Roe overturned

Absolutely, the intent was to have a weak central government and a strong state government.
Somewhere along the way, the feds just couldn't let that be.
WWI started us down this path. Woodrow Wilson. FDR was Wilson on steroids and now the very thing the founders warned us not to do.........WE HAVE DONE.

The only way this country survives is to RESTORE the States controlling their own lives............and destroying the power of the Fed. Then they could not LAUNDER THE MONEY and decide the winners and losers anymore.

We are on a path to War amongst ourselves.
Its interesting that the people claim this is the death of democracy, while advocating violence to usurp the will of the people.


How is democracy dead when this will go to the states to vote on?
What is especially ironic is how they want us to be just like China in regards to the right to even live.
Truth. The moment I heard the words "super precedent"...I stopped thinking of the supreme court as anything other than just another political stage.
And that is truly demoralizing.. the only non political has become partisan. Precedent has no meaning.

I suppose that means this will be easy to overturn whenthe courts make upchanges. Heller too.

Bad for us though.
And that is truly demoralizing.. the only non political has become partisan. Precedent has no meaning.

I suppose that means this will be easy to overturn whenthe courts make upchanges. Heller too.

Bad for us though.
Then get rid of the left are way or the highway attitude.

15 years abortions NATIONWIDE. After that abortions ONLY IF THE WOMAN'S Life is in danger via A REAL DOCTOR.


If NOT...........OH WELL.

And that is truly demoralizing.. the only non political has become partisan. Precedent has no meaning.

I suppose that means this will be easy to overturn whenthe courts make upchanges. Heller too.

Bad for us though.
Serves you and other's right, because your party has worked to infiltrate every institution in this nation until you totally crush them from the inside out, and then you and your party hope to replace the institutions with a radically transformed culture that is self destructive, fragile, highly volatile, and very angry at everything that moves... It's all because they want to say that up is truly down, and down is truly up. Insanity..

The left is truly mentally unstable, and the stats that are being hidden by liberal news networks about it, otherwise that are not being reported accurately upon, just shows how screwed up the leftist are in everything that they've tried now.
And that is truly demoralizing.. the only non political has become partisan. Precedent has no meaning.

I suppose that means this will be easy to overturn whenthe courts make upchanges. Heller too.

Bad for us though.
SCOTUS has a long tradition of partisanship. Have you read the ruling yet?
What they did was violate the separation of powers, by abdicating their legislative responsibility to the judicial branch.

The very first sentence of enumerated powers is very clear.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.”
I agree, that is why Congress need to be more diligent in doing their job and working together to find agreement on both sides, instead of going to extremes. The small percentage of extremists are killing America.
Further exposing this current SCOTUS being extremist assholes covering for the theological agenda, will include scrutiny of the 2016 Texas case: Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, in which SCOTUS found no evidence to support TRAP laws (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers). This is so that readers can get a clearer, more educated image of the evolution of an accelerated Jesus of Jurisprudence.
Religious faith, aware that it is losing ground to knowlege across the world, furthers its holier-than-thou agenda by making preposterous claims about that faith, in scrutinizing Mississippi HB 1510 (Gestational Age Act), in which one reads: " I believe that life is precious and children are a gift from god. I am not god, but I serve a god who says life is in the blood. And this bill will protect those lives."

Inborn errors of development are also "in the blood," though this mouthy addict of religion's protection-racketism likely doesn't have a clue about faulty genetics, that can express itself and only be detectable way after the 15 weeks this dipshit Mississippi bill tries to hawk.
Inborn errors of development are also "in the blood," though this mouthy addict of religion's protection-racketism likely doesn't have a clue about faulty genetics, that can express itself and only be detectable way after the 15 weeks this dipshit Mississippi bill tries to hawk.
Like that is the overwhelming reason for an abortion? Really?

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