Republicans will not debate.

The TV debates are tools of Fake News. The moderators are invariably creepy democrats or democrat sympathizers afraid to lose their jobs. This is the internet age. Maybe have questions voted on by the citizens, either way have the questions public before hand so a creepy idiot like Sleepy Joe cannot deliver lies like, "My "Plan" will address that, and will provide "equity" and discriminate against Whitey and stuff."
boycotting the debates until the Dims agree to fair rules is the best way to handle it. Whatever way they go on it, we win.
In truth, it means little to me too. But most people don't follow politics as closely as I do.
Many voters perceive the presidential debates as a way to discern the character of the candidates beyond their positions on the issues – Nixon coming off as twitchy and dishonest in 1960, GHWB in 1992 looking at his watch as if being accountable to the American people was beneath him.
Every leftist on this forum, with the exception of Penelope and Daniel POS ( who are barely aware of their own existence), knows the debates are one sided. They know Donna Brazile admitted to giving The Hildabeast the debate questions in advance. They lie to themselves and pretend it never happened.
You are 100% correct... and no matter what evidence is shown , they will never admit it. Ridiculous.
look, no one wants to play the bullshit "progressive" games of wordsmithing and personal attacks. til y'all pull your head out of your asses and talk like normal people, why should ANYONE give a shit what you want?
These douchebags are gaslighting us. They pretend that they don't know what every American with two eyes and the ability to commit logic already knows. Then they actually act offended if we don't confirm their verbal diarrhea.
The Covid Cult ruined you all for a generation. The Red Wave in November and in '24 will start at the local, even county level and extend all the way up to DC.

You messed with people's kids and then exposed everything.

What a time to be alive.
That Republicans are cowards is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Republican efforts to undermine our democratic institutions, erode the right to vote, and disenfranchise voters is proof of their cowardice.

Republicans lack the courage to allow for free and fair elections where all citizens participate; instead Republicans seek to exclude minority voters, voters of color, and voters who reside in urban areas.
Trump didn't talk to the press. He shouted at them and refused to answer their questions when they called him on his prodigious lies.

He called into Fox News regularly to get phone sex from Hannity, Kilmeade, and Perino.
Wow, why go out of your way to look so desperate?
That Republicans are cowards is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Republican efforts to undermine our democratic institutions, erode the right to vote, and disenfranchise voters is proof of their cowardice.

Republicans lack the courage to allow for free and fair elections where all citizens participate; instead Republicans seek to exclude minority voters, voters of color, and voters who reside in urban areas.
Here's a great example of what I mean by gas lighting. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows the truth is exactly the opposite of what you posted. Yet, you tell this lie as if everyone believed it as they believe in the law of gravity.

The above is how a sociopath behaves.
The committee does not want the questions. A Democratic witch hunt again. You will not stop Trump, but please keep wasting your time.
Were the questions NOT passed to Hillary Clinton by the far-left moderator prior to one of the debates? That very moderator admitted it was true. Was she lying?
That Republicans are cowards is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Republican efforts to undermine our democratic institutions, erode the right to vote, and disenfranchise voters is proof of their cowardice.

Republicans lack the courage to allow for free and fair elections where all citizens participate; instead Republicans seek to exclude minority voters, voters of color, and voters who reside in urban areas.
The Founding Fathers made sure responsible people were voters. It brings questions I know. That and a gold backed currency kept unalienable rights in more harsh times of history. Time is a tapestry often overlapping into different eras. We are doing now what other nations did in many ways to bring our demise.
Republicans are cowards, dishonest, and liars.

They have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance and our democratic institutions.
Yeah, we see how well that "sound, responsible governance" working for you and our country?

How long will your ego force you to defend the indefensible? Isn't it starting to wear on you?
We all know that so-called "debates" are nothing but a scam run by an arm of the Democrat party. Participating in this farce is what would be sad.
Maybe they're afraid if Orange Man runs he'll show up at a debate & prove again what a stupid depraved jerkoff he really is.

Not only that if his asseaters like Lyin Ted run they'll have to answer for defending their boy after all this time despite the fact that Trump is a fucking traitor who tried to overthrow a lawful election.
Everyone you listen to has no standards, besides double ones. I have said before your ilk is morally bankrupt and I just said it again.
You follow the orange douche bag, yes? Case closed. Now, fuck off.
That Republicans are cowards is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Republican efforts to undermine our democratic institutions, erode the right to vote, and disenfranchise voters is proof of their cowardice.

Republicans lack the courage to allow for free and fair elections where all citizens participate; instead Republicans seek to exclude minority voters, voters of color, and voters who reside in urban areas.
Another leftists who believes blacks are too stupid to vote without their help.
Many voters perceive the presidential debates as a way to discern the character of the candidates beyond their positions on the issues – Nixon coming off as twitchy and dishonest in 1960, GHWB in 1992 looking at his watch as if being accountable to the American people was beneath him.

That is very true.

Which is why I think there is almost zero chance an conventional politician who gets the Republican Nomination follows through on this. What is the GOP going to do if they violate this solemn pact?
Good. This is how you do it.

It's a horribly flawed, partisan process that doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. The Democrats are absolutely tanking. Let them tank without our help. We don't need this.

You're not only ignorant of current events, you're understanding of history is equally as daft.

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