
Have you not heard that the "meek shall inherit the earth".

Doctrine and Covenants 130:9
9 This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ’s.

2 Peter 3:13
13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Isaiah 66:22
22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.

Isaiah 65:17
17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
Hi everyone,

Christians believe that Jesus died and then resurrected and went to heaven in his body.

God is spirit. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel and all saints and prophets who have died presumably now live in spirit in heaven. All other subsequent Christian saints, popes and other good people also live in spirit in heaven. Why is only Jesus living in his body in heaven?

Jews do not believe in any heaven or hell or in a soul. They believe that only God lives in spirit. All humans die and then regain their body at the time of the coming of the Messiah. When the Messiah comes...all saints and good people resurrect...rise from their graves...regain their bodies and then live on forever in the kingdom of God on earth. This is their belief.

Christians on the other hand believe that all humans have souls which leaves the body at the time of death. They believe that all good souls go to heaven and all bad souls go to hell....for all eternity.

It is possible that in the case of Jesus....people took the idea of the Jewish resurrection and the Christian idea of heaven ...and combined them both such that Jesus is believed to live in heaven in his body!

What do you think?


I think you should study the scriptures more

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. (Matthew 27:51-53)

Here we have testimony that many have already been resurrected after Christ was.

Also, seems odd to say Jesus combined Jewish and Christian thought considering no one was called a Christian in the Bible until after he ascended.

And He was the first to ascend to heaven. He did so after His resurrection. No one ascends until after the resurrection. Until then we remain in paradise or prison depending on how we lived and whether we accepted Christ. In fact it was that time between death and resurrection when He preached deliverance to the dead.

Also the body is part of the soul. Genesis teaches us when the body and spirit are one we are a living soul. When we die our body and spirit separate. When we resurrect they reunite in eternal splendor.

Finally l neither moses nor Elijah died. They still have physical bodies.
Where has it been said that Moses and others went to heaven in their resurrected bodies? What about Abraham, Noah, Adam and other prophets?

The idea of people ascending along with their physical body has not been corroborated. If anyone like Moses lives on in his body he must still be on earth. The idea of being in the physical body and still going to heaven does not make sense. Heaven is for souls/spirits.

Different sects of Jews themselves had two differing beliefs. One sect believing in resurrection and another believing in heaven. This probably got mixed up in the case of Jesus.

I think his devotees expected Jesus to be the Messiah of the Jews who would rule on earth for eternity... and all ancient Jewish saints would resurrect and live in that kingdom for ever. But...unfortunately Jesus got crucified. To reconcile with this situation people believed that Jesus resurrected and went to heaven instead of living on earth.
Where has it been said that Moses and others went to heaven in their resurrected bodies? What about Abraham, Noah, Adam and other prophets?

The idea of people ascending along with their physical body has not been corroborated. If anyone like Moses lives on in his body he must still be on earth. The idea of being in the physical body and still going to heaven does not make sense. Heaven is for souls/spirits.

But that's not the teaching of the christian religion. Take a look here: Resurrection of the Body Catholic Answers

Different sects of Jews themselves had two differing beliefs. One sect believing in resurrection and another believing in heaven. This probably got mixed up in the case of Jesus.

I think his devotees expected Jesus to be the Messiah of the Jews who would rule on earth for eternity... and all ancient Jewish saints would resurrect and live in that kingdom for ever. But...unfortunately Jesus got crucified. To reconcile with this situation people believed that Jesus resurrected and went to heaven instead of living on earth.

Where has it been said that Moses and others went to heaven in their resurrected bodies? What about Abraham, Noah, Adam and other prophets?

The idea of people ascending along with their physical body has not been corroborated. If anyone like Moses lives on in his body he must still be on earth. The idea of being in the physical body and still going to heaven does not make sense. Heaven is for souls/spirits.

Different sects of Jews themselves had two differing beliefs. One sect believing in resurrection and another believing in heaven. This probably got mixed up in the case of Jesus.

I think his devotees expected Jesus to be the Messiah of the Jews who would rule on earth for eternity... and all ancient Jewish saints would resurrect and live in that kingdom for ever. But...unfortunately Jesus got crucified. To reconcile with this situation people believed that Jesus resurrected and went to heaven instead of living on earth.

Moses and Elijah were not resurrected as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected

As for the others, the majority have been resurrected and received their eternal glory.

Pretty sure the Son of God didn't get mixed up about anything.
Where has it been said that Moses and others went to heaven in their resurrected bodies? What about Abraham, Noah, Adam and other prophets?

The idea of people ascending along with their physical body has not been corroborated. If anyone like Moses lives on in his body he must still be on earth. The idea of being in the physical body and still going to heaven does not make sense. Heaven is for souls/spirits.

Different sects of Jews themselves had two differing beliefs. One sect believing in resurrection and another believing in heaven. This probably got mixed up in the case of Jesus.

I think his devotees expected Jesus to be the Messiah of the Jews who would rule on earth for eternity... and all ancient Jewish saints would resurrect and live in that kingdom for ever. But...unfortunately Jesus got crucified. To reconcile with this situation people believed that Jesus resurrected and went to heaven instead of living on earth.

Moses and Elijah were not resurrected as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected

As for the others, the majority have been resurrected and received their eternal glory.

Pretty sure the Son of God didn't get mixed up about anything.
Moses and Elijah were not resurrected as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected

... as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected

neanderthal, who reads his scriptures ... the way for Resurrection is to free ones Spirit (from evil) before one dies as was accomplished by the mortal Jesus - good luck attempting the feat after you die.

anwin the syndicater is correct in pointing out the fallacy of physical resurrection but not of the physicality the Spirit as God is capable of employing when so desired.

no iggy for you, i enjoy a good laugh ...

* my mistake, I thought I was quoting - zaangalewa

I found the old link that stores and dates my resurrection thesis
Mike s pro-cloning essay.

Now you know why I posted the Google admission about memory brain transfer & downloads they believe will he accomplished by 2050 and IBM & others have worked on for years.
It validated my work & predictions from the 90's as did the sucessful monkey head transplant.
It's why Elie Wiesel sponsored to get me in the Who's Who in America book for my three methods of Resurrection discoveries.

That being said: who do you suppose we will allow to hashev (return)? The Judaic concept was not based on a giant ego believe and serve me system. It was based on those being an important part of life and our progess and Shalem (completeness) so they would see and he rewarded for what their Mitzvahs brought us.
Auto reward for being in a gang and rubbing an idols feet is not such system...sorry your aunts, uncles, grandparents,parents aren't cluttering the future just because they belong to a cult of death and stupidity.
They have to add value. Not to late to add value to the success of life and our future to come....clocks ticking, best get off the couch and be involved.
... as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected ...

It seems to me it is not wrong and not true the same time, what you say here about our knowledge. We know a little more. If we take a look at others we are able to see how they die and how they are dead - but we are not able to see ourselve die or dead, because in the moment of death we are without any perception. We have to give up everthing in the moment of our death - even our emotions, thoughts, perceptions and so on. We all go very poor. Epicurus said about this situation: "Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come and when death has come, we are not". But if we continue to think about then for someone who will live a new life after the own death the own death never was part of the own reality. We are not - what we don't know - and then we are again - that's all. It's the same if we think about yesterday. Yesterday is not - but now we are. If between yesterday and today are 8 hours of sleep or even billions of years of death is indeed not a very important difference for us.

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... as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected ...

It seems to me it is not wrong and not true the same time, what you say here about our knowledge. We know a little more. If we take a look at others we are able to see how they die and how they are dead - but we are not able to see ourselve die or dead, because in the moment of death we are without any perception. We have to give up everthing in the moment of our death - even our emotions, thoughts, perceptions and so on. We all go very poor. Epicurus said about this situation: "Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come and when death has come, we are not". But if we continue to think about then for someone who will live a new life after the own death the own death never was part of the own reality. We are not - what we don't know - and then we are again - that's all. It's the same if we think about yesterday. Yesterday is not - but now we are. If between yesterday and today are 8 hours of sleep or even billions of years of death is indeed not a very important difference for us.


OP: It is possible that in the case of Jesus....people took the idea of the Jewish resurrection and the Christian idea of heaven ...and combined them both such that Jesus is believed to live in heaven in his body!

well really, since Jesus was buried in a known location their motivation surly was how to dispose of his body because as a Deity there should never have been a (real) physical body in the first place ... the physical remains over time would undoubtedly be concluded as being from a mortal - or had the body evaporated on the cross as should have happened, the "resurrection" would likewise be a misnomer for having not actually to have died, no need for resurrection.

as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected ...

zaang: We are not - what we don't know - and then we are again - that's all.

a freed Spirit would never have a period of not knowing and then reappear ...

resurrection is a corruption of the biblical religions - a Spirit must free itself before its physiology expires or it will perish with it - biblicist are just dreaming.

... as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected ...

It seems to me it is not wrong and not true the same time, what you say here about our knowledge. We know a little more. If we take a look at others we are able to see how they die and how they are dead - but we are not able to see ourselve die or dead, because in the moment of death we are without any perception. We have to give up everthing in the moment of our death - even our emotions, thoughts, perceptions and so on. We all go very poor. Epicurus said about this situation: "Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come and when death has come, we are not". But if we continue to think about then for someone who will live a new life after the own death the own death never was part of the own reality. We are not - what we don't know - and then we are again - that's all. It's the same if we think about yesterday. Yesterday is not - but now we are. If between yesterday and today are 8 hours of sleep or even billions of years of death is indeed not a very important difference for us.


Is a word. Words have a content and a context. I told you what I think about. You cry now out you don't like to hear what I said to you.

OP: It is possible that in the case of Jesus....people took the idea of the Jewish resurrection and the Christian idea of heaven ...and combined them both such that Jesus is believed to live in heaven in his body!
well really, since Jesus was buried in a known location their motivation surly was how to dispose of his body because as a Deity there should never have been a (real) physical body in the first place ... the physical remains over time would undoubtedly be concluded as being from a mortal - or had the body evaporated on the cross as should have happened, the "resurrection" would likewise be a misnomer for having not actually to have died, no need for resurrection.

as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected ...

zaang: We are not - what we don't know - and then we are again - that's all.

a freed Spirit would never have a period of not knowing and then reappear ...

Why? Before our existance we were not - but we were existing. Sounds crazy first but evidence is a simple experiment by thoughts: Someone could destroy the own existance before we were with a time travel machine. I would say we knew nothing about us before we were - but nevertheless we were.

is a corruption of the biblical religions - a Spirit must free itself before its physiology expires or it will perish with it - biblicist are just dreaming.


To dream is a form of spiritual activity. Someone who dreams is alive. Life itselve seems to be a spiritual activity. To dream or not to dream is not my question. To think or not to think is my question. I don't think god is a liar. What we see is really real - including our dreams - and we are able to explain what we see and we are able to understand the world all around us. But this is not everything.

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Where has it been said that Moses and others went to heaven in their resurrected bodies? What about Abraham, Noah, Adam and other prophets?

The idea of people ascending along with their physical body has not been corroborated. If anyone like Moses lives on in his body he must still be on earth. The idea of being in the physical body and still going to heaven does not make sense. Heaven is for souls/spirits.

Different sects of Jews themselves had two differing beliefs. One sect believing in resurrection and another believing in heaven. This probably got mixed up in the case of Jesus.

I think his devotees expected Jesus to be the Messiah of the Jews who would rule on earth for eternity... and all ancient Jewish saints would resurrect and live in that kingdom for ever. But...unfortunately Jesus got crucified. To reconcile with this situation people believed that Jesus resurrected and went to heaven instead of living on earth.

Moses and Elijah were not resurrected as far as we know because one has to die before they can be resurrected

As for the others, the majority have been resurrected and received their eternal glory.

Pretty sure the Son of God didn't get mixed up about anything.
Deuteronomy 34 KJV
5So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD. 6And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.​
They didn't want Moses buriel place to be venerated.
Hence Jude 1:9 taken from the Apochryphon
The Assumption of Moses

But even Michael, one of the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy, but simply said, "The Lord rebuke you!" (This took place when Michael was arguing with the devil about Moses' body.)
They didn't want Moses buriel place to be venerated.
Hence Jude 1:9 taken from the Apochryphon
The Assumption of Moses

But even Michael, one of the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy, but simply said, "The Lord rebuke you!" (This took place when Michael was arguing with the devil about Moses' body.)
It was not the question/issue of "daring"
Calm down scholar.
I just was posting the verse which is not how the original they plagiarized goes as it is slightly different, but I don't have it at my fingertios at this moment to post it..(if I remember and find It I will, because it no longer exists online.)

Also Assumption of Moses 10 shows the chief messenger (Michael) is the one on the throne
(holy Father) and notes at the end the "Father"is not the creator (which is bot a man norform but is an essence reflected by the Holy one).

And then His kingdom(remember scrolls calks it Michael's kingdom) shall appear throughout all His creation,
And then Satan shall be no more (Michael is the remover),
And sorrow shall depart with him.
Then the hands of the angel shall be filled
Who has been appointed chief,
And he shall forthwith avenge them of their enemies.
For the Heavenly One will arise from His royal throne..

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