Right wingers and Trump

Look, when or if he is convicted of a crime, then you will get your answer. Until then who gives a rip ?
The mindless lemmings chanting "lock her up", for imstance. I gotta say, that didn't take a lot of brain power to puzzle out.
"Lock her up" was a chant based upon crimes already known about, and were committed. The nation couldn't help it that the FBI was compromised to the point of an in our face corruption designed to protect an agenda, and not to protect or uphold the law.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.

You think his "crimes" are kinda whatever at best, right? I don't disagree with that sentiment. I think the right should be more open about the fact that they don't give a fuck and will continue supporting the president. I think you guys are weak in this part of the conversation because you're not being open enough about how you really feel.

We still have a word that describes this behaviour and thatbword is "Cult".

A Cult doesn't deal in facts or ideologies, or logic or 'right' and 'left'. Those are irrelevant. A Cult fuels on Feewings.

Rump himself in his own Fraud University decreed that "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". And it's easily demonstrated in said Cult's obsession with emotional attachments. "Cankles". "Obozo". Endless memes about a freshman Congresscritter as "stoopid". Constant calls for "civil war". Never rational ideologies, all emotional fluffburger.

Indeed Rump himself has no politics. He doesn't need any, and he knows it. All he needs is personality pressing emotional trigger-buttons. "Knock the hell". "Fire the sumbitches". "Pocahontas". "Blood coming out of her wherever". Never any substance, always emotional hooks for the Gullibles. And said Gullibles will stand and watch while he shoots somebody on Fifth Avenue and then obediently bleat "that's our guy". He can contradict himself at will too --- "would" means "wouldn't". "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "US taxpayers will pay for the wall". And they don't even notice while they're swooning.

Cult has no need for ideologies. Cult fuels on personality. Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors of Hillary, the perils of "Progs", the ravages of "rapists", the folderol of football players, the monstrosity of Muslims, whatever the Emmanuel Goldstein of the day is trotted out by Dear Leader, they're there like flies on shit for the requisite Two Minutes Hate.

It's kind of embarrassing as a human to watch.
And you say this without any thought of or thinking that the demon-crats or leftist are of course guilty of the same stuff right ?? Why not apply your thinking or thoughts in a more fair assessment of both parties instead of the one you blindly follow as a cultist ??
Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors

Do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly?


LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

not even close. it was y'all calling him the black messiah, not us. & nooooo one that i know of EVER said god sent obama to be prez. that one is all on yer side too.
Calling him the black Messiah because that was the way he was being treated by his followers ?? Do you think that such things were just dreamed up out of nothing ??
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? You'll support him either way. I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.

It was you and yours that gave us Trump.

the Lying Cocksuckers obvious hatred of America, Ubercunt's incompetence (Benghazi, email scandal) and thievery.

If you'd study history :auiqs.jpg: you'd see that over-reaction is often the norm when people are led by incompetence, stupidity and thievery.

Brazil (current), Maoist China, the Weimar Republic, The Soviets, Batista.

You might not think so be cause pigs don't think other pigs stink but....

obama was THE worst President in American History. No, in World History.

No, in Galactic history.

And then you present us with a drunken liar? A woman more interested in her political future than in the lives of Americans?

I'm old enough to remember when there used to be a choice. Honest to God. The choice between Eisenhower and Stevenson. Even JFK and Nixon (Nixon didn't turn to the Dark Side until dimocraps cheated him out of the JFK Presidency -- Oh yes they did. Again, history. Read some)

So if you don't like Trump. And you want the reason why he's in Office.......

Look in the mirror.
You answered a definitive NO when asked if Obama supporters thought a thing. But you can't possibly know that for sure.

WRONG. I was asked if I THINK O'bama supporters followed some particular path. And I *DO* know what I think.

Go ahead, look the post up.

Details, details. the question was "do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly"

And you said NO. You think no Obama supporter in the entire country voted for him thinking he'd bring world peace and end racism or whatever. Sounds a bit...cultish.

Actually that would be anti-cultish. Try to keep up.

And you STILL got the question wrong. Sorry, you don't get to invent your own history.

You paint Trump supporters with a broad brush but don't do it to Obama supporters. Why?

The question, since you don't seem to be able to read it, was whether I thought O'bama voters were fixated on the "Daddy Savior" icon who will deliver us from the eebil Mooooslims, Meeeeexicans, Veterans, women, or whatever fearmonger puppet was being danced on the stage at the time. And I said no I don't think they were, because O'bama didn't create a bunch of Emmanuel Goldstein fantasies like Rump did literally from Day One.

There is no "broad brush". What I describe is the workings of a Cult. That's what it describes.

Right here is a sterling example of how condescending liberal elitists sneer down their noses at the concerns of millions of Americans and shows which groups are more important to them. Not the majority, the minority. People who aren't even citizens of this country are more important. This is what Trump tapped into and this is why he won.
Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors

Do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly?


LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

not even close. it was y'all calling him the black messiah, not us. & nooooo one that i know of EVER said god sent obama to be prez. that one is all on yer side too.
Calling him the black Messiah because that was the way he was being treated by his followers ?? Do you think that such things were just dreamed up out of nothing ??

cause y'all perceived it that way. but obama never admitted he could commit murder & not lose his voters.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.

You think his "crimes" are kinda whatever at best, right? I don't disagree with that sentiment. I think the right should be more open about the fact that they don't give a fuck and will continue supporting the president. I think you guys are weak in this part of the conversation because you're not being open enough about how you really feel.

We still have a word that describes this behaviour and thatbword is "Cult".

A Cult doesn't deal in facts or ideologies, or logic or 'right' and 'left'. Those are irrelevant. A Cult fuels on Feewings.

Rump himself in his own Fraud University decreed that "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". And it's easily demonstrated in said Cult's obsession with emotional attachments. "Cankles". "Obozo". Endless memes about a freshman Congresscritter as "stoopid". Constant calls for "civil war". Never rational ideologies, all emotional fluffburger.

Indeed Rump himself has no politics. He doesn't need any, and he knows it. All he needs is personality pressing emotional trigger-buttons. "Knock the hell". "Fire the sumbitches". "Pocahontas". "Blood coming out of her wherever". Never any substance, always emotional hooks for the Gullibles. And said Gullibles will stand and watch while he shoots somebody on Fifth Avenue and then obediently bleat "that's our guy". He can contradict himself at will too --- "would" means "wouldn't". "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "US taxpayers will pay for the wall". And they don't even notice while they're swooning.

Cult has no need for ideologies. Cult fuels on personality. Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors of Hillary, the perils of "Progs", the ravages of "rapists", the folderol of football players, the monstrosity of Muslims, whatever the Emmanuel Goldstein of the day is trotted out by Dear Leader, they're there like flies on shit for the requisite Two Minutes Hate.

It's kind of embarrassing as a human to watch.
And you say this without any thought of or thinking that the demon-crats or leftist are of course guilty of the same stuff right ?? Why not apply your thinking or thoughts in a more fair assessment of both parties instead of the one you blindly follow as a cultist ??

Once AGAIN nothing I've discussed here has anything to do with "parties". Or even with "politics". Or "left" or "right" --- all of which I dismissed as irrelevant at the outset.

Learn to count beyond the number Two.
Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors

Do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly?


LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

not even close. it was y'all calling him the black messiah, not us. & nooooo one that i know of EVER said god sent obama to be prez. that one is all on yer side too.
Calling him the black Messiah because that was the way he was being treated by his followers ?? Do you think that such things were just dreamed up out of nothing ??


Okay, not "nothing", that's a quick quip, isn't it. It was dreamed up because you can't get away with the word "uppity".
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
We’ll file that under ‘Impeach Trump Even When Mueller Says No Collusion’.

Let's put that aside for a minute. I personally don't think Donald will be convicted of anything. I'm just suggesting a lot of his supporters think he's a good president regardless of the truth of these controversies, and that he should stay in office either way.

Do you think he's a good President? I mean given all that he's accomplished?
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? You'll support him either way. I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.

I really don't care if Trump committed a crime and I'll tell you why.

Because liberals are turning our justice system on its head. Instead of having proof a crime was committed and trying to find the person guilty of said crime, they start with a person and start investigation after investigation with NO proof whatsoever of a crime being committed in HOPES of finding one.

I promise if the FBI would show up at your house tomorrow morning at 5am with guns drawn saying we have a search warrant and they take everything you own you would shit your pants. Why? Because everyone has committed a crime of some sort. You ever sped? Well guess what? You're a criminal. They start questioning you. Have you ever run a red light? No sir never. You ever sped? No sir, never. Well they download the data from your car and find its top speed was 81mph on June 2, 2014. Guess what? That's speeding. Now you lied to the FBI. Here are some iron wrist bands for ya.

So right now no, I don't give a fuck what they find because the way they are doing it goes against our constitution and I don't respect people who violate our constitution with regards to peoples well being. If they think Trump committed a crime, produce the evidence and investigate it that way. But don't say we think Trump committed a crime because we hate Trump and we'll falsely accuse him of whatever we can just to see what sticks.

I no longer give a flying fuck what they say he did.
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? You'll support him either way. I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.

I give a fuck, no matter who the miscreant is. But right now no one has shown jack shit that Trump has committed any crime, after 2 effing years of trying to dig up something, ANYTHING that could be pinned on him. To tell the truth, I can't stand the guy personally; he's got a big mouth, his character sucks, and he's a megalomaniac IMHO, BUT yes, he's doing a good job policy-wise. Better than any of the a-holes we've had in office at least since Reagan. I would rather have seen just about ANY of the other 16 guys who were running for president in 2016 make it over him, but the one person that I absolutely could NOT support was the one the Democrats nominated against him.

Talking about a person who technically WAS guilty of a crime, that would be Hillary Rodham Clinton, for using an unauthorized, unprotected, and unsecured email server to conduct official gov't business that involved 1000's of emails and documents. Including hundreds of classified information that could have been and probably was hacked by God knows who. She actually did break the law on more than one occasion and should've been indicted and convicted for it. Funny thing, I don't remember many Lefties giving a fuck about that.
Do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly?


LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

not even close. it was y'all calling him the black messiah, not us. & nooooo one that i know of EVER said god sent obama to be prez. that one is all on yer side too.
Calling him the black Messiah because that was the way he was being treated by his followers ?? Do you think that such things were just dreamed up out of nothing ??

cause y'all perceived it that way. but obama never admitted he could commit murder & not lose his voters.

O'bama also never walked out on stage and declared "I alone can fix it" or "I like people who weren't captured" or "I know more than the generals" or made up completely bogus tales of "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" or went into convulsions mocking a reporter who wouldn't lie to support that lie, or declared himself to have won more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan, or to have done more than any POTUS since Truman, or made up a fake magazine with his own face on it, or shoved a Prime Minister aside, or called for "riots" if he didn't win, or exhorted his rallygoers to "knock the hell" because "there used to be consequences" where "they'd be carried out on a stretcher" or demanded football players be fired for declining to be puppets for a Jingo exercise, or even suggested his opponents should be "locked up" or that his predecessor "tapppppppppped his wires" or threatened to "open up libel laws" to abort criticism, or described females who posed pointed debate questions or exposed his fake magazine cover in terms of "blood", or made reference to "shithole countries" or hired known security risks, or threatened to register and/or deport people based on what religion they followed, or held 800,000 government workers at ransom in a temper tantrum, or invited foreign governments to hack our political candidates, or dissed one of his rivals with "would anyone vote for that face", just to name a few off the top of my head.

What O'bama was guilty of though, was PWB. That's the derivation of the whole "egomania" myth, I have no doubt whatsoever.
Do you think he's a good President? I mean given all that he's accomplished?

I think he's an actual unfiltered person unlike most of the scripted elites that become president. That comes with bonuses and drawbacks. I also believe that unlike most politicians he truly means to do the things he says. Perhaps because he's not a career politician he doesn't always understand everything he needs to understand right away.

I think the most useful thing he's doing is creating chaos in the Republican ranks. I like Cortez for similar reasons.
Not if you're going to edit out 5 paragraphs of WHY.
The "why" would have no effect on the actions, going forward. Regardless of "why" you don't care if he has ever committed crimes, you don't care. Your words. So, why would someone who doesn't care then have an opinion on those topics in any way whatsoever?

I didn't change anything about your comments by quoting the simple statement to which I am responding. you know this. Stop being a sissy.

LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

not even close. it was y'all calling him the black messiah, not us. & nooooo one that i know of EVER said god sent obama to be prez. that one is all on yer side too.
Calling him the black Messiah because that was the way he was being treated by his followers ?? Do you think that such things were just dreamed up out of nothing ??

cause y'all perceived it that way. but obama never admitted he could commit murder & not lose his voters.

O'bama also never walked out on stage and declared "I alone can fix it" or "I like people who weren't captured" or "I know more than the generals" or made up completely bogus tales of "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" or went into convulsions mocking a reporter who wouldn't lie to support that lie, or declared himself to have won more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan, or to have done more than any POTUS since Truman, or made up a fake magazine with his own face on it, or shoved a Prime Minister aside, or called for "riots" if he didn't win, or exhorted his rallygoers to "knock the hell" because "there used to be consequences" where "they'd be carried out on a stretcher" or demanded football players be fired for declining to be puppets for a Jingo exercise, or even suggested his opponents should be "locked up" or that his predecessor "tapppppppppped his wires" or threatened to "open up libel laws" to abort criticism, or described females who posed pointed debate questions or exposed his fake magazine cover in terms of "blood", or made reference to "shithole countries" or hired known security risks, or threatened to register and/or deport people based on what religion they followed, or held 800,000 government workers at ransom in a temper tantrum, or invited foreign governments to hack our political candidates, or dissed one of his rivals with "would anyone vote for that face", just to name a few off the top of my head.

What O'bama was guilty of though, was PWB. That's the derivation of the whole "egomania" myth, I have no doubt whatsoever.


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