Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You really don't even hear yourself, do you? The know-it-all condescension? Well, you're a man, so I wouldn't expect you to.
We're not talking about a ban on abortion, regardless of what you and your comrades want to pretend. We're talking about both sides of the argument making their case and convincing people to agree with them, without either side silencing all debate. Women don't require a special, untouchable, inviolable right that cannot ever be argued or disputed. We are as capable of making an argument defending what we want as men are.

Do I think killing the unborn is as unacceptable a "choice" as killing any other human would be? Yes. But that's not what's actually at stake with Roe. All that's really at stake is whether or not the debate even happens.
I'm sorry you're being ridiculous you made your choice live with it. Other women deserve the same right of choice.
It's going to be a long hot summer for the Republican Taliban!
Yeah especially since the goal is to upend the Nov midterms.
Only issue I see is a majority of voters supportive of abortion are democrats who wouldn't be voting for republicans anyway.Polling shows this isn't the number one issue you want to try and make it be.

You people have any idea why the left has been ginning you all up over this for quite some time now?

Youevr stop and think, Schumer, Pelosi and the rest of the bunch are all lawyers who knew for the longest time this was a bad SCOTUS decision and would end up being overturned?

Yall been played.

Even Ginsberg had issues with the decision.
Careful, Mr. Logical. Your emotion is making your posts incoherent.

If you really believe that Malthusian garbage about, "We have to kill people to prevent overpopulation", why are YOU still here?
There was nothing I could do to prevent my birth. And I don't believe in suicide, or murder. The world definitely has a problem with overpopulation, the early signs have been there since the 20th century, I'd say we're in the middle phase at present and you don't want to get to the last stage. By that time the planet will be basically unlivable and people will be committing suicide just to escape it. It shouldn't be my concern, I'ma not going to be here much longer but I am concerned for people who will be here. There's already too much suffering in this world, most of which we bring upon ourselves. Life is too short as it is. Physical Life was never sacred ; thank GOD we are spiritual beings that are eternal. All physicsl forms die, perhaps this world is meant to die in the grander scheme of things.
There was nothing I could do to prevent my birth. And I don't believe in suicide, or murder. The world definitely has a problem with overpopulation, the early signs have been there since the 20th century, I'd say we're in the middle phase at present and you don't want to get to the last stage. By that time the planet will be basically unlivable and people will be committing suicide just to escape it. It shouldn't be my concern, I'ma not going to be here much longer but I am concerned for people who will be here. There's already too much suffering in this world, most of which we bring upon ourselves. Life is too short as it is. Physical Life was never sacred ; thank GOD we are spiritual beings that are eternal. All physicsl forms die, perhaps this world is meant to die in the grander scheme of things.

I didn't say anything about "preventing your birth". I said, if you really believe that Malthusian crap about "We need fewer people to be alive", why do you continue to impose YOUR existence on our "overpopulated planet"? What you're really telling me is, "Overpopulation isn't a problem when it comes to born people, but it is with the unborn because it's easier for me to lie to myself about them."
I didn't say anything about "preventing your birth". I said, if you really believe that Malthusian crap about "We need fewer people to be alive", why do you continue to impose YOUR existence on our "overpopulated planet"? What you're really telling me is, "Overpopulation isn't a problem when it comes to born people, but it is with the unborn because it's easier for me to lie to myself about them."
And I told you I do not believe in suicide. Besides I never had children, I never added to the problem, in fact I probably have a negative impact on this world because I planted at least a forest of trees. And my lunch break is about over I've got a lot more tomatoes to plant. My neighbors are depending on me they love my committers they're absolutely delicious. Here in the Midwest the soil is alkaline, so tomatoes are on The bland side, I add various natural elements to change my soil to acidic. Most people don't realize that acidic soil makes things sweeter. Maybe that has an implication on the abortion issue, if there were no abortions you wouldn't appreciate your children as much. Could it be that simple. Life is strange, you never know. Oh and if I have a surplus I always give extra to the food pantry in our town. Plus I recycle everything I can, I still produce about a half bag of trash each month. No system is perfect. Have a good day, try to enjoy yourself, I plan on it.
And I told you I do not believe in suicide. Besides I never had children, I never added to the problem, in fact I probably have a negative impact on this world because I planted at least a forest of trees. And my lunch break is about over I've got a lot more tomatoes to plant. My neighbors are depending on me they love my committers they're absolutely delicious. Here in the Midwest the soil is alkaline, so tomatoes are on The bland side, I add various natural elements to change my soil to acidic. Most people don't realize that acidic soil makes things sweeter. Maybe that has an implication on the abortion issue, if there were no abortions you wouldn't appreciate your children as much. Could it be that simple. Life is strange, you never know. Oh and if I have a surplus I always give extra to the food pantry in our town. Plus I recycle everything I can, I still produce about a half bag of trash each month. No system is perfect. Have a good day, try to enjoy yourself, I plan on it.
I thought I got all the typos that this machine puts in I see I missed a few I was talking about tomatoes not committers. There's probably other air is true I don't have the time to waste proof reading everything. Seize the day.
We do have a federal government that takes president over states rights. And you anti- abortion ( obviously not pro life ) people are sadly mistaken if doing this all over again is going to have different results. Abortion is a medical issue it's a matter between a woman and her doctor no one else should intervene. The travesty of justice that is occurring here is tantamount to taking women back to the 1950s, which were a nightmare for women, especially poor black women.
So much pure nonsense in your post, but for now I will only deal with the portion I bolded.

Any powers not SPECIFICALLY relegated to the federal government t BELONG TO THE STATES. This is the reason Roe v Wade is even in jeopardy. This is NOT a power of the federal government and every sane person understands this
Some lives have value to the Biden voter and others do not
No it's just being practical. If the woman dies, she can never have any more children. If the fetus dies, no one has died unless the mother actually wanted the child and it was loved. Otherwise all it was was a fetus. Using scientific terms helps distance the remorse some mothers feel when they're forced to do this. I think it's sickening at the so-called pro-life people, most of them are simply anti-abortion cuz they neither respect or care about the woman involved. It's just a number to them. A number they'd rather not hear about so they're trying to silence those women's voices.
Yeah, you do
No, you do. I know better, I don't. Wake up already, are you Spirit or are you body. And please don't say both although in actuality that is the case. You have to choose and you can only choose one. Which is more important our physical lives here on Earth or are eternal spiritual lives in what you commonly call heaven.
I'm betting we'll find out this "leak" is every bit the LIE the Hillary/Steele document was.

Democrat/commies see the disaster coming and they need to rally the troops.

I refuse to keep participating in these abortion threads. Why should I help the DNC do their dirty work
No, you do. I know better, I don't. Wake up already, are you Spirit or are you body. And please don't say both although in actuality that is the case. You have to choose and you can only choose one. Which is more important our physical lives here on Earth or are eternal spiritual lives in what you commonly call heaven.
Leftists always spew meaningless nonsense.

Here's THE definition of MURDER:

The intentional taking of an INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE.

You are a huge advocate for murder. You have the spirit of murder -- but then all Biden cultists do
I'm betting we'll find out this "leak" is every bit the LIE the Hillary/Steele document was.

Democrat/commies see the disaster coming and they need to rally the troops.

I refuse to keep participating in these abortion threads. Why should I help the DNC do their dirty work
Whoever did it is going to be subject to sanction or even disbarment if it was one of the judges. This type of action will go along with the three who perjured themselves and lied about their position on Roe versus Wade.
Hypocritically convenient, that.
Unlike you I am not unhappy with my life. I've had a great life and when my time comes I'll be happy to leave. You on the other hand I don't know but I bet you you've thought about suicide since you keep bringing it up.
I don't know
That's the only relevant part of your blather, kid.
Unlike you I am not unhappy with my life. I've had a great life and when my time comes I'll be happy to leave. You on the other hand I don't know but I bet you you've thought about suicide since you keep bringing it up.
I keep bringing up suicide? Link it, dumbass.
And learn to use commas, too, you illiterate imbecile.
That's the only relevant part of your blather, kid.
Learn to use commas, you illiterate imbecile.
The machine doesn't put them in and I'm not wasting any more time talking to you that I have to. So you're the f****** universal try to have a good life everybody even you deserves wrong. No, oh my I guess you can't understand what I'm saying you can't comprehend the written word I don't think you should be on this site then.

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