Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

History is being made today in Iowa
at the Family Leadership Summit. All the Republican candidates except for DJT are there prostrating themselves before the states’ white evangelical Christians in a huge Christian, holy roller national convention.

Every white Christian there believes it is God‘s truth that all human life is sacred from the moment of conception. 73% of Iowa republican, primary caucus voters want abortions to be banned from the moment of conception. The woman republican, white Christian who is the governor of Iowa is marking this huge praise thee lord event by signing the recently passed six week abortion ban for all women in Iowa.

The trouble is white evangelical Christian‘s make up only about less than 15% of Iowa’s voting population. Over 60% in Iowa oppose this extreme cruel government overreach by the republican party in the state doing so for less than 1/5 of the population.

The history being made today in Iowa is living proof that the republican party, as a national party, has decided to only represent the less than 15% nationally of white religious, social conservatives, who are extremist Christian on the abortion ban issue. They want control of a pregnant woman’s body, and they want it bad as if staving off, Armageddon depends on it.

I just saw a statistic that says there is only one state in the entire country where more than 14% of the states population is in favor of a six week abortion ban. It should be noted that a six week ban is basically a total ban because most women do not know they are pregnant in the first six weeks.

Nine out of 10 abortions as a matter of convenience occur before the 16th week of gestation. Period.

The history that’s being made that you should pay attention to is that the republican party is not positioning itself to ever win another national election.

And all Republicans politicians, who are in favor of a national 15 week ban like Mike Pence are leaving all women a nine week window to murder their fetus, which will piss the white evangelical Christians off to realize the republican party is not really interested in saving baby fetus for jesus.

bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,716
nf.23.07.14 #9,718
Stfu. You’re stuck on stupid. Not everything ethical is based on religion.
" Fucking Retarded On Steroids "

* Dogma Of Clueless Buffoonery For Idiocy From Ignorance Of Orthogonal *

You are not correct ; or should that be be stated , " You are left , as in opposite of right . " , as my postings are more reflective of a dick fucking your weeping pussy and shit spewing asshole ?

* Which Are Hew Are Hue *

You’re adorable when you babblenin tongues. You’re still a retard. But I could par you on your head like a stray puppy.
They are fetuses, not babies.
The mother is more important than the fetus.
The mother and her doctor are the one to decide.
Said no person EVER who did not intend to KILL that baby.
Is it unlawful or any of your business if a woman who wants not to be pregnant refers to the living human organism that has no brain as “baby” or as a “fetus” if she decides to kill it before the organism has its own brain?

jvsh.23.07.14 #257
vnktr.23.07.14 #259
History is being made today in Iowa
at the Family Leadership Summit. All the Republican candidates except for DJT are there prostrating themselves before the states’ white evangelical Christians in a huge Christian, holy roller national convention.
Republican anti-abortion culture war aggression is based on nothing but extremist mostly white Christian determination to control every child bearing uterus in this country.
There is no other reason RvW was overthrown except appeasing one divisive group of mostly white extremist believers of Christian religion who make up Less than one fifth of all religious and unaffiliated adults who can vote in this country.
Society doesn’t have to have a religious based reason to oppose the slaughter of helpless, defenseless and utterly innocent human life.

Society’s majority of religious and non-religious persons are in favor of what extremist white Christian Republicans and trolling propagandists such as yourself call the slaughter of helpless, defenseless and utterly innocent human life.

Religious white Christian extremists who do not have a secular majority of likeminded religious whackos are absolutely free to believe Catholic doctrine and not slaughter the helpless, defenseless and utterly innocent human life that is conceived in their very own religious bodies. Just keep their extremist Jesus Laws against reproductive freedom
out of everyone else’s bodies.

nf.23.07.14 #9,718
nf.23.07.14 #9,719
nf.23.07.14 #9,719
bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,720
nf.23.07.14 #9,727
Society’s majority of religious and non-religious persons are in favor of what extremist white Christian Republicans and trolling propagandists such as yourself call the slaughter of helpless, defenseless and utterly innocent human life.

Religious white Christian extremists who do not have a secular majority of likeminded religious whackos are absolutely free to believe Catholic doctrine and not slaughter the helpless, defenseless and utterly innocent human life that is conceived in their very own religious bodies. Just keep their Jesus out of everyone else’s bodies.

nf.23.07.14 #9,718
nf.23.07.14 #9,719
nf.23.07.14 #9,719
bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,720
nf.23.07.14 #9,727
You really are a broken record.

Try to think, for once in your life.

In your pinhead universe, is it even possible or you to grasp that a society can place value on human life outside of religious bases?

Doubtful. You’re just a putz.
it even possible or you to grasp that a society can place value on human life outside of religious bases?
I place a value on human life when it exits the womb or is capable of exiting the womb with medical professionals assistance and survives. I am a rational theist who makes that decision based on the non-religious ideal that a woman should have autonomy over her own body.

You favor government depriving me of the freedom of conscience/religion thus defined.

My view is the majority view but that should not matter.

bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,728
nf.23.07.24 #9,730
I place a value on human life when it exits the womb or is capable of exiting the womb with medical professionals assistance and survives. I am a rational theist who makes that decision based on the non-religious ideal that a woman should have autonomy over her own body.

You favor government depriving me of the freedom of conscience/religion thus defined.

My view is the majority view but that should not matter.

bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,728
nf.23.07.24 #9,730
You’re a scumbag. You think you have a right to determine what stage of life matters.

You don’t.
I am a rational theist
Please describe how a legal private medical procedure harms you or deprives you of life liberty and pursuit of happiness as guaranteed by the US Constitution.
Abortion isn't legal
It doesn't deserve privacy
It medical / healthcare

It kills a human being in cold blood
I don't care if someone else getting murdered doesn't harm me
Hell I don't even care it helps me and causes me to leap in joyful celebration, like if it was you getting your filthy clock cleaned, you evil slitherspawn of a syphilitic whore.
" Principles Of Individualism Imbued Within An E Pluribus Unum Credo For Us Republic"

* Singular Perspective Of Equal Protection With An Individual Citizen By A State *

Everyone's business.
Explain every one .

* Better Than Vacuous Spewing Of Trite Criticism *

Explain every one , from the perspective of a state .

From the perspective of a state , every one refers to an individual , every one refers to a citizen , every one refers to any which has completed a live birth , and by equitable doctrine , every one is entitled to equal protection with a citizen .
Abortion isn't legal
Not only is abortion legal in Kansas, a majority right wing white evangelical Christian republican lawmaking state, women have a right to privacy and legal abortions are a protected right under the Kansas constitution. Those rights in that privacy was upheld by referendum vote last year and all this reality just in that one state causes you to be a liar.

myrpls23.07.15 #9,734
nf.23.07.15 #9,737
Last edited:
Those rights in that privacy was upheld by referendum vote last year and all this reality just in that one state causes you to be a liar.
Kansas? Kansas is just a matter of time. Kansas is easy.

Honestly all Kansas needs is for its Supreme Court to get its head out of its ass and stop lying about the Kansas State Constitution.

You said abortion is legal, while it’s banned in many states. It’s banned in my state at any age. If generalizing a some to none makes one a liar, then you lied.

If we’re going to be truly pedantic here, it is neither legal or illegal in broad stokes; I certainly care about Texas much more than I do about the federal government, on a state issue.

But then you seemed to really think it was a federal issue. Sucks to suck, being that stupid seems to have truly broken you now that Roe is gone.

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