Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

Not a thing.

The left wants us to admit that the only reason we are against going into Syria is that we hate Obama. They refuse to see any argument other than that... Unless you want to count the ones who want to throw the race card....

Once again, the world believed that Saddam was hiding WMD because he wanted Iran to believe he had them....

In Syria going against Assad is the same as fighting for AQ.......

But they refuse to understand these things....

No, the "world" didn't believe that. I'm not even sure if Bush & Cheney even believed it. But it sure was a great excuse to gain control over the oil.

I guess we don't know what everyone in the world thought, but the UN, French, Russians and Germans said he did and they all had better Iraq intelligence then we did.

I opposed Iraq because they were not a threat to us. So I can be honest about what happened. You have to just keep justifying the lie that you were lied to.

BTW, on your avatar, are you ever going to get over Paul Ryan running you up the flag pole by your underwear in high school? Wasn't that like 20 some years ago?

I'm in stitches! Ouchie!


Maybe we could just the fuck of their fucking business for a fucking change.


Maybe we could just the fuck of their fucking business for a fucking change.

WE have enough problems domestically...How can WE dictate to others with a plank in our own eye?

Obama doesn't care...NOT does ANY politician...

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye

Not a thing.

The left wants us to admit that the only reason we are against going into Syria is that we hate Obama. They refuse to see any argument other than that... Unless you want to count the ones who want to throw the race card....

Once again, the world believed that Saddam was hiding WMD because he wanted Iran to believe he had them....

In Syria going against Assad is the same as fighting for AQ.......

But they refuse to understand these things....

No, the "world" didn't believe that. I'm not even sure if Bush & Cheney even believed it. But it sure was a great excuse to gain control over the oil.
Guess DEMS were fooled, eh?


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhZ2ZvS2t_E"]Democrats confirm Saddam Hussein has WMD.flv - YouTube[/ame]

[SIZE=+1]Moscow Moved Weapons to Syria and Lebanon (WMDs Iraq)[/SIZE]

Pentagon official: Russia moved Saddam's WMD to Syria...

Putin is playin' yer BOY Obama like a fiddle and leading him OUT of the Middle East...

Thanks for playin', *JACKASS*

More proof you're a racist asshole.

"The DEMS" aren't the world, fool.

Democrats voted against the Iraq War.

And Obama has brilliantly put the responsibility all in Putin's hands. Either he delivers for Obama, or we will strike.

Brilliantly put by xotoxi, elsewhere:

"I can't remember the last time that a US President was able to pressure Russia to back down on their support for one of their allies and force them to do what we want.

Great job Obama!"
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

the geo-political atmosphere and our past with Iraq.

and no, if it was about Oil, we'd have it or had it...
No, the "world" didn't believe that. I'm not even sure if Bush & Cheney even believed it. But it sure was a great excuse to gain control over the oil.
Guess DEMS were fooled, eh?


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhZ2ZvS2t_E"]Democrats confirm Saddam Hussein has WMD.flv - YouTube[/ame]

[SIZE=+1]Moscow Moved Weapons to Syria and Lebanon (WMDs Iraq)[/SIZE]

Pentagon official: Russia moved Saddam's WMD to Syria...

Putin is playin' yer BOY Obama like a fiddle and leading him OUT of the Middle East...

Thanks for playin', *JACKASS*

More proof you're a racist asshole.

"The DEMS" aren't the world, fool.

Democrats voted against the Iraq War.

And Obama has brilliantly put the responsibility all in Putin's hands. Either he delivers for Obama, or we will strike.

Brilliantly put by xotoxi, elsewhere:

"I can't remember the last time that a US President was able to pressure Russia to back down on their support for one of their allies and force them to do what we want.

Great job Obama!"

*I* Am Part native American you jackass...YOU have NO proof of anything...YOU have to protect the man that INFESTS the Whitehouse for HIS RACE...

It is YOU...that is racist...

But YOU keep beliving YOU have me...

When YOU come up EMPTY continually.

The biggest difference between Syria and Iraq is that Bush didn't want terrorists to be victorious and obama does. Syria is all about support for al quaeda.
The biggest difference between Syria and Iraq is that Bush didn't want terrorists to be victorious and obama does. Syria is all about support for al quaeda.

YEP Obama HAS TO Help his Brothers in the MB.

History HAS been recorded. Obama has NOWHERE to hide from his record.

SYNTHIA has to call RACISM...SYNTHIA is SICK in the head.:cuckoo:
Sure is nice that we have all that Iraqi oil.........

Indeed...What ever happened to that? Didn't the LEFT state that's WHY we were there? GAS prices soar?

Sick they are...History isn't on their side...EVER...so they revise it.
I am 100% confident that if Obama was a white Conservative Republican, calling for attacks on Syria, ALL Republicans would stepping on top of each other to support his call for war.

and they would call anyone who disagrees with them, an "unAmerican traitor".
I am 100% confident that if Obama was a white Conservative Republican, calling for attacks on Syria, ALL Republicans would stepping on top of each other to support his call for war.

and they would call anyone who disagrees with them, an "unAmerican traitor".

Nice way of calling white conservatives racists.....

What are you going to call the Democrats who are against action in Syria?

I don't give a great damn who is in the White house. We have no friends in Syria, and hurting one side will only help the other...

PS. grow the fuck up.......
I am 100% confident that if Obama was a white Conservative Republican, calling for attacks on Syria, ALL Republicans would stepping on top of each other to support his call for war.

and they would call anyone who disagrees with them, an "unAmerican traitor".

Nice way of calling white conservatives racists.....

What are you going to call the Democrats who are against action in Syria?

I don't give a great damn who is in the White house. We have no friends in Syria, and hurting one side will only help the other...

PS. grow the fuck up.......

Unassailable point...
Nice way of calling white conservatives racists.....

What are you going to call the Democrats who are against action in Syria?

I don't give a great damn who is in the White house. We have no friends in Syria, and hurting one side will only help the other...

PS. grow the fuck up.......

nice way of misreading my comment, jackass.

I am a Democrat, who voted for Obama three times, and I am against attacking Syria.
Nice way of calling white conservatives racists.....

What are you going to call the Democrats who are against action in Syria?

I don't give a great damn who is in the White house. We have no friends in Syria, and hurting one side will only help the other...

PS. grow the fuck up.......

nice way of misreading my comment, jackass.

I am a Democrat, who voted for Obama three times, and I am against attacking Syria.

Voted for OBAMA three times, Gracie?:eusa_whistle:
I am 100% confident that if Obama was a white Conservative Republican, calling for attacks on Syria, ALL Republicans would stepping on top of each other to support his call for war.

and they would call anyone who disagrees with them, an "unAmerican traitor".

Does your crystal ball show the lottery numbers as well.....................

Sooooooooo right now we aren't ditching the Rhino's like McCain as well..............

We don't have a dog in this hunt. Neither side is in our Strategic Interests.

Let them kill each other. I simply don't care.

What I do care about is that the FSA is targetting Christians in the region, as they are around the middle east. Killing them simply because they are Christians.

The FSA, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and etc.. are doing this now. If we wanted to kick someone's ass in this situation, I believe we should actually bomb the other side of the equation.

But Assad is a POS as well.

Stay out of it, and let the Shellacking of the POTUS end. It's possible some WMD's will get removed in the equation.

BTW. Had this went to vote in Congress, Obama would have had his ass handed to him.

Ummmmmmm Bush got approval.
I am 100% confident that if Obama was a white Conservative Republican, calling for attacks on Syria, ALL Republicans would stepping on top of each other to support his call for war.

and they would call anyone who disagrees with them, an "unAmerican traitor".

If a white, conservative republican supported beheading Christians the same people who support obama would support the republucan.

In Syria it's all about the holy war. obama's holy war.
I am 100% confident that if Obama was a white Conservative Republican, calling for attacks on Syria, ALL Republicans would stepping on top of each other to support his call for war.

and they would call anyone who disagrees with them, an "unAmerican traitor".

Last year, Romney and Ryan agreed with Obama's 'red line'.

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