Roe overturned

In my state FLA, there are literally hundred's of thousand's who never got the jab, and they never wore a mask, never were isolated from other's at work or at play, never quit working through the pandemic, never locked down, some have never had the virus even though they've been around people that have had it, most however have had the virus gaining natural immunity from it, some got it more than once giving them finally some much needed immunity from it, but at least it didn't kill them, no one but a tiny fraction are wearing mask now, and life is fully 99% back to normal for the state, uhhhh other than what Biden and his minion's are doing to it that is crippling the economy now.

Not sure if the virus was an attack on us by an enemy or what, but if this nation doesn't continue it's investigation into it's origins, and it's possible use as a bio weapon, and to do so for national security reasons, and it doesn't do it's due diligence in that investigation, then our enemy has won the battle... Worse is that the alledged enemy could be working to strike yet again. Anyone that is found to have been involved in the alledged attack that is a US citizen should be detained as traitor's, and executed for treason, otherwise if it was found out that it was an attack aided and abetted by American traitor's within.

It's that serious in my opinion.

Open border's is a serious national security threat, and for our government under Democrat rule to ignore the threat's due to incompetence or other is reason for impeachment, recalls, and the firing of anyone who went along with the open border shananigans in which put this nations health and security in grave danger. Waking up from the drunkenness this nation has been under is going to be an amazing thing when it finally sobers up, and hopefully it does before it's to late.
I was out 5 weeks then worked the whole time. Every day.

Most here didn't care about the nonsense the masks..........Had to do the game at work when the Mask Nazi's were around, but most ignored it and watched out for the mask Police.

We wore masks OUTSIDE in 100 degree plus weather to the point where we WATERBOARDED OURSELVES WITH OUR OWN SWEAT. We were literally ready to stomp the living shit out of anyone who got in our face over masks.

We were PISSED. And Study after Study says they didn't EVER STOP A DAMNED THING.
" Incompetence At The Highest Levels "

* Blame Arrogant Negligence For Self Defense Failure *

One more reason for the left to hate Donald Trump, who essentially made this ruling possible with three of his Supreme Court appointees.
There is not a need to directly blame the right when the left and the entirety of legal jurisprudence has flat out refused to listen to admonition for +25 years to demand an answer from supreme court nominees with the only constitutional question that needs to be answered to establish pro-choice public policy .

Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade
etc .


I don;t know anyone who went out of business for asking his employees to get tested.

No one around here is afraid of Q tips

It has nothing to do with fear. It has to do with YOU WILL DO THIS OR YOU WILL BE FIRED. Which is used to try and force the jabs.


Why the fuck should I get tested when I know I've already had the fucking virus you MOONBAT?
" Think Animal Cruelty Laws "

* No Inchoate Potato Cruelty Laws On The Books *

Sentience is a minimal requirement for sapience , for cognitive objection , for mind , for suffering , for a legitimate basis upon which one may represent another by legal proxy , and it does not onset any earlier than noted , which is consistent with , and naturally occurs , after an onset of viability .
Do you believe that a baby is sentient post birth?
It's a religious issue but it is also about controlling women.

(As for "external locus of control", well that's what abortion laws are all about: controlling women's bodies for them.)
Actually, you're wrong. The Constitution has Enumerated Rights, if it's not there, then it's up to
the states. That's the way the Constitution is supposed to work, and was the intent of the Founding Fathers.

Take a lesson, ding :smoke:
Actually, you're wrong. The Constitution has Enumerated Rights, if it's not there, then it's up to
the states. That's the way the Constitution is supposed to work, and was the intent of the Founding Fathers.

Take a lesson, ding :smoke:
Returned to the states needs to be done on a MASSIVE SCALE. And FIRE THE 4TH tier of govt. Federal branches and employees.
" Belief Does Not Expect Proof "

* Histology Determined Autonomic Thalamus To Higher Order Cortex *

Do you believe that a baby is sentient post birth?
Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

Regardless of whether the emotional content of pain is acquired, the psychological nature of pain presupposes the presence of functional thalamocortical circuitry required for conscious perception, as discussed below.

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