Roe overturned

Is it just my imagination, or are liberal women generally less attractive? (Not that I’m perfect….my doctor says I need to lose 10 pounds, and ideally 15. But not 150 like I see in the photo!)

The exception is Tulsi Gabbard. She’s actually quite pretty. Too bad the Dems didn’t make her the VP, but wrong color.

It is your imagination.


Why are you afraid to answer my question?
I answered it, that's the effect it would have on 10 men, 100 men, the population. No matter which state you're in, hopefully it will make them remember how to prevent unwanted pregnancies again.

You obviously don't care about people's opinions, so pray tell everyone the only answer that you want.
Actually, you're wrong. The Constitution has Enumerated Rights, if it's not there, then it's up to
the states. That's the way the Constitution is supposed to work, and was the intent of the Founding Fathers.

Take a lesson, ding :smoke:

As such then you have given up your right to privacy since no explicit enumerated right to privacy exists within the US Constitution.
" Stupid Assertions Piled Higher And Deeper "

* Bitch Slapping Rear End Talkers *

Actually, you're wrong. The Constitution has Enumerated Rights, if it's not there, then it's up to
the states. That's the way the Constitution is supposed to work, and was the intent of the Founding Fathers.

Take a lesson, ding :smoke:
States are comprised of citizens .

A citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated by birth , ergo equal protection requires birth .

#Roe_v_Wade deduced that post viability a standard of live birth was sufficiently potential and made reference to a potential life and ruled that state interests could begin .

There is nothing to enumerate , it is an a'priori , logical , political science , civics 101 deduction , whereby an equal protection requirement of birth is a non enumerated wright of the people by us 9th amendment .

Now the intellectual neophyte and god damned liar supreme court injustice all eat toe managed to conveniently quote another imbecile and negligently out of incompetence or negligently out of malice ignore the " ' Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." " statement of Blackmun that surmounts to an attack on citizenship on par with an attack by a domestic enemy - i personally consider it treason .

For +25 years this moniker has bantered politicians to challenge supreme court nominees to explain Blackmun's " Logically , of course " statement , and even believe to be instrumental in 2002 when a per son was clarified as any individual born alive at any stage of development , as obviously any born is entitled to equal protection including due process .

" Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade "



I answered it, that's the effect it would have on 10 men, 100 men, the population. No matter which state you're in, hopefully it will make them remember how to prevent unwanted pregnancies again.

You obviously don't care about people's opinions, so pray tell everyone the only answer that you want.

You seem to be a bit challenged here.

Why does the need of the woman in Colorado get overshadowed by the need of ten men in Maine.

Your response was to what you "hoped" for. My question asked how the pro-life men in Maine were affected, and you proved to be a failure at answering that question.

If you lack the intellectual agility to respond to the actual question, it's okay to say so. But giving some unrelated response is really no response at all...
" Stupid Assertions Piled Higher And Deeper "

* Bitch Slapping Rear End Talkers *

States are comprised of citizens .

A citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated by birth , ergo equal protection requires birth .

#Roe_v_Wade deduced that post viability a standard of live birth was sufficiently potential and made reference to a potential life and ruled that state interests could begin .

There is nothing to enumerate , it is an a'priori , logical , political science , civics 101 deduction , whereby an equal protection requirement of birth is a non enumerated wright of the people by us 9th amendment .

Now the intellectual neophyte and god damned liar supreme court injustice all eat toe managed to conveniently quote another imbecile and negligently out of incompetence or negligently out of malice ignore the " ' Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." " statement of Blackmun that surmounts to an attack on citizenship on par with an attack by a domestic enemy - i personally consider it treason .

For +25 years this moniker has bantered politicians to challenge supreme court nominees to explain Blackmun's " Logically , of course " statement , and even believe to be instrumental in 2002 when a per son was clarified as any individual born alive at any stage of development , as obviously any born is entitled to equal protection including due process .

" Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade "



You could have saved yourself some time if you were to have familiarized yourself with the Wo vs Hopkins case.

Spoil Alert; You don't have to be a citizen in order to be Constitutionally Entitled to the equal protection of our laws.
I agree, that is why Congress need to be more diligent in doing their job and working together to find agreement on both sides, instead of going to extremes. The small percentage of extremists are killing America.
What is an extremists to one is a patriot to another and vice versa.
Sent women's rights back decades !!! LOL Drama king much ?
Yes and now we will send you back decades

\'I can't imagine a better turnout engine': CNN conservative warns GOP about Roe ruling blowback

On CNN Saturday afternoon, conservative commentator S.E. Cupp insisted the Supreme Court ruling dismantling Roe v Wade after 50 years of allowing women to make choices about their reproductive freedom no matter where they live, will come back the haunt the Republican Party in the 2022 midterms.

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