Right wingers and Trump

It seems intellectually dishonest, which is another standard symptom of partisan ideology.
It's s stadnard symnptomn of any process of "backwards think", by which the conclusion is decided first, and then all new information must be retro-fit to it.

You see it from religious goobers, too. And it often happens quite by accident. As in, they don't even realize they have contradicted themselves, until it is pointed out to them. This results from them valuing the conclusion above all else, including the arguments one would use to arrive at it and the integrity of the alleged 'evidence",.
That's one of the primary examples of how commitment to an ideology (politics, religion, whatever) distorts thought processes.
So otherwise if one believes in something, then that must mean that a person has a distortion in their thought processes ??? Good grief. Depends on the beliefs I guess, but who is in charge of that score card ? Still trying to figure that one out eh ?
That's not what I said.

It's all a matter of degree, as are most things.
Do you think he's a good President? I mean given all that he's accomplished?

I think he's an actual unfiltered person unlike most of the scripted elites that become president. That comes with bonuses and drawbacks. I also believe that unlike most politicians he truly means to do the things he says. Perhaps because he's not a career politician he doesn't always understand everything he needs to understand right away.

I think the most useful thing he's doing is creating chaos in the Republican ranks. I like Cortez for similar reasons.

Ok, that was personality-wise. But are you happy with his performance as President? His domestic, foreign, and military policies, the jobs numbers, the economy, energy, border security, and everything else he's accomplished? Do you feel that he has done things to make America great again, or has he lessened our presence in the world?
Do you think any Obama supporters felt similarly?


LOL. No Obama supporter ever had unrealistic expectations of the man? Right...

not even close. it was y'all calling him the black messiah, not us. & nooooo one that i know of EVER said god sent obama to be prez. that one is all on yer side too.
Calling him the black Messiah because that was the way he was being treated by his followers ?? Do you think that such things were just dreamed up out of nothing ??


Okay, not "nothing", that's a quick quip, isn't it. It was dreamed up because you can't get away with the word "uppity".
You sorely wish someone would use such (in your mind), racist code talk in order to feed your race baiting ways eh ??
It seems intellectually dishonest, which is another standard symptom of partisan ideology.
It's s stadnard symnptomn of any process of "backwards think", by which the conclusion is decided first, and then all new information must be retro-fit to it.

You see it from religious goobers, too. And it often happens quite by accident. As in, they don't even realize they have contradicted themselves, until it is pointed out to them. This results from them valuing the conclusion above all else, including the arguments one would use to arrive at it and the integrity of the alleged 'evidence",.
That's one of the primary examples of how commitment to an ideology (politics, religion, whatever) distorts thought processes.
So otherwise if one believes in something, then that must mean that a person has a distortion in their thought processes ??? Good grief. Depends on the beliefs I guess, but who is in charge of that score card ? Still trying to figure that one out eh ?
That's not what I said.

It's all a matter of degree, as are most things.
So if water is wet, and I believe it is, then is my thought processes distorted on the matter ? Some might try and argue the point, but should I stick to my belief ?
Ok, that was personality-wise. But are you happy with his performance as President? His domestic, foreign, and military policies, the jobs numbers, the economy, energy, border security, and everything else he's accomplished?

He's "accomplished" almost nothing.



Iran? That situation is worse

NATO He's making us less safe.

His foreign policy with ANY dictator has been personally friendly but nationally a waste of time...or worse

He's failed on his useless wall.

He's creating a human disaster on our southern border

The tax cuts aren't his but Ryan;s's even if he did sign them... they've been a real boon to the rich and hardly anyone else'

He's got grade school kids talking about "shithole" this and bullshit that

He's empowered racists and anti-semites

So no...Not a fan. Can ya tell?
Oh and he's making military policy decisions based on "twitter mood" . One day he's got us pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan...the next day he's not...and then he is again but only sorta.

The fucking military of course had no input and must be going fucking crazy trying to figure out how to allocate resources to respond that that insanity

Unless they just ignore his fat ass....
It’s funny how the laws come to play when a Republican won the election. But, the democrats are untouchable.

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Ok, that was personality-wise. But are you happy with his performance as President? His domestic, foreign, and military policies, the jobs numbers, the economy, energy, border security, and everything else he's accomplished?

He's "accomplished" almost nothing.



Iran? That situation is worse

NATO He's making us less safe.

His foreign policy with ANY dictator has been personally friendly but nationally a waste of time...or worse

He's failed on his useless wall.

He's creating a human disaster on our southern border

The tax cuts aren't his but Ryan;s's even if he did sign them... they've been a real boon to the rich and hardly anyone else'

He's got grade school kids talking about "shithole" this and bullshit that

He's empowered racists and anti-semites

So no...Not a fan. Can ya tell?
Spoken well by a globalist against the soverignty of this United States of America.
Ok, that was personality-wise. But are you happy with his performance as President? His domestic, foreign, and military policies, the jobs numbers, the economy, energy, border security, and everything else he's accomplished? Do you feel that he has done things to make America great again, or has he lessened our presence in the world?

Some yes and some no. I think he deserves a lot of props for being the first president to be willing to meet with North Korea in an attempt to broker peace.

I like the stuff he says about bringing troops home, but I want to see a lot more get done. I very much think the U.S shouldn't be intervening around the world.

I like that he's not afraid to get pushy with China on trade. We have the biggest dick in town. We could absolutely negotiate better deals if we were willing to do what it takes to get there.

I'm not really excited about the way he talks about coal. I'm aware that it's necessary and cheap, but I wish he would at least consider putting money into R&D to make solar panels better so they can more rapidly get to the point where they can compete with oil without being propped up by uncle Sam.

I have some extreme views on immigration. I don't think we need more poor immigrants legal or not, so I'm generally supportive of him trying to crack down in that area.

I think the world thinks less of us because of Trump, but I also think he's truly trying to do what he thinks needs to be done to make America great again. He wants to leave a good legacy behind.
How many on the right will admit that they don't actually care about whether or not Donald is technically guilty of a crime? You love the dude and think he's doing a good job, so in the end you just don't give a fuck, right? You'll support him either way. I bet a lot of you quietly think it's very possible that he has broken the law on more than one occasion.
You got one right. That's one in a row for you
It seems intellectually dishonest, which is another standard symptom of partisan ideology.
It's s stadnard symnptomn of any process of "backwards think", by which the conclusion is decided first, and then all new information must be retro-fit to it.

You see it from religious goobers, too. And it often happens quite by accident. As in, they don't even realize they have contradicted themselves, until it is pointed out to them. This results from them valuing the conclusion above all else, including the arguments one would use to arrive at it and the integrity of the alleged 'evidence",.
That's one of the primary examples of how commitment to an ideology (politics, religion, whatever) distorts thought processes.
So otherwise if one believes in something, then that must mean that a person has a distortion in their thought processes ??? Good grief. Depends on the beliefs I guess, but who is in charge of that score card ? Still trying to figure that one out eh ?
That's not what I said.

It's all a matter of degree, as are most things.
So if water is wet, and I believe it is, then is my thought processes distorted on the matter ? Some might try and argue the point, but should I stick to my belief ?
Do some reading on the subconscious, and how perfectly intelligent people can talk themselves into some crazy things.

It happens primarily through repetition and ideological isolation.

Then see if you detect a parallel between that and various ideologies.

Or don't, I don't care.
Ok, that was personality-wise. But are you happy with his performance as President? His domestic, foreign, and military policies, the jobs numbers, the economy, energy, border security, and everything else he's accomplished?

He's "accomplished" almost nothing.



Iran? That situation is worse

NATO He's making us less safe.

His foreign policy with ANY dictator has been personally friendly but nationally a waste of time...or worse

He's failed on his useless wall.

He's creating a human disaster on our southern border

The tax cuts aren't his but Ryan;s's even if he did sign them... they've been a real boon to the rich and hardly anyone else'

He's got grade school kids talking about "shithole" this and bullshit that

He's empowered racists and anti-semites

So no...Not a fan. Can ya tell?

No. The only thing I can tell is that you either live in an information vacuum, or you can't bring yourself to admit the great things he has done for this country. The first part would be due to the fact that your "media" is playing you for a fool, a stooge, and a useful idiot. As long as they keep you stupid, angry, and uninformed, you keep subscribing to them, and they won't even give you a reach-around.

The second part is due to your hatred of Donald Trump because your little candidate lost over two years ago. It might have been HIllary or it might have been Bernie, but you can't seem to overcome the fact that they did lose. You've been living in a state of suspended animation for over the last two years, not really sure of what happened.

I would also suspect that it's a mixture of both the first and second parts that makes you such a vile, unhinged, and hateful person. I also bet your hatred is eating your guts up from the inside, to the point where you can no longer function as a useful member of society.
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Not if you're going to edit out 5 paragraphs of WHY.
The "why" would have no effect on the actions, going forward. Regardless of "why" you don't care if he has ever committed crimes, you don't care. Your words. So, why would someone who doesn't care then have an opinion on those topics in any way whatsoever?

I didn't change anything about your comments by quoting the simple statement to which I am responding. you know this. Stop being a sissy.

You changed everything you cock sucking dickwad. Fuck you.
And, as we all know, there was (and is) quite a bit of pushback on the right as well. One can easily produce a long list of prominent, conservative intellectuals who view Trump as an abnormal child.

I am a regular on a conservative forum. Old school establishment family values type Republicans can't stand him. Most of them wanted Cruz to win and think Donald is a liberal antichrist.

And this ^^ is exactly where ideology is separated from Cult.

Or to put it more colloquially, the difference between those interested in what is the proper approach to government, and those interested in "MUH TEAM".

Would you prefer president Cruz over president Trump? Just curious.

I'd prefer anything human over Rump. Rump represents the lowest possible emanation of scumbaggery.

If Rump came out tomorrow and delivered a manifesto advocating literally everything I ever believed in, that wouldn't change.
I'd prefer anything human over Rump. Rump represents the lowest possible emanation of scumbaggery.
In 2025 you’ll get your wish.
Eh, they're nitpicking at excuses to destroy him now that the reality that the Mueller investigation is going nowhere starting to set in. I don't really see how paying off a blackmailer after the election is any more illegal than if it was done prior. The other financial crimes he's accused of, well I'm sure most politicians in DC are guilty of them too.

You think his "crimes" are kinda whatever at best, right? I don't disagree with that sentiment. I think the right should be more open about the fact that they don't give a fuck and will continue supporting the president. I think you guys are weak in this part of the conversation because you're not being open enough about how you really feel.

We still have a word that describes this behaviour and thatbword is "Cult".

A Cult doesn't deal in facts or ideologies, or logic or 'right' and 'left'. Those are irrelevant. A Cult fuels on Feewings.

Rump himself in his own Fraud University decreed that "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS". And it's easily demonstrated in said Cult's obsession with emotional attachments. "Cankles". "Obozo". Endless memes about a freshman Congresscritter as "stoopid". Constant calls for "civil war". Never rational ideologies, all emotional fluffburger.

Indeed Rump himself has no politics. He doesn't need any, and he knows it. All he needs is personality pressing emotional trigger-buttons. "Knock the hell". "Fire the sumbitches". "Pocahontas". "Blood coming out of her wherever". Never any substance, always emotional hooks for the Gullibles. And said Gullibles will stand and watch while he shoots somebody on Fifth Avenue and then obediently bleat "that's our guy". He can contradict himself at will too --- "would" means "wouldn't". "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "US taxpayers will pay for the wall". And they don't even notice while they're swooning.

Cult has no need for ideologies. Cult fuels on personality. Daddy Savior in his armor will save us from the horrors of Hillary, the perils of "Progs", the ravages of "rapists", the folderol of football players, the monstrosity of Muslims, whatever the Emmanuel Goldstein of the day is trotted out by Dear Leader, they're there like flies on shit for the requisite Two Minutes Hate.

It's kind of embarrassing as a human to watch.
And you say this without any thought of or thinking that the demon-crats or leftist are of course guilty of the same stuff right ?? Why not apply your thinking or thoughts in a more fair assessment of both parties instead of the one you blindly follow as a cultist ??

Once AGAIN nothing I've discussed here has anything to do with "parties". Or even with "politics". Or "left" or "right" --- all of which I dismissed as irrelevant at the outset.

Learn to count beyond the number Two.
Does it make you libs feel better about yourselves, otherwise by always trying to speak in condescending ways towards people ?? Doesn't seem very intelligent to me. In fact it might make up for a severe lack there of.

Hey, I bite back. Don't want to get bit back, don't start shit. Not that complex.
Maybe the new socialist regime in the democrat party can find some way to criminalize capitalism. Who knows?

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