right wing cons want to start a war with a billion Muslims

Anyone who tells you that the Koran orders Muslims to be violent, and therefore the religion itself is to blame,

and that moderate Muslims are not really Muslims, or else they're just extremists waiting to happen, or anything anyone says in a similar vein -

those are people who want to be at war with Islam.

...and we hear that sort of thing around here and elsewhere all the time.

Does the Koran order Muslims to be violent?

Yes, or no?

You can lie, you usually do - but prepare to be exposed when you do.
I didn't START the nuclear war thought
You are the only person who has mentioned it.
The post you quoted advocated genocide, not war. -You- equated the two.
You have no proof; you know it
Proven wrong.
You have yet to provide proof of anyone on the right wanting to start a war with a billion Muslims.
You did, however, provide proof that someone in the right does want to commit the genocide of a billion Muslims.
As genocide and war are not the same thing, your quote did not prove the claim.
Standing corrected, you may now try again.

Deflection and trying to move the goalposts - sophomoric tactics.

Now, please answer the question:
When the U.S. used nuclear weapons on Japan, was that an act of genocide or an act of war?

STILL waiting for an answer.
Anyone who tells you that the Koran orders Muslims to be violent, and therefore the religion itself is to blame,

and that moderate Muslims are not really Muslims, or else they're just extremists waiting to happen, or anything anyone says in a similar vein -

those are people who want to be at war with Islam.

...and we hear that sort of thing around here and elsewhere all the time.

Does the Koran order Muslims to be violent?

Yes, or no?

You can lie, you usually do - but prepare to be exposed when you do.

OK - let's say the Koran does order Muslims to be violent.
What's our response?
I didn't START the nuclear war thought
You are the only person who has mentioned it.
The post you quoted advocated genocide, not war. -You- equated the two.
You have no proof; you know it
Proven wrong.
You have yet to provide proof of anyone on the right wanting to start a war with a billion Muslims.
You did, however, provide proof that someone in the right does want to commit the genocide of a billion Muslims.
As genocide and war are not the same thing, your quote did not prove the claim.
Standing corrected, you may now try again.
Deflection and trying to move the goalposts - sophomoric tactics.
Perhaps -- but Illustrating how your citation does not prove the claim is neither.

You have yet to provide proof of anyone on the right wanting to start a war with a billion Muslims.
You did, however, provide proof that someone in the right does want to commit the genocide of a billion Muslims.
As genocide and war are not the same thing, your quote did not prove the claim.

Standing corrected, you may now try again.
Conservatives want to start a war with Islam at-large?

Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam. And they rag on Obama for not going along with the idea. Well hey, here's a clue...start that stupid war and then NO MORE OIL! When these moron cons piss off Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil producers, then not only are we cut off, but so is all of Europe. And then here we go again with another global economic collapse. The most dangerous extremists in the world today is the GOP.

Horseshit. However, one thing we should stop doing is importing these savages into our country. No good can come of that.
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam.
This is, of course, a lie.
I have seen posts on these boards that advocate that very thing.
No you haven't.
Just a few posts before yours ......
"I don't want to start a war with em. I'd be happy if we nuked em all from orbit.

End of problem."
Now try again.
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam. And they rag on Obama for not going along with the idea. Well hey, here's a clue...start that stupid war and then NO MORE OIL! When these moron cons piss off Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil producers, then not only are we cut off, but so is all of Europe. And then here we go again with another global economic collapse. The most dangerous extremists in the world today is the GOP.

We're about to overtake the saudi oil fields in three years. Why do you think they were draining their reserves the last few months, einstein? They tried to kill the frack industry because they know our reserves are about to surpass their reserves.
I'm glad the con replies have made it so clear that not only are they dumber than a retarded dog, but if this country is as dumb as they are, we will have China and Russia dropping nukes on us in retaliation. These morons really believe that if we drop nukes on the Muslims and destroy their oil fields it will be "problem solved". We really need a new adjective.... moronic stupid is too much of an understatement.
right wing cons want to start a war with a billion Muslims...
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda

Which is Islam... and who: STARTED A WAR WITH US!

the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war

And they rag on Obama ...


Along with the balance of the Ideological Left... proving that neither the Ideological Left or obama
I don't want to start a war with em. I'd be happy if we nuked em all from orbit.
End of problem.
Exhibit A - from THIS thread no less.
Way to keep up.
"I don't want to start a war with em"
So much for your proof.
You're as smart as her....dropping nukes isn't starting a war. Six year old kids are smarter than that.

Obama claimed that bombing Libya wasn't a war.
I don't want to start a war with em. I'd be happy if we nuked em all from orbit.
End of problem.
Exhibit A - from THIS thread no less.
Way to keep up.
"I don't want to start a war with em"
So much for your proof.
You're as smart as her....dropping nukes isn't starting a war. Six year old kids are smarter than that.

Obama claimed that bombing Libya wasn't a war.

Yeah... and to obama's infamous credit all that resulted in was ISIS and their raid on the Benghazi Compound, where they murdered 4 US Citizens and seriously injured dozens more... to conceal obama's funding and arming them.
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam.
This is, of course, a lie.
I have seen posts on these boards that advocate that very thing.
No you haven't.
Just a few posts before yours ......
"I don't want to start a war with em. I'd be happy if we nuked em all from orbit.
End of problem."
Now try again.
You apparently did not notice that I had this conversation with someone far brighter than you, and he lost terribly.

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