Republicans will not debate.

How about if the Dims get to choose one moderator and Republicans get to choose another? One thing I don't want is FOX choosing the Republican moderator

The issue is that whenever debates are held by moderators of the contenders choice, the questions that they ask are always 'sugar balls'.

We need debates where the moderators hold opposing views from the contenders and therefore ask them the hard questions that they don't want to be asked.
they won't let demofks control the debates/elections. it's quite simple. I get it dmofks are butt hurt that the GOP says it out loud now so the stupid's who were brainwashed hear it.

My major point was that these are not debates.

They are scripted marketing tricks.
Notice how the whole crux is the CPD, but the Left wants to make it about the GOP, lol.

How about we just allow each side to pick 2 accredited people from the press pool for a panel of 4? Problem is solved! Unless of course, you really aren't trying to solve a problem and want to make hay with a narrative while trying to keep the clear advantage-)

The CPD is made up of both republicans and democrats.

The reason the independent council was formed was because campaigns couldn’t come to an agreement or fear one camp would press an advantage if they could. So both major parties agreed to debate well ahead of time.
The issue is that whenever debates are held by moderators of the contenders choice, the questions that they ask are always 'sugar balls'.

We need debates where the moderators hold opposing views from the contenders and therefore ask them the hard questions that they don't want to be asked.

We have almost an elite class of journalists making high six or even seven figures.... Are they really asking the questions that Joe six-pack would ask?

You need a moderator--otherwise the candidates would just ask one another a bunch of "gotcha" questions. But the questions that George Stephanopolis or Candice Owens would ask are not the ones that me and my co-workers would ask for example.

Hell, I'd have one debate alone on the foundations of government and how they would fix it...because it is clearly broken.
Trump only wants to answer questions asked by fluffers.

"Just how great will you make America again, sir?"
In reality, my leftist wacko friend, Trump answered all the questions from the highly partisan hacks. You just didn’t like the answers.
The CPD is made up of both republicans and democrats.

It acts like only Democrats are on it. Who are the Republicans?

The reason the independent council was formed was because campaigns couldn’t come to an agreement or fear one camp would press an advantage if they could. So both major parties agreed to debate well ahead of time.


We have almost an elite class of journalists making high six or even seven figures.... Are they really asking the questions that Joe six-pack would ask?

You need a moderator--otherwise the candidates would just ask one another a bunch of "gotcha" questions. But the questions that George Stephanopolis or Candice Owens would ask are not the ones that me and my co-workers would ask for example.

Hell, I'd have one debate alone on the foundations of government and how they would fix it...because it is clearly broken.

The moderator always questions that leftwing journalists and Democrat politicians want the candidates to answer - softball questions for the Democrat, and go-for-the-groin questions for the Republicans.
Republicans are crying that they've been cheated.... unusual.
Why did the moderators demand Trump renounce racism for the hundredth time and never ask 40 Year Failure * Joe what he meant when he said” If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black “?
Democrat. Ony want to answer questions they already know ahead of time .
Every leftist on this forum, with the exception of Penelope and Daniel POS ( who are barely aware of their own existence), knows the debates are one sided. They know Donna Brazile admitted to giving The Hildabeast the debate questions in advance. They lie to themselves and pretend it never happened.
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I did. The commission had networks name moderators. Faux was one. Is Faux somehow not conservative for you? What did wallace do that you find "not conservative." Not allow Trump to interrupt?
Please list all the conservative moderators since 1982.

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