Rich Guys Leaving California

I love coming to California, but every time I do recently, rich guys tell me that they're leaving for Texas or Florida. Recent tax hikes have increased the highest marginal rate to 57% and that seems to be a breaking point. Apparently, Sacramento is worried enough that they're considering a 10% exit tax for those who leave the state. I talked to one guy last night who has already moved as much as he could out of the state in anticipation of this exit tax.

So, if you're a rich guy, and you don't want the state taking everything you work for, we in Florida welcome and appreciate you.

Rick Perry is trying to get them to come to here. I personally think that's a bad idea.

Why would you want a group of people that fucked up their current state to come to your state just to fuck it up too?

Do you think by moving their political ideology will change?

They voted in the liberal trash that bankrupted their state and they will do the same to your state.

I say make them fuckers lie in the bed they made.

Lone Star.....why do you think those people are moving?....if they voted for the shit thats happening here.....why would they leave?....all the people that i talked to that are leaving, it sure did not seem like they voted for the stuff thats driving them away...
they can all get the hell out

they made their money here and now want to abandone the state that made their wealth possible.

they can get the fuck out
He sucked ass...The classic GOP bait-and-switch weenie.

Still would've been worse to leave Grayout Davis in office, but not by too much.

Do you live there or in Canada, Oddball? Just asking. Live there before - how long??
I visited. It was nice. But hugely expensive.
I travel all over the US doing hotel construction projects....Was primarily in CA during the mid 00s.

OK. I was there in the early 2000's and that's when my friends were bailing. I really liked SF and the food was terrific - but apartments there were almost $2K/mo with NO HEAT! The managers couldn't even afford to live there. They all moved too. Beautiful place though.
and then the republican party yet again crashed the world economy for the second time in one lifetime
its what happens when governemnt starts doing the bidding of the wealthy instead of doing the peoples business
Right....That's why San Bernardino, Stockton and Mammoth Lakes are bankrupt....All those rich people. :rolleyes:

Mammoth was because it lost a big lawsuit from some developer and they could not afford to they declared bankruptcy....
I wouldn't go to Florida. Neither will most of these rich folks you are referring to. Israel is the number one destination for the Silicon Valley people, inventors, business owners, they are moving to Israel in huge numbers for past couple of years ( really accelerated this year ) because of the technology, innovations and opportunities in Israel.

There isn't any other nation today that is on the cutting edge - as Israel is. I used to wonder about the Hebrew prophecies concerning the vast wealth that would be concentrated in Israel in the end days but here we are. It's happening! Imagine one nation having the bulk of geniuses, inventors, scientists all working together! The future of Israel is brighter than it has ever been before. Who would ever think that the very best of America including the wealthiest businesspeople would be moving their assets to Israel? It's clear Americas best days are behind her ( for a good while anyhow......) whereas Israels is right ahead. - Jeri

As much as I love Israel I wouldn't live there because of the political unrest. No amount of money is worth that shit. Florida suits me just fine.
Do you live there or in Canada, Oddball? Just asking. Live there before - how long??
I visited. It was nice. But hugely expensive.
I travel all over the US doing hotel construction projects....Was primarily in CA during the mid 00s.

OK. I was there in the early 2000's and that's when my friends were bailing. I really liked SF and the food was terrific - but apartments there were almost $2K/mo with NO HEAT! The managers couldn't even afford to live there. They all moved too. Beautiful place though.
Yeah...I could afford it because my rooms were free...Were I trying to pay a mortgage, eat, commute and do everything else the rustics in the state have to do, I would have just barely been scraping by.
its what happens when governemnt starts doing the bidding of the wealthy instead of doing the peoples business
Right....That's why San Bernardino, Stockton and Mammoth Lakes are bankrupt....All those rich people. :rolleyes:

Mammoth was because it lost a big lawsuit from some developer and they could not afford to they declared bankruptcy....
Fair enough....What's the story with the City of Bell?
I travel all over the US doing hotel construction projects....Was primarily in CA during the mid 00s.

OK. I was there in the early 2000's and that's when my friends were bailing. I really liked SF and the food was terrific - but apartments there were almost $2K/mo with NO HEAT! The managers couldn't even afford to live there. They all moved too. Beautiful place though.
Yeah...I could afford it because my rooms were free...Were I trying to pay a mortgage, eat, commute and do everything else the rustics in the state have to do, I would have just barely been scraping by.

Yes, that's what they all said too. They were just scraping by (and they were making good coin). Their mortgages were all underwater or hugely huge, food & gas cost tons, and utilities were not cheap, especially PG&E. They loved the state but made the decision to move out. None of them regretted it.
then get the fuck out.

You wait and see who wins in the end

It will be cali

see this is the attitude Sacramento has....instead of fixing the reason people are leaving....legislators with the mindset of Truth just says fuck you leave.... thanx Truth for fucking up my state....
then get the fuck out.

You wait and see who wins in the end

It will be cali

see this is the attitude Sacramento has....instead of fixing the reason people are leaving....legislators with the mindset of Truth just says fuck you leave.... thanx Truth for fucking up my state....

The businesses who are leaving are LYING about why they are leaving.

They are leaving due to the cost of land, rents, employee compensation.

They just blame taxes becuase they are the right wing

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