RIP Hughes Van Ellis - Tulsa race massacre survivor

Obvious projection.
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Superbadbrutha is right when he said, “It's amazing how racist whites will try and rewrite history to justify the injustice their racist ancestors are guilty of.”
It is amazing that living in the past accomplishes nothing but more division and hate and people want more of it. You are one of them.
They showed up to protect the accused from a white lynch mob.
You have no evidence that there was a white lynch mob. If there was a white lynch mob, why didn't they lynch the guy? You make absolutely no fucking sense because you have a very low IQ.
“The city of Tulsa” did no such thing. Some stupid politicians pushing their race hustling Agenda whined and cried about it.
Yes they did. This was no race hustle, but what you're doing is.
Who are you to even talk about moral messages? Look at the shithole you live in where women who claim they are raped by brown people are called racists. Stick your virtue signaling up your fat, no doubt very loose, ass.
He's talking to American white racists like you. Whites rape women in the UK and do it more than brown people Stick your racism up your fat, no doubt very loose, ass.
Foreign libs seem to want to dwell on old atrocities but I guess we are way past survivors of the New York City draft riots during the Civil War where black people were hunted down and hanged from the nearest light pole. It must have been quite a sight but Yankees prefer to forget about it.
White right wing racists want to pick and choose past events.
What kind of “justice” could have been reasonably offered or given to Mr. Van Ellis? What “justice” did he deserve, or to which was he entitled?

He was only a baby when this event occurred. Surely, he had no memory of it whatsoever. Anyone who had any active part in this event surely died a very long time ago, and however you might speculate about how Mr. Van Ellis himself might have been affected, he did go on to live an exceptionally long life.

I just do not see any basis on which to assume that anyone is now still alive, who owed him anything, or who owes anything to the two other remaining survivors of this incident. Anyone who was guilty of any wrongdoing, here, is now far beyond the grasp of any mortal system of justice, and has now faced his final judgement in the hereafter.

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