Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I’d disagree. Sometimes an abortion is so unequivocally not subject to one of the possible exceptions (like her life, the inevitable inability of the child to survive, incest victims and even rape victims) that to have an abortion s not just crim in Bwk but indefensible.

It’s a very difficult topic. I think that much is obviously true. But, each case depends on its own facts. Therefore, some women (and the abortionist doctor) should be legally penalized for the performing of an abortion.
I have a different view. I believe abortions will decrease significantly if women are required to admit that they committed a crime.
" Neophyte Political Science Behavior Mental Degenerates Loitering In The Would Work "

* Heretics Of Anti Nomian Ethos Are Traitors To The Gospel *

Nope. At the heart of the argument is the right to life.
A rite of behavior to continue life is not a priori as a rite of behavior can be alienated .

A rite of behavior exists because an entity is capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of the legal pretexts .

A rite of behavior for elective abortion exists because us constitution prohibits us federal and us states from protecting a rite of behavior to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement .

* Fanatical Fecund Fascination Of Lofted Anus Salute Clowns *
You can stand on your head, spn like a top and fart nickels out your ass like a fountain, but you cannot successfully or validly reframe the true central question:
Do we or do we not place actual stock in our long cherished national commitment to the right to life?
A rite to life is being cherished as a national commitment by making a distinction between " without " and " with " cause motivations for elective abortion .

A legitimate state interest exists in issuing a retort for violations of a rite to life of its individual citizens , however a legitimate state interest does not exist in issuing a retort for violations of a rite to life of non individuals .

The entirety of sanctimonious sacrosanct anthropocentric apex predator damned dirty hue mammon apes can go wallow in a puddle of its own fecal fascination when it comes to its obnoxious blubbering about the poor innocent , of won't anyone think of the children , histrionics .
I have a different view. I believe abortions will decrease significantly if women are required to admit that they committed a crime.
How is that a bad thing?
" Us 1st Amendment Ensures Priests Remain In The Temples "

* Pontiff Arrogance To Implore Abuse To Coax Please For Absolution *

I have a different view. I believe abortions will decrease significantly if women are required to admit that they committed a crime.
If yearn concerns were compassion for the wayward , rather than being maniacal sadists , some might consider satiating your titillation in a confessional .
" Us 1st Amendment Ensures Priests Remain In The Temples "

* Pontiff Arrogance To Implore Abuse To Coax Please For Absolution *

If yearn concerns were compassion for the wayward , some might consider satiating your titillation in a confessional .
That’s nice. I think you and I have different objectives.
" Neophyte Political Science Behavior Mental Degenerates Loitering In The Would Work "

* Heretics Of Anti Nomian Ethos Are Traitors To The Gospel *

A rite of behavior to continue life is not a priori as a rite of behavior can be alienated .

A rite of behavior exists because an entity is capable of issuing a retort , or reprise , for violations of the legal pretexts .

A rite of behavior for elective abortion exists because us constitution prohibits us federal and us states from protecting a rite of behavior to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement .

* Fanatical Fecund Fascination Of Lofted Anus Salute Clowns *

A rite to life is being cherished as a national commitment by making a distinction between " without " and " with " cause motivations for elective abortion .

A legitimate state interest exists in issuing a retort for violations of a rite to life of its individual citizens , however a legitimate state interest does not exist in issuing a retort for violations of a rite to life of non individuals .

The entirety of sanctimonious sacrosanct anthropocentric apex predator damned dirty hue mammon apes can go wallow in a puddle of its own fecal fascination when it comes to its obnoxious blubbering about the poor innocent , of won't anyone think of the children , histrionics .
Your gibberish remains inarticulate, incoherent and mindless drivel.

Carry on, ape boi. 👍
HeyNorm said: + #5,923 “ No, explain. You state that two are struggling over a single body. Can’t really be described like that when the woman granted the use of her body to the child.”

If a pregnancy is unwanted a woman has no
obligation to grant the use of her body to a fertilized egg to make you feel important Saint Heynorm.

nf.23.10.27 #11,671 to hynrm.22.11.28 #5,923
Many men are in prisons for killing unborn babies.
But not one woman is in prison for that crime of taking a unique human life.
"What business is it of yours" the evil Left screams?
"What business is it of yours" when:
a man beats his wife every night and she doesn't report it?
a man abuses his children in the worst way possible and nobody reports it?
a man screws his dog and sheep?
transgenders groom small, impressionable children who take their lessons to heart, try to pretend they are changing sex, and get depressed and commit suicide? What do you Leftists care?

See how stupid the Left is? Stupid and evil.
"Before you were formed in the womb I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5, or is it 5:1
" Dealing With Dumb Founded Ideologies Of Political Science Neophytes "

* Difference Between Legitimate State Interests And The Arrogant Hubris Of Us 1st Amendment Traitors *

Many men are in prisons for killing unborn babies.
Any such individuals would be in prison for offenses against the mother .

Those supposing that the us constitution was created to protect any and all life , rather than the life of citizens who comprise a state , are fucking idiots .

* As It Should Be *
But not one woman is in prison for that crime of taking a unique human life.
Good .
ding said: + #11,664 “It’s not. It’s a good thing. It’s the right thing.”

It is not a right thing for a Catholics and white Christian family nationalists, like Jenna Ellis to intentionally abort a life even if it is only as a misdemeanor.

It is a neutral thing between good and bad for 60% of the American population. But it is a good thing for the religious fanatics to get their fanaticism out of it. It’s none of their business. The state has no interest in whether a woman chooses to keep or terminate a new, unique life inside her body.

nf.23.10.27 #11,674 to dvng.23.10.27 #11,664
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ChemEngineer said: + #11,672 “Many men are in prisons for killing unborn babies.”

They should be. They cannot decide to terminate a wanted pregnancy. Law must assume a woman wants to give birth to her child until the moment she is having it terminated, She is the only one who gets to decide to continue gestation or end it. Most women who decide to terminate, do so prior to viability.

The fetus has a right to life being protected through the rights of the mother.because her entire body has the same rights.

nf.23.10.27 #11,675 to chmngnr #11,672
ChemEngineer said: + #11,672 “Many men are in prisons for killing unborn babies.”

They should be. They cannot decide to terminate a wanted pregnancy. Law must assume a woman wants to give birth to her child until the moment she is having it terminated, She is the only one who gets to decide to continue gestation or end it. Most women who decide to terminate, do so prior to viability.

The fetus has a right to life being protected through the rights of the mother.because her entire body has the same rights.

nf.23.10.27 #11,675 to chmngnr #11,672
Despite what you believe about it, I believe abortion should only be a misdemeanor.
ding said: + #11,650 “It's not virtuous to force someone to be virtuous.”

A misdemeanor law targeted at discouraging unwanted pregnancy is forcing women to live up to your concept of virtue.

Your problem is that you can’t explain why the state has an interest in what a woman does with her own body when pregnant.

You cannot describe why it negatively affects your life, liberty and pursuit of your happiness when a woman decides to kill her fetus instead of giving birth to it. it is impossible that it affects you,

I suggest you take your own advice Saint Ding. If your dna is not involved get your snoopy nose out of it.

“It's not virtuous to force someone to be virtuous.” You and Saint Backagain are both wrong just at different degree.

Women owe you nothing.

nf.23.10.27 #11,677 to dvng.23.10.27 #11,650
ding said: + #11,676 “Despite what you believe about it, I believe abortion should only be a misdemeanor.”

The state shall have no interest what you believe Saint Ding when you want to restrict or deny the liberty of an individual for an act that causes no harm or threatens no public health nor upsets the public’s tranquility.

nf.23.10.27 #11,678 to dvng.23.10.27 #11,676
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ChemEngineer said: + #11,672 But not one woman is in prison for that crime of taking a unique human life.“

If apprehended, charged, tried and convicted plus self-defense being ruled out: every woman who commits a crime of taking a unique human post-viability life will with a very high degree of probability serve the same amount of prison time as any man who does the same.

Your complaint is invalid Saint Chemengineer and is thus rejected for containing insufficient truth as worded.

refer to associated posts: #3,802 ; #3,806 ; #5,491 ; #5,462 ; #8,128 ; #8,435 ; #11,237 ; #11,672 ; #11,675 ; #11,676

nf.23.10.28 #11,680 to chmngnr.23.10.27 #11,672
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