Robert Mueller has evidence Roger Stone communicated with Wikileaks

Justice officials debated ousting Trump with 25th amendment

"It, according to an interview with former FBI director Andrew McCabe, was discussed in 2017 between he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein."
Sorry,not support for your lie.
I know you believe facts are lies. I get it. dude you're a desperate loon
Sorry crybaby, that's not a coup. In fact, it's precisely the opposite. You're embarrassing yourself.
Here comes one right now….Andrew McCabe.

“In ‘The Threat,’ Andrew McCabe Issues the Latest Warning Call About Trump’s America” In ‘The Threat,’ Andrew McCabe Issues the Latest Warning Call About Trump’s America

And, what makes McCabe a Democrat hero?

If we put aside outright corruption….for a moment… to explain the special and unique rights and privileges given to the Clintonistas by James Comey, Andrew McCabe and the FBI and the DoJ?
Their heroes function "by any means necessary....."

1.One would need a crystal ball, or some past-reading equivalent.

“Justice Dept. Granted Immunity to Specialist Who Deleted Hillary Clinton’s Emails” Justice Dept. Granted Immunity to Specialist Who Deleted Hillary Clinton’s Emails

“Three More Hillary Clinton Witnesses Were Given Immunity by FBI” Three More Hillary Clinton Witnesses Were Given Immunity by FBI

“Five Clinton aides received immunity deals in FBI probe” Five Clinton aides received immunity deals in FBI probe

“…it has now come to light that Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy about 30 emails related to the 2012 Benghazi massacre. They were recovered by the FBI, notwithstanding the use by Mrs. “Like With a Cloth or Something” of an advanced software program – “BleachBit” – in a willful effort to erase the contents of her servers so thoroughly that no one would be able to recover her emails (many of which were government records, which it is a felony to hoard and destroy).” Multiple Outrages in Clinton-Obama Benghazi Obstruction | National Review

“…the lawyers for Clinton who were permitted to be present for the interview. Among them is Cheryl Mills, …

… the Justice Department was allowing Cheryl Mills – a witness, if not a subject, of the investigation – to invoke attorney-client privilege on behalf of Mrs. Clinton in order to thwart the FBI’s attempt to inquire into the procedure used to produce Clinton’s emails to the State Department. Mills was a participant in that procedure – and it is the procedure in which, we now know, well over 30,000 emails were attempted to be destroyed, including several thousand that contained government-related business.” Clinton’s FBI Interview What Was Cheryl Mills Doing There? | National Review

Did I mention special and unique rights and privileges given to the Clintonistas by Comey, McCabe, et al, at the FBI and the DoJ?

And that made them heroes to the Democrats/Liberals.

Seems rectitude is to be eschewed.
Nah, that's nonsense. We have the circumstantial evidence that only the Russians hacked and possessed the emails. We know their account claimed responsibility for passing them to WikiLeaks. We have communications between WikiLeaks and guccifer, including this:

"“If you have anything hillary related we want it in the next tweo days prefable because the DNC is approaching,” the error-ridden message read. “and she will solidify bernie supporters behind her after.”

Basically, you aren't in possession of even the most basic facts regarding this topic and should probably stop talking now
Once again, if you have "facts" that WiKi received anything from Russia then go ahead and present it. Just because the Deep State, Leftist media, politicians, and brainwashed parrots like you keep repeating it, doesn't make it so.

Perhaps you should look into why Hillary committed obstruction by destroying over 30,000 emails, or the Democratic Party refusing the FBI access to its "hacked" server. What exactly are they trying to hide? Rumors are that the hacked emails were done so by a Democratic operative on the inside.
The facts are self explanatory. Without Russia, without Wikileaks, without Stone, Trump could have never presented his messaging campaign the way he did. "I'm going to be making an important announcement on Monday about Hillary Clinton", "Russia if you are listening", "I love Wikileaks". Assange announcing a big email scandal about Clinton. All this help from Russia and Wikileaks, would not have been possible, had it not been for the conduit of Stone. He was the lynch pin that made it all possible. And how did he do that? Through the exposed communications uncovered by Mueller from the search warrant of the 13 Russian spies who attacked the DNC and Hillary, who Stone communicated with. Folks, this isn't complicated to piece it together. It never has been. You'd have to be borderline retarded not to see how this whole puzzle fits so perfectly.
Ha ha ha. So you have nothing to show but your own wishful thinking. Apparently you are in the advanced stage of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump saying publicly in front of millions "Russia if you are listening..." can only mean he isn't talking to them in any other way, dufus! Once again, crooked Hillary criminally obstructs justice by destroying 30,000 subpeonad emails and smashing 12 mobile devices with a hammer and Lunatics on the Left are only worried about Trump making a joke while on the campaign trail. :cuckoo:
You believe Putin rather than our intelligence services? Like the POS in our WH?
well the intelligence services attempted a coup of a sitting president. Did Putin?
You're a liar, because you can't produce evidence of your claim.
Once again, if you have "facts" that WiKi received anything from Russia then go ahead and present it. Just because the Deep State, Leftist media, politicians, and brainwashed parrots like you keep repeating it, doesn't make it so.

Perhaps you should look into why Hillary committed obstruction by destroying over 30,000 emails, or the Democratic Party refusing the FBI access to its "hacked" server. What exactly are they trying to hide? Rumors are that the hacked emails were done so by a Democratic operative on the inside.
The facts are self explanatory. Without Russia, without Wikileaks, without Stone, Trump could have never presented his messaging campaign the way he did. "I'm going to be making an important announcement on Monday about Hillary Clinton", "Russia if you are listening", "I love Wikileaks". Assange announcing a big email scandal about Clinton. All this help from Russia and Wikileaks, would not have been possible, had it not been for the conduit of Stone. He was the lynch pin that made it all possible. And how did he do that? Through the exposed communications uncovered by Mueller from the search warrant of the 13 Russian spies who attacked the DNC and Hillary, who Stone communicated with. Folks, this isn't complicated to piece it together. It never has been. You'd have to be borderline retarded not to see how this whole puzzle fits so perfectly.
Ha ha ha. So you have nothing to show but your own wishful thinking. Apparently you are in the advanced stage of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump saying publicly in front of millions "Russia if you are listening..." can only mean he isn't talking to them in any other way, dufus! Once again, crooked Hillary criminally obstructs justice by destroying 30,000 subpeonad emails and smashing 12 mobile devices with a hammer and Lunatics on the Left are only worried about Trump making a joke while on the campaign trail. :cuckoo:
You believe Putin rather than our intelligence services? Like the POS in our WH?
well the intelligence services attempted a coup of a sitting president. Did Putin?
You're a liar, because you can't produce evidence of your claim.
About what?
silly boy, do you know what the 25th amendment was for?
Do you only know how to post stupid questions? They are, literally, 95% of the content you generate.
Told you you didn’t know it
Gotcha. And now you're going to tell me.
Fk no. I owe you shit. You should learn what it is
Ok, so you're not going to tell me. Gotcha.
silly boy, do you know what the 25th amendment was for?
Do you only know how to post stupid questions? They are, literally, 95% of the content you generate.
Told you you didn’t know it
Gotcha. And now you're going to tell me.
Fk no. I owe you shit. You should learn what it is
Ok, so you're not going to tell me. Gotcha.
Go find a teacher
Do you only know how to post stupid questions? They are, literally, 95% of the content you generate.
Told you you didn’t know it
Gotcha. And now you're going to tell me.
Fk no. I owe you shit. You should learn what it is
Ok, so you're not going to tell me. Gotcha.
Go find a teacher
Anyone but you. Got it. That's good advice, really.

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

The moment Stone is convicted of even picking his nose by all means post it immediately!
In the meantime that garbage in the AW parking lot isn't going to pick itself up. GET BACK TO WORK ASSHOLE!

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

No one cares if he communicated with people that knew about the wiki Hillary emails. No such communications are illegal. But he says he didn’t communicate with them directly, so what if he heard rumors through third parties? Again, nothing illegal.

Stone originally said he had communicated with Assange. Then he said he didn't. Mueller has evidence he did. Along with Gucifer 2.0. You do not.. That new evidence reveals where Stone got his public messaging from and how Trump used it during the campaign. Stone communicated with Gucifer 2.0 and yet, lied that he hadn't. Since we now know he did, information about the emails and Clinton, suddenly get to Trump. Trump was going to make announcements about Hillary, Russia if you're listening, Podesta's time in the barrel, all reveal coordination with Russia.

Yawn. Hillary and Podesta got their emails hacked because they were dumb. Finding out about the hack isn’t illegal.

And Trump, Trump Jr., Manafort, Stone, Wikileaks, and Gucifer 2.0, and Cambridge Analytica have all been exposed in the crimes to use those hacked emails against Clinton. And Mueller revealed that truth on Friday. Not that the public didn't already know it before. But now we have the circumstantial evidence that is needed to prove a conspiracy.

And we haven't even covered all of Trumps other crimes.

"circumstantial evidence"? Are you like eight years old? Not even a fucking traffic court judge would charge/sentence anyone based on "circumstantial evidence". Would YOU like to be sentenced and sent to jail based on "circumstantial evidence" you fucking idiot!?
No one cares if he communicated with people that knew about the wiki Hillary emails. No such communications are illegal. But he says he didn’t communicate with them directly, so what if he heard rumors through third parties? Again, nothing illegal.
Stone originally said he had communicated with Assange. Then he said he didn't. Mueller has evidence he did. Along with Gucifer 2.0. You do not.. That new evidence reveals where Stone got his public messaging from and how Trump used it during the campaign. Stone communicated with Gucifer 2.0 and yet, lied that he hadn't. Since we now know he did, information about the emails and Clinton, suddenly get to Trump. Trump was going to make announcements about Hillary, Russia if you're listening, Podesta's time in the barrel, all reveal coordination with Russia.
Yawn. Hillary and Podesta got their emails hacked because they were dumb. Finding out about the hack isn’t illegal.
And Trump, Trump Jr., Manafort, Stone, Wikileaks, and Gucifer 2.0, and Cambridge Analytica have all been exposed in the crimes to use those hacked emails against Clinton. And Mueller revealed that truth on Friday. Not that the public didn't already know it before. But now we have the circumstantial evidence that is needed to prove a conspiracy.

And we haven't even covered all of Trumps other crimes.
Relax. You’ve got nearly six more years.
Never going to happen. The gig is up.
Who's going boating at a time like this ASSHOLE?!!!!!!
Fk no. I owe you shit. You should learn what it is
Ok, so you're not going to tell me. Gotcha.
Go find a teacher
Anyone but you. Got it. That's good advice, really.
I don’t teach idiots
You don't teach anything to anyone.
not my job. why do you think that is my job? I provide factual information. you choose to engage, you have a choice, you can debate or you can insult like you're attempting to do here. doing that declares you are weak and uninformed and most likely a sock or parrot.
Is this true boy we have them now derp derp.
So, you can't even invent a lie as to how I'm wrong. That figures.

The logic between what was already known, and this new discovery about Stone, confirms without a doubt, a conspiracy occurred between Stone, Wikileaks, Gucifer, and Trump. Stone new all the right things to say, at all the right time on Trump's behalf, also proving exactly where Trump got his information from. It went from Wikileaks/Gucifer2.0 to Roger Stone to Trump. The line of communications is more than abundantly obvious. This is where a conspiracy is 100% revealing.. Trump got his info from someplace, and now we know where.. This is your conspiracy folks, right out in plain sight.
Your wrong because you know nothing directly. All you "know" is what the lying media has old you, and like a 2 year old waiting for Santa, you believe.
"Know nothing"? This coming from someone who uses "your" incorrectly. Lol! "Lying media?" If that were true, Mueller would have already fixed that claim. He didn't. You lied.
"The GIG is up!" right BWK?
Stop digging you moron!
Is this true boy we have them now derp derp.
So, you can't even invent a lie as to how I'm wrong. That figures.

The logic between what was already known, and this new discovery about Stone, confirms without a doubt, a conspiracy occurred between Stone, Wikileaks, Gucifer, and Trump. Stone new all the right things to say, at all the right time on Trump's behalf, also proving exactly where Trump got his information from. It went from Wikileaks/Gucifer2.0 to Roger Stone to Trump. The line of communications is more than abundantly obvious. This is where a conspiracy is 100% revealing.. Trump got his info from someplace, and now we know where.. This is your conspiracy folks, right out in plain sight.
Your wrong because you know nothing directly. All you "know" is what the lying media has old you, and like a 2 year old waiting for Santa, you believe.
"Know nothing"? This coming from someone who uses "your" incorrectly. Lol! "Lying media?" If that were true, Mueller would have already fixed that claim. He didn't. You lied.
"The GIG is up!" right BWK?
Stop digging you moron!
I heard this morning that Mueller will have to explain all of the subpoena's/ indictments and arrests to the AG. And any name mentioned in the report. hmmmmmm this may get will interesting. Will they find something illegal in his handling of things. I can't wait.

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