Rick Santorum's Message... Don't know how I got on his List, but...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dear Patriot:

It's Now or Never for Conservative voters. We can either unite now behind one candidate and have a conservative standard bearer in 2012, or have the GOP establishment choose another moderate Republican who will have a difficult time defeating Barack Obama in November.

I don't think that's what you want. Neither do I. My name is Rick Santorum, and I am the only authentic, passionate conservative who can unite the GOP.

I need an URGENT contribution of at least $35 today to unite conservative voters and win the Republican nomination.

We shocked the world last night in Iowa. We did it with a coalition of conservatives, Tea Party members, and values voters who recognized that my successful conservative record gives the GOP the best chance to defeat Barack Obama.

No more sitting on the sidelines. Now is the time to act or get stuck with a bland, boring, career politician who will lose to Barack Obama. Tomorrow will be too late. Will you unite with me, merge conservative support, and help us hold our banner high? Your contribution of $35, $50, or even $75 can make sure this happens.

The next test is New Hampshire … a state Mitt Romney has campaigned in for over four years. This is why I need your immediate support. I’m counting on conservatives around America to respond to this call for help. If we are divided in New Hampshire, we will lose this opportunity to keep the momentum.

I will be the most conservative President since Ronald Reagan. I am not going to Washington to blend in and hope people like me. I am running to dismantle the Obama Agenda and lead--like Reagan did.

The Washington Post said, “Rick Santorum was a tea-party kind of guy before the tea-party even existed.” As a conservative U.S. Senator from the swing state of Pennsylvania, I led the overhaul of welfare that moved millions from welfare to work. I authored the bill banning partial-birth abortion, and I passed legislation that protected America from Iran’s growing nuclear threat.

If you want a President who will stand up for conservative values, who is consistent on the issues, and who has a record to back it up, then I need you to join my campaign.

I need you to join me today. Right now. Not tomorrow or next week. If you want to roll back the Obama Agenda with a real conservative, this is your chance. The future of our country depends on what conservatives like you do in the next 72 hours.

Will you join us today with a generous contribution of whatever you can afford?

I give Republicans the best option to put a full-spectrum conservative in the White House. Help me make history!


Rick Santorum

P.S. I went from longshot to the Iowa Caucus “surprise candidate” overnight. Now conservatives must unite or be defeated. Please donate today and take a stand with my campaign. Join the fight!


I posted this because I keep hearing all of this stuff about him that I am not reading in that...

Got some Links to the Evil that is he?...

And how in the Fuck am I getting e-mails from him now?...

I understand Barry's e-mails... And Bush... But I never Agreed to Rick's?...


Dear Patriot:

It's Now or Never for Conservative voters. We can either unite now behind one candidate and have a conservative standard bearer in 2012, or have the GOP establishment choose another moderate Republican who will have a difficult time defeating Barack Obama in November.

I don't think that's what you want. Neither do I. My name is Rick Santorum, and I am the only authentic, passionate conservative who can unite the GOP.

I need an URGENT contribution of at least $35 today to unite conservative voters and win the Republican nomination.

We shocked the world last night in Iowa. We did it with a coalition of conservatives, Tea Party members, and values voters who recognized that my successful conservative record gives the GOP the best chance to defeat Barack Obama.

No more sitting on the sidelines. Now is the time to act or get stuck with a bland, boring, career politician who will lose to Barack Obama. Tomorrow will be too late. Will you unite with me, merge conservative support, and help us hold our banner high? Your contribution of $35, $50, or even $75 can make sure this happens.

The next test is New Hampshire … a state Mitt Romney has campaigned in for over four years. This is why I need your immediate support. I’m counting on conservatives around America to respond to this call for help. If we are divided in New Hampshire, we will lose this opportunity to keep the momentum.

I will be the most conservative President since Ronald Reagan. I am not going to Washington to blend in and hope people like me. I am running to dismantle the Obama Agenda and lead--like Reagan did.

The Washington Post said, “Rick Santorum was a tea-party kind of guy before the tea-party even existed.” As a conservative U.S. Senator from the swing state of Pennsylvania, I led the overhaul of welfare that moved millions from welfare to work. I authored the bill banning partial-birth abortion, and I passed legislation that protected America from Iran’s growing nuclear threat.

If you want a President who will stand up for conservative values, who is consistent on the issues, and who has a record to back it up, then I need you to join my campaign.

I need you to join me today. Right now. Not tomorrow or next week. If you want to roll back the Obama Agenda with a real conservative, this is your chance. The future of our country depends on what conservatives like you do in the next 72 hours.

Will you join us today with a generous contribution of whatever you can afford?

I give Republicans the best option to put a full-spectrum conservative in the White House. Help me make history!


Rick Santorum

P.S. I went from longshot to the Iowa Caucus “surprise candidate” overnight. Now conservatives must unite or be defeated. Please donate today and take a stand with my campaign. Join the fight!


I posted this because I keep hearing all of this stuff about him that I am not reading in that...

Got some Links to the Evil that is he?...

And how in the Fuck am I getting e-mails from him now?...

I understand Barry's e-mails... And Bush... But I never Agreed to Rick's?...



He has a hotline to god, and since god hates you... :eusa_whistle:
He has a hotline to god, and since god hates you... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, ya gotta go with the guy who has God on his side.

Vote for him or burn in the lakes of Hell forever. Holy crap, that's an easy choice.

Dear Patriot:

It's Now or Never for Conservative voters. We can either unite now behind one candidate and have a conservative standard bearer in 2012, or have the GOP establishment choose another moderate Republican who will have a difficult time defeating Barack Obama in November.

I don't think that's what you want. Neither do I. My name is Rick Santorum, and I am the only authentic, passionate conservative who can unite the GOP.

I need an URGENT contribution of at least $35 today to unite conservative voters and win the Republican nomination.

We shocked the world last night in Iowa. We did it with a coalition of conservatives, Tea Party members, and values voters who recognized that my successful conservative record gives the GOP the best chance to defeat Barack Obama.

No more sitting on the sidelines. Now is the time to act or get stuck with a bland, boring, career politician who will lose to Barack Obama. Tomorrow will be too late. Will you unite with me, merge conservative support, and help us hold our banner high? Your contribution of $35, $50, or even $75 can make sure this happens.

The next test is New Hampshire … a state Mitt Romney has campaigned in for over four years. This is why I need your immediate support. I’m counting on conservatives around America to respond to this call for help. If we are divided in New Hampshire, we will lose this opportunity to keep the momentum.

I will be the most conservative President since Ronald Reagan. I am not going to Washington to blend in and hope people like me. I am running to dismantle the Obama Agenda and lead--like Reagan did.

The Washington Post said, “Rick Santorum was a tea-party kind of guy before the tea-party even existed.” As a conservative U.S. Senator from the swing state of Pennsylvania, I led the overhaul of welfare that moved millions from welfare to work. I authored the bill banning partial-birth abortion, and I passed legislation that protected America from Iran’s growing nuclear threat.

If you want a President who will stand up for conservative values, who is consistent on the issues, and who has a record to back it up, then I need you to join my campaign.

I need you to join me today. Right now. Not tomorrow or next week. If you want to roll back the Obama Agenda with a real conservative, this is your chance. The future of our country depends on what conservatives like you do in the next 72 hours.

Will you join us today with a generous contribution of whatever you can afford?

I give Republicans the best option to put a full-spectrum conservative in the White House. Help me make history!


Rick Santorum

P.S. I went from longshot to the Iowa Caucus “surprise candidate” overnight. Now conservatives must unite or be defeated. Please donate today and take a stand with my campaign. Join the fight!


I posted this because I keep hearing all of this stuff about him that I am not reading in that...

Got some Links to the Evil that is he?...

And how in the Fuck am I getting e-mails from him now?...

I understand Barry's e-mails... And Bush... But I never Agreed to Rick's?...



He has a hotline to god, and since god hates you... :eusa_whistle:

Go Hates me?...

Please, explain for the rest of the class what you are Inferring... :thup:


He has a hotline to god, and since god hates you... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, ya gotta go with the guy who has God on his side.

Vote for him or burn in the lakes of Hell forever. Holy crap, that's an easy choice.


Do you have Link to these things you are putting on Santorum?...

If you do, I'll hammer him myself right here in this Thread.


Well 1 is that he's spamming you :thumbs up:

Two is that he is a career politician, and also bland and boring tbh lol.

Three is - he did something kind of nutty. He brought home his tragically deceased newborn to teach his kids about the sanctity of life, and then slept with it in his bed (allegedly - not saying that part is true b/c can't verify). A move that many if not a majority would consider kind of creepy/spooky.

Next is I understand his pro life views on contraception.....but condoms? Extreme.
He has a hotline to god, and since god hates you... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, ya gotta go with the guy who has God on his side.

Vote for him or burn in the lakes of Hell forever. Holy crap, that's an easy choice.


Do you have Link to these things you are putting on Santorum?...

If you do, I'll hammer him myself right here in this Thread.



s0n..........love the sig photo..............love it!!! One of my favorites that came from the OWS days.........the look on that morons face was classic after he got his ass fcukking pwned!!!:D:D:D

I actually found the same image and added a touch of gay MSPaint.............

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Dear Patriot:

It's Now or Never for Conservative voters. We can either unite now behind one candidate and have a conservative standard bearer in 2012, or have the GOP establishment choose another moderate Republican who will have a difficult time defeating Barack Obama in November.

I don't think that's what you want. Neither do I. My name is Rick Santorum, and I am the only authentic, passionate conservative who can unite the GOP.

I need an URGENT contribution of at least $35 today to unite conservative voters and win the Republican nomination.

We shocked the world last night in Iowa. We did it with a coalition of conservatives, Tea Party members, and values voters who recognized that my successful conservative record gives the GOP the best chance to defeat Barack Obama.

No more sitting on the sidelines. Now is the time to act or get stuck with a bland, boring, career politician who will lose to Barack Obama. Tomorrow will be too late. Will you unite with me, merge conservative support, and help us hold our banner high? Your contribution of $35, $50, or even $75 can make sure this happens.

The next test is New Hampshire … a state Mitt Romney has campaigned in for over four years. This is why I need your immediate support. I’m counting on conservatives around America to respond to this call for help. If we are divided in New Hampshire, we will lose this opportunity to keep the momentum.

I will be the most conservative President since Ronald Reagan. I am not going to Washington to blend in and hope people like me. I am running to dismantle the Obama Agenda and lead--like Reagan did.

The Washington Post said, “Rick Santorum was a tea-party kind of guy before the tea-party even existed.” As a conservative U.S. Senator from the swing state of Pennsylvania, I led the overhaul of welfare that moved millions from welfare to work. I authored the bill banning partial-birth abortion, and I passed legislation that protected America from Iran’s growing nuclear threat.

If you want a President who will stand up for conservative values, who is consistent on the issues, and who has a record to back it up, then I need you to join my campaign.

I need you to join me today. Right now. Not tomorrow or next week. If you want to roll back the Obama Agenda with a real conservative, this is your chance. The future of our country depends on what conservatives like you do in the next 72 hours.

Will you join us today with a generous contribution of whatever you can afford?

I give Republicans the best option to put a full-spectrum conservative in the White House. Help me make history!


Rick Santorum

P.S. I went from longshot to the Iowa Caucus “surprise candidate” overnight. Now conservatives must unite or be defeated. Please donate today and take a stand with my campaign. Join the fight!


I posted this because I keep hearing all of this stuff about him that I am not reading in that...

Got some Links to the Evil that is he?...

And how in the Fuck am I getting e-mails from him now?...

I understand Barry's e-mails... And Bush... But I never Agreed to Rick's?...



Dude...looks like your inbox is full of santorum! EWW!!!
Dear Patriot:

It's Now or Never for Conservative voters. We can either unite now behind one candidate and have a conservative standard bearer in 2012, or have the GOP establishment choose another moderate Republican who will have a difficult time defeating Barack Obama in November.

I don't think that's what you want. Neither do I. My name is Rick Santorum, and I am the only authentic, passionate conservative who can unite the GOP.

I need an URGENT contribution of at least $35 today to unite conservative voters and win the Republican nomination.

We shocked the world last night in Iowa. We did it with a coalition of conservatives, Tea Party members, and values voters who recognized that my successful conservative record gives the GOP the best chance to defeat Barack Obama.

No more sitting on the sidelines. Now is the time to act or get stuck with a bland, boring, career politician who will lose to Barack Obama. Tomorrow will be too late. Will you unite with me, merge conservative support, and help us hold our banner high? Your contribution of $35, $50, or even $75 can make sure this happens.

The next test is New Hampshire … a state Mitt Romney has campaigned in for over four years. This is why I need your immediate support. I’m counting on conservatives around America to respond to this call for help. If we are divided in New Hampshire, we will lose this opportunity to keep the momentum.

I will be the most conservative President since Ronald Reagan. I am not going to Washington to blend in and hope people like me. I am running to dismantle the Obama Agenda and lead--like Reagan did.

The Washington Post said, “Rick Santorum was a tea-party kind of guy before the tea-party even existed.” As a conservative U.S. Senator from the swing state of Pennsylvania, I led the overhaul of welfare that moved millions from welfare to work. I authored the bill banning partial-birth abortion, and I passed legislation that protected America from Iran’s growing nuclear threat.

If you want a President who will stand up for conservative values, who is consistent on the issues, and who has a record to back it up, then I need you to join my campaign.

I need you to join me today. Right now. Not tomorrow or next week. If you want to roll back the Obama Agenda with a real conservative, this is your chance. The future of our country depends on what conservatives like you do in the next 72 hours.

Will you join us today with a generous contribution of whatever you can afford?

I give Republicans the best option to put a full-spectrum conservative in the White House. Help me make history!


Rick Santorum

P.S. I went from longshot to the Iowa Caucus “surprise candidate” overnight. Now conservatives must unite or be defeated. Please donate today and take a stand with my campaign. Join the fight!


I posted this because I keep hearing all of this stuff about him that I am not reading in that...

Got some Links to the Evil that is he?...

And how in the Fuck am I getting e-mails from him now?...

I understand Barry's e-mails... And Bush... But I never Agreed to Rick's?...



He has a hotline to god, and since god hates you... :eusa_whistle:

Go Hates me?...

Please, explain for the rest of the class what you are Inferring... :thup:



You know how they say there's no such thing as a stoopud question?

They just say that so people like you don't feel so bad.


so just shut up and make me a sammich bitch lips!
Well 1 is that he's spamming you :thumbs up:

Two is that he is a career politician, and also bland and boring tbh lol.

Three is - he did something kind of nutty. He brought home his tragically deceased newborn to teach his kids about the sanctity of life, and then slept with it in his bed (allegedly - not saying that part is true b/c can't verify). A move that many if not a majority would consider kind of creepy/spooky.

Next is I understand his pro life views on contraception.....but condoms? Extreme.

That's why PA did not re-elect his creepy hyper-religious ass. And we just turned the state reddish while doing so.

But he didn't sleep with it. That was the story getting better each time it was told.
Well 1 is that he's spamming you :thumbs up:

Two is that he is a career politician, and also bland and boring tbh lol.

Three is - he did something kind of nutty. He brought home his tragically deceased newborn to teach his kids about the sanctity of life, and then slept with it in his bed (allegedly - not saying that part is true b/c can't verify). A move that many if not a majority would consider kind of creepy/spooky.

Next is I understand his pro life views on contraception.....but condoms? Extreme.

That's why PA did not re-elect his creepy hyper-religious ass. And we just turned the state reddish while doing so.

But he didn't sleep with it. That was the story getting better each time it was told.

I didn't want to put any part of the story on him that wuddn't true, I don't roll like that. But damn @ what he did regardless. Ewwey/
I particuarly like the part where he thinks he has the best chance to beat the President! Once Li'l Ricky's hard core ideas hit mainstream America, people will wonder if someone who doesn't know the difference between bestiality and homosexuality should sit in the Oval Office.

Will Li'l Ricky call for the burning of witches? Stay tuned!
Well 1 is that he's spamming you :thumbs up:

Two is that he is a career politician, and also bland and boring tbh lol.

Three is - he did something kind of nutty. He brought home his tragically deceased newborn to teach his kids about the sanctity of life, and then slept with it in his bed (allegedly - not saying that part is true b/c can't verify). A move that many if not a majority would consider kind of creepy/spooky.

Next is I understand his pro life views on contraception.....but condoms? Extreme.

That's why PA did not re-elect his creepy hyper-religious ass. And we just turned the state reddish while doing so.

But he didn't sleep with it. That was the story getting better each time it was told.

I didn't want to put any part of the story on him that wuddn't true, I don't roll like that. But damn @ what he did regardless. Ewwey/

That was one of those stories where the first time you hear it you're all; "that's BS!! What kind of asshole would make THAT up?!?!?"
2nd time; "Why is that dumbass story still running?!?"
3rd; "Jebus, could there be something to this? nah"
4th [and this is when I heard it from him]; "kristallmightydamn. And this fuck is an elected official? We seriously need to test these buffoons."
So where is the Crazy talk by Santorum?...

Quotes?... Links?...



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