Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

The Constitution distinguishes between humans who are born and unborn with birth being the requirement for a human to be a person who has natural rights.

You have to amend the Constitution to read “conception” to be the starting point and that will never happen.

Again.. human rights exist independently of the law and the Constitution.
Once the human is born.

It’s absurd to believe that a 20 week fetus has a natural right to life when nature aborts half of all conceived human beings befire they can develop their own brain.

You may believe humans do not need to have a brain and you are free to never abort a brainless fetus if you think it’s wrong. But mind your own business for the rest of us who do not accept absurdity as a guiding principle.


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Why won't you acknowledge that at conception a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence?

Saint koshergrl kshrgrl.23.10.11 #384 Because to do so exposes them as the anti human rights kooks they are.

I acknowledge explicitly and without reservation that at conception a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence?

I do not support a personhood amendment as I’ve stated earlier in nf.23.01.24 #470

Thus providing a constitutional right to protection. And since the 23 week old is similarily situated, it must be given this right as well.
No it’s giving woman the right to abort a fetus up to 24 weeks after this happens in the privacy of her womb …


I do not support a personhood amendment because this is not a person when this happens and lasts 12 hours.


Does that look like a person to you HeyNorm ?

nf.23.10.12 #11,365
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Saint koshergrl kshrgrl.23.10.11 #384 Because to do so exposes them as the anti human rights kooks they are.

I acknowledge explicitly and without reservation that at conception a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence?

I do not support a personhood amendment as I’ve stated earlier in nf.23.01.24 #470

No it’s giving woman the right to abort a fetus up to 24 weeks after this happens in the privacy of her womb …


I do not support a personhood amendment because this is not a person when this happens and lasts 12 hours.


Does that look like a person to you HeyNorm ?

nf.23.10.12 #11,365
There is no such thing as "person" rights. We are discussing HUMAN rights. Not "person" rights.

Your arbitrary declaration that human rights only apply to humans who achieve "personhood" status doesn't create a right to kill dependent humans.
Nazis pulled the same silliness.The "they are different therefore not human" argument, it doesn't hold water now any more than it did then...
" Direct Lessons From Naturalism "

* Neophytes Aloof From Affluent Diction *

The US Constitution does not dictate who is human and who isnt.isn't.
Human rights are for a HUMANS regardless of age, dependence, size or location. The Constitution doesn't create rights.
A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of some pretexts .

Given the moral relativism within nature , there is no such thing as an inalienable wright , and hue mammon exchanges natural freedoms for membership in a social civil contract , as a greater state of individuals , according to a constitution , to improve opportunities for survival and quality of life ( aka . life , liberty , pursuit of happiness ) .

According to us 14th amendment , all other stipulations to become a citizen are incidental except for live birth ; hence , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , that would include the wright to life afforded to a citizen .


Their answer is “yes” by the way or “da” if you are pro-Putin on Ukraine like theHawk

kshrgrl.23.10.11 #11,366
There is no such thing as "person" rights. We are discussing HUMAN rights. Not "person" rights.

Given the moral relativism within nature , there is no such thing as an inalienable wright , and hue mammon exchanges natural freedoms for membership in a social civil contract , as a greater state of individuals , according to a constitution , to improve opportunities for survival and quality of life ( aka . life , liberty , pursuit of happiness ) .


[email protected]
Mailing address:
Personhood Alliance
17145 W. Bluemound Rd., Suite J-107
Brookfield, WI 53005​

Apparently the Bible Thumping Christian doooogoodfussers at the Personhood Alliance for Saving Baby Fetus had not contacted USMB’s leading Biblical and Constitutional scholar on the subject of personhood and are thus wasting their Saving Baby Fetus for Jesus’ time and money on a personhood amendment.

Hopefully Saint koshergrl will contact them immediately to get the right with Gid an US constitutional reality.

Personhood Alliance


Behind every major twist and turn throughout history, there is a social movement, driven not by legal subterfuge and political compromise, but unabashed truth, courage, and clarity.

Personhood Alliance - biblical personhood

As a movement, we know what our goal is: To have our government and culture recognize that every innocent human being has an inalienable right to life. The close relationship between the social conscience and representative democracy is at the heart of American and world history. Behind every major twist and turn throughout history, there is a social movement, driven not by legal subterfuge and political compromise, but unabashed truth, courage, and clarity. In his famous letter from a Birmingham jail, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., sums up our beliefs:
“We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was ‘well-timed’ in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word ‘Wait!’ It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This ‘Wait’ has almost always meant ‘Never.’ We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that ‘justice too long delayed is justice denied.'”
Throughout Church history, the doctrinal teaching on human life has been based on Genesis 1:26-27, which says that humankind is created “in the image of God” (Imago Dei) and therefore, has intrinsic value at all stages of life. This is the bedrock of Western civilization’s understanding of human dignity. Because we bear the image of God, all humankind—and by extension, every human life—possesses a unique worth that demands respect and legal protection. Each human life, from its earliest stage of development, is a unique person who bears God’s likeness and deserves the same protection under law that is afforded to all other persons in our society.
The respect for human life, then, is due regardless of the manner of conception, whether through the marital act or through a heinous act of rape or incest; whether the egg is fertilized in vitro or ex utero processes in a lab. Regardless of developmental stage, degree of disability, level of dependency, or wantedness, a human life has immeasurable worth in the eyes of God—an inestimable, intrinsic value that must be acknowledged by the culture and protected in its code of law. This is the essence of biblical personhood.
Personhood is the only strategy that takes us beyond the abortion-rights debate and appeals to the conscience of the abortion-minded mother and father. It transfers the focus from women’s health rhetoric to historic truths about human rights and human value. Personhood also allows us to speak biblical and biological truth into the entire spectrum of sanctity-of-life issues, including destructive embryonic research, cloning, unethical reproductive technologies, newly emerging biotechnologies, transhumanism, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. What’s more, organizations and leaders across multiple industries are already debating policies for the future, when legal personhood is granted to artificial intelligences, cyborgs, and other post-human entities.
Delaying a personhood strategy at this point in the pro-life movement is folly. The future waits for no man.



Please prayerfully consider a donation to support our educational initiatives or grassroots political activism. We can't do what we do without you!



[email protected]
Mailing address:
Personhood Alliance
17145 W. Bluemound Rd., Suite J-107
Brookfield, WI 53005

© Personhood Alliance. All rights reserved.

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Jewish people believe life begins at first breath so is Personhood Alliance anti/Semitic?

nf.23.10.12 #11,368
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" Direct Lessons From Naturalism "

* Neophytes Aloof From Affluent Diction *

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of some pretexts .

Given the moral relativism within nature , there is no such thing as an inalienable wright , and hue mammon exchanges natural freedoms for membership in a social civil contract , as a greater state of individuals , according to a constitution , to improve opportunities for survival and quality of life ( aka . life , liberty , pursuit of happiness ) .

According to us 14th amendment , all other stipulations to become a citizen are incidental except for live birth ; hence , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , that would include the wright to life afforded to a citizen .

oh look, irrelevant blathering.
Meanwhile.. there is no right to kill dependent humans.

Their answer is “yes” by the way or “da” if you are pro-Putin on Ukraine like theHawk

kshrgrl.23.10.11 #11,366



[email protected]
Mailing address:
Personhood Alliance
17145 W. Bluemound Rd., Suite J-107
Brookfield, WI 53005​

Apparently the Bible Thumping Christian doooogoodfussers at the Personhood Alliance for Saving Baby Fetus had not contacted USMB’s leading Biblical and Constitutional scholar on the subject of personhood and are thus wasting their Saving Baby Fetus for Jesus’ time and money on a personhood amendment.

Hopefully Saint koshergrl will contact them immediately to get the right with Gid an US constitutional reality.

Jewish people believe life begins at first breath so is Personhood Alliance anti/Semitic?

nf.23.10.12 #11,368

Their answer is “yes” by the way or “da” if you are pro-Putin on Ukraine like theHawk

kshrgrl.23.10.11 #11,366



[email protected]
Mailing address:
Personhood Alliance
17145 W. Bluemound Rd., Suite J-107
Brookfield, WI 53005​

Apparently the Bible Thumping Christian doooogoodfussers at the Personhood Alliance for Saving Baby Fetus had not contacted USMB’s leading Biblical and Constitutional scholar on the subject of personhood and are thus wasting their Saving Baby Fetus for Jesus’ time and money on a personhood amendment.

Hopefully Saint koshergrl will contact them immediately to get the right with Gid an US constitutional reality.

Jewish people believe life begins at first breath so is Personhood Alliance anti/Semitic?

nf.23.10.12 #11,368
Meanwhile, there is no right to kill dependent humans. Abortion is a human rights violation. And most abortions are coerced. You've probably had a hand in coercing a few yourself.
kshrgrl.23.10.12 #11,371 “You've probably had a hand in coercing a few yourself.”​

Not at all. You are lying to yourself to rationalize the flaming absurdities that rage inside your head.
BTW, I wouldn't personally believe Abortion for me but I am talking about imposing my beliefs on other...

nf.23.05.30 #472 to cwbytd.23.05.30 #471 Good map! I am exactly the same way. I have two wonderful daughters, and a third stepdaughter who is expecting on July 4. I also have six grandkids soon to be seven.​
After my second daughter was born, my wife couldn’t take the pill. We were not religious, but neither one of us believe in abortion, so I got snipped.​
I am no Herschel Walker and I would morally never put a woman in a position where she needs to make a choice like that.
Be that as it may I’m 100% with you Sir CowboyTed. If you are morally against abortion don’t do anything to create an unwanted child.​
For everyone else, it’s none of their goddamn business and for sure as shit it’s not the governments business to get involved.​

Lying is a moral defect Saint Koshergirl. It’s hard to sustain our idealistic western liberal democratic self rule when half the population has decided to dislodge the integrity of being intellectually honest from the public civic domain.

You need to quit.

nf.23.10.12 my new granddaughter’s four-months birthday. #11,372
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kshrgrl.23.10.12 #11,371 “You've probably had a hand in coercing a few yourself.”​

Not at all. You are lying to yourself to rationalize the flaming absurdities that rage inside your head.

nf.23.05.30 #472 to cwbytd.23.05.30 #471 Good map! I am exactly the same way. I have two wonderful daughters, and a third stepdaughter who is expecting on July 4. I also have six grandkids soon to be seven.​
After my second daughter was born, my wife couldn’t take the pill. We were not religious, but neither one of us believe in abortion, so I got snipped.​
I am no Herschel Walker and I would morally never put a woman in a position where she needs to make a choice like that.
Be that as it may I’m 100% with you Sir CowboyTed. If you are morally against abortion don’t do anything to create an unwanted child.​
For everyone else, it’s none of their goddamn business and for sure as shit it’s not the governments business to get involved.​

Lying is a moral defect Saint Koshergirl. It’s hard to sustain our idealistic western liberal democratic self rule when half the population has decided to dislodge the integrity of being intellectually honest from the public civic domain.

You need to quit.

nf.23.10.12 my new granddaughter’s four-months birthday. #11,372
I haven't lied. There is no right to kill dependent humans, regardless of their location, age, size, ability or dependents. The premise of human rights is that as humans, we don't butcher other humans just because we can, or just because we don't want to share resources.
Per usual with the anti human ights ghouls, you lie in order to make brutal human rights offenses appear to be "common sense" "healthy" "advanced" but these are all just code to cover the reality, which is that you are negative eugenics ideologues who believe child sacrifice/human trafficking is AOK.
dvng.23.10.12 #11,369
About what?
About Saint Flash flvsh.23.10.12 #398 unwittingly dehumanizing former Saint Trvmp for falling back into his pro-choice ways.
sicko Libtard Feminazi
flvsh.23.10.12 #398 “Only a sicko Libtard Feminazi would not see anything wrong with killing a child as a birth control method.”​
One of the leading Republican white Christian based organizations in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult has determined that Trump is pro-choice once again. As follows:

Personhood Alliance
Behind every major twist and turn throughout history, there is a social movement, driven not by legal subterfuge and political compromise, but unabashed truth, courage, and clarity.​
Personhood Alliance - biblical personhood
As a movement, we know what our goal is: To have our government and culture recognize that every innocent human being has an inalienable right to life. The close relationship between the social conscience and representative democracy is at the heart of American and world history. Behind every major twist and turn throughout history, there is a social movement, driven not by legal subterfuge and political compromise, but unabashed truth, courage, and clarity.​


Please prayerfully consider a donation to support our educational initiatives or grassroots political activism. We can't do what we do without you!​



Mailing address:
Personhood Alliance​
17145 W. Bluemound Rd., Suite J-107​
Brookfield, WI 53005​
© Personhood Alliance. All rights reserved. Made with ❤ by
So I’m asking Saint Flash according to his post flvsh.23.10.12 #398 Is DJT a no good human being to you for aligning himself with sicko Libtard Feminazis who do not see anything wrong with killing a child as a birth control method?

nf.23.10.12 my new granddaughter’s four-months birthday #11,374
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dvng.23.10.12 #11,369

About Saint Flash flvsh.23.10.12 #398 unwittingly dehumanizing former Saint Trvmp for falling back into his pro-choice ways.

flvsh.23.10.12 #398 “Only a sicko Libtard Feminazi would not see anything wrong with killing a child as a birth control method.”​
One of the leading Republican white Christian based organizations in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult has determined that Trump is pro-choice once again. As follows:

Personhood Alliance
Behind every major twist and turn throughout history, there is a social movement, driven not by legal subterfuge and political compromise, but unabashed truth, courage, and clarity.​
Personhood Alliance - biblical personhood
As a movement, we know what our goal is: To have our government and culture recognize that every innocent human being has an inalienable right to life. The close relationship between the social conscience and representative democracy is at the heart of American and world history. Behind every major twist and turn throughout history, there is a social movement, driven not by legal subterfuge and political compromise, but unabashed truth, courage, and clarity.​


Please prayerfully consider a donation to support our educational initiatives or grassroots political activism. We can't do what we do without you!​



Mailing address:
Personhood Alliance​
17145 W. Bluemound Rd., Suite J-107​
Brookfield, WI 53005​
© Personhood Alliance. All rights reserved. Made with ❤ by
So I’m asking Saint Flash according to post iflvsh.23.10.12 #398 Is DJT a no good human to you for aligning himself with sicko Libtard Feminazis who do not see anything wrong with killing a child as a birth control method?

nf.23.10.12 my new granddaughter’s four-months birthday #11,374
You can take your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

It is wrong to kill a child for the purpose of birth control and you stupid Libtards not underestanding that just shows what assholes you are.

Grow the fuck up.
You can take your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness and cram it up your Moon Bat ass

These people loved Trump until he just confessed last month that he is in favor of killing babies as a matter of birth control.

Do you still love him or not.?

When will the first lemming stop at cliffs edge before going over it for a baby killer who is proud of it.
No one is aborting cells.

Maybe they don't consider a cell to have more rights than a person.
dvng.23.10.12 #393 to vlvng.23.10.11 #384
“No one is aborting cells.”

Miscarriage aborts up to half of all human conceptions with unique dna when certain biological conditions do not allow the continuum of cell creation and cell splitting to a point of complex brain development and neurological connections that would allow a fetus to sustain its own physical life outside its mother.

Miscarriage or not, pregnancy hormones modify a woman’s brain and body to support pregnancy that help justify enduring hardships of normal human pregnancy, giving birth and post partum behavior.

Do you guarantee Saint Ding that every conceived unique human being starts its human life will be certain that the brain that sustains it’s early life in the womb is conditioned with proper blend of hormones to be able to love the human cell forming process as it proceeds to live birth?

nf.23.10.12 #11,377

to be continued…..

dvng.23.10.12 #393 to vlvng.23.10.11 #384 “So that's a horrible reason to fail to acknowledge that at conception a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence.”

dvng.23.10.12 #393 to vlvng.23.10.11 #384 The real reason is that it's easier for you to dismiss their death if you don't see them as human. It's a form of cognitive dissonance. You can't bear to admit that you support something that is wrong to do, especially something as serious as ending a human
So what about a fertilized egg makes it human?
blsmn.22.10.26 #460 to vlvng.22.10.26 #458 “The DNA The issue here isn't whether or not a fertilized ovum is human or not. The issue is when does that fertilized ovum become a person in the legal sense of the word with all the rights benefits and privileges of any other person who has been born

It doesn't resonate with you because it's how you rationalize abortion doesn't end a human life.

Saint Ding endeavors to “rationalize” that natural miscarriage kills “persons in the legal sense of the word with all the rights benefits and privileges of any other person who has been born” (see post blsmn.22.10.26 #460 )

Saint Ding in post dvng.23.10.22 #434
then devotes his posting labors to dehumanizing all the persons who do not accept Saint Ding’s most absurd rationalization that natural miscarriage kill a legal definition of a person.

nf.23.10.12 #11,378
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" Correct Versus Incorrect "

* Political Dogma Conceived By Half Wits Versus Mathematical Doctrine *

oh look, irrelevant blathering.
Proclaiming " oh look , irrelevant blathering " as a preface for your own statements following should be acknowledged as a valid truth .

* Inalienable Rites Do Not Exist *
Meanwhile.. there is no right to kill dependent humans.
A subjective altruism is that its introspection should exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , while nature has decreed that not every instance of introspection is required to exist in perpetuity throughout eternity to satisfy a subjective altruism .

* Hue Have Know Idea *

It would be wise to modify your diction to use the term " norm " , rather than the morose term of " right " , when referring to public policy in a collective state .
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" Coaxing Buy Direct Coherent Explanations "

* Accolades Fore Objectivity *

These people loved Trump until he just confessed last month that he is in favor of killing babies as a matter of birth control.
Do you still love him or not.?
When will the first lemming stop at cliffs edge before going over it for a baby killer who is proud of it.
Is don all de trump willing to amend and defend the abortion issue , the immigration issues , the economic issues , having been informed to alternative and compelling political views from this forum ?

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