Right wingers and Trump


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? You'll support him either way. I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
We’ll file that under ‘Impeach Trump Even When Mueller Says No Collusion’.
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
We’ll file that under ‘Impeach Trump Even When Mueller Says No Collusion’.

Let's put that aside for a minute. I personally don't think Donald will be convicted of anything. I'm just suggesting a lot of his supporters think he's a good president regardless of the truth of these controversies, and that he should stay in office either way.
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
We’ll file that under ‘Impeach Trump Even When Mueller Says No Collusion’.

Let's put that aside for a minute. I personally don't think Donald will be convicted of anything. I'm just suggesting a lot of his supporters think he's a good president regardless of the truth of these controversies, and that he should stay in office.
And we’ll file that one under ‘Hillary’
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
We’ll file that under ‘Impeach Trump Even When Mueller Says No Collusion’.

Let's put that aside for a minute. I personally don't think Donald will be convicted of anything. I'm just suggesting a lot of his supporters think he's a good president regardless of the truth of these controversies, and that he should stay in office.
And we’ll file that one under ‘Hillary’

I'd definitely suggest the same thing about Hillary supporters.

I think there's a good chance you'd still support Donald even if you believed he might have broken a law. Am I wrong?

To be clear I think he's probably been doing sketchy shit his entire life and I just don't care much. I think good can come from Donald's presence in politics, so I'll continue not giving a fuck.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.

You think his "crimes" are kinda whatever at best, right? I don't disagree with that sentiment. I think the right should be more open about the fact that they don't give a fuck and will continue supporting the president. I think you guys are weak in this part of the conversation because you're not being open enough about how you really feel.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.

You think his "crimes" are kinda whatever at best, right? I don't disagree with that sentiment. I think the right should be more open about the fact that they don't give a fuck and will continue supporting the president. I think you guys are weak in this part of the conversation because you're not being open enough about how you really feel.
Look, when or if he is convicted of a crime, then you will get your answer. Until then who gives a rip ?
It's the problem with cults of personality. Followers never apply the same standards to their leaders as they do to their "enemies". Cults always have "enemies". Fortunately cults also tend to suddenly collapse. Not saying all Trump supporters are cultish but there are enough to trouble the GOP for years to come.
Look, when or if he is convicted of a crime, then you will get your answer. Until then who gives a rip ?
The mindless lemmings chanting "lock her up", for imstance. I gotta say, that didn't take a lot of brain power to puzzle out.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.

You think his "crimes" are kinda whatever at best, right? I don't disagree with that sentiment. I think the right should be more open about the fact that they don't give a fuck and will continue supporting the president. I think you guys are weak in this part of the conversation because you're not being open enough about how you really feel.

I'm very open about what I think is important. Arguing against every accusation they throw at the president just ain't on the top of my list of priorities.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.

You think his "crimes" are kinda whatever at best, right? I don't disagree with that sentiment. I think the right should be more open about the fact that they don't give a fuck and will continue supporting the president. I think you guys are weak in this part of the conversation because you're not being open enough about how you really feel.

We still have a word that describes this behaviour and thatbword is "Cult".

A Cult doesn't deal in facts or ideologies, or logic or 'right' and 'left'. Those are irrelevant. A Cult fuels on Feewings.

Rump himself in his own Fraud University decreed that "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". And it's easily demonstrated in said Cult's obsession with emotional attachments. "Cankles". "Obozo". Endless memes about a freshman Congresscritter as "stoopid". Constant calls for "civil war". Never rational ideologies, all emotional fluffburger.

Indeed Rump himself has no politics. He doesn't need any, and he knows it. All he needs is personality pressing emotional trigger-buttons. "Knock the hell". "Fire the sumbitches". "Pocahontas". "Blood coming out of her wherever". Never any substance, always emotional hooks for the Gullibles. And said Gullibles will stand and watch while he shoots somebody on Fifth Avenue and then obediently bleat "that's our guy". He can contradict himself at will too --- "would" means "wouldn't". "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "US taxpayers will pay for the wall". And they don't even notice while they're swooning.

Cult has no need for ideologies. Cult fuels on personality. Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors of Hillary, the perils of "Progs", the ravages of "rapists", the folderol of football players, the monstrosity of Muslims, whatever the Emmanuel Goldstein of the day is trotted out by Dear Leader, they're there like flies on shit for the requisite Two Minutes Hate.

It's kind of embarrassing as a human to watch.
Personality, Cult of

Cult of personality
is a pejorative term implying the concentration of all power in a single charismatic leader within a totalitarian state and the near deification of that leader in state propaganda. Totalitarian regimes use the state-controlled mass media to cultivate a larger-than-life public image of the leader through unquestioning flattery and praise. Leaders are lauded for their extraordinary courage, knowledge, wisdom, or any other superhuman quality necessary for legitimating the totalitarian regime. The cult of personality serves to sustain such a regime in power, discourage open criticism, and justify whatever political twists and turns it may decide to take. Among the more infamous and pervasive cults of personality in the twentieth century were those surrounding Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Francisco Franco, Chiang Kaishek, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il Sung, Juan and Evita Peron, Pol Pot, Augusto Pinochet, Kim Jong Il, and Saddam Hussein.
Cult Of Personality | Encyclopedia.com

wiki 'splains trump & his basket dwellers even better:

Cult of personality
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
We’ll file that under ‘Impeach Trump Even When Mueller Says No Collusion’.

Let's put that aside for a minute. I personally don't think Donald will be convicted of anything. I'm just suggesting a lot of his supporters think he's a good president regardless of the truth of these controversies, and that he should stay in office.
And we’ll file that one under ‘Hillary’

I'd definitely suggest the same thing about Hillary supporters.

I think there's a good chance you'd still support Donald even if you believed he might have broken a law. Am I wrong?

To be clear I think he's probably been doing sketchy shit his entire life and I just don't care much. I think good can come from Donald's presence in politics, so I'll continue not giving a fuck.

While I follow what you're saying here I can't agree. It cannot possibly be a positive step to install into a position of power someone who is so fundamentally dishonest. You can pretty much predict without even knowing any details that that's not going to end well.
Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors

Do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly?


LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

Interesting how you had to invent your own point to knock down. That's a strawman post, bruh.

Since you didn't bother to ask, I think pretty much every candidate gets votes from those with unrealistic expectations. Unfortunately for your strawman, that's not what the question was, was it.

See what I mean about emotionally based bullshit?

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