Rittenhouse ordered to stand trial

Bullshit. Another person there was on video putting out a dumpster fire and nobody messed with him.
There were multiple fires, dumbass.

You're an idiot.
I never said that was the only fire. :eusa_doh:

And no witnesses so far reported Rittenhouse was chased for doing that.
We can only speculate about the motivation of the child molester who masked himself and ran down the child.

We do know that the child was running away from Rosenbaum, actually sprinting away from the deranged child molestor.
He could have been chasing Rittenhouse for mishandling his gun.

Considering that Rosenbaum is dead, and Rittenhouse is alive, I would say Rittenhouse handled his gun fine.
An eyewitness said he was mishandling it. I'll take the eyewitnesses account over yours.

Someone "mishandling a gun" does not give you the right to take it away from them. The mob had no right to attack Rittenhouse and he had every right to defend himself.

That you are looking for ways to pretend that is not true, is because you are a bad person.

It looks like a fire extinguisher to me.
He should have been providing support to firefighters.

FIre fighters were not there. Probably because the riot made it not safe for them.

It was Rittenhouse and his group, or let the mob burn the shit down.
He should have been where they were to provide support.

Instead of where the fire was?

LOL!!! Cool the way your sentence made sense, but in context, was utterly senseless.

Did you do that on purpose? Cause if so, that was some high level shit.
The firefighters were presumably fighting fires where they could. Supporting them was more of a priority.

He was were he was requested to prevent a mob from burning shit down. HE saw a fire and he fought it.

That you consider him the problem and not the violent and destructive mob, is because you are a barbarian.
Oh? Who asked him to protect that business?
The business owner.

CC: Correll -- see that ^^^ ? That's proof of what I'm saying. Those who can prove their claims, prove them. Those who can't, make up stupid excuses for why they don't.
Hey, come up with an actual answer and we'll do this all day. If you can't do that, just say so instead of throwing your toys around the room. Ain't no big thang.
I did. I'll repeat it again. I just recognize a hack when I see one. If you aren't going to do this in good faith.. No point. I'll happily allow you to destroy your own perceived character as we go.

Media lied... You refuse to acknowledge it. You can do that... Doesn't hurt me.

Once AGAIN ---- I have yet to see anything to acknowledge. And I looked, hard. And when I couldn't find any I left the question on the table. Where it still sits today untouched. You see, the hackery isn't posing the question. The hackitude lies in making a declaration, being challenged to back it up, not being able to back it up, and flailing away in petulant pouting instead of just admitting it can't be backed up and is therefore unproven.

Seems like I have the easier job here. I just watch. It's something like sitting at the laundromat, watching the spin cycle.
Bullshit. Another person there was on video putting out a dumpster fire and nobody messed with him.
There were multiple fires, dumbass.

You're an idiot.
I never said that was the only fire. :eusa_doh:

And no witnesses so far reported Rittenhouse was chased for doing that.
We can only speculate about the motivation of the child molester who masked himself and ran down the child.

We do know that the child was running away from Rosenbaum, actually sprinting away from the deranged child molestor.
He could have been chasing Rittenhouse for mishandling his gun.

Considering that Rosenbaum is dead, and Rittenhouse is alive, I would say Rittenhouse handled his gun fine.
An eyewitness said he was mishandling it. I'll take the eyewitnesses account over yours.

Someone "mishandling a gun" does not give you the right to take it away from them. The mob had no right to attack Rittenhouse and he had every right to defend himself.

That you are looking for ways to pretend that is not true, is because you are a bad person.
We don't know that yet. That will hopefully come out in trial. If by mishandling it, he was pointing it at people, then yes, others had a right to take it away from him.
How does someone running away shoot their pursuer in the back?
By applying excessive force.
How is excessive force applied by someone running away? You know that Kyle Rittenhouse is not a police officer. Claims of excessive force don't apply to him.
Utter nonsense. Of course excessive force applies to someone claiming self-defense. The law only allows people to apply a sufficient amount of force to stop an imminent threat. Any force beyond that is excessive. Shooting someone in the back is excessive and no longer self-defense. At that point, it becomes murder.
You keep bringing up “shot in the back” as if that means anything at all. Now I don’t mean this in a rude or condescending manner at all when I say this, but saying “he was shot in the back” as if it proves anything is nonsense and demonstrates you either don’t know anything about fighting/gun fighting, or you are grabbing the first thing that confirms your opinion and latching on to it.
In a fight, fist or gun, people don’t hold still and pose to take incoming hits. They move, squirm, twist, etc. You can fire off rounds as fast as you can twitch your finger, and a person doesn’t generally stand there as there are incoming. They move. It isn’t uncommon for someone being shot at to
Be struck all over the place if there are multiple rounds taken. Being shot in the back doesn’t mean the person was running away, and the person pursued them and shot them from behind. It simply means that as rounds were incoming, which can be a matter of seconds, the person twisted and turned their back.
Look at a boxing match. It’s not uncommon for someone to get punched in the back or the back of the head. That doesn’t mean the person turned and ran and the other fighter pursued and punched them from
Behind. It is almost always because the person was throwing punches, and the other fighter twisted and turns away and is struck in the back or head.
I get it, you think rittenhouse is to blame. Ok. But to keep saying “shoot me nigga pedo-manlet was shot in the back, that means xyz” is not accurate, and only helps your case with people who don’t know any better. People who do know better, such as myself, just see that you are ignorant on this topic. And again I don’t mean that as an insult.
The victims are dead.
And one is still alive. If you attack someone with a gun, you are trying to kill them. He killed them first. That's self defense. Given his opportunity to kill a great many more people, and didn't... Suggests he never wanted to shoot in the first place.

Or is it your contention that he had no more bullets?
People had the right to try and disarm someone they believed shot someone else.
No, they don’t.
If I defended myself from rioters, and other rioters attempted to “disarm” me, I’d be shooting more people.

It looks like a fire extinguisher to me.
He should have been providing support to firefighters.

FIre fighters were not there. Probably because the riot made it not safe for them.

It was Rittenhouse and his group, or let the mob burn the shit down.
He should have been where they were to provide support.

Instead of where the fire was?

LOL!!! Cool the way your sentence made sense, but in context, was utterly senseless.

Did you do that on purpose? Cause if so, that was some high level shit.
The firefighters were presumably fighting fires where they could. Supporting them was more of a priority.

He was were he was requested to prevent a mob from burning shit down. HE saw a fire and he fought it.

That you consider him the problem and not the violent and destructive mob, is because you are a barbarian.
He should have been providing support to firefighters if he wanted to be useful.

Otherwise, all he proved was that the unorganized militia is worthless to the security of our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

It looks like a fire extinguisher to me.
He should have been providing support to firefighters.

FIre fighters were not there. Probably because the riot made it not safe for them.

It was Rittenhouse and his group, or let the mob burn the shit down.
He should have been where they were to provide support.

Instead of where the fire was?

LOL!!! Cool the way your sentence made sense, but in context, was utterly senseless.

Did you do that on purpose? Cause if so, that was some high level shit.
The firefighters were presumably fighting fires where they could. Supporting them was more of a priority.

He was were he was requested to prevent a mob from burning shit down. HE saw a fire and he fought it.

That you consider him the problem and not the violent and destructive mob, is because you are a barbarian.
Oh? Who asked him to protect that business?
The business owner.

CC: Correll -- see that ^^^ ? That's proof of what I'm saying. Those who can prove their claims, prove them. Those who can't, make up stupid excuses for why they don't.

Irrelevant to the issue of self defense.
Looks like Kyle is going to stand trial for his alleged crimes:

Kyle Rittenhouse — the 17-year-old charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after the shooting of Jacob Blake — will stand trial on charges of felony homicide and other crimes, a court commissioner ruled Thursday.
During a preliminary hearing at Kenosha County Circuit Court, which was held via video link, commissioner Loren Keating ruled that there was enough evidence to send Rittenhouse to trial over the Aug. 25 killings of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26.
Rittenhouse also faces charges of possession of a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18 and felony attempted homicide for injuring a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz.
Lawyers for Rittenhouse argued that the teen, who has been praised by right-wing commentators and viewed sympathetically by the Trump administration, had acted in self-defense when he opened fire.
But Keating said those arguments were issues for trial — not a preliminary hearing. The teen’s lawyers also asked Keating to dismiss two charges, including possession of a dangerous weapon, but the commissioner declined, saying that was also an issue for trial.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, was released on $2 million bond last month, money mostly raised by conservatives through a legal defense fund.

And in related news..the 19yo who posed as a straw buyer for Kyle's gun has been charged:

Charges have been filed against a 19-year-old man who prosecutors allege purchased and supplied the gun used by 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse in the fatal shootings of two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Dominick Black, of Kenosha, faces two felony counts of intentionally giving a dangerous weapon to a minor, causing death, according to a criminal complaint filed in Kenosha County Circuit Court. If he's found guilty, he faces up to 6 years in prison per count.

According to the criminal complaint, Black enlisted the help of Rittenhouse in guarding the Kenosha car dealership Car Source from property damage and looting. The complaint stated Black “volunteered to go out after curfew” and “asked Mr. Rittenhouse to join him.”

In interviews, the owner of Car Source has denied requesting help from either Black or Rittenhouse in protecting his dealership during the protests.

And several posters on this very board have publicly called for Rump to PARDON this piece of shit.

So conservatives clamoring to defend homicidal maniacs now. We live in interesting times.

Hey, dumb shit....how is he a homicidal maniac?...each shot he fired was in self defense against a raging joe biden voter out to do him harm......that isn't the definition of a homicidal maniac...you dumb ass...

I will grant you that the term "homicidal maniac" is redundant.

Cute story about "self defense" bro ---- after the kid deliberately traveled to another state to get into the thick of it. Hey, maybe he was teleported there by your avatar, against his will. Yeah that's the ticket. He was just sitting at home in Illinois watching TV an old Star Trek and when Captain Kirk said "energize" --- off he went. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he's in Wisconsin. Had no idea what was going on. So he was just trying to escape, Kirk tried to teleport him a phaser but it came through the space-time contiuum as an AR15. Whattaya gonna do.


Same thing happened with James Fields. He was going grocery shopping in Toledo, took a wrong turn and suddenly ---- Charlottesville Virginia.


Dipshit.....the videos clearly show that the 3 thugs initiated the attacks against the Hispanic Teenager........he fired in self defense in each case....

You guys can lie about what happened but the video is clear......as is the first hand account by the reporter who saw the first attack....you fucking twit.

You didn't touch the question, diaperrash.

What the fuck was he doing in Wisconsin?


Shopping for cheese?
Great, let's see your evidence the people who attempted to disarm him committed arson, robbery or assault....
Assault. As evidenced by the video, one of the terrorists threw a flying kick at that kid in the head. And then another one bashed him in the head with a skateboard and attempted to rob him. If you are exposed on video bashing some kid in the head with your skateboard and trying to grab his gun, that is clear evidence of attempted robbery.

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View attachment 425487
No no.
They were peaceful protestors trying to protect the public.
How does someone running away shoot their pursuer in the back?
By applying excessive force.
How is excessive force applied by someone running away? You know that Kyle Rittenhouse is not a police officer. Claims of excessive force don't apply to him.
Utter nonsense. Of course excessive force applies to someone claiming self-defense. The law only allows people to apply a sufficient amount of force to stop an imminent threat. Any force beyond that is excessive. Shooting someone in the back is excessive and no longer self-defense. At that point, it becomes murder.
You keep bringing up “shot in the back” as if that means anything at all. Now I don’t mean this in a rude or condescending manner at all when I say this, but saying “he was shot in the back” as if it proves anything is nonsense and demonstrates you either don’t know anything about fighting/gun fighting, or you are grabbing the first thing that confirms your opinion and latching on to it.
In a fight, fist or gun, people don’t hold still and pose to take incoming hits. They move, squirm, twist, etc. You can fire off rounds as fast as you can twitch your finger, and a person doesn’t generally stand there as there are incoming. They move. It isn’t uncommon for someone being shot at to
Be struck all over the place if there are multiple rounds taken. Being shot in the back doesn’t mean the person was running away, and the person pursued them and shot them from behind. It simply means that as rounds were incoming, which can be a matter of seconds, the person twisted and turned their back.
Look at a boxing match. It’s not uncommon for someone to get punched in the back or the back of the head. That doesn’t mean the person turned and ran and the other fighter pursued and punched them from
Behind. It is almost always because the person was throwing punches, and the other fighter twisted and turns away and is struck in the back or head.
I get it, you think rittenhouse is to blame. Ok. But to keep saying “shoot me nigga pedo-manlet was shot in the back, that means xyz” is not accurate, and only helps your case with people who don’t know any better. People who do know better, such as myself, just see that you are ignorant on this topic. And again I don’t mean that as an insult.
What it means is that Rittenhouse used excessive force.
And several posters on this very board have publicly called for Rump to PARDON this piece of shit.

So conservatives clamoring to defend homicidal maniacs now. We live in interesting times.
No reason to pardon him... He shouldn't go to jail. He'll get hit for a couple lesser crimes... But...
If found guilty of his crimes he should certainly to go prison.

That far too many on the right perceive Rittenhouse as some sort of ‘hero’ is a symptom of the disease that is conservativism.
He might be found guilty of being a minor in possession of a firearm. That's a very minor crime and real criminal gang members are let slide on that one all the time. No impartial jury will convict him of murder UNLESS there are things not on the publicly available videos. What was shown on the videos is clearly self-defense by a pretty competent person who only shot at those who were an immediate threat to his well being.
Here is a rational, factual post. No hyperbole. No wild associations with nazi’s and fascists and communists. No name calling. Just a rational analysis of the facts of what we have seen (video), prior legal occurrences (minors in possession of a weapon is a wrist slap at worst), and a reasonable assessment of what is to come.... and yet I see the “laughing face” reaction was selected by someone.
seeing that there wasn’t any comedy in there, no joking or sarcasm, I am left to believe that someone is laughing at the post. If anything, selecting that reaction gives insight into your judgment and/or character.

Indeed, being a minor with a firearm is the least of his transgressions. Much more to the point is his deliberately taking that firearm to another state for the purpose of intimidating and/or mowing down people.

To put it in the proper phrasing, he went hunting. For humans.

The parallel would be to beg that James Fields in Charlottesville's only transgression was that the the car he used to mow people down had an expired registration.

You stupid fuck.

He was shown running from humans. He only fired when attacked and vulnerable.

And in both deaths, it is likely the victims had their hands on the guns (on the wrong end).

Yuh huh.
And these humans he was "running from" --- they ran all the way to his parents' house in Illinois from Kenosha, did they?


Try it again asshole.

When you can't answer the question, go straight to ad hom.

Grow the fuck up.

Eat shit and die, moron.

Your question was bullshit.

Again ---- QED.
And several posters on this very board have publicly called for Rump to PARDON this piece of shit.

So conservatives clamoring to defend homicidal maniacs now. We live in interesting times.
No reason to pardon him... He shouldn't go to jail. He'll get hit for a couple lesser crimes... But...
If found guilty of his crimes he should certainly to go prison.

That far too many on the right perceive Rittenhouse as some sort of ‘hero’ is a symptom of the disease that is conservativism.
He might be found guilty of being a minor in possession of a firearm. That's a very minor crime and real criminal gang members are let slide on that one all the time. No impartial jury will convict him of murder UNLESS there are things not on the publicly available videos. What was shown on the videos is clearly self-defense by a pretty competent person who only shot at those who were an immediate threat to his well being.
Here is a rational, factual post. No hyperbole. No wild associations with nazi’s and fascists and communists. No name calling. Just a rational analysis of the facts of what we have seen (video), prior legal occurrences (minors in possession of a weapon is a wrist slap at worst), and a reasonable assessment of what is to come.... and yet I see the “laughing face” reaction was selected by someone.
seeing that there wasn’t any comedy in there, no joking or sarcasm, I am left to believe that someone is laughing at the post. If anything, selecting that reaction gives insight into your judgment and/or character.

Indeed, being a minor with a firearm is the least of his transgressions. Much more to the point is his deliberately taking that firearm to another state for the purpose of intimidating and/or mowing down people.

To put it in the proper phrasing, he went hunting. For humans.

The parallel would be to beg that James Fields in Charlottesville's only transgression was that the the car he used to mow people down had an expired registration.

You stupid fuck.

He was shown running from humans. He only fired when attacked and vulnerable.

And in both deaths, it is likely the victims had their hands on the guns (on the wrong end).

Yuh huh.
And these humans he was "running from" --- they ran all the way to his parents' house in Illinois from Kenosha, did they?


Try it again asshole.

When you can't answer the question, go straight to ad hom.

Grow the fuck up.

Your question "And these humans he was "running from" --- they ran all the way to his parents' house in Illinois from Kenosha, did they?

It's a strawman. Who argued that they chased him all the way from Kenosha to his parents' house in Illinois? The video is clear. Kyle ran a couple of blocks before the mob of predators knocked him to the pavement.

Nobody argued that. It's called "sarcasm". You actually need sarcasm explained? It's designed to put the adversary in an impossible quandary --- he can't agree with the absurd premise, therefore he has to concede that Rittenhouse went there deliberately looking to start some shit.

Can't believe I have to spell this out.

Let's spell this out......

You are full of shit.

Very well not-played. Beautifully not done anything about.

Are you going for some kind of Guinness record for not touching a question, yet continually calling attention TO a question for which you have no answer?


Good luck. I'm betting on you.
The victims are dead.
And one is still alive. If you attack someone with a gun, you are trying to kill them. He killed them first. That's self defense. Given his opportunity to kill a great many more people, and didn't... Suggests he never wanted to shoot in the first place.

Or is it your contention that he had no more bullets?
People had the right to try and disarm someone they believed shot someone else.
No, they don’t.
If I defended myself from rioters, and other rioters attempted to “disarm” me, I’d be shooting more people.
And you'd find yourself in court fighting murder charges like Rittenhouse.
Looks like Kyle is going to stand trial for his alleged crimes:

Kyle Rittenhouse — the 17-year-old charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after the shooting of Jacob Blake — will stand trial on charges of felony homicide and other crimes, a court commissioner ruled Thursday.
During a preliminary hearing at Kenosha County Circuit Court, which was held via video link, commissioner Loren Keating ruled that there was enough evidence to send Rittenhouse to trial over the Aug. 25 killings of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26.
Rittenhouse also faces charges of possession of a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18 and felony attempted homicide for injuring a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz.
Lawyers for Rittenhouse argued that the teen, who has been praised by right-wing commentators and viewed sympathetically by the Trump administration, had acted in self-defense when he opened fire.
But Keating said those arguments were issues for trial — not a preliminary hearing. The teen’s lawyers also asked Keating to dismiss two charges, including possession of a dangerous weapon, but the commissioner declined, saying that was also an issue for trial.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, was released on $2 million bond last month, money mostly raised by conservatives through a legal defense fund.

And in related news..the 19yo who posed as a straw buyer for Kyle's gun has been charged:

Charges have been filed against a 19-year-old man who prosecutors allege purchased and supplied the gun used by 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse in the fatal shootings of two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Dominick Black, of Kenosha, faces two felony counts of intentionally giving a dangerous weapon to a minor, causing death, according to a criminal complaint filed in Kenosha County Circuit Court. If he's found guilty, he faces up to 6 years in prison per count.

According to the criminal complaint, Black enlisted the help of Rittenhouse in guarding the Kenosha car dealership Car Source from property damage and looting. The complaint stated Black “volunteered to go out after curfew” and “asked Mr. Rittenhouse to join him.”

In interviews, the owner of Car Source has denied requesting help from either Black or Rittenhouse in protecting his dealership during the protests.

And several posters on this very board have publicly called for Rump to PARDON this piece of shit.

So conservatives clamoring to defend homicidal maniacs now. We live in interesting times.

Hey, dumb shit....how is he a homicidal maniac?...each shot he fired was in self defense against a raging joe biden voter out to do him harm......that isn't the definition of a homicidal maniac...you dumb ass...

I will grant you that the term "homicidal maniac" is redundant.

Cute story about "self defense" bro ---- after the kid deliberately traveled to another state to get into the thick of it. Hey, maybe he was teleported there by your avatar, against his will. Yeah that's the ticket. He was just sitting at home in Illinois watching TV an old Star Trek and when Captain Kirk said "energize" --- off he went. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he's in Wisconsin. Had no idea what was going on. So he was just trying to escape, Kirk tried to teleport him a phaser but it came through the space-time contiuum as an AR15. Whattaya gonna do.


Same thing happened with James Fields. He was going grocery shopping in Toledo, took a wrong turn and suddenly ---- Charlottesville Virginia.


Dipshit.....the videos clearly show that the 3 thugs initiated the attacks against the Hispanic Teenager........he fired in self defense in each case....

You guys can lie about what happened but the video is clear......as is the first hand account by the reporter who saw the first attack....you fucking twit.

You didn't touch the question, diaperrash.

What the fuck was he doing in Wisconsin?


Shopping for cheese?
He was in Wisconsin at work when the riot started. You should know that by now. He was working as a lifeguard. After work he was cleaning graffiti off a school.

It looks like a fire extinguisher to me.
He should have been providing support to firefighters.

FIre fighters were not there. Probably because the riot made it not safe for them.

It was Rittenhouse and his group, or let the mob burn the shit down.
He should have been where they were to provide support.

Instead of where the fire was?

LOL!!! Cool the way your sentence made sense, but in context, was utterly senseless.

Did you do that on purpose? Cause if so, that was some high level shit.
The firefighters were presumably fighting fires where they could. Supporting them was more of a priority.

He was were he was requested to prevent a mob from burning shit down. HE saw a fire and he fought it.

That you consider him the problem and not the violent and destructive mob, is because you are a barbarian.
Oh? Who asked him to protect that business?
The business owner.

CC: Correll -- see that ^^^ ? That's proof of what I'm saying. Those who can prove their claims, prove them. Those who can't, make up stupid excuses for why they don't.

Irrelevant to the issue of self defense.
You're brain-dead. I didn't say it was. Someone falsely claimed the business owner asked Rittenhouse to defend his business and I proved that's false.
How does someone running away shoot their pursuer in the back?
By applying excessive force.
How is excessive force applied by someone running away? You know that Kyle Rittenhouse is not a police officer. Claims of excessive force don't apply to him.
Utter nonsense. Of course excessive force applies to someone claiming self-defense. The law only allows people to apply a sufficient amount of force to stop an imminent threat. Any force beyond that is excessive. Shooting someone in the back is excessive and no longer self-defense. At that point, it becomes murder.
You keep bringing up “shot in the back” as if that means anything at all. Now I don’t mean this in a rude or condescending manner at all when I say this, but saying “he was shot in the back” as if it proves anything is nonsense and demonstrates you either don’t know anything about fighting/gun fighting, or you are grabbing the first thing that confirms your opinion and latching on to it.
In a fight, fist or gun, people don’t hold still and pose to take incoming hits. They move, squirm, twist, etc. You can fire off rounds as fast as you can twitch your finger, and a person doesn’t generally stand there as there are incoming. They move. It isn’t uncommon for someone being shot at to
Be struck all over the place if there are multiple rounds taken. Being shot in the back doesn’t mean the person was running away, and the person pursued them and shot them from behind. It simply means that as rounds were incoming, which can be a matter of seconds, the person twisted and turned their back.
Look at a boxing match. It’s not uncommon for someone to get punched in the back or the back of the head. That doesn’t mean the person turned and ran and the other fighter pursued and punched them from
Behind. It is almost always because the person was throwing punches, and the other fighter twisted and turns away and is struck in the back or head.
I get it, you think rittenhouse is to blame. Ok. But to keep saying “shoot me nigga pedo-manlet was shot in the back, that means xyz” is not accurate, and only helps your case with people who don’t know any better. People who do know better, such as myself, just see that you are ignorant on this topic. And again I don’t mean that as an insult.
Rosenbaum was shot after he grabbed the rifle. How was he in a position to twist in such a way as to be shot in the back if he had ahold of the rifle?

Was he really shot by Ziminski? Why haven't the results of the ballistic tests been made public.

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