rightwinger, gas prices rising, thanks Obama?

Explain why the price of gas is $1.35 before obama and consistently $3.00

As late as October 2008 gas prices were 3.49 and after the recession didn't return to that level until 2011.

The price in July of 2008 was over $4. By the end of July the price had dropped to $3.74 or less already. That was as W Bush recognized a moratorium put in place by his father and renewed by Clinton was subject to executive order. W planned to act on that since he was getting no cooperation from dems in congress. That news alone impacted oil prices. The expiration of the offshore moratoriums in September along with Bush's plans to expand drilling in those regions dropped the price like a rock. Obama's reversal of those plans is what caused the price to go back up and stay up.
Your selective, partisan, faulty logic would suggest that a bad economy caused the price to drop. If that was the case, the price would have stayed low because the economy never recovered. According to that faulty logic, the economy improved drastically between January 11, 2009 and January, 23, 2009 when gas prices rose 25%. The only thing impactive that happened in that period was obama's inauguration and that was a negative impact.
Perry, toddster, is praised for all of that in the state of Texas, so it follows . . . .

Did Perry do anything to increase oil production in Texas? Did Obama?
They both get the credit for it. It is what tis.

What did Obama do to increase oil production in Texas? Be specific.
So why are you blaming Obama for prices going up?

Where'd I do that?

Maybe you can list his 3 largest contributions toward lower gas prices?
Thoughtful responses like that are why you made the troll bin.
That is the appropriate response to your nonsense, Rosh. Treat a subject fairly instead of as a partisan hack, and you will be treated with respect.
I gave statistics, specifics and facts. I guess those are considered unfair by you. That would make sense. Anyone citing facts to a lefty definitely has an unfair advantage.
Dispute obama's energy policy of stifling fossil fuel extraction being responsible for spikes in energy costs.
Explain why the price of gas is $1.35 before obama and consistently $3.00 and up after obama.
Coincidence? Not quite. Refute the specifics I cited.
Everyone of your comments above have been discussed at one time or another. So, nope, I am not going to play games with your hack job and supposed evidence.

The fact is simply that energy industry recovered during this admin, energy independence grew to a sixty year high during this admin, and all of your yelling means nothing.
No sitting President is responsible for gasoline or oil prices. Prices are set by the market.
In fact, just a short while back - when prices were getting really low - the Obama appealed to OPEC to slow production to inflate the price back up.
They flat out said no.

Hmmm......wonder why he would try that???
Let me know if you ever figure out what he actually did to increase domestic production.
Be specific.

The opposite is actually true. He enacted regulations that banned drilling in a lot of waters off of our coast. Believe me, he is no friend down here in Louisiana.

Just google Obama's drilling moratorium and you'll learn more.

Obama Administration Imposes Five-Year Drilling Ban on Majority of Offshore Areas - House Committee on Natural Resources

Any moron thinks Obama had anything to do with increased oil production is still wiping his jizz from their mouth.
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The price of Obamagas is being impacted by a Republican Congress in the pockets of Big Oil
So you want to give Obama the proper credit? Right?
Oil prices are down over 60%, gas prices are only down 30%. Big oil is making over 30% more profits. Bend over a crack a smile, big oil is driving home the big shaft.
The price of Obamagas is being impacted by a Republican Congress in the pockets of Big Oil
Wow....Just wow....
Please cite any GOP written and Obama signed piece of legislation that has been enacted in the past year that has caused the recent increase in gas prices....
  • Ok, thanks Breitbart.
    Jun 2, 2015 - The latest production numbers come on the heels of Breitbart News' report that the ... But the effort only caused much lower prices as U.S. oil production still ... market share will drop to 28.2 million bpd over the next five years.

Thanks for the info.
What did Obama do to make it happen?
First, he ended the recession and brought about an economic recovery with increasing demands for production. Maybe he just did the opposite of what conservatives repeatedly claim maybe he did not enact job killng regs.
I love this ....."He ended the recession".....
How so?....Explain in detail...
  • Ok, thanks Breitbart.
    Jun 2, 2015 - The latest production numbers come on the heels of Breitbart News' report that the ... But the effort only caused much lower prices as U.S. oil production still ... market share will drop to 28.2 million bpd over the next five years.

Thanks for the info.
What did Obama do to make it happen?
First, he ended the recession and brought about an economic recovery with increasing demands for production. Maybe he just did the opposite of what conservatives repeatedly claim maybe he did not enact job killng regs.

First, he ended the recession

He ended the recession? How'd he do that?

with increasing demands for production.

"Increasing demands for production" didn't exist before he was elected?

maybe he did not enact job killng regs

He increased oil production by not enacting job killing regs? LOL!

Let me know if you ever figure out what he actually did to increase domestic production.
Be specific.
The way former presidents, democrat and republican have done, through stimulus spending and tax cuts. Perhaps you would need to have so,done explain to you what a recession is if you don't understand that when one ends, there is increased economic activity and production which, in turn, increases the demand for energy. Did you not realize that a fully operating factory needs more energy than one idle? Since republicans claimed that the president was enacting regulations that would slow production, the fact that production is increasing proves that to be another lie.
You are indeed a deluded true believer.
The price of Obamagas is being impacted by a Republican Congress in the pockets of Big Oil
Wow....Just wow....
Please cite any GOP written and Obama signed piece of legislation that has been enacted in the past year that has caused the recent increase in gas prices....

Killing the Keystone Pipeline, Obamacare, Benghazi, Ebola and Trump running for President have all contributed to the recent spike in prices

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