Robert Mueller has evidence Roger Stone communicated with Wikileaks

Yet all of you morons sit there and watch while people go to jail. Will you fools ever realize that reality pays no mind to your hilariously stupid fantasies? Probably not.
LOL, for what? no collusion no russia. not one fking russia thing. name one.
Trump Tower meeting where Don Jr. accepted a meeting with Russians that they lied about, then had to invent a story about adoptions, until they changed the story to opposition research. That is a conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election.
you have to prove it was collusion. can you? it's called evidence, again, to you the person not willing to learn.
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary.

I agree, that Russian dossier was a conspiracy......oh, wait, you meant to say some help from a foreign adversary is ok, but some is really, really bad. DURR.

They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

Yeah, that Steele dossier was something of value alright. How much did the Dems pay for that?
Obfuscation is not going to save you.

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

Two words: Seth Rich

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

I agree, it's too many lies for this to end well. And the right has been defending the lieing. They must think good honest people lie this much when being questioned about serious crimes. That's a very concerning ethical fabric to fashion our country from, isnt it? I hear too often that someone is believed because they have a firm handshake and a confident and strong tone when denying something. Really? Have yall heard of acting?

I think we could see in this report.. or Congress and the SC could see.. everything laid out and evidence of regular support from trump to keep going. The last bit could have been hidden from the public to keep the peace until the case has been made on what exactly happened and action can be taken. This would be the right thing to do. Hand the findings of the investigation to the other branches to sort out how to proceed. It would not be appropriate for the FBI to simply arrest or remove trump from office on their deductions, or potentially even indict him. Seal the damaging info about trump individual 1 and put it in the hands of the SC and Congress. This is just a potential outcome, ofc. I think it's one of the few left that would allow for trump to be incriminated in anything worse than obstruction.

The senate recently concluded its investigation seemingly omitting such findings, however the senate is led by the GOP and so was the house for the last two years. There are hyper partisans in both houses and even though it may be their explicit duty to do some of this, I dont expect that many would be able to do it fairly unless it fits their desired outcome. They make no vow to being unbiased. The FBI does and Mueller was given a task to perform. What we saw in the FBI's partisanship with strozk, page, comey, is way worse in congress... the only difference is that they have the constitutional power and were elected there by the people. I'm of the position that you will not get a more tenacious investigation but from the opposition. See Gowdy and Chaffetz over Benghazi, a lot of people say they went too far but at least we know they tried freakin hard to get to the bottom of it. It was in all of their interests to do so and they had the power as majority leaders of the house and committee. I suspect that if dems were in charge of that, they may not have gone as far and the email server Easter egg at the end of tunnel may have been more readily dismissed. Hillary wasnt formally punished for that yet but the damage was sort of done by public opinion and vote.

Gowdy went too far. So far in fact, that he got caught trying to frame Clinton.
Care to tell me how CNN knows this when the Mueller report is considered classified and NOBODY has seen it yet?

Oh that's right, CNN seems privy to classified information as long as it makes Trump look bad. Think 5am raid on someone's home that CNN was allowed to set up a camera for 30 minutes before it happens.

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

Two words: Seth Rich

With evidence against Stone already, you can forget the Seth Rich story; Murder of Seth Rich - Wikipedia

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

Two words: Seth Rich

Two word: Fake news

That Time Fox News Retracted Their Story Linking Seth Rich's Murder to Leaked E-mails

Fox News allegedly made fake news to protect Trump
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
prove what? what is it you think mueller actually said? please, you seem to be convinced that wikileaks can't be talked to. why?
OMG you're dumb. Do you know who Gucifer 2.0 is?
We know who the fake news media says he is. Apparently that's enough to make it gospel for you.
Care to tell me how CNN knows this when the Mueller report is considered classified and NOBODY has seen it yet?

Oh that's right, CNN seems privy to classified information as long as it makes Trump look bad. Think 5am raid on someone's home that CNN was allowed to set up a camera for 30 minutes before it happens.
LOl! With evidence of Mueller having information about Stone's communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0 I'd have the swat team show up there myself.

Which begs the question, why did he lie about those communications to begin with? Too many lies from too many Trump associates.

Of course Wikileaks is directly linked to Gucifer 2.0 of which Stone has been caught communicating with them too. Now we know how Stone knew so much about Russia's next move or the orders Stone gave to the Russians during the campaign to help Trump. Which means he also knew who stole the Podesta emails. , It's so obvious he was conspiring with Russia to help Trump, because of these communications he lied about. It's a matter of simple logic as to where all the email dumps came from, when they would get to their destination, and how. The whole puzzle fits perfectly if you think about it. Tell me I'm wrong, or better yet, show me where I could be wrong, based on the one fact that Stone got caught lying about his communications with Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0.

Two words: Seth Rich

Two word: Fake news

That Time Fox News Retracted Their Story Linking Seth Rich's Murder to Leaked E-mails

Fox News allegedly made fake news to protect Trump

NBC news has a lot of room to talk about "creating fake news."
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

That's ridiculous....even if Trump's team went to Putin....sat in his Kremlin office and asked him if he has dirt on the Hildabeast....that would not in any way be a what are you talking about?....

It didn't can't you libs just except that you lost?.....we didn't blame the French when the dems won the

Hillary was dirty and even democrats recognized it and could not vote for her....if you want an enemy....look into what the DNC and Hillary did to Sanders....
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
prove what? what is it you think mueller actually said? please, you seem to be convinced that wikileaks can't be talked to. why?
OMG you're dumb. Do you know who Gucifer 2.0 is?
We know who the fake news media says he is. Apparently that's enough to make it gospel for you.

As soon as you use the term "fake news media", you reveal yourself to be an idiot, parroting a trope designed to gull you into believing anything Trump tells you. Trump is using this trope to gaslight the American public into not believing what they're hearing and seeing him do with their own eyes.
Again....time after time we see people like the OP being suckered by loose association hysteria created by the fake media. Big picture March gonna be hordes of suckers navigating with giant bumpy cucumbers inserted in their asses! Oh the stingyness!:113::113::113:

The OP needs to prepare.....butter up s0n!
If it were "loose hysteria", then prove it. But you won't, because you can't. And how is that? Because no one has counter evidence to counter that of Mueller.
prove what? what is it you think mueller actually said? please, you seem to be convinced that wikileaks can't be talked to. why?
OMG you're dumb. Do you know who Gucifer 2.0 is?
We know who the fake news media says he is. Apparently that's enough to make it gospel for you.

As soon as you use the term "fake news media", you reveal yourself to be an idiot, parroting a trop designed to gull you into believing anything Trump tells you.
Trump has never told my anything. The fake media has been lying for decades. And you swallow every inch of it.
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

That's ridiculous....even if Trump's team went to Putin....sat in his Kremlin office and asked him if he has dirt on the Hildabeast....that would not in any way be a what are you talking about?....

It didn't can't you libs just except that you lost?.....we didn't blame the French when the dems won the

Hillary was dirty and even democrats recognized it and could not vote for her....if you want an enemy....look into what the DNC and Hillary did to Sanders....

If everything they were doing is legal, then why did all of the Trump associates lie about it? Why are they all pleading guilty to doing illegal things now? Why are they admitting and providing evidence of all of the things they previously said never happened?

Unlike Trump, Hillary has never been charged with a crime, much less be found guilty of one. In fact, all 17 investigations that have been held to date have officially cleared Mrs. Clinton of ANY wrongdoing in any of the so-called "scandals" that Republicans have official blamed her for, including Vince Foster's murder.
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

That's ridiculous....even if Trump's team went to Putin....sat in his Kremlin office and asked him if he has dirt on the Hildabeast....that would not in any way be a what are you talking about?....

It didn't can't you libs just except that you lost?.....we didn't blame the French when the dems won the

Hillary was dirty and even democrats recognized it and could not vote for her....if you want an enemy....look into what the DNC and Hillary did to Sanders....

If everything they were doing is legal, then why did all of the Trump associates lie about it.

Unlike Trump, Hillary has never been charged with a crime, much less be found guilty of one. In fact, all 17 investigations that have been held to date have officially cleared Mrs. Clinton of ANY wrongdoing in any of the so-called "scandals" that Republicans have official blamed her for, including Vince Foster's murder.

I would venture to guess you didn't see Comey testify on all the wrongdoing of Clinton.

He basically laid out a case against her for mishandling of classified information.

Just because Clinton hasn't been charged sure the HELL does not mean she's not guilty of wrongdoing.

Trump has been cleared of all wrongdoing but the left still says he's guilty as hell.
If everything they were doing is legal, then why did all of the Trump associates lie about it?
All of the Trump associates didn't lie about it...see?...right there you begin with a falsehood....why?...if you must be disingenuous from the start you do not have the facts to continue the discussion....
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

That's ridiculous....even if Trump's team went to Putin....sat in his Kremlin office and asked him if he has dirt on the Hildabeast....that would not in any way be a what are you talking about?....

It didn't can't you libs just except that you lost?.....we didn't blame the French when the dems won the

Hillary was dirty and even democrats recognized it and could not vote for her....if you want an enemy....look into what the DNC and Hillary did to Sanders....

If everything they were doing is legal, then why did all of the Trump associates lie about it? Why are they all pleading guilty to doing illegal things now? Why are they admitting and providing evidence of all of the things they previously said never happened?

Unlike Trump, Hillary has never been charged with a crime, much less be found guilty of one. In fact, all 17 investigations that have been held to date have officially cleared Mrs. Clinton of ANY wrongdoing in any of the so-called "scandals" that Republicans have official blamed her for, including Vince Foster's murder.
What crime has Trump been charged with, liar?
LOL, for what? no collusion no russia. not one fking russia thing. name one.
Trump Tower meeting where Don Jr. accepted a meeting with Russians that they lied about, then had to invent a story about adoptions, until they changed the story to opposition research. That is a conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election.
you have to prove it was collusion. can you? it's called evidence, again, to you the person not willing to learn.
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary.

I agree, that Russian dossier was a conspiracy......oh, wait, you meant to say some help from a foreign adversary is ok, but some is really, really bad. DURR.

They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

Yeah, that Steele dossier was something of value alright. How much did the Dems pay for that?
Obfuscation is not going to save you.

Wahh...don't expose Democrat crimes.
Trump Tower meeting where Don Jr. accepted a meeting with Russians that they lied about, then had to invent a story about adoptions, until they changed the story to opposition research. That is a conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election.
you have to prove it was collusion. can you? it's called evidence, again, to you the person not willing to learn.
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary.

I agree, that Russian dossier was a conspiracy......oh, wait, you meant to say some help from a foreign adversary is ok, but some is really, really bad. DURR.

They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

Yeah, that Steele dossier was something of value alright. How much did the Dems pay for that?
Obfuscation is not going to save you.

Wahh...don't expose Democrat crimes.
No proven crimes. Try again.
It's not "collusion" you idiot. It's a conspiracy to attack the U.S. My explanatio is proof that the Trump campaign was seeking help from a foreign adversary. That has already been proven by the Trump teams own account. They sought to get a thing of value against Clinton by way of Russia.

That's ridiculous....even if Trump's team went to Putin....sat in his Kremlin office and asked him if he has dirt on the Hildabeast....that would not in any way be a what are you talking about?....

It didn't can't you libs just except that you lost?.....we didn't blame the French when the dems won the

Hillary was dirty and even democrats recognized it and could not vote for her....if you want an enemy....look into what the DNC and Hillary did to Sanders....

If everything they were doing is legal, then why did all of the Trump associates lie about it? Why are they all pleading guilty to doing illegal things now? Why are they admitting and providing evidence of all of the things they previously said never happened?

Unlike Trump, Hillary has never been charged with a crime, much less be found guilty of one. In fact, all 17 investigations that have been held to date have officially cleared Mrs. Clinton of ANY wrongdoing in any of the so-called "scandals" that Republicans have official blamed her for, including Vince Foster's murder.
What crime has Trump been charged with, liar?
You are so retarded.

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