Republicans, you only have yourselves to blame.

Trump was, is, forever will be, the antithesis of change.

It must be progressive, right and left and center, from the bottom up.
so now more and more are abandoning Trump. Well guess what you jack wads, the only reason he was nominated is because the people got tired of your corruption and self serving behavior. Trump was a big "Fuck You" to the establishment. If you had been doing your jobs in the first place, we wouldn't be here.

Now, we are going to have Hillary for at least 4 years. So get your shit together.
Too many in the party have been listening to the wrong voices telling them to hate the "establishment", and the "establishment" have returned the favor.

Self-inflicted wound.

The people have a right to hate the establishment. In fact, they should, but Trump was not the solution
It’s this ‘establishment’ nonsense that allowed for the likes of Trump.

Most Republicans and conservatives need to stop being so naïve, childish, and ill-informed – however much you may not like it, however much you might disagree, however much you might refuse to accept it, the immutable fact is that politics is a profession, best conducted by professionals, men and women who have extensive experience in, an understanding of, and are dedicated to, sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Last, and most importantly, Trump was never an ‘agent of change’ – real, actual, substantive change can come only at the very local levels, not ‘top down,’ such as nominating an untried, untested, inexperienced and clueless neophyte such as Trump.

Explain Hillary's two different policies, Jones. C'mon man up, grow a set and finally have the balls to actually debate the topic. Your inane musings are just that, inane musings
If you honestly think Trump will lose because he said pussy decades ago you are stupid. No if he loses it will be for something stupid he says this year.
so now more and more are abandoning Trump. Well guess what you jack wads, the only reason he was nominated is because the people got tired of your corruption and self serving behavior. Trump was a big "Fuck You" to the establishment. If you had been doing your jobs in the first place, we wouldn't be here.

Now, we are going to have Hillary for at least 4 years. So get your shit together.
Too many in the party have been listening to the wrong voices telling them to hate the "establishment", and the "establishment" have returned the favor.

Self-inflicted wound.

The people have a right to hate the establishment. In fact, they should, but Trump was not the solution
It’s this ‘establishment’ nonsense that allowed for the likes of Trump.

Most Republicans and conservatives need to stop being so naïve, childish, and ill-informed – however much you may not like it, however much you might disagree, however much you might refuse to accept it, the immutable fact is that politics is a profession, best conducted by professionals, men and women who have extensive experience in, an understanding of, and are dedicated to, sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Last, and most importantly, Trump was never an ‘agent of change’ – real, actual, substantive change can come only at the very local levels, not ‘top down,’ such as nominating an untried, untested, inexperienced and clueless neophyte such as Trump.

Politics practiced by Obama/Clinton has been a total disaster. Get a clue dude.
so now more and more are abandoning Trump. Well guess what you jack wads, the only reason he was nominated is because the people got tired of your corruption and self serving behavior. Trump was a big "Fuck You" to the establishment. If you had been doing your jobs in the first place, we wouldn't be here.

Now, we are going to have Hillary for at least 4 years. So get your shit together.

You are correct......Republicans are to blame. Yet, Hillary and company are shitting themselves over the Conservatives making this a close one. While Democrats =Liberals, Republicans do not necessarily = Conservatives.
"Pussy" got your tongue Jonesy? C'mon man, defend your drivel. Got game or no? Or do you realize you're in an indefensible position? You are you know. :)
The sooner the establishment GOP career politician is scared to run for office the better… They should be extinct. LOL
so now more and more are abandoning Trump. Well guess what you jack wads, the only reason he was nominated is because the people got tired of your corruption and self serving behavior. Trump was a big "Fuck You" to the establishment. If you had been doing your jobs in the first place, we wouldn't be here.

Now, we are going to have Hillary for at least 4 years. So get your shit together.

coming from someone who has their head up the Hildebeast's backside, this is really funny.
Ah, what?

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