Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

"No, Shannon, look, I'm pro-life," he said. "I've said very clearly I'm a Bible-believing Christian. I believe in the sanctity of every single human life."

'Wildly out of step': Fox News host hits Mike Johnson on birth control crusade pblshd.23.11.05 SpeakerJohnson

"Listen, prior to the modern time, I mean until recently actually, almost all of our nation's leaders openly acknowledged that they were also Bible-believing Christians," he added. "I mean, this is not something that should cause great unrest, okay?"

CarsomyrPlusSix said: “Logic and rhetoric is lacking in some folks.” myrpls.23.11.04 #11,772
“Unique_Circumstances dictate a privacy right.” Possession of eggs does not infer a public interest and regulation of an impregnated body.

Road Runner said: If babies aren't alive in the womb then how does abortion exist? After all, how can you kill somebody who was never alive in the first place? rdrnnr.23.09.29 #1
ding said: A crime is being committed against a specific person. dvng.23.10.17 #11,522 3of6​

It is true that a unique living organism is created with every conception. If a woman privately chooses not to allow the unique biological process in her body required to sustain its life to continue, it dies.

So the question Saint Roadrunner asks “is it alive” is moot. The question is whether Saint Ding is correct to state with no basis in any legalistic or moralistic fact or civic norms whether or not a crime is being committed against a specific person when a woman decides to end her pregnancy early enough to ensure that her unique living organism that was unintentionally conceived, has not reached the stage of postpartum viability.

The answer is no to Saint Ding’s shaming law proposal. That is based on a woman’s absolutely natural and inherent right to privacy as a self/induced abortion causes no harm to society when her self interest is served by her liberty to choose.

nf.23.11.06 #11,782
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" Objectivity Required "

* Providing Answers To Any Wanting To Know *

So then the repeal of Roe vs Wade is legit.
An intuition to acknowledge a response with other than grunting harrumph is followed by pretentious failures of proven incompetence and willful ignorance .

The bucket of myopic egoism for anthropocentric arrogance from pretentious dogma by sanctimonious sacrosancts is actually incapable of acknowledging the obvious counter argument against antifederalism hubris from statists pandering populism of democracy by collective majority against principles of individualism .

Many echos allude to liberal government and demanding limited governance over financial self determination of an individual , while demanding authoritarian government over self ownership of an individual ; hence , the liberal versus conservative paradigm is again proven to be non sense based on sexual disposition .

By a self determination element of individualism , violence against an individual occurs when illegitimate aggression deprives an individual of their private property , or deprives an individual of willful intents through social civil contracts , which are made valid through informed consent .

By a self ownership element of individualism , violence against an individual occurs when illegitimate aggression deprives an individual of free roam , free association , or progeny .

A banter for antifederatlism is being applied as an altruistic dictum of reason by traitors to omit principles of individualism set forth by credo in a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic .
" Objectivity Required "

* Providing Answers To Any Wanting To Know *

An intuition to acknowledge a response with other than grunting harrumph is followed by pretentious failures of proven incompetence and willful ignorance .

The bucket of myopic egoism for anthropocentric arrogance from pretentious dogma by sanctimonious sacrosancts is actually incapable of acknowledging the obvious counter argument against antifederalism hubris from statists pandering populism of democracy by collective majority against principles of individualism .

Many echos allude to liberal government and demanding limited governance over financial self determination of an individual , while demanding authoritarian government over self ownership of an individual ; hence , the liberal versus conservative paradigm is again proven to be non sense based on sexual disposition .

By a self determination element of individualism , violence against an individual occurs when illegitimate aggression deprives an individual of their private property , or deprives an individual of willful intents through social civil contracts , which are made valid through informed consent .

By a self ownership element of individualism , violence against an individual occurs when illegitimate aggression deprives an individual of free roam , free association , or progeny .

A banter for antifederatlism is being applied as an altruistic dictum of reason by traitors to omit principles of individualism set forth by credo in a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic .
There’s a great word salad.
Death-Ninja said: “It never was a right, that is irrefutable, it was an entirely manufactured right ludicrously predicated upon the right to privacy! If I had my way, and I may well get it in near future, you murder a baby we kill you in exactly the same fashion you murdered the innocent baby, whether that be with a coat hanger, or a powerful vacuum cleaner would be entirely up to you evil fucking animals... • dthnnj.22.05.22 #4 to skvwsnn.22.05.22 #1
ding said: But because of the unique circumstances she will be allowed to terminate her pregnancy and be charged with a misdemeanor and pay a small fine. dvng.23.10.17 #11,522
How does the Republican Party resolve this insane “Saving Baby Fetus” Crusade against women, including most Christian women?​
Rational Theism Defeats Republican Party’s irrational ‘Saving Baby Fetus Cult’ in Ohio yesterday.

Ohio Issue 1 Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Amendment

* = IncumbentVotes in: Estimated 99%

Votes counted: 3,779,166

theHawk said: Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you…” thvhwk.23.11.07 #16

Another huge loss for the Republican Party God who knows Republican voters before he forms them in a womb.

2,126,497 Ohioans including tens of thousands Republican voters rejected that vengeful desert religion God when their privacy rights are affected.

Let’s hope they abandon all Republicanism by this time next year.

That way Saint The_hawk won’t be able to use Governnent to harm and torment good people in the name of his vengeful God in that One Book he reads.

nf .23.11.08 #11,787


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Rational Theism Defeats Republican Party’s irrational ‘Saving Baby Fetus Cult’ in Ohio yesterday.

Ohio Issue 1 Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Amendment

* = IncumbentVotes in: Estimated 99%
This exercise in the Democratic Process brought to you by the USSC in v Dobbs
Working as intended.
Flash said: “That is great news if true.” flvsh.23.05.02 #8
Dragonlady said: “For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.” drgnldy.22.05.02 #11 to flvsh.23.05.02 #8

Writing on Twitter, Christian broadcaster David Brody expressed astonishment that a large chunk of self-identified evangelical Christians voted in favor of the referendum that enshrined abortion rights in the Buckeye State. 'Absolute disgusting': Trump-loving Christian broadcaster melts down on Ohio abortion vote pblshd.23.11.08.Ohio1A
"Here's an ABSOLUTE DISGUSTING Exit Poll Statistic from last night: 24% of so-called 'White Born-Again or Evangelical Christians' voted FOR Ohio's pro-abortion constitutional amendment," he fumed. "It's not JUST the left. JUST HORRIBLE."

M14 Shooter said: “This exercise in the Democratic Process brought to you by the USSC in v Dobbs • • • Working as intended.” mnnshtr.23.11.08 #11,788

NotfooledbyW said: Knight in Shining Armor Dragonlady had it right 18 months ago to put the keebosh on Saint Flash’s jump for sanctimonious joy two months of May ago.

Now Saint M14shooter is throwing up a smoke screen that cannot hide the Republican Party’s white Christian nationalist threat to its existence.

Christian broadcaster David Brody brings up an interesting point that white evangelicals are fighting amongst themselves over women’s right to reproductive freedom. He points out that Exit Polling from last night finds 24% of so-called 'White Born-Again or Evangelical Christians' voted FOR Ohio's pro-abortion constitutional amendment, He is angry because "It's not JUST the left.” can be right with God and pro-choice then we nay begin to see a unification on left leaning political ideologies between white evangelicals and the black church.

Saint M14shooteR and Flash have some serious Republican survival issues needing to be worked out.

nf.23.11.08 #11,789
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M14 Shooter said: “You hate the truth” This does not change it. “mnnshtr.23.11.08 #11,790

What “truth” do you think I hate? Give me something to work with and I’ll let you know.

I do not hate the supernatural truths the white Christian nationalists believe. I hate the lies they spread about our secular multicultural society that we share.

Every American should hate lies and liars don’t you think?
The truth of my post, to which you responded:
This exercise in the Democratic Process brought to you by the USSC in v Dobbs
Working as intended.

Let me be very clear. I am in absolutely full agreement that the exercise in the democratic process brought to Ohio yesterday is an example of the USSC in v Dobbs working as intended for all participants involved.

There is no truth there to be hated. So why did you malign me with your false and irrational accusation?

nf.23.11.08 #11,793
Let me be very clear. I am in absolutely full agreement that the exercise in the democratic process brought to Ohio yesterday is an example of the USSC in v Dobbs working as intended for all participants involved.
And thus, you agree with me.
And thus, you agree with me.
Can you respond to the point that I did make?

Now Saint M14shooter is throwing up a smoke screen that cannot hide the Republican Party’s white Christian nationalist threat to its existence.

Is the Republican supportive of women having access to legal abortions for any reason up to a point of reasonable viability of the fetus in states with Republican governors and lawmakers in control?

nf.23.11.08 #11,795
NotfooledbyW said: “Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks” nf.23.09.19 #1

M14 Shooter said: The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs. .• • • In fact, the court reversed the impositions laid on women by the court in Roe. mnnshtr.23.12.03 #18

Dobbs granted Mississippi the right to enforce a fifteen week abortion ban. Mississippi after Dobbs then passed a six week ban.

My POST nf.23.09.19 #1 indicates that a six week ban essentially bans every abortion by choice because it takes six weeks for a woman to find out she is pregnant.

Dobbs imposed a total ban on American women in Mississippi by overturning what previously restricted states.

nf.23.11.08 #11,797
The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs" is a response in full.
Yes and it is not true.

It imposes no access to abortion where women live. They had it before Dobbs in every state, They would not have it in Ohio if Ohioans did not enshrine the right to keep the Ohio Government from controlling women’s bodies and the eggs they are born with.

nf.23.11.08 #11,800

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