RIP Evan Sun (aged 4)

What part of Mr Suns "god given rights" would be impinged by requiring him to buy a box to lock up his guns ?

What part of Mr. Sun's rights would be infringed by a govt demand for parents to house young children in a place without a pool?

It IS stupid parenting. I condemn him for not taking better caution.. Unless his house has been robbed several times in the past years.. Stupid parenting is not gonna cured by people with power designing your every move. Stupidity kills. A gun is one of a million ways that stupidity can get you..

What you want is ZERO RISK govt designed living.. Good luck with that. RISK is vital to life, prosperity and happiness....

RISK is actually the core difference between conservatives and liberals. Leftists have no concept of risk. In business or in life...
What part of Mr Suns "god given rights" would be impinged by requiring him to buy a box to lock up his guns ?

What part of Mr. Sun's rights would be infringed by a govt demand for parents to house young children in a place without a pool?

It IS stupid parenting. I condemn him for not taking better caution.. Unless his house has been robbed several times in the past years.. Stupid parenting is not gonna cured by people with power designing your every move. Stupidity kills. A gun is one of a million ways that stupidity can get you..

What you want is ZERO RISK govt designed living.. Good luck with that. RISK is vital to life, prosperity and happiness....

RISK is actually the core difference between conservatives and liberals. Leftists have no concept of risk. In business or in life...
Guns and stupid is a toxic combination. Ask Evan Sun (aged 4).
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?

Worse, he wants to prosecute the gun. After all, guns kill people.

If liberals really cared about kids, they'd ban bicycles, cars and swimming pools as those are responsible for far more child deaths each year than guns.

But since most liberals own at least one of each of the above items they won't say a word. After all, pushing a political agenda, not protecting kids, is their main goal. The same party that is for post-birth abortion (baby murder) cannot morally claim to give a rats ass about children.
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You want to punish an accident, to deter people from owning guns.

Not because the man deserves to be punished, but just to make an example.

It was not an accident that the father left the gun out. That was intentional. I feel certain that he did not intend any harm to his son, but he was in this habit and it killed his kid.

Yes, he deserves to be punished.

We do not know that he was in such a habit, or that it was intentional.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?
It should be possible to prosecute him. Some states require weapons to be secured. That is one of those "common sense " gun laws that could save lives, violate no ones rights, but that are opposed by the ammosexuals who fear and worship the NRA god. To leave the gun laying around is stupid and irresponsible, especially on the part of a cop.

You want to punish an accident, to deter people from owning guns.

Not because the man deserves to be punished, but just to make an example.
What part of common sense gun laws and responsibility are you unable to understand? . Where did I say anything about deterring people from owning guns. ? This is the kind of horseshit that results in these tragedies happening over and over again.

The part where, sometimes, when you libs are talking to each other, that you admit that your goal is total confiscation of all guns.

And the part that your actions and your arguments, show no limiting factors, that would stop, with just, "common sense gun laws".

AND there is the fact that you liberals are generally dishonest about just about everything political.

AND, I'm sure I'm forgetting some reasons to not trust you.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

Father was law enforcement and happened with his service weapon. No amount of gun control would stop these sorts of things from happening.

The father then is doubly responsible.

I personally think parents should be prosecuted for at least child endangerment, preferably involuntary murder in these cases.

"These cases" being when you assume you know all the details based on your own imagination?

Mo. the details are based on my literacy and the ability to read the article. You should try it some time.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

Father was law enforcement and happened with his service weapon. No amount of gun control would stop these sorts of things from happening.

The father then is doubly responsible.

I personally think parents should be prosecuted for at least child endangerment, preferably involuntary murder in these cases.

"These cases" being when you assume you know all the details based on your own imagination?

A 4 year old was fatally shot in the head with his father's service revolver. Those are all the details necessary to know that at least one of the parents was negligent. I am sure up until this happened they were "responsible gun owners" :113:
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.
I suppose the UK is completely free from fatal accidents involving children and their stupid parents

More children drown or die from falls or by being poisoned by household products and all these accidents have one thing in common

Negligent parents

So blame the parent not the gun

Maybe people should get a license to have children
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?
It should be possible to prosecute him. Some states require weapons to be secured. That is one of those "common sense " gun laws that could save lives, violate no ones rights, but that are opposed by the ammosexuals who fear and worship the NRA god. To leave the gun laying around is stupid and irresponsible, especially on the part of a cop.

You want to punish an accident, to deter people from owning guns.

Not because the man deserves to be punished, but just to make an example.
What part of common sense gun laws and responsibility are you unable to understand? . Where did I say anything about deterring people from owning guns. ? This is the kind of horseshit that results in these tragedies happening over and over again.

The part where, sometimes, when you libs are talking to each other, that you admit that your goal is total confiscation of all guns.

And the part that your actions and your arguments, show no limiting factors, that would stop, with just, "common sense gun laws".

AND there is the fact that you liberals are generally dishonest about just about everything political.

AND, I'm sure I'm forgetting some reasons to not trust you.
What a boatload of bovine excrement. Who EXACTLY called for the total confiscation of guns. You have stop listening to those voices in your head,..... and Fox News
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To paraphrase a prominent democrat, "never let a tragedy go to waste if you can turn it into a political issue". Let the system work and the family grieve before y'all (foreign) vultures pounce on the body.
To paraphrase the moron right. Ignore it & ot will go awa=y.

As the NRA spoon fed asshats keep claiming gun owners are responsible & we can trust them with loaded guns.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

RIP the last shred of decency or integrity Tommy-T have have retained. Exploiting the death of a child is an appalling low.

Ignoring the death of a child is appalling.

Seeing kids get gunned down while you asshats fight change is appalling.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

RIP the last shred of decency or integrity Tommy-T have have retained. Exploiting the death of a child is an appalling low.

Ignoring the death of a child is appalling.

Seeing kids get gunned down while you asshats fight change is appalling.

He's only posting this to trash America - which is disgusting exploitations. I do grok, however, why you dig it.
Not sure where Tommy resides Wales, Ireland, or there somewhere guess it doesn't matter, where ever it is there is nothing in that country that would make headlines in this country. Truth is where ever he is from, their news doesn't matter to us or even to him, it gets no mention in the United States. So Tommy, trying to stay relevant in an irrelevant country has to attack the United States verbally. Our lives don't really matter to him, our children don't really matter to him, just smearing the United States is all that matters to him, just as he smears England all the time. He is a small nation wannabe, and in the end, his opinion doesn't matter to the United States.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?

Worse, he wants to prosecute the gun. After all, guns kill people.

If liberals really cared about kids, they'd ban bicycles, cars and swimming pools as those are responsible for far more child deaths each year than guns.

But since most liberals own at least one of each of the above items they won't say a word. After all, pushing a political agenda, not protecting kids, is their main goal. The same party that is for post-birth abortion (baby murder) cannot morally claim to give a rats ass about children.
More bleating and blathering about how we want to ban all guns. That is really just dishonest, hysterical horseshit,

It's about safety. It's about doing what can be done to minimize the loss of life

Kids are required to wear helmets riding a bike

Adults are required to have a drivers license and be sober to drive

Swimming pools have to be fenced in


Yes Bubba, it is really that simple.
Coroner rules fatal shooting of 4-year-old an accident

Picked up a gun in the house and shot himself with his dads gun.

No drugs, no violent movies, no broken homes, no gang members.

No consequences either. Life is cheap in the US.

You want to prosecute the dad?

Worse, he wants to prosecute the gun. After all, guns kill people.

If liberals really cared about kids, they'd ban bicycles, cars and swimming pools as those are responsible for far more child deaths each year than guns.

But since most liberals own at least one of each of the above items they won't say a word. After all, pushing a political agenda, not protecting kids, is their main goal. The same party that is for post-birth abortion (baby murder) cannot morally claim to give a rats ass about children.
More bleating and blathering about how we want to ban all guns. That is really just dishonest, hysterical horseshit,

It's about safety. It's about doing what can be done to minimize the loss of life

Kids are required to wear helmets riding a bike

Adults are required to have a drivers license and be sober to drive

Swimming pools have to be fenced in


Yes Bubba, it is really that simple.

They need to prosecute the person that left the gun out and made it available for a four year old to use. I don't own a gun, but I think everyone has a right to have them if they choose, however there is a responsibility for them to make sure they don't get into the wrong hands.
A fetus can’t grab a gun. As long as it’s just a little kid, Republicans don’t care.

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