Robert Mueller has evidence Roger Stone communicated with Wikileaks

No evidence has been presented that Wiki has ties to Russia
Nah, that's nonsense. We have the circumstantial evidence that only the Russians hacked and possessed the emails. We know their account claimed responsibility for passing them to WikiLeaks. We have communications between WikiLeaks and guccifer, including this:

"“If you have anything hillary related we want it in the next tweo days prefable because the DNC is approaching,” the error-ridden message read. “and she will solidify bernie supporters behind her after.”

Basically, you aren't in possession of even the most basic facts regarding this topic and should probably stop talking now
Once again, if you have "facts" that WiKi received anything from Russia then go ahead and present it. Just because the Deep State, Leftist media, politicians, and brainwashed parrots like you keep repeating it, doesn't make it so.

Perhaps you should look into why Hillary committed obstruction by destroying over 30,000 emails, or the Democratic Party refusing the FBI access to its "hacked" server. What exactly are they trying to hide? Rumors are that the hacked emails were done so by a Democratic operative on the inside.
Seth was murdered before he could testify against HRC. Sound familiar?
You obviously had to surrender my argument or else you would have countered my truth with an intelligent rebuttal. Instead, you went off like a retard saying nothing. You're an idiot with nothing to debate. Get lost.
You have no argument, you have no facts, stains like you play this same word game everyday. I can only figure they are so tiny and non-important that they get some charge out of pretending to win anonymous arguments, and anyone honest can see that posted link to something proves nothing, other than the posters belief in pixie dust, and their own well worn value.
All that, and you said nothing. My OP made all the points of which you are helpless to debate. Take a hike loser.
No one debates with you liars. It is impossible since if you loose the debate you start throwing a tantrum and hurling all manor of baseless accusations that only further the opinion held by most that you are an imbecile.
Show me where it's a lie. Stop hiding like a pussy; Feds: We have Roger Stone's communications with Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0
BWK Republicans don't like facts Trump says he has the best facts but can't say where they came from .....His butt?
name a fact and let's debate it. I have all the time in the world. so post a lie from trump. please, I'll debate you. I'm just curious, do you believe it was illegal to communicate with wikileaks. I'm not sure about your big win you're pounding your chest about. Let's go.

I just saw Todd's post, the Anti-Wikileak's law?

BTW, I don't think Stone ever denied talking to them via email.
Wrong again.
Well,maybe you were in a comma,but we all knew stop was colluding with WikiLeaks and the Russians 2 years ago. So yes, i am right.

And, during your coma, the Russian spy front account guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for the WikiLeaks dump.
Nope. No evidence has been presented that Wiki has ties to Russia. Many have been bamboozled by the media and politicians into thinking so. Besides, did you forget that Rosenstein stated that no evidence that any votes were affected or changed by this so called Russian hacking?
That is a counter argument coming from an idiot that has no relevancy. The conspiracy to collude has been proven, making it an illegal election. Vote counts are not part of this conspiracy.
Ha ha ha. You are a joke and an ignoramus infected with Trump derangement syndrome.

The Senate just concluded its investigation that they found no evidence with respect to collusion, and Mueller will most likely find the same.

Senate: No direct proof of conspiracy between Trump campaign, Russia
The Senate has not concluded its investigation. The senate has not uncovered any "direct evidence". There is however a mountain of "circumstantial evidence". Do you know the difference?" Direct evidence" from almost all investigations never comes from "direct evidence". "Circumstantial evidence" carries the same weight. But Trump's stooges on this board don't have any idea what the two mean. Which is a good thing, because it throws them off course between reality and fantasy.

And by the way, the Senate Intel committee is not privy to near the info SC has. So yea, Burr is right from his investigation, but he foolishly made a mistake by trying to rap it up in lieu of this breaking news. However, in Burr's defense, it would be unlikely the senate intel would ever have "direct evidence" without all the intelligence Mueller has any way. Burr, with what he has available, can only go to circumstantial anyway. And remember, Burr never said there wasn't circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy to collude.
Seriously when the Mueller report comes out I suggest you get yourself to someone who will stop you from offing yourself. Seriously.
Remember the Trayvon and 'Big Mike' cases/etc? What seems familiar to you all? The same fucking cop-hating/Trump hating members here are getting their asses handed to them by the FACTS! AGAIN!
NO the "cheap gun" didn't recoil and break Georg's nose. And the head wounds on George's head were NOT caused by a fucking shrub! when he "tripped" and fell.
Well,maybe you were in a comma,but we all knew stop was colluding with WikiLeaks and the Russians 2 years ago. So yes, i am right.

And, during your coma, the Russian spy front account guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for the WikiLeaks dump.
Nope. No evidence has been presented that Wiki has ties to Russia. Many have been bamboozled by the media and politicians into thinking so. Besides, did you forget that Rosenstein stated that no evidence that any votes were affected or changed by this so called Russian hacking?
That is a counter argument coming from an idiot that has no relevancy. The conspiracy to collude has been proven, making it an illegal election. Vote counts are not part of this conspiracy.
Ha ha ha. You are a joke and an ignoramus infected with Trump derangement syndrome.

The Senate just concluded its investigation that they found no evidence with respect to collusion, and Mueller will most likely find the same.

Senate: No direct proof of conspiracy between Trump campaign, Russia
The Senate has not concluded its investigation. The senate has not uncovered any "direct evidence". There is however a mountain of "circumstantial evidence". Do you know the difference?" Direct evidence" from almost all investigations never comes from "direct evidence". "Circumstantial evidence" carries the same weight. But Trump's stooges on this board don't have any idea what the two mean. Which is a good thing, because it throws them off course between reality and fantasy.

And by the way, the Senate Intel committee is not privy to near the info SC has. So yea, Burr is right from his investigation, but he foolishly made a mistake by trying to rap it up in lieu of this breaking news. However, in Burr's defense, it would be unlikely the senate intel would ever have "direct evidence" without all the intelligence Mueller has any way. Burr, with what he has available, can only go to circumstantial anyway. And remember, Burr never said there wasn't circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy to collude.
Seriously when the Mueller report comes out I suggest you get yourself to someone who will stop you from offing yourself. Seriously.
Are you saying the evidence does not exist? This is Mueller telling us this. Not some pundit.
Nope. No evidence has been presented that Wiki has ties to Russia. Many have been bamboozled by the media and politicians into thinking so. Besides, did you forget that Rosenstein stated that no evidence that any votes were affected or changed by this so called Russian hacking?
That is a counter argument coming from an idiot that has no relevancy. The conspiracy to collude has been proven, making it an illegal election. Vote counts are not part of this conspiracy.
Ha ha ha. You are a joke and an ignoramus infected with Trump derangement syndrome.

The Senate just concluded its investigation that they found no evidence with respect to collusion, and Mueller will most likely find the same.

Senate: No direct proof of conspiracy between Trump campaign, Russia
The Senate has not concluded its investigation. The senate has not uncovered any "direct evidence". There is however a mountain of "circumstantial evidence". Do you know the difference?" Direct evidence" from almost all investigations never comes from "direct evidence". "Circumstantial evidence" carries the same weight. But Trump's stooges on this board don't have any idea what the two mean. Which is a good thing, because it throws them off course between reality and fantasy.

And by the way, the Senate Intel committee is not privy to near the info SC has. So yea, Burr is right from his investigation, but he foolishly made a mistake by trying to rap it up in lieu of this breaking news. However, in Burr's defense, it would be unlikely the senate intel would ever have "direct evidence" without all the intelligence Mueller has any way. Burr, with what he has available, can only go to circumstantial anyway. And remember, Burr never said there wasn't circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy to collude.
Seriously when the Mueller report comes out I suggest you get yourself to someone who will stop you from offing yourself. Seriously.
Are you saying the evidence does not exist? This is Mueller telling us this. Not some pundit.
mueller's telling you what? He contacted you?
Remember the Trayvon and 'Big Mike' cases/etc? What seems familiar to you all? The same fucking cop-hating/Trump hating members here are getting their asses handed to them by the FACTS! AGAIN!
NO the "cheap gun" didn't recoil and break Georg's nose. And the head wounds on George's head were NOT caused by a fucking shrub! when he "tripped" and fell.
If that is your counter argument about Stone, your a straight retard.
That is a counter argument coming from an idiot that has no relevancy. The conspiracy to collude has been proven, making it an illegal election. Vote counts are not part of this conspiracy.
Ha ha ha. You are a joke and an ignoramus infected with Trump derangement syndrome.

The Senate just concluded its investigation that they found no evidence with respect to collusion, and Mueller will most likely find the same.

Senate: No direct proof of conspiracy between Trump campaign, Russia
The Senate has not concluded its investigation. The senate has not uncovered any "direct evidence". There is however a mountain of "circumstantial evidence". Do you know the difference?" Direct evidence" from almost all investigations never comes from "direct evidence". "Circumstantial evidence" carries the same weight. But Trump's stooges on this board don't have any idea what the two mean. Which is a good thing, because it throws them off course between reality and fantasy.

And by the way, the Senate Intel committee is not privy to near the info SC has. So yea, Burr is right from his investigation, but he foolishly made a mistake by trying to rap it up in lieu of this breaking news. However, in Burr's defense, it would be unlikely the senate intel would ever have "direct evidence" without all the intelligence Mueller has any way. Burr, with what he has available, can only go to circumstantial anyway. And remember, Burr never said there wasn't circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy to collude.
Seriously when the Mueller report comes out I suggest you get yourself to someone who will stop you from offing yourself. Seriously.
Are you saying the evidence does not exist? This is Mueller telling us this. Not some pundit.
mueller's telling you what? He contacted you?
Damn, another retarded question. Get the hell out of here idiot.
Robert Mueller has evidence Roger Stone communicated with Wikileaks

He violated the anti-Wikileaks law?

Yes! It was channeled through Wikileaks to Gucifer 2.0. They were/are foreign adversaries.
Well,maybe you were in a comma,but we all knew stop was colluding with WikiLeaks and the Russians 2 years ago. So yes, i am right.

And, during your coma, the Russian spy front account guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for the WikiLeaks dump.
Nope. No evidence has been presented that Wiki has ties to Russia. Many have been bamboozled by the media and politicians into thinking so. Besides, did you forget that Rosenstein stated that no evidence that any votes were affected or changed by this so called Russian hacking?
That is a counter argument coming from an idiot that has no relevancy. The conspiracy to collude has been proven, making it an illegal election. Vote counts are not part of this conspiracy.
Ha ha ha. You are a joke and an ignoramus infected with Trump derangement syndrome.

The Senate just concluded its investigation that they found no evidence with respect to collusion, and Mueller will most likely find the same.

Senate: No direct proof of conspiracy between Trump campaign, Russia
The Senate has not concluded its investigation. The senate has not uncovered any "direct evidence". There is however a mountain of "circumstantial evidence". Do you know the difference?" Direct evidence" from almost all investigations never comes from "direct evidence". "Circumstantial evidence" carries the same weight. But Trump's stooges on this board don't have any idea what the two mean. Which is a good thing, because it throws them off course between reality and fantasy.

And by the way, the Senate Intel committee is not privy to near the info SC has. So yea, Burr is right from his investigation, but he foolishly made a mistake by trying to rap it up in lieu of this breaking news. However, in Burr's defense, it would be unlikely the senate intel would ever have "direct evidence" without all the intelligence Mueller has any way. Burr, with what he has available, can only go to circumstantial anyway. And remember, Burr never said there wasn't circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy to collude.
Seriously when the Mueller report comes out I suggest you get yourself to someone who will stop you from offing yourself. Seriously.
Mueller will farm out much of his investigation to other districts. This report will definitely be damning to Trump.
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
Told you you didn’t know it
Gotcha. And now you're going to tell me.
Fk no. I owe you shit. You should learn what it is
Ok, so you're not going to tell me. Gotcha.
Go find a teacher
Anyone but you. Got it. That's good advice, really.
He's retarded.
Is this true boy we have them now derp derp.
So, you can't even invent a lie as to how I'm wrong. That figures.

The logic between what was already known, and this new discovery about Stone, confirms without a doubt, a conspiracy occurred between Stone, Wikileaks, Gucifer, and Trump. Stone new all the right things to say, at all the right time on Trump's behalf, also proving exactly where Trump got his information from. It went from Wikileaks/Gucifer2.0 to Roger Stone to Trump. The line of communications is more than abundantly obvious. This is where a conspiracy is 100% revealing.. Trump got his info from someplace, and now we know where.. This is your conspiracy folks, right out in plain sight.
Your wrong because you know nothing directly. All you "know" is what the lying media has old you, and like a 2 year old waiting for Santa, you believe.
"Know nothing"? This coming from someone who uses "your" incorrectly. Lol! "Lying media?" If that were true, Mueller would have already fixed that claim. He didn't. You lied.
"The GIG is up!" right BWK?
Stop digging you moron!
I heard this morning that Mueller will have to explain all of the subpoena's/ indictments and arrests to the AG. And any name mentioned in the report. hmmmmmm this may get will interesting. Will they find something illegal in his handling of things. I can't wait.
They already have.
Gotcha. And now you're going to tell me.
Fk no. I owe you shit. You should learn what it is
Ok, so you're not going to tell me. Gotcha.
Go find a teacher
Anyone but you. Got it. That's good advice, really.
He's retarded.
So, you can't even invent a lie as to how I'm wrong. That figures.

The logic between what was already known, and this new discovery about Stone, confirms without a doubt, a conspiracy occurred between Stone, Wikileaks, Gucifer, and Trump. Stone new all the right things to say, at all the right time on Trump's behalf, also proving exactly where Trump got his information from. It went from Wikileaks/Gucifer2.0 to Roger Stone to Trump. The line of communications is more than abundantly obvious. This is where a conspiracy is 100% revealing.. Trump got his info from someplace, and now we know where.. This is your conspiracy folks, right out in plain sight.
Your wrong because you know nothing directly. All you "know" is what the lying media has old you, and like a 2 year old waiting for Santa, you believe.
"Know nothing"? This coming from someone who uses "your" incorrectly. Lol! "Lying media?" If that were true, Mueller would have already fixed that claim. He didn't. You lied.
"The GIG is up!" right BWK?
Stop digging you moron!
I heard this morning that Mueller will have to explain all of the subpoena's/ indictments and arrests to the AG. And any name mentioned in the report. hmmmmmm this may get will interesting. Will they find something illegal in his handling of things. I can't wait.
They already have.
And they will again. When he submits his report. why do you challenge facts all the time?
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
prove what? what is it you think mueller actually said? please, you seem to be convinced that wikileaks can't be talked to. why?
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
prove what? what is it you think mueller actually said? please, you seem to be convinced that wikileaks can't be talked to. why?
OMG you're dumb. Do you know who Gucifer 2.0 is?
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
prove what? what is it you think mueller actually said? please, you seem to be convinced that wikileaks can't be talked to. why?
OMG you're dumb. Do you know who Gucifer 2.0 is?
never met anyone named that, no. do you? or did someone tell you about him? What about him though? is he someone who people shouldn't talk to? give me the law.

BTW, I'm much smarter and brighter, I don't pretend to know someone I've never met.
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
prove what? what is it you think mueller actually said? please, you seem to be convinced that wikileaks can't be talked to. why?
OMG you're dumb. Do you know who Gucifer 2.0 is?
never met anyone named that, no. do you? or did someone tell you about him? What about him though? is he someone who people shouldn't talk to? give me the law.

BTW, I'm much smarter and brighter, I don't pretend to know someone I've never met.
You will never present counter arguments, because you're a smart ass who uses your weaknesses and ignorance as a replacement for debate.

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