.

Taxing the rich is good for the economy

"One of the most pernicious economic falsehoods you'll hear during the next seven months of political campaigning is there's a necessary tradeoff between fairness and growth. By this view, if we raise taxes on the wealthy the economy can't grow as fast.

Wrong. Taxes were far higher on top incomes in the three decades after World War II than they've been since. And the distribution of income was far more equal. Yet the American economy grew faster in those years than it's grown since tax rates were slashed in 1981.

This wasn't a post-war aberration. Bill Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy in the 1990s, and the economy produced faster job growth and higher wages than it did after George W. Bush slashed taxes on the rich in his first term.

If you need more evidence, consider modern Germany, where taxes on the wealthy are much higher than they are here and the distribution of income is far more equal. But Germany's average annual growth has been faster than that in the United States.

You see, higher taxes on the wealthy can finance more investments in infrastructure and education, which are vital for growth and the economic prospects of the middle class.

Higher taxes on the wealthy also allow for lower taxes on the middle -- potentially restoring enough middle class purchasing power to keep the economy going."
Righties will not agree but you are 100% correct.

FDR said and did this after ww2 and conservatives will not admit it worked. It did. The rich are sitting on too much money.
What others do with their wealth is none of your business.
This is so typical of you lefties. You see what others have and feel entitled to a portion of it..Greed
Sure it is. Pay your fucking taxes and give us back our government.
High inome people pay over 100% of income taxes. How about YOU pay some fucking taxes and quit whining, kay?

They need to pay more because the middle class can't be squeezed anymore stupid.

We need the money. Pay your taxes
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Ok so they are making billions each year. Without employees they make nothing. They could pay employees enough they aren't on welfare and government gets smaller. You prefer however they are on welfare. You must be a communist.

And where do Walmart employees spend their foodstamp money? At walmart.
Evidence? Link? Why do you suppose they do that?

Use some common sense... Or do you not have any?
Great article. All should read.

Taxing the rich is good for the economy

"One of the most pernicious economic falsehoods you'll hear during the next seven months of political campaigning is there's a necessary tradeoff between fairness and growth. By this view, if we raise taxes on the wealthy the economy can't grow as fast.

Wrong. Taxes were far higher on top incomes in the three decades after World War II than they've been since. And the distribution of income was far more equal. Yet the American economy grew faster in those years than it's grown since tax rates were slashed in 1981.

This wasn't a post-war aberration. Bill Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy in the 1990s, and the economy produced faster job growth and higher wages than it did after George W. Bush slashed taxes on the rich in his first term.

If you need more evidence, consider modern Germany, where taxes on the wealthy are much higher than they are here and the distribution of income is far more equal. But Germany's average annual growth has been faster than that in the United States.

You see, higher taxes on the wealthy can finance more investments in infrastructure and education, which are vital for growth and the economic prospects of the middle class.

Higher taxes on the wealthy also allow for lower taxes on the middle -- potentially restoring enough middle class purchasing power to keep the economy going."
Righties will not agree but you are 100% correct.

FDR said and did this after ww2 and conservatives will not admit it worked. It did. The rich are sitting on too much money.
What others do with their wealth is none of your business.
This is so typical of you lefties. You see what others have and feel entitled to a portion of it..Greed
Sure it is. Pay your fucking taxes and give us back our government.
High inome people pay over 100% of income taxes. How about YOU pay some fucking taxes and quit whining, kay?

They need to pay more because the middle class can't be squeezed anymore stupid.

We need the money. Pay your taxes
The middle class arent paying any income taxes, dum-dum. That's the problem. No representation without taxation!
Pretty sure we are screwed. Pretend conservatives are too dumb to recognize the problem. Dems recognize problem but don't know how to fix it.
And rabbi needs proof that walmart employees who are on foodstamps spend their foodstamp money at walmart. No they go to meijers after they get off work at Walmart.
Yet they can make the Waltons billions. Sorry but no thanks communist.
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

If Walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money. So how about they pay enough they aren't on welfare?
Righties will not agree but you are 100% correct.

FDR said and did this after ww2 and conservatives will not admit it worked. It did. The rich are sitting on too much money.
What others do with their wealth is none of your business.
This is so typical of you lefties. You see what others have and feel entitled to a portion of it..Greed
Sure it is. Pay your fucking taxes and give us back our government.
High inome people pay over 100% of income taxes. How about YOU pay some fucking taxes and quit whining, kay?

They need to pay more because the middle class can't be squeezed anymore stupid.

We need the money. Pay your taxes
The middle class arent paying any income taxes, dum-dum. That's the problem. No representation without taxation!
Oh so we need to pay more? Tell voters that in 2025 stupid.
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

If Walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money. So how about they pay enough they aren't on welfare?

have you told this to Obama's Commerce Secretary?
Great article. All should read.

Taxing the rich is good for the economy

"One of the most pernicious economic falsehoods you'll hear during the next seven months of political campaigning is there's a necessary tradeoff between fairness and growth. By this view, if we raise taxes on the wealthy the economy can't grow as fast.

Wrong. Taxes were far higher on top incomes in the three decades after World War II than they've been since. And the distribution of income was far more equal. Yet the American economy grew faster in those years than it's grown since tax rates were slashed in 1981.

This wasn't a post-war aberration. Bill Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy in the 1990s, and the economy produced faster job growth and higher wages than it did after George W. Bush slashed taxes on the rich in his first term.

If you need more evidence, consider modern Germany, where taxes on the wealthy are much higher than they are here and the distribution of income is far more equal. But Germany's average annual growth has been faster than that in the United States.

You see, higher taxes on the wealthy can finance more investments in infrastructure and education, which are vital for growth and the economic prospects of the middle class.

Higher taxes on the wealthy also allow for lower taxes on the middle -- potentially restoring enough middle class purchasing power to keep the economy going."

I agree; would we even have the frivolity in legal venues we currently do, if the wealthiest had to pay wartime tax rates even for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror--or, would we have much more fiscally sound and much more fiscally responsible choices to choose from, with more market recognizable metrics?

A power to destroy the freedom of the press, the trial by jury, or even to regulate the course of descents, or the forms of conveyances, must be very singularly expressed by the terms "to raise money for the general welfare." The Federalist Number 41
Well we are leaving the Waltons to decide now and while they make billions, employees are on welfare. Greed wins. What I suggest would give them incentive to do the right thing. Clearly they won't do that on their own.
Hey, lets clear up something right now...That Walmart= welfare collecting employees is a bunch of nonsense.
WalMart subsidizes the government by providing income to people who otherwise would be totally dependent on government for livelihood.
Yet they can make the Waltons billions. Sorry but no thanks communist.
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
So exactly how would you enforce a law where companies have to pay their employees more so they are no longer on the government dole? Answer....government would enforce that it seems your reason for having a law is to decrease government while the law actually increases government in a different area.
No gain....jut more government intervention.
So your idea fails.
Pretty sure we are screwed. Pretend conservatives are too dumb to recognize the problem. Dems recognize problem but don't know how to fix it.
And rabbi needs proof that walmart employees who are on foodstamps spend their foodstamp money at walmart. No they go to meijers after they get off work at Walmart.
Just admit you pulled it out of your ass and go on. Much easier that way.
The probably shop at dollar stores as much as they do Walmart.
What others do with their wealth is none of your business.
This is so typical of you lefties. You see what others have and feel entitled to a portion of it..Greed
Sure it is. Pay your fucking taxes and give us back our government.
High inome people pay over 100% of income taxes. How about YOU pay some fucking taxes and quit whining, kay?

They need to pay more because the middle class can't be squeezed anymore stupid.

We need the money. Pay your taxes
The middle class arent paying any income taxes, dum-dum. That's the problem. No representation without taxation!
Oh so we need to pay more? Tell voters that in 2025 stupid.
No, asshole. You need to pay something. Broaden the tax base, lower the rates, eliminate loopholes. That's how you achieve economic growth.
Great article. All should read.

Taxing the rich is good for the economy

"One of the most pernicious economic falsehoods you'll hear during the next seven months of political campaigning is there's a necessary tradeoff between fairness and growth. By this view, if we raise taxes on the wealthy the economy can't grow as fast.

Wrong. Taxes were far higher on top incomes in the three decades after World War II than they've been since. And the distribution of income was far more equal. Yet the American economy grew faster in those years than it's grown since tax rates were slashed in 1981.

This wasn't a post-war aberration. Bill Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy in the 1990s, and the economy produced faster job growth and higher wages than it did after George W. Bush slashed taxes on the rich in his first term.

If you need more evidence, consider modern Germany, where taxes on the wealthy are much higher than they are here and the distribution of income is far more equal. But Germany's average annual growth has been faster than that in the United States.

You see, higher taxes on the wealthy can finance more investments in infrastructure and education, which are vital for growth and the economic prospects of the middle class.

Higher taxes on the wealthy also allow for lower taxes on the middle -- potentially restoring enough middle class purchasing power to keep the economy going."

I agree; would we even have the frivolity in legal venues we currently do, if the wealthiest had to pay wartime tax rates even for our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror--or, would we have much more fiscally sound and much more fiscally responsible choices to choose from, with more market recognizable metrics?

A power to destroy the freedom of the press, the trial by jury, or even to regulate the course of descents, or the forms of conveyances, must be very singularly expressed by the terms "to raise money for the general welfare." The Federalist Number 41
That falls afoul of both the Rule of 72 and Ricardo's Law. Try again.
Yet they can make the Waltons billions. Sorry but no thanks communist.
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

Who they gonna hire if not us? If they could hire illegals or robots you know they would.
Sure it is. Pay your fucking taxes and give us back our government.
High inome people pay over 100% of income taxes. How about YOU pay some fucking taxes and quit whining, kay?

They need to pay more because the middle class can't be squeezed anymore stupid.

We need the money. Pay your taxes
The middle class arent paying any income taxes, dum-dum. That's the problem. No representation without taxation!
Oh so we need to pay more? Tell voters that in 2025 stupid.
No, asshole. You need to pay something. Broaden the tax base, lower the rates, eliminate loopholes. That's how you achieve economic growth.
We've heard that before. 666 herman Cain. Lol
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

If Walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money. So how about they pay enough they aren't on welfare?
That doesnt even make any sense whatsoever.
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

Who they gonna hire if not us? If they could hire illegals or robots you know they would.
They have their choice of people who would gladly work there rather than exist on government dole. You're easily replaceable. Because you ahve no skills.
WalMart hires people and pays them wages. What is communist about that? The opposite.

They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Ok so they are making billions each year. Without employees they make nothing. They could pay employees enough they aren't on welfare and government gets smaller. You prefer however they are on welfare. You must be a communist.

And where do Walmart employees spend their foodstamp money? At walmart.
Evidence? Link? Why do you suppose they do that?

What is it you need proof for? That Walmart employees are on foodstamps or that they spend it at Walmart? You're stupid to need proof for either claim. Look it up.
Simply because we can use the money to build infrastructure, fund our science programs and support the best r&d! Plus, we can pay our police better ;) The right wants something for nothing, while kissing the 1% ass.

This is a good fundraiser idea. Have the 1% at a convention where adoring right wing working stiffs can stand in line and pay good money to kiss their asses. Have wi fi available so right wing posters on this site don't have to be absent from posting too long.
They are subsidized by the government. They are increasing government dependence. You that dumb? If you want small government then business needs to support workers, not government.
They subsidize the government. How stupid are you? If WalMart didnt pay wages the gov't would foot the bill for these people. How is hiring someone increasing gov't dependence? You sound like a retard.

Let me explain. Walmart pays below poverty wages. Their employees get foodstamps. Then they spend the foodstamps at Walmart.

Understand now?
Let me explain: WalMart hires people and pays them wages. If they didnt hire them, they'd be unemployed and drawing unemployment or welfare in addition to food stamps.
Understand now?

Who they gonna hire if not us? If they could hire illegals or robots you know they would.
They have their choice of people who would gladly work there rather than exist on government dole. You're easily replaceable. Because you ahve no skills.

So would union workers at ford if they werent protected by a union.

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