RIP middle class

Kids can self-educate with the internet now. No reason to waste more of my tax money on yet more school shit.
The middle class has been eroding for over a decade, but now you want to blame Obama?

Well done! Well done, indeed.

Actually it's been going on much longer than a decade.The average income for a non-supervisory/non agriculture worker (the working middle class) had better wages in Real Dollars in 1978 than they do now. The Middle Class has been in a flat wage rut for over 30 years and watched their expendable income disappear.
It's been this way in the 1980's. Look at chart for household incomes in Real Dollars, one would think household incomes would be much higher now, based on the fact that in the late 70's-early 80's there weren't multi-millions of two income homes like there are now. Yet the graph sure looks flat for the Middle Class.

Once again proving you cannot read a graph.
The "middle class" is a statistical abstraction. When you look at real people they are generally making more money, living better today than they were X number of years ago. At least until 5 years ago when Obamanomics kicked in and wages and income have plummetted. At least if you're not rich.

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