Roe overturned

Would you agree with Spock, "The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few"?

Do I agree with a fictional character?

No, I do not.

But since you brought it up, how does a woman getting an abortion in Colorado adversely affect a hundred men, who are pro-life, in Maine?
Would you agree with Spock, "The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few"?
That's the decision of the individual as rights are individual rights in America.

So while the needs of the many may outweigh the needs off the few, that can never be used as a basis or justification to violate an individual's rights.
Rape only contributes to a tiny tiny percentage of abortions, barely 1%, yet it comes out 100% of the time to support abortion.

Jesse Jackson was conceived from rape and he went on to do great things that 99% of the population have never done, and many would have aborted him.
Each state will get to decide for themselves.
Beat me to it!

Good job!

Jennifer Pizer, Acting Chief Legal Officer, Lambda Legal, issued the following statement:

“The damage wrought by today’s ruling is incalculable. As we warned when a draft was leaked in May, people will die as a result of this ruling. More than half the states are already poised to ban or at least severely restrict abortion access, forcing patients to travel hundreds of miles out of state or to continue pregnancies against their will. Officials in some states have even suggested they will move to prevent pregnant people from leaving. We are seeing the threat of a radical, totalitarian state more and more resembling Gilead of The Handmaid’s Tale. If we want to retain any shred of gender equality and personal freedom, every one of us must raise our voices and engage.”
Most of the states will allow abortions in first trimester

There are about a dozes states on the east coast, west coast, and serval in the mid section that will not restrict abortion. There are also about a dozen more that will have limited restrictions. The remainder of the states mostly in the south will band abortion entirely. However, the abortion pill can now be sent legally through the mail so a number of countries which sell the pills over the counter will sell them in the US. For those who choose not to use the abortion bill, they can always get an abortion from the states that don't restrict abortions. Planned Parenthood and other organizations are there to help those with financial problems.

With the overturning of Roe v Wade I doubt that the number of abortions will decrease significantly. However we won't really know for sure since abortions via the pill will remain unknown
While the reversing of Roe is correct, many don't know why the court took up this at all at this time. It wasn't done with political actions at all. This helps abortion Democrat Party in November because it riles up their base and the ignorant. So, to blame Trump or Republicans is complete wrong. The court didn't do this to help Republicans.
The most necessary ones are often the ones least wanted, the happily married mother of other children who finds out on her 20 week check-up that the child has a genetic defect that makes it non-viable. Those are the worse abortions, expecting and wanting a baby and having a funeral instead.
Non-viable? When babies are that defected, they die before birth and abortions have to be performed anyways. So, what do you mean non-viable? You mean they will be severely handicapped and a burden on society? Sick people who think that way. Heck, why don't Democrats just write bills to kill the handicap off now that can't support themselves on their own? We are truly a sick and perverted generation.
Do I agree with a fictional character?

No, I do not.

But since you brought it up, how does a woman getting an abortion in Colorado adversely affect a hundred men, who are pro-life, in Maine?
I hope the effect on all, irrelevant of State, is to hopefully make them remember how to prevent unwanted pregnancies again. But will they have the brains?
Most of these beasts could not possibly get impregnated by anything walking on 2 legs. Perhaps on 4 legs, but never 2
Is it just my imagination, or are liberal women generally less attractive? (Not that I’m perfect….my doctor says I need to lose 10 pounds, and ideally 15. But not 150 like I see in the photo!)

The exception is Tulsi Gabbard. She’s actually quite pretty. Too bad the Dems didn’t make her the VP, but wrong color.


That's Priceless!

Apparently, "Equality" is more of a matter of convenience and less of a matter of biology or anything else.
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Is it just my imagination, or are liberal women generally less attractive? (Not that I’m perfect….my doctor says I need to lose 10 pounds, and ideally 15. But not 150 like I see in the photo!)

The exception is Tulsi Gabbard. She’s actually quite pretty. Too bad the Dems didn’t make her the VP, but wrong color.
Way less attractive both inside and out. Still stop some vids of a number on both sides and see

Look at the men too. Real men on the right. Cucks with choker chains banging some stupid drum being dragged around....lolol
Wimpy decision by the court
If Abortion is immoral……say it is immoral and outlaw it
Your now half way home...all ya have to do is stop pretending you were worried about the life of the mother and admit it was nothing more than for convenience sake.
Letting 50 states determine morality makes no sense
It makes plenty more sense than pretending the constitution allows for and provides a right to abortion...which, for matters of convenience" I would like to see stay legal

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