Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You stupid fool. Republicans get as many abortions as Democrats do.

And Donald Trump just took saving baby fetus out of the GOP platform. 96% of all abortions occur between five and 16 weeks. half of those are by taking a pill.

There is no political party that’s going to serve you in your insanity.

Republicans in Ohio and Kansas voted to keep reproductive rights as they were under Roe versus Wade as part of the state’s Constitution

Republicans in Ohio and Kansas that you elect cannot change the constitution. Is that what you want? Fuck the voters Saint_Blisterfinger knows better Leah Greenberg
Nasty abortionist, I don't care if Democrats support their babies in fact I prefer it that way. MAGA
Advocated for 6 months in the womb baby to be killed.
I have never advocated for killing a baby six months in the womb for no reason. What I’m saying to you is that the few times an abortion takes place at six months there is some kind of catastrophic problem with the pregnancy. I assume you would be for abortion in that case as well
I have never advocated for killing a baby six months in the womb for no reason. What I’m saying to you is that the few times an abortion takes place at six months there is some kind of catastrophic problem with the pregnancy. I assume you would be for abortion in that case as well
You said 24 weeks to kill a baby. Are you backtracking on that now? What would your God think about that?
I was referring to RvW and that very few abortions occur between 16 and 25 weeks.
most certainly am opposed to abortion.
This is most certainly a lie
Roe v Wade allows for state protection for the unborn at viability or 24 weeks.
This is what you advocate for a 6 month old fetus being murdered. Shame on you
You are a liar. I want women to have 24 weeks of privacy when they get pregnant, when you say “anytime” you are a liar.
You go from not thinking abortion is right to killing babies in the womb at 6 months. What an asshole
San Souci said: All Dobbs did is Defer Baby Murder to the STATES where it belongs. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that permits baby murder. Of course ,people were more civilized back then. They did not murder their babies for convenience. And women rarely went whoring around as they do today.

Fort Fun Indiana said:
Then vote on ideas. Do you think women should have abortion rights, or not?

Abortion best left to voters of each state. Ending Roe established this. So now nobody can lose on the issue.

i. What part of our Presidential Election Process says it's OK to pick the Nominee BEFORE the Convention? 240726 {post•40}. initforme Jul’24 Swpoop: Just proves my point. Both parties aren't worth 2 bits. ntfrm 240726 Swpoop00049

Saint_Initforme is a double hater. He(She) hates both established political parties.

Saint_Initforme is of no use to our nation even if he happened in a rare event to stumble upon being correct about something.
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