Roe overturned

Twenty-four hours after a conservative Supreme Court issued a controversial and unpopular 6-3 ruling that dismantled the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision that gave women the right to an abortion no matter where they lived, a longtime anti-choice activist attempted to make the case on CNN that taking away a woman's right to choose is actually a good thing.
We don't care if people die. ANTIFA in Washington DC. Many examples there.

Well, that ANTIFA group is going to keep on until they get something big started, and when that happens they are going to regret that in a huge way. It's amazing how bold and brazen those weird little black outfit wearing ninja turtles are.

The sad part is that we have a national security threat in the white house, and it's action's are rolling downhill like a avalanche out of control.
" Perhaps Better Luck Next Time "

* Stipulations In Different Forms Of Liberty *

Spoil Alert; You don't have to be a citizen in order to be Constitutionally Entitled to the equal protection of our laws.
There are negative liberties and positive liberties , where negative liberties represent protections from either government or from other individuals , where positive liberties represent endowments .

Republicanism asserts that negative liberties are to be equally protected and dissents that positive liberties may not be equally endowed .

Illegal migrants are entitled to equal protections but are not entitled to endowments , for social subsistence ( {{meta.fullTitle}} ) , which should also extend to their children receiving jus sanguinin citizenship from the country of the mother , when the parents are not subjects by title in us legal immigration system , when the " subject to us jurisdiction " clause of us 14th amendment is correctly applied .

* Brush Up References *

" Political Science Terminology : Negative / Positive : Wrights / Liberties : Protections / Endowments "
Political Science Terminology : Negative / Positive : Wrights / Liberties : Protections / Endowments

" Would A Legal Challenge of Subject To Contract Clause Of Us 14th Amendment Succeed ? "
Your side pushing forever got us here. Keep pushing and the push from our side will be epic.

About time your side STFU and compromise on a final outcome. Or we will just push you into the stinking bleachers.

Whatever you want. Take a look around..........people are not happy with you right now.
Eagle, I don't waste my time on some of these so called member's. But that's just me... lol
Now because I have said that I really like that the SCOTUS has reversed Roe v Wade because I too believe in originality and the respect for human life that can't speak for themselves....

I am concerned about those women who miscarry their babies through no fault of their own.

Are they going to be treated as criminals until they prove their innocence?
Is there going to be a thousand questions when what they need is medical care and counseling?

And now are the baby sellers (AKA adoption agencies) going to get aggressive trying to get unwed mothers to give up their babies when they do want them?

Is the Government going to cut back on WIC and medicaid and Child Protective Services because of the influx?

I'm not asking because I am pro abortion....I'm not. The abortionists lied from the start saying that abortion was mainly for cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother being at risk. And less than 2% of those instances ever occurred with abortion.

It's not like Planned Parenthood actually gave pap smears or mammograms. They were in the business of providing abortion on demand and then selling fetus parts on the open market.
just pointing out his hypocrisy is all,here he is telling someone here not to believe the lamestream media yet when it comes to that particular topic,despite the mountains of evidence thats says otherwise,he believes the propaganda of the CIA controlled media. If that is not hypocrisy i dont know what is.:uhoh3:

pot meet kettle.
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" Perhaps Better Luck Next Time "

* Stipulations In Different Forms Of Liberty *

There are negative liberties and positive liberties , where negative liberties represent protections from either government or from other individuals , where positive liberties represent endowments .

Republicanism asserts that negative liberties are to be equally protected and dissents that positive liberties may not be equally endowed .

Illegal migrants are entitled to equal protections but are not entitled to endowments , for social subsistence ( {{meta.fullTitle}} ) , which should also extend to their children receiving jus sanguinin citizenship from the country of the mother , when the parents are not subjects by title in us legal immigration system , when the " subject to us jurisdiction " clause of us 14th amendment is correctly applied .

* Brush Up References *

" Political Science Terminology : Negative / Positive : Wrights / Liberties : Protections / Endowments "
Political Science Terminology : Negative / Positive : Wrights / Liberties : Protections / Endowments

" Would A Legal Challenge of Subject To Contract Clause Of Us 14th Amendment Succeed ? "
Nice attempt at muddying the water but the point of Wo Vs Hopkins (and laws against abortion) ultimately come down to the right of all persons to the "equal protection" of our laws.
Your inserted PAP about "endowments" is unwarranted, meritless and easily spotted as the diversion attempt that it was.
You may be confused.

I have never voiced much of an opinion about the JFK assassination. I think the only thing I have ever said was there seems to be some credible evidence that the shot that killed Kennedy MAY have been a negligent discharge from a Secret Service agent in the trailing vehicle. However, I don't know.

What the hell does that have to do with the Supreme Court decision today?
uh you have a really bad memory,do i REALLY have to go back to all the posts you have posted in the past and repost them where you said oswald did it? :uhoh3: uhhh you went and told that person not to believe the lamestream medias propganda yet thats all YOU ever do when it comes to the jfk assassination,i know MANY people here that have laughed at you for saying in thepast oswald did it.dont deny it.

dont try and change the fact your being the a hypocrite here telling that person he should notlisten to what the LAMESTREAM propaganda CIA controlled media says when you do the same thing when it comes to oswald and when its proven to you that you are wrong and he is innocent,you always run off unable to admit you are wrong.
uh you have a really bad memory,do i REALLY have to go back to all the posts you have posted in the past and repost them where you said oswald did it? :uhoh3: uhhh you went and told that person not to believe the lamestream medias propganda yet thats all YOU ever do when it comes to the jfk assassination,i know MANY people here that have laughed at you for saying in thepast oswald did it.dont deny it.

dont try and change the fact your being the a hypocrite here telling that person he should notlisten to what the LAMESTREAM propaganda CIA controlled media says when you do the same thing when it comes to oswald and when its proven to you that you are wrong and he is innocent,you always run off unable to admit you are wrong.
I could care less about the JFK assassination. I was probably ridiculing you for being a silly JFK conspiracy nut. God know there are a bunch around.

This thread is not about the JFK assassination. It is about the Supremes overturning the R v W decision. If you want to me to ridicule you some more about your silly JFK theories then start another thread.
" Long Running Threads And Flits "

* By All Means Jump In Without Doing Any Research *

How about reading some of the previous responses in this thread , or perhaps you want special attention ?

" Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth. " - Justice Blackmun

I could care less about the JFK assassination. I was probably ridiculing you for being a silly JFK conspiracy nut. God know there are a bunch around.

This thread is not about the JFK assassination. It is about the Supremes overturning the R v W decision. If you want to me to ridicule you some more about your silly JFK theories then start another thread.


hey stupid fuck stop lying,i dont go by conspiracy THEORIES,I go by conspiracy FACTS that you have never been able to refute that there were multiple shooters and oswald was innocent, :auiqs.jpg:

there you go lying again because the only one getting rediculed is YOU by ME that when you say he was shot from the back when every serious researcher knows he was shot from the FRONT stupid ass.:auiqs.jpg:,not only did witnesses say they saw him shot from the front but all the dallas doctors said the entrance wound came from the FRONT moron.:auiqs.jpg:SO stop with the lies that you are ridculing me when it is me rediculing YOU.:auiqs.jpg:

I have to come on threads like this because you always run off from kennedy threads when i prove you wrong and checkmate you that he was shot from the front,come on over to this thread and i will LOVE to beat up on you some more and REALLY enjoy rediculing you.:auiqs.jpg:

okay lets get off this thread and let me humiliate you some more on the more appropraie thread

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" Did Not See Birth Requirement Coming So Great Acuity To Overlook The Obvious "

* Jerry Jimmy Falwell Swaggart Is That You Again *

Nice attempt at muddying the water but the point of Wo Vs Hopkins (and laws against abortion) ultimately come down to the right of all persons to the "equal protection" of our laws.
Your inserted PAP about "endowments" is unwarranted, meritless and easily spotted as the diversion attempt that it was.
I was bantering politicians and arguing with wasps long before 2002 when title 1 section 8 statute was put in place , and it was largely put in place to simply shut up the moral majority , which is neither , about a diabolical scheme to redefine a basic , a'prior , political science , civics 101 deduction about a contingent relationship between a state and citizens .

The definition of a " per son " is simply a clarification of the obvious .

1 U.S. Code § 8 - “Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual” as including born-alive infant​

In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the words “person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”, shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.
As used in this section, the term “born alive”, with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand, or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being “born alive” as defined in this section.
I could care less about the JFK assassination. I was probably ridiculing you for being a silly JFK conspiracy nut. God know there are a bunch around.

This thread is not about the JFK assassination. It is about the Supremes overturning the R v W decision. If you want to me to ridicule you some more about your silly JFK theories then start another thread.
I rest my case how you play dodgeball that you are a hypocrite.:abgg2q.jpg:

Here you are telling SOMEONE on this thread to not believe the lies of the propaganda LAMESTREAM media when i just proved "YOU" DO THE SAME THING ALL THE TIME .What a fucking hypocrite. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

we both know you wont make it over to that thread of that link i just posted sense we both know you cannot stand toe to toe against me on this.:auiqs.jpg:

i gave you the challenge to come over there just as you asked posting that link in the previous post,.Im waiting little boy. why are you keeping me waiting there? :abgg2q.jpg:
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" Belief Does Not Expect Proof "

* Histology Determined Autonomic Thalamus To Higher Order Cortex *
Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

Regardless of whether the emotional content of pain is acquired, the psychological nature of pain presupposes the presence of functional thalamocortical circuitry required for conscious perception, as discussed below.
Not true pain in the womb has been dected as early as 16 to 18 weeks.
Really? I can see a bunch of self righteous finger waggers being a bunch of jerks...

I can see unintended consequences and an ill prepared government....because they are usually slow to react to messes of their own making.
You seem to be a bit challenged here.

Why does the need of the woman in Colorado get overshadowed by the need of ten men in Maine.

Your response was to what you "hoped" for. My question asked how the pro-life men in Maine were affected, and you proved to be a failure at answering that question.

If you lack the intellectual agility to respond to the actual question, it's okay to say so. But giving some unrelated response is really no response at all...
There's no challenging at this end. The need of the woman and the need of the men is that they need to remember how to prevent unwanted pregnancies again. I used the word hopefully because those seeking an abortion are not the brightest of society. Basic sex education is, well, basic. Are you claiming the 10 men gang banged the woman, this she needs an abortion?

You're trying to seek some answer that only you are happy with, so please share your answer with the internet.
Really? I can see a bunch of self righteous finger waggers being a bunch of jerks
You see what your biases force you to see. You need to whip yourselves and others into hysteria because your arguments don't hold up to reason and logic

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