Revised 1st Quarter GDP- NEGATIVE 1%.- First Drop in 3 Years


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
But hey, the DOW likes it. 1st quarter GDP revised lower to - 1% and the band keeps playing

This will not end well

Obama is doing a real knock out job here.

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Which number is worse Obama's economy or his approval ratings?

But hey, the DOW likes it. 1st quarter GDP revised lower to - 1% and the band keeps playing

This will not end well

Obama is doing a real knock out job here.

Probably the Labor Dept report was a bigger influence on the DOW.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 27,000 to a seasonally adjusted 300,000 for the week ended May 24. The number of people still receiving benefits after an initial week of aid fell 17,000 to 2.63 million in the week ended May 17, the lowest level since November 2007. That covered the household survey week, from which the unemployment rate will be calculated. The unemployment rate of people receiving jobless benefits was unchanged at 2 percent. That and a 43,000 decline in the continuing claims between the April and May survey periods suggest the unemployment rate could decline from 6.3 percent in April.
the loser left is proud of the record profits of companies on Wall Street they wanted to shut down not long ago with cries of "MAKE THEM PAY!"


libs are losers who lie to themselves
The economy still sucks. Is this news to you?

I thought you were banned. I was hoping it was permanent.

Yes, the economy not only sucks but its getting worse. Five years of Obama and Democrat policies have created the worst economy since FDR. They will suffer in November.
I guess the "summer of recovery" should have lasted more than one summer.
The top is doing great. That's all that matters now.

Liberal logic: I;ve got mine, fuck everyone else.
The bigger star cast in this role is liberal irony. The only ones who have really been in charge at all these last six years are the Democrats, whose sheep blubber on about income disparity.

Libs constantly create problems, blame others, and then claim they have the solution, which usually involves a new program with more funding.
The top is doing great. That's all that matters now.

Liberal logic: I;ve got mine, fuck everyone else.

No, that's the American Way now, and you fully support it, or at least the people who get paid to do just that.

So it isn't that way in China, scumbag?

Or Russia?

Or Denmark or Sweden or the UK or Spain or Greece or Portugal or Brazil or Uruguay?

Only here? Only in America? Only Americans?

The people who routinely send their Sons and Daughters to remote places to face death so we can stop rapes, murders, genocides and general dimocrapism?

Us? Only us?

You are truly a scumbag piece of shit cockbreath motherfucker.

Do the world a favor and kill yourself
One more quarter and we'll have the Obama Recession.
Or will they still blame Bush?
Let's see if the next quarter makes up for it

Then we can decide whether to worry

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