Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Do you have anything of any appreciable merit to say, ever?

I answered your question;

BackAgain230319-#7,801 to: -4 Why shouldn’t a society act upon its own hierarchy of values without concern for any historical so-called “common law” ?

NFBW230319-#7,809 to: -8 We live in a multicultural society where we all have freedom of conscience. There is no ‘hierarchy of values” that each American will use as a moral compass. If it exists please tell me all about

BAQ001 Why shouldn’t a society act upon its own hierarchy of values without concern for any historical so-called “common law” ?

NFBW answer to BAQ001.a.1 Because we live in a multicultural society where we all have individual freedom of conscience.

NFBW answer to BAQ001.b.1 There is no ‘hierarchy of values” that each American will use as a moral compass. If it exists please tell me all about it.

TRUMP March 25, 2023: "Here we go!!! Just as I predicted, now we’re playing with the 'BIG STUFF, The 'N' WORD is now being used, front and center. This situation was caused by us -- It’s what happens when you have incompetent people running your government. All I can say to you right now is, PRAY!" 230327^1

NFBW: Do you think Putin’s choice for US president in 2024 will be incompetence who won’t give him Ukrainian land or competence who says he will give Putin Ukrainian land as a reward barbaric terrorism he raged against Ukraine?
Is that your idea of just agreeing?

I answered your question;

BackAgain230319-#7,801 to: -4 Why shouldn’t a society act upon its own hierarchy of values without concern for any historical so-called “common law” ?

NFBW230319-#7,809 to: -8 We live in a multicultural society where we all have freedom of conscience. There is no ‘hierarchy of values” that each American will use as a moral compass. If it exists please tell me all about

BAQ001 Why shouldn’t a society act upon its own hierarchy of values without concern for any historical so-called “common law” ?

NFBW answer to BAQ001.a.1 Because we live in a multicultural society where we all have individual freedom of conscience.

NFBW answer to BAQ001.b.1 There is no ‘hierarchy of values” that each American will use as a moral compass. If it exists please tell me all about it.


Already answered.
While I acknowledge a need for exceptions to any legal prohibition on abortion, you don’t have the integrity to acknowledge that a right to “choice” doesn’t override or supersede a right to life, itself.

NFBW: When a woman is pregnant her right to “choice” overrides and supersede a right to life of the brainless human life that she created and is part of her body and neurological system - subject to her conscience and not subject to yours or mine.

It has nothing to do with society values or any religious rules that are strewn in with them

NFBW: When a woman is pregnant her right to “choice” overrides and supersede a right to life of the brainless human life that she created and is part of her body and neurological system - subject to her conscience and not subject to yours or mine.

It has nothing to do with society values or any religious rules that are strewn in with them

You think you’re the arbiter of when life begins?

No wonder you’re so patently pro abortion.
NFBW230327-#7,965 to: -144 “When a woman is pregnant her right to “choice” overrides and supersede a right to life of the brainless human life that she created and is part of her body and neurological system - subject to her conscience and not subject to yours or mine.” •••• “It has nothing to do with society values or any religious rules that are strewn in with them”

BackAgain230327-#7,966 to: -1 ¥ BackAgain ¥ “You think you’re the arbiter of when life begins?”

NFBW: I have written on this message board a zillion times that I believe with the scientists, and the common sense of rational human beings that life begins at conception.

When a woman becomes pregnant, it remains her right to privacy and autonomy over her entire body, including her eggs, whether they become fertilized or not. Her autonomy does not become subordinate to the new unique individual human being that comes into existence during conception. The rights of that new human being are subordinate to the autonomy of its mother.

Life begins at conception. Life begins at conception. Life begins at conception. When do you think life begins?

NFBW230327-#7,965 to: -144 “When a woman is pregnant her right to “choice” overrides and supersede a right to life of the brainless human life that she created and is part of her body and neurological system - subject to her conscience and not subject to yours or mine.” •••• “It has nothing to do with society values or any religious rules that are strewn in with them”

BackAgain230327-#7,966 ¥ @BackA ¥ to: -1 “No wonder you’re so patently pro abortion.”

NFBW: I am not pro abortion. I’m pro choice for women I do not know. I’m pro privacy for women I do not know. I’m pro vasectomy for male assholes who expect to have sex but if conception occurs are pro-abortion and vote anti-choice. I got snipped because I am opposed to abortion and my wife could not use the pill.

Dream up a new lie about me if you like. I will shoot it down too.

BAQ001 Why shouldn’t a society act upon its own hierarchy of values without concern for any historical so-called “common law” ?

NFBW answer to BAQ001.a.1 Because we live in a multicultural society where we all have individual freedom of conscience.

NFBW: Do you believe ¥ BackAgain ¥ that we as Americans have freedom of conscience to the extent that we do no harm to others?

Do you also believe that when a woman carries a fetus it is a biological fact that during the first twenty weeks of pregnancy, her fetus does not have it’s own brain. It is developing as a part its mother’s neurological system.

Why can’t you accept that a pregnant woman of free and good conscience whom you know nothing about her situation in life, does not see abortion prior to twenty weeks in the same way that you and white Christian Republicans do?

NFBW answer to BAQ001.b.1 There is no ‘hierarchy of values” that each American will use as a moral compass. If it exists please tell me all about it.

NFBW: Sam Alito doesn’t know about .¥ BackAgain ’s ¥ hierarchy of values that puts fetal life at the top over the autonomy of pregnant women.

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​
NFBW230327-#7,965 to: -144 “When a woman is pregnant her right to “choice” overrides and supersede a right to life of the brainless human life that she created and is part of her body and neurological system - subject to her conscience and not subject to yours or mine.” •••• “It has nothing to do with society values or any religious rules that are strewn in with them”

BackAgain230327-#7,966 ¥ @BackA ¥ to: -1 “No wonder you’re so patently pro abortion.”

NFBW: I am not pro abortion. I’m pro choice for women I do not know. I’m pro privacy for women I do not know. I’m pro vasectomy for male assholes who expect to have sex but if conception occurs are pro-abortion and vote anti-choice. I got snipped because I am opposed to abortion and my wife could not use the pill.

Dream up a new lie about me if you like. I will shoot it down too.

Maybe the whore would have not gotten prego if she had not been tramping around.
NFBW230327-#7,965 to: -144 “When a woman is pregnant her right to “choice” overrides and supersede a right to life of the brainless human life that she created and is part of her body and neurological system - subject to her conscience and not subject to yours or mine.” •••• “It has nothing to do with society values or any religious rules that are strewn in with them”

BackAgain230327-#7,966 to: -1 ¥ BackAgain ¥ “You think you’re the arbiter of when life begins?”

NFBW: I have written on this message board a zillion times that I believe with the scientists, and the common sense of rational human beings that life begins at conception.

When a woman becomes pregnant, it remains her right to privacy and autonomy over her entire body, including her eggs, whether they become fertilized or not. Her autonomy does not become subordinate to the new unique individual human being that comes into existence during conception. The rights of that new human being are subordinate to the autonomy of its mother.

Life begins at conception. Life begins at conception. Life begins at conception. When do you think life begins?

You are pro abortion regardless of how often you deny it. You are unwilling to defend life. Instead, you try to minimize life by simply demark stages of development, which we already discussed.
BackAgain230318-#7,747 to: -2 This doesn’t depend on common law or on any “stage” of development. Indeed, that latter set of arguments is illogical. You don’t get your adult teeth until after your baby teeth fall out. There’s a stage of human development for you.

Why should it not be ok to therefore just snuff out the life of any child until their adult teeth come in?

Pretty random stage of development. But so are all the others you point to. None of them change the fact that life has already begun.

NFBW: You tell me ¥ BackAgain ¥ getting adult teeth is a stage of development that does not change the fact that life has already begun. What fact. Life begins at conception. When do you think life begins?

NFBW220721-#3,783 - “A fetus is human but not a human “being” yet.”

BackAgain220721-#3,785 ¥ @Back ¥ “It is a living human. What the fuck do you imagine is meant by “being?””

NFBW: A “being” is a human that has a brain of its own. It does not take a brain to be human. it takes a brain to be a human being. END2303280018
BackAgain230318-#7,747 to: -2 This doesn’t depend on common law or on any “stage” of development. Indeed, that latter set of arguments is illogical. You don’t get your adult teeth until after your baby teeth fall out. There’s a stage of human development for you.

Why should it not be ok to therefore just snuff out the life of any child until their adult teeth come in?

Pretty random stage of development. But so are all the others you point to. None of them change the fact that life has already begun.

NFBW: You tell me ¥ BackAgain ¥ getting adult teeth is a stage of development that does not change the fact that life has already begun. What fact. Life begins at conception. When do you think life begins?

At conception — as I have persistently tried to inform you. And life continues through, until death. There are many stages in between, but adult teeth is only one such stage. A beating heart is one such stage. Brain development is another line.

And you, bucko, still support the claimed “right” of the mother to snuff out that life for any reason or no reason at all. So, your grasp on the right to life is very different than mine because you are content to say that it is subordinate to a right of choice by the mother.

I say the right of “choice” and the right to the integrity of one’s own body are major and significant rights. But they do yield to life itself. I’m not thrilled about admitting some off exceptions. But you won’t even admit the truth of what I just said.
I say the right of “choice” and the right to the integrity of one’s own body are major and significant rights. But they do yield to life itself.
NFBW: The right to the integrity of one’s own body you claim yields to a fetus on what authority.? The pregnant woman has authority, The fetus has no authority. You being no part of an abortion and you being not harmed by an abortion have no authority to intervene on behalf a fetus.

NFBW: The right to the integrity of one’s own body you claim yields to a fetus on what authority.? The pregnant woman has authority, The fetus has no authority. You being no part of an abortion and you being not harmed by an abortion have no authority to intervene on behalf a fetus.

Again, you remain studiously determined to avoid the point. You support the right to abort a life for mere convenience. Your claim is that her right to bodily integrity is a superior right over life itself.

And that establishes that you are pro abortion.
conception — as I have persistently tried to inform you. And life continues through, until death. There are many stages in between, but adult teeth is only one such stage.
NFBW: In law there are two legal moments of significance in every human life.

Time of birth And Time of death.

Adult teeth develop after time of birth which is well past the time of pregnancy.

I do support a mother’s right to privacy and respect that she has full bodily autonomy for the first 22 weeks of pregnancy .

I cannot in good conscience insist that our government forces women whom I do not know to continue the development in her body when science tells me that all things going on with her body are operating under the biological function of only one brain.

Because there is only one brain involved, there is only one person involved during the first 22 weeks of pregnancy therefore morally it is not possible for a pregnant woman to be harming a person if she terminates a fetus at 15 weeks.

At fifteen weeks it is certainly a matter of her right to privacy because it involves biologically only her mind in what she chooses to do. I have no legal or moral say in a matter that I cannot know is or was taking place nor does it concern me when only one person is involved in a health decision between a woman and her doctor.

Last edited:
NFBW230318-#7,745 • I do not deny that a genetically unique human life is produced at conception.

BackAgain230318-#7,747 to: -2 None of them {stages of human development} change the fact that life has already begun.

NFBW239327-#7,973 to: -226 { I have always maintained the fact that} Life begins at conception” {So} When do you think life begins?

BackAgain239338-#7,975 to: -2 ¥ BackAgain ¥ {Life begins at} “conception •••• And life continues through, until death.

NFBW: You and I agree that human life begins at the moment of conception and therefore it is a fact that a genetically unique human life is produced at conception.

Is the above statement true or false to the best of your knowledge on the matter?

If you do not respond I will accept that you are saying yes it is true.

NFBW230328-#7,976 to: -1 The right to the integrity of one’s own body you claim yields to a fetus on what authority?

BackAgain230328-#7,977 to: -1 Your claim is that her right to bodily integrity is a superior right over life itself.

NFBW: My claim is based upon two specific authorities and it is limited to the first 22 weeks of fetal development in the womb.

(1) Common Law (2) The Constitution of the United States of America

The 22 week limitation to my claim is defined in post 7978.

So you were asked in post 7976 “The right to the integrity of one’s own body you claim yields to a fetus on what authority?”

I am telling you my authority, so would you please tell me on what moral and legal authority does a brainless fetus non-person younger than 23 weeks have a right to life that supersedes the rights of the person carrying the fetus in her womb?


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