Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.

If you knew what it meant, you would not have made the comment you did.

Say you have a bowl of red & green marbles where it is 20% red.

If I take some out & put them in a different bowl & this bowl had 40% red marbles, then it would be disproportionately Red even though there were more green marbles in both bowls.

Suppose that there are 40% of the people at are Republican & 40% Democrat & 20% other. If we stopped a million people at random from voting, then the resulting loss in votes would coincide with the expected.

If you stop a million poor people from voting, you stop a sample that is disproportionately poor & thereby disproportionately Democrat voters.

Yep, you've lost your marbles.

You're claiming a subset (minoritites) of a subset (the poor), are effected more than the subset(the poor) as a whole. That sir is bullshit.
I understand how difficult this is for you residents of Whiner World.

All poor would be affected the same. But by restricting the poor, you restrict more Democrat voters than Republican voters. Do ya get it yet???????

Your party is perfectly willing to deny Republicans from voting as long as they say to more Democrats that they can't vote.

It ios not thaty diffucult of a concept. Either you people are too dense to get it or you like cheating to win.

You might have a point IF there were more minority poor, which there is NOT when raw totals are considered.

Which number would be larger, 18% of 70% of the population, or 26% of 20% of the population?
My God you are freaking stupid.

There are is a higher percentage of minorities in a group of poor people than there are in the general population.

1) The reason Republicans want to exclude poor people his because poor people are higher percent democrat voter than the general population.

2) Poor people are a higher percentage Democrat voter because there is a higher percentage of minorities & minorities tend to vote Democrat.

You act as though all white people vote Republican.

See you keep trying to change the vernacular, I said raw numbers, there are more poor whites than minorities, period. Hence the law affects whites more. Fuck your percentages.

Also why do you think all poor people vote commiecrat?

You ran in circles screaming "But there are more whites". Proof you don't get it & likely never will.

I said minorities tend to vote Democrat. Try to keep up.

When you register, you receive a registration card that becomes you identification on election day. If you want want picture ID on election day, then have it photocopied onto the registration card when the person registers.

Really, my registration cards are mailed, I've never registered in person, in fact most people do it by mail. They just take the persons word that they are an eligible citizen. If an ID doesn't verify eligibility they're useless, so the best defense against fraud in verification of eligibility at the time of registration and having an ID that proves your the person registered when you vote.

The NVRA already has provisions for that. If the ID doesn't clear, then the voter does have to show ID at the polls.

The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA) | CRT | Department of Justice

Yeah, the States have to take the persons word they're eligible. The EAC has only provided 3 exceptions in Jan 2016.

In what regard, Charlie? I just said that they provide ID and that ID has to clear through a check of SS and/or DMV. Here in CA a voter registers, provides their SSN or DL. If they don't provide it or a check of their name, SSN, DL and DOB doesn't clear, they are flagged to show ID the first time they vote in a Federal Election (this is all IAW the NVRA). CA allows you to show one of 30 forms of ID, not a just a state or Federal government issued photo ID.

Isn't Charlie a tuna? Also have you checked the instructions for people who claim not to have an ID?

https://www.eac.gov/assets/1/Documents/Federal Voter Registration_6-25-14_ENG.pdf
Yep, you've lost your marbles.

You're claiming a subset (minoritites) of a subset (the poor), are effected more than the subset(the poor) as a whole. That sir is bullshit.
I understand how difficult this is for you residents of Whiner World.

All poor would be affected the same. But by restricting the poor, you restrict more Democrat voters than Republican voters. Do ya get it yet???????

Your party is perfectly willing to deny Republicans from voting as long as they say to more Democrats that they can't vote.

It ios not thaty diffucult of a concept. Either you people are too dense to get it or you like cheating to win.

You might have a point IF there were more minority poor, which there is NOT when raw totals are considered.

Which number would be larger, 18% of 70% of the population, or 26% of 20% of the population?
My God you are freaking stupid.

There are is a higher percentage of minorities in a group of poor people than there are in the general population.

1) The reason Republicans want to exclude poor people his because poor people are higher percent democrat voter than the general population.

2) Poor people are a higher percentage Democrat voter because there is a higher percentage of minorities & minorities tend to vote Democrat.

You act as though all white people vote Republican.

See you keep trying to change the vernacular, I said raw numbers, there are more poor whites than minorities, period. Hence the law affects whites more. Fuck your percentages.

Also why do you think all poor people vote commiecrat?

You ran in circles screaming "But there are more whites". Proof you don't get it & likely never will.

I said minorities tend to vote Democrat. Try to keep up.

So it's only about dem votes and not the people who are really affected, got it.
When you register, you receive a registration card that becomes you identification on election day. If you want want picture ID on election day, then have it photocopied onto the registration card when the person registers.

Really, my registration cards are mailed, I've never registered in person, in fact most people do it by mail. They just take the persons word that they are an eligible citizen. If an ID doesn't verify eligibility they're useless, so the best defense against fraud in verification of eligibility at the time of registration and having an ID that proves your the person registered when you vote.

The NVRA already has provisions for that. If the ID doesn't clear, then the voter does have to show ID at the polls.

The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA) | CRT | Department of Justice

Yeah, the States have to take the persons word they're eligible. The EAC has only provided 3 exceptions in Jan 2016.

In what regard, Charlie? I just said that they provide ID and that ID has to clear through a check of SS and/or DMV. Here in CA a voter registers, provides their SSN or DL. If they don't provide it or a check of their name, SSN, DL and DOB doesn't clear, they are flagged to show ID the first time they vote in a Federal Election (this is all IAW the NVRA). CA allows you to show one of 30 forms of ID, not a just a state or Federal government issued photo ID.

Isn't Charlie a tuna? Also have you checked the instructions for people who claim not to have an ID?

https://www.eac.gov/assets/1/Documents/Federal Voter Registration_6-25-14_ENG.pdf

Yes, and? Read the NVRA. Voters who don't provide ID at the time of registration are asked to show ID when they vote.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Here are a few examples of KNOWN voter fraud-

Dead People Registering? Examples of Voter Fraud in Key Swing States

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, the FBI and local authorities are investigating after 20 dead people re-registered to vote this year.

Also, a study found more than 1,000 non-citizens in Virginia are registered to vote. Riddell pointed out that the study did not even include Fairfax County and Arlington County, areas of northern Virginia which drive Democrat votes.

In Pennsylvania, Riddell said more than 43,000 voters may be registered twice while the secretary of state there said more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections.


Report: Suspected Mall Gunman, a Non-Citizen, Voted in 3 Elections in Washington

It does make one wonder how often it happens and is not discovered. I hear some very silly people suggest that there is no evidence that voter fraud has ever altered the outcome of an election and therefore is not a real issue or concern. Any reasonable person would never take such an obviously failed position, because taking to the logical conclusion attempted murder would never be prosecuted. Afterall, if you tried but didn't kill, then no harm, no foul. Right? Voter fraud exist an should carry extreme punishment, not to mention torture in my opinion.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Here are a few examples of KNOWN voter fraud-

Dead People Registering? Examples of Voter Fraud in Key Swing States

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, the FBI and local authorities are investigating after 20 dead people re-registered to vote this year.

Also, a study found more than 1,000 non-citizens in Virginia are registered to vote. Riddell pointed out that the study did not even include Fairfax County and Arlington County, areas of northern Virginia which drive Democrat votes.

In Pennsylvania, Riddell said more than 43,000 voters may be registered twice while the secretary of state there said more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections.


Report: Suspected Mall Gunman, a Non-Citizen, Voted in 3 Elections in Washington

It does make one wonder how often it happens and is not discovered. I hear some very silly people suggest that there is no evidence that voter fraud has ever altered the outcome of an election and therefore is not a real issue or concern. Any reasonable person would never take such an obviously failed position, because taking to the logical conclusion attempted murder would never be prosecuted. Afterall, if you tried but didn't kill, then no harm, no foul. Right? Voter fraud exist an should carry extreme punishment, not to mention torture in my opinion.

Your first link is a spam factory and the 2nd is not in person fraud.
Tell ya what, let's require proof of citizenship and proper ID for one election and see what happens to the numbers showing up to vote. Deal?

You mean Republican efforts to disenfranchise legitimate voters?

Tell you what - let's have evidence that it's a serious problem first. The data so far says it isn't, and more to the point if someone was going to throw an election this would be the hardest way to do it - if not impossible.

Oh God, I can't believe you just made that lame argument-Wait for evidence that the crimes being committed are a serious problem before we address them. Would you tell that to cop when being pulled over for speeding, or if you illegally discharged a firearm? "Hey look, nobody was hurt so what's the big deal" dumb de dumb dumb dumb. The liberal brain is a very strange thing.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Here are a few examples of KNOWN voter fraud-

Dead People Registering? Examples of Voter Fraud in Key Swing States

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, the FBI and local authorities are investigating after 20 dead people re-registered to vote this year.

Also, a study found more than 1,000 non-citizens in Virginia are registered to vote. Riddell pointed out that the study did not even include Fairfax County and Arlington County, areas of northern Virginia which drive Democrat votes.

In Pennsylvania, Riddell said more than 43,000 voters may be registered twice while the secretary of state there said more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections.


Report: Suspected Mall Gunman, a Non-Citizen, Voted in 3 Elections in Washington

It does make one wonder how often it happens and is not discovered. I hear some very silly people suggest that there is no evidence that voter fraud has ever altered the outcome of an election and therefore is not a real issue or concern. Any reasonable person would never take such an obviously failed position, because taking to the logical conclusion attempted murder would never be prosecuted. Afterall, if you tried but didn't kill, then no harm, no foul. Right? Voter fraud exist an should carry extreme punishment, not to mention torture in my opinion.

Your first link is a spam factory and the 2nd is not in person fraud.

So your opinion is there is no voter fraud. I'll bet you sung a different tune when GW Bush got the hanging chad vote in Florida.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Transsexuals are not very common, yet we make sure we accommodate them.

Murder is not very common, yet we make sure to punish those convicted.

The "NOT COMMON" argument is stupid as hell.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Here are a few examples of KNOWN voter fraud-

Dead People Registering? Examples of Voter Fraud in Key Swing States

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, the FBI and local authorities are investigating after 20 dead people re-registered to vote this year.

Also, a study found more than 1,000 non-citizens in Virginia are registered to vote. Riddell pointed out that the study did not even include Fairfax County and Arlington County, areas of northern Virginia which drive Democrat votes.

In Pennsylvania, Riddell said more than 43,000 voters may be registered twice while the secretary of state there said more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections.


Report: Suspected Mall Gunman, a Non-Citizen, Voted in 3 Elections in Washington

It does make one wonder how often it happens and is not discovered. I hear some very silly people suggest that there is no evidence that voter fraud has ever altered the outcome of an election and therefore is not a real issue or concern. Any reasonable person would never take such an obviously failed position, because taking to the logical conclusion attempted murder would never be prosecuted. Afterall, if you tried but didn't kill, then no harm, no foul. Right? Voter fraud exist an should carry extreme punishment, not to mention torture in my opinion.
I'm totally with you up to the torture bit :eusa_shifty:
I said it earlier and its pretty simple, only people that show their voter ID can vote. Verification by swiping or pin, just like with a credit card. If number of ballot doesn't match the number of voter ID swipes, there is a fraud that needs to be investigated. Fool me once...

In that case, getting an ID would be further complicated - only ONE ID would be acceptable.

Not acceptable as long illegals can get the same ID as citizens.
Last edited:
Do these words:

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged"

mean something different when passed through your filter? What do they mean to you?

They don't mean much without "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude".
Do these words:

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged"

mean something different when passed through your filter? What do they mean to you?

They don't mean much without "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude".
Thank you for supplying the entire sentence of the 15th amendment, Americano :thup: sneaky ain't they ;-)

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
Do these words:

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged"

mean something different when passed through your filter? What do they mean to you?

They don't mean much without "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude".
Thank you for supplying the entire sentence of the 15th amendment, Americano :thup: sneaky ain't they ;-)

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

How does the "entire" sentence suddenly make it not a right?
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Here are a few examples of KNOWN voter fraud-

Dead People Registering? Examples of Voter Fraud in Key Swing States

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, the FBI and local authorities are investigating after 20 dead people re-registered to vote this year.

Also, a study found more than 1,000 non-citizens in Virginia are registered to vote. Riddell pointed out that the study did not even include Fairfax County and Arlington County, areas of northern Virginia which drive Democrat votes.

In Pennsylvania, Riddell said more than 43,000 voters may be registered twice while the secretary of state there said more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections.


Report: Suspected Mall Gunman, a Non-Citizen, Voted in 3 Elections in Washington

It does make one wonder how often it happens and is not discovered. I hear some very silly people suggest that there is no evidence that voter fraud has ever altered the outcome of an election and therefore is not a real issue or concern. Any reasonable person would never take such an obviously failed position, because taking to the logical conclusion attempted murder would never be prosecuted. Afterall, if you tried but didn't kill, then no harm, no foul. Right? Voter fraud exist an should carry extreme punishment, not to mention torture in my opinion.

Your first link is a spam factory and the 2nd is not in person fraud.

So your opinion is there is no voter fraud. I'll bet you sung a different tune when GW Bush got the hanging chad vote in Florida.

Nope, didn't say there was none, just rare...so rare you can't find any instances of in person fraud.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Transsexuals are not very common, yet we make sure we accommodate them.

Murder is not very common, yet we make sure to punish those convicted.

The "NOT COMMON" argument is stupid as hell.

All of her arguments are stupid as hell.
Really, my registration cards are mailed, I've never registered in person, in fact most people do it by mail. They just take the persons word that they are an eligible citizen. If an ID doesn't verify eligibility they're useless, so the best defense against fraud in verification of eligibility at the time of registration and having an ID that proves your the person registered when you vote.

The NVRA already has provisions for that. If the ID doesn't clear, then the voter does have to show ID at the polls.

The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA) | CRT | Department of Justice

Yeah, the States have to take the persons word they're eligible. The EAC has only provided 3 exceptions in Jan 2016.

In what regard, Charlie? I just said that they provide ID and that ID has to clear through a check of SS and/or DMV. Here in CA a voter registers, provides their SSN or DL. If they don't provide it or a check of their name, SSN, DL and DOB doesn't clear, they are flagged to show ID the first time they vote in a Federal Election (this is all IAW the NVRA). CA allows you to show one of 30 forms of ID, not a just a state or Federal government issued photo ID.

Isn't Charlie a tuna? Also have you checked the instructions for people who claim not to have an ID?

https://www.eac.gov/assets/1/Documents/Federal Voter Registration_6-25-14_ENG.pdf

Yes, and? Read the NVRA. Voters who don't provide ID at the time of registration are asked to show ID when they vote.

Funny, in my link, the instructions say if you don't have ID you will be given a unique voter identification number, the is no mention of requiring ID to vote.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Here are a few examples of KNOWN voter fraud-

Dead People Registering? Examples of Voter Fraud in Key Swing States

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, the FBI and local authorities are investigating after 20 dead people re-registered to vote this year.

Also, a study found more than 1,000 non-citizens in Virginia are registered to vote. Riddell pointed out that the study did not even include Fairfax County and Arlington County, areas of northern Virginia which drive Democrat votes.

In Pennsylvania, Riddell said more than 43,000 voters may be registered twice while the secretary of state there said more than 700 Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections.


Report: Suspected Mall Gunman, a Non-Citizen, Voted in 3 Elections in Washington

It does make one wonder how often it happens and is not discovered. I hear some very silly people suggest that there is no evidence that voter fraud has ever altered the outcome of an election and therefore is not a real issue or concern. Any reasonable person would never take such an obviously failed position, because taking to the logical conclusion attempted murder would never be prosecuted. Afterall, if you tried but didn't kill, then no harm, no foul. Right? Voter fraud exist an should carry extreme punishment, not to mention torture in my opinion.

Your first link is a spam factory and the 2nd is not in person fraud.

So your opinion is there is no voter fraud. I'll bet you sung a different tune when GW Bush got the hanging chad vote in Florida.

Nope, didn't say there was none, just rare...so rare you can't find any instances of in person fraud.

Oh right, except my state has prosecuted and convicted two, they were just the ones that were caught.
We have Donald Trump and his zealots already paving the way for allegations of mass fraud and rigged elections.

Based on what evidence? Almost none.

Everytime Trump drops in the polls, he pulls out the fraud card. It's never his own doing -

  • the Media is against him (never mind the fact that they never pressed him very hard on his lies);

  • the Clintons are rigging it (never mind the fact that there is no evidence of that happening and rigging a national election is next to impossible in this country).

  • Voter fraud - this, based on a handful of allegations, a lack of actual evidence, and over the years precious few convictions.
So somehow all this - not the man's character, not his lack of any sort of filter, not his policies or actions - are losing him the election. It's utter madness and logic

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

These warnings are not new and not supported by evidence; they defy numerous studies that have found that voter fraud is minimal.

They also invite a question: If the election is rigged, who is doing the rigging?

Presidential elections are conducted on a state-by-state basis, not nationally. And in most of the states seen as presidential battlegrounds, the chief elections officers are Republicans — most directly accountable to their state's voters.

  • In Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah, the chief elections officer of the state is a Republican, elected by voters of the state. Most are secretary of state; Utah’s lieutenant governor oversees elections there.
  • In Florida, the secretary of state is appointed by the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott — a Trump supporter.
  • In North Carolina, the state board of elections has five members, appointed by the governor — currently a Republican. Its current chairman and three out of five members are Republicans.
There are states with some measure of Democratic control over the process.
  • In Minnesota and Missouri, the chief elections officer is a Democrat elected by the voters of the state.
  • Pennsylvania’s secretary of state was appointed by the state’s Democratic governor.
  • New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state was once a Democrat, but was reelected to his post by the Republican-led state legislature.
  • Virginia’s Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe — a longtime Clinton ally — appointed each member of that state’s three-person elections board.

Comprehensive 10-Year Voter Fraud Study Found: It’s a GOP Myth

...The Washington Post’s “Wonkblog” offers a summary of studies and investigations that have examined the issue of voter fraud. These studies have been conducted by academic researchers, news organizations, and state governments. They all produced similar results: The massive “in person” voter fraud that Republicans claim is helping Democrats steal elections simply does not exist.

Out of all of the research cited in the story, the investigations conducted by various states are the most interesting, because they were conducted by states that are currently controlled by Republicans. For example, the Kansas secretary of state took a look at 84 million votes cast in 22 states, trying to find duplicate registrations. The result? They referred 14 cases to prosecutors. Fourteen. Out of 84 million votes.

North Carolina also participated in the multi-state voter “cross check” program. Their survey of 28 states turned up 765 people with the same names, birth dates, and whose Social Security numbers ended with the same four digits, who voted in North Carolina and another state, according to the Charlotte News and Observer. There is no word on how many, if any, of those people will be prosecuted. Even if all 765 were guilty of voter fraud, it is still a tiny percentage of the nearly seven million votes cast in North Carolina in 2012, and certainly not enough to sway the outcome of an election.

Iowa’s Republican secretary of state Matt Schultz spent two years, and over a quarter of a million taxpayer dollars, to find 117 possibly fraudulent votes, leading to only six convictions. Of those who were convicted, three were felons who believed that their right to vote had been restored.

Even though voter fraud does not exist on the level that Republicans claim that it does, there are instances of possible voter fraud in almost every election. Here are a few examples:

NO ONE claims it doesn't occur (despite misleading claims by some) - but it's very uncommon. Why is it uncommon? It's not a very successful way of throwing an election. People will always find examples to throw in as "proof" but so what? A handful out of millions of votes? And that is sufficient excuse to try and undermine our entire electoral integrity with this infectious madness?

Hell, the Democrats could have flown that flag with Gore vs Bush, called for violence and armed poll watchers. But this madness is new and the source is Trump. Everyone is "against him" - everyone is "biased" - the Dems, the media, the Republican establishment. Maybe it's not "Them" - maybe it's Trump himself who causing people to turn away. Ever think of that? :dunno:

Transsexuals are not very common, yet we make sure we accommodate them.

Is transexuality a crime?

Murder is not very common, yet we make sure to punish those convicted.

And we punish fraud when convicted.

The "NOT COMMON" argument is stupid as hell.

It sure as hell is when you want to add new laws that potentially disenfranchise legitimate voters.

Here you are...the party of LESS government calling for MORE government :lol:

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