Rick Sanchez of CNN takes on Fox News

FoxNews Promotes "Tea Parties"

I'm sure this is what you people think of as "Coverage". ROFL.

As ThinkProgress has documented, Fox News has aggressively promoted today’s conservative, anti-Obama tea parties. A Media Matters analysis found that Fox dedicated 23 separate segments to the tea parties between April 6 and April 13; it aired at least 73 in-show and commercial promotions for the parties as well. Of all the Fox programs, Neil Cavuto’s “Your World” dedicated the most time to the tea parties:

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Fox defended its ads in an e-mailed statement from a marketing executive that called other networks on the carpet again for their coverage of the rally and events preceding it.

"Generally speaking, it's fair to say that from the tea party movement ... to Acorn ... to the march on 9/12, the networks either ignored the story, marginalized it or misrepresented the significance of it altogether," said Michael Tammero, vice president of marketing for Fox News​

Hard to argue with that.

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I'm sure that means a lot coming from a flaming 0bamabot like yourself...

Yes, you people are defending a bold faced lie and propaganda campaign by FoxNews, and we're the "fanatics".


I guess you're just gonna believe Fox over your lying eyes, eh?
I'm sure that means a lot coming from a flaming 0bamabot like yourself...

Yes, you people are defending a bold faced lie and propaganda campaign by FoxNews, and we're the "fanatics".


I guess you're just gonna believe Fox over your lying eyes, eh?

Says the guy who posts ThinkProgress and MediaMatters as credible sources...:lol::lol:

I'm bustin' a fuckin' gut...lol
FoxNews Promotes "Tea Parties"

I'm sure this is what you people think of as "Coverage". ROFL.

As ThinkProgress has documented, Fox News has aggressively promoted today’s conservative, anti-Obama tea parties. A Media Matters analysis found that Fox dedicated 23 separate segments to the tea parties between April 6 and April 13; it aired at least 73 in-show and commercial promotions for the parties as well. Of all the Fox programs, Neil Cavuto’s “Your World” dedicated the most time to the tea parties:


Well, if this is how you cover the event then CNN sure didn’t cover it.
except what he showed was NOT covering "the event"

No, it was not "covering" the event to your satisfaction.

It was, in fact, "Covering" the event.

Showing video, running interviews, telling the populace of the gathering as it happens, that is "covering" an event. Period.

FoxNews committed slander, and they deserve to be brought to court.

Stated like a good little liberal, I'M GONNA SUE!!!!! WAHHHHHHH!!!!!
I'm sure that means a lot coming from a flaming 0bamabot like yourself...

Yes, you people are defending a bold faced lie and propaganda campaign by FoxNews, and we're the "fanatics".


I guess you're just gonna believe Fox over your lying eyes, eh?

Yep, and if we once again put men on the moon, CNN will be at Cape Canaveral

...reporting story after story on the environmental damage caused by burning rocket fuel...

And there you'll be claiming "BUT THEY DIDN'T MISS THE STORY...they were physically present !!!"
That's about the response I expected. Since your position is entirely illogical, you've got to resort to personal attacks.

Thats all he has dude. Look at every one of his other posts when he is called out. EVERY SINGLE TIME. (Watch for his response, it will prove me right).

I didn't even call him out though. All I did was ask him to clarify his position.

Doesn't matter. I noticed every single time he gets in a corner of either a link, proof, or just sense...

its "fucking moron" or his other favorite,
"Fucking idiot"

Then of course wait for the negative rating you get in your inbox. (By the way Dive Con, who cares, keep them coming.)

I am thinking of starting a thread with every one of his comments in my inbox. Same crap, different day.

Wait for it....wait for it....

(response will be "fucking moron" again. He has no originality, new thoughts or proof of anything thought he is trying to convey. He is the ultimate right wing guy, a real American and Fox demographic).
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Thats all he has dude. Look at every one of his other posts when he is called out. EVERY SINGLE TIME. (Watch for his response, it will prove me right).

I didn't even call him out though. All I did was ask him to clarify his position.

Doesn't matter. I noticed every single time he gets in a corner of either a link, proof, or just sense...

its "fucking moron" or his other favorite,
"Fucking idiot"

Then of course wait for the negative rating you get in your inbox. (By the way Dive Con, who cares, keep them coming.)

I am thinking of starting a thread with every one of his comments in my inbox. Same crap, different day.

Wait for it....wait for it....

(response will be "fucking moron" again. He has no originality, new thoughts or proof of anything thought he is trying to convey. He is the ultimate right wing guy, a real American and Fox demographic).
wow, you just dont get it
I didn't even call him out though. All I did was ask him to clarify his position.

Doesn't matter. I noticed every single time he gets in a corner of either a link, proof, or just sense...

its "fucking moron" or his other favorite,
"Fucking idiot"

Then of course wait for the negative rating you get in your inbox. (By the way Dive Con, who cares, keep them coming.)

I am thinking of starting a thread with every one of his comments in my inbox. Same crap, different day.

Wait for it....wait for it....

(response will be "fucking moron" again. He has no originality, new thoughts or proof of any thought he is trying to convey. He is the ultimate right wing guy, a real American and Fox demographic).
wow, you just dont get it

I get it, you get stuck and you have no response other than to call people names. It shows just how limited your thought process really is and it really does weaken any thing you say. Seriously. It is an insult when people say, Dive Con is supporting what you are saying. That means you don't get it to tell you the truth...but go ahead and keep calling people

Fucking morons
Fucking idiots

Its all you have.
Doesn't matter. I noticed every single time he gets in a corner of either a link, proof, or just sense...

its "fucking moron" or his other favorite,
"Fucking idiot"

Then of course wait for the negative rating you get in your inbox. (By the way Dive Con, who cares, keep them coming.)

I am thinking of starting a thread with every one of his comments in my inbox. Same crap, different day.

Wait for it....wait for it....

(response will be "fucking moron" again. He has no originality, new thoughts or proof of any thought he is trying to convey. He is the ultimate right wing guy, a real American and Fox demographic).
wow, you just dont get it

I get it, you get stuck and you have no response other than to call people names. It shows just how limited your thought process really is and it really does weaken any thing you say. Seriously. It is an insult when people say, Dive Con is supporting what you are saying. That means you don't get it to tell you the truth...but go ahead and keep calling people

Fucking morons
Fucking idiots

Its all you have.
its not hard to prove you wrong
its easy in fact

i only call complete idiots that
you have shown you fit that bill
thus thats mostly what you will get
'Something Desperately Wrong' - FOXNews.com

" What he might have pulled off what critics of the influential left leaning group acorn found so very hard to achieve. An independent filmmaker disguised as a -- exposing employees of acorn appearing to encourage illegal activities. Thing is that I did at all with a video camera one actress and no budget. Now he's Expos say has resulted in major congressional action really quite stunning. That may actually keep your tax dollars from being sent to acorn a group that is supposed to help the poor with housing in voter registration. But apparently does much more than that. Jamie now is in her -- far he's the founder of the website the video first appeared on it's called big government. Dot com the videos are still there in -- good morning to you. Good morning Marion you're with us the morning that the story broke the morning -- the first. Video aired on big government dot com and now in Al weeks' time. The congressional action the response by the Fed has been. Really stunning I mean. Four years. The Democrats in congress had not wanted to sign on to anything that would cut back money from acorn and now we see these. Huge majorities coming out of the Senate and the house to cut down. The group cut off the group's funding. What's your reaction to weaken this."

" Well I I'm I'm grateful that the American public has realized that there's a serious problem Aaron and that there. Elected representatives are taking their concerns seriously and Rasmussen poll came up this morning. -- says Americans overwhelmingly disturbed by what they've seen on these -- But predictably and why we -- the videos out one by one by one by one. We've set traps for acorn to lie each and every time they lied they went to the mainstream media continued to tell those lies. The next day the previous -- lies were exposed. And CNN in particular. Has. Kept going back to acorn and taking their line. The behavior -- Jonathan Klein the president of CNN has been despicable. During the if they continue to impugn James and Hannah. And they are continuing to tell falsehoods. That they were kicked out of acorn offices that the current line. That summit acorn who including Bertha Lewis continue to push there are more videos to come. And some and and in towns that they continue to say that they were kicked out."
How did CNN, MSNBC, etc. (all of the "liberal media" stations) miss the story about the tea party march on Washington?

Is it because the MSM is so liberal that they simply ignore such things, as Fox is implying?

Or is Fox News simply fabricating a story?

Listen to Rick and make up your own mind.

Rick Sanchez takes on Fox. See the video.

Is Rick Sanchez related to the Dirty Sanchez that AutoZona was looking to get his boyfriend?
CNN--did cover the protest rally--I watched some of it. While I have my complaints about CNN--Fox shouldn't have put that add out. In my opinion--they do owe CNN an apology over it.

The next question is--did any of the other stations cover the protest?
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Clearly you people are insane.

FoxNews, the "Treason" channel, promoted the Tea Party and exaggerated the number of people at the event by 1000%.

Then they have the temerity to be pissed because the other Channels didn't also promote the event along with them.

So they take out a full page ad in major newspapers claiming the other channels didn't cover the event at all, which is a bald-faced lie.

Then CNN calls them on their slanderous statements, and you people are now claiming that Fox was right to do what they did because they didn't like the coverage the other networks DID give the event?



They need to apologize, or the other networks should sue them.

While CNN covered it--they were the ones who also decided to get the worst x-President in history on their networks to claim that the protestors were racists---:lol:

CNN has yet to make an apology about Carter's comment--& or explain why they asked the question in the first place.


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