Republicans will not debate.

There is no point in debating with a Liberal. They can never be right and they refuse to accept that fact.

That’s why I refuse to debate anyone on any topic. I already know I’m right, and there’s no point in wasting my time trying to explain to everyone else why they’re wrong.
I know... There is fact checkers at it, how is GOP candidate going to win telling the truth...

Solution is simple... Networks give the time for the debate... If a candidate doesn't turn up then give the time to the other as a town hall... Let the Candidate answer the questions with no response...
So, you are in favor of the debates being one sided, one way or the other.
It acts like only Democrats are on it. Who are the Republicans?
All republican former Presidents...


The moderator always questions that leftwing journalists and Democrat politicians want the candidates to answer - softball questions for the Democrat, and go-for-the-groin questions for the Republicans.
Candidates are asked the same questions.
Fantastic! It’s about the GOP grew a pair when it came to the partisan debates. Remember the time Candy Crowley joined Obama in the debate against Mitt Romney.

Remember the first debate between the two? Romney was declared the winner by like everyone who watched it. Remember when Gore debated W...didn't go well for Albert.

Your assessment of debates being "partisan" are faulty.
That's OK... most of the a$$hat$ that the Pubs would put on the stage couldn't debate their way out of a wet paper bag anyway... :badgrin:

I get very little information from the debates myself. But then again I follow politics pretty closely so its a waste of time from my standpoint. That the GOP is willing to forego the opportunity to convince people is a great sign that the GOP is basically giving up the ship.

They've lost 7 of the last 8 popular votes. Their message is not getting through. So there is little point, according to the GOP's latest move to stop debating all together, to the exercise.


Here is the rub. If they nominate Trump...there won't be any debates. Because he'll look weak if he agrees, swear--again--that voter fraud kept him from winning and that will be that. He can't look weak even though he's the most prolific coward on the national stage at this moment.

If they nominate anyone else and the polls not favorable for the GOP candidate...I seriously doubt anyone who doesn't have the "I got cheated" reflex is going to pass on 4.5 hours of free media to convince undecideds or, at the very least, give Biden a chance to do his rain man imitation on national TV. They'd be nuts not to. And what is the GOP going to do with one month left to go in an election if their nominee does take the stage? Urge you not to vote for her or him?
They know their base, those folks will turn out in droves anyway, they are radicalized enough that an actual debate means little to them anyway, and might be a stumbling block if they give sensible, honest answers to questions.

In truth, it means little to me too. But most people don't follow politics as closely as I do.
The TV debates are tools of Fake News. The moderators are invariably creepy democrats or democrat sympathizers afraid to lose their jobs. This is the internet age. Maybe have questions voted on by the citizens, either way have the questions public before hand so a creepy idiot like Sleepy Joe cannot deliver lies like, "My "Plan" will address that, and will provide "equity" and discriminate against Whitey and stuff."

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